#include #include using json = nlohmann::json; namespace ns { // a simple struct to model a person (not default constructible) struct person { person(std::string n, std::string a, int aa) : name(std::move(n)), address(std::move(a)), age(aa) {} std::string name; std::string address; int age; }; } // namespace ns namespace nlohmann { template <> struct adl_serializer { static ns::person from_json(const json& j) { return {j.at("name"), j.at("address"), j.at("age")}; } // Here's the catch! You must provide a to_json method! Otherwise, you // will not be able to convert person to json, since you fully // specialized adl_serializer on that type static void to_json(json& j, ns::person p) { j["name"] = p.name; j["address"] = p.address; j["age"] = p.age; } }; } // namespace nlohmann int main() { json j; j["name"] = "Ned Flanders"; j["address"] = "744 Evergreen Terrace"; j["age"] = 60; auto p = j.get(); std::cout << p.name << " (" << p.age << ") lives in " << p.address << std::endl; }