[[query-dsl-geo-bounding-box-query]] === Geo Bounding Box Query A query allowing to filter hits based on a point location using a bounding box. Assuming the following indexed document: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "pin" : { "location" : { "lat" : 40.12, "lon" : -71.34 } } } -------------------------------------------------- Then the following simple query can be executed with a `geo_bounding_box` filter: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "bool" : { "must" : { "match_all" : {} }, "filter" : { "geo_bounding_box" : { "pin.location" : { "top_left" : { "lat" : 40.73, "lon" : -74.1 }, "bottom_right" : { "lat" : 40.01, "lon" : -71.12 } } } } } } -------------------------------------------------- [float] ==== Query Options [cols="<,<",options="header",] |======================================================================= |Option |Description |`_name` |Optional name field to identify the filter |`ignore_malformed` |Set to `true` to accept geo points with invalid latitude or longitude (default is `false`). |`type` |Set to one of `indexed` or `memory` to defines whether this filter will be executed in memory or indexed. See <> below for further details Default is `memory`. |======================================================================= [float] ==== Accepted Formats In much the same way the geo_point type can accept different representations of the geo point, the filter can accept it as well: [float] ===== Lat Lon As Properties [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "bool" : { "must" : { "match_all" : {} }, "filter" : { "geo_bounding_box" : { "pin.location" : { "top_left" : { "lat" : 40.73, "lon" : -74.1 }, "bottom_right" : { "lat" : 40.01, "lon" : -71.12 } } } } } } -------------------------------------------------- [float] ===== Lat Lon As Array Format in `[lon, lat]`, note, the order of lon/lat here in order to conform with http://geojson.org/[GeoJSON]. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "bool" : { "must" : { "match_all" : {} }, "filter" : { "geo_bounding_box" : { "pin.location" : { "top_left" : [-74.1, 40.73], "bottom_right" : [-71.12, 40.01] } } } } } -------------------------------------------------- [float] ===== Lat Lon As String Format in `lat,lon`. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "bool" : { "must" : { "match_all" : {} }, "filter" : { "geo_bounding_box" : { "pin.location" : { "top_left" : "40.73, -74.1", "bottom_right" : "40.01, -71.12" } } } } } -------------------------------------------------- [float] ===== Geohash [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "bool" : { "must" : { "match_all" : {} }, "filter" : { "geo_bounding_box" : { "pin.location" : { "top_left" : "dr5r9ydj2y73", "bottom_right" : "drj7teegpus6" } } } } } -------------------------------------------------- [float] ==== Vertices The vertices of the bounding box can either be set by `top_left` and `bottom_right` or by `top_right` and `bottom_left` parameters. More over the names `topLeft`, `bottomRight`, `topRight` and `bottomLeft` are supported. Instead of setting the values pairwise, one can use the simple names `top`, `left`, `bottom` and `right` to set the values separately. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "bool" : { "must" : { "match_all" : {} }, "filter" : { "geo_bounding_box" : { "pin.location" : { "top" : -74.1, "left" : 40.73, "bottom" : -71.12, "right" : 40.01 } } } } } -------------------------------------------------- [float] ==== geo_point Type The filter *requires* the `geo_point` type to be set on the relevant field. [float] ==== Multi Location Per Document The filter can work with multiple locations / points per document. Once a single location / point matches the filter, the document will be included in the filter [float] [[geo-bbox-type]] ==== Type The type of the bounding box execution by default is set to `memory`, which means in memory checks if the doc falls within the bounding box range. In some cases, an `indexed` option will perform faster (but note that the `geo_point` type must have lat and lon indexed in this case). Note, when using the indexed option, multi locations per document field are not supported. Here is an example: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "bool" : { "must" : { "match_all" : {} }, "filter" : { "geo_bounding_box" : { "pin.location" : { "top_left" : { "lat" : 40.73, "lon" : -74.1 }, "bottom_right" : { "lat" : 40.10, "lon" : -71.12 } }, "type" : "indexed" } } } } --------------------------------------------------