#!/bin/bash # CONTROLLING STARTUP: # # This script relies on few environment variables to determine startup # behavior, those variables are: # # ES_CLASSPATH -- A Java classpath containing everything necessary to run. # ES_JVM_OPTIONS -- Path to file containing JVM options # ES_JAVA_OPTS -- External Java Opts on top of the defaults set # # Optionally, exact memory values can be set using the `ES_JAVA_OPTS`. # Note that the Xms and Xmx lines in the JVM options file must be # commented out. Sample format include "512m", and "10g". # # ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms8g -Xmx8g" ./bin/elasticsearch # # As a convenience, a fragment of shell is sourced in order to set one or # more of these variables. This so-called `include' can be placed in a # number of locations and will be searched for in order. The lowest # priority search path is the same directory as the startup script, and # since this is the location of the sample in the project tree, it should # almost work Out Of The Box. # # Any serious use-case though will likely require customization of the # include. For production installations, it is recommended that you copy # the sample to one of /usr/share/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.in.sh, # /usr/local/share/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.in.sh, or # /opt/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.in.sh and make your modifications there. # # Another option is to specify the full path to the include file in the # environment. For example: # # $ ES_INCLUDE=/path/to/in.sh elasticsearch -p /var/run/es.pid # # Note: This is particularly handy for running multiple instances on a # single installation, or for quick tests. # # If you would rather configure startup entirely from the environment, you # can disable the include by exporting an empty ES_INCLUDE, or by # ensuring that no include files exist in the aforementioned search list. # Be aware that you will be entirely responsible for populating the needed # environment variables. # Check to see if you are trying to run this without building it first. Gradle # will replace the project.name with _something_. if echo 'distribution' | grep project.name > /dev/null ; then cat >&2 << EOF Error: You must build the project with Gradle or download a pre-built package before you can run Elasticsearch. See 'Building from Source' in README.textile or visit https://www.elastic.co/download to get a pre-built package. EOF exit 1 fi # TODO: remove for Elasticsearch 6.x unsupported_environment_variable() { if test -n "$1"; then echo "$2=$1: $3" fi } if test -n "$ES_MIN_MEM" || test -n "$ES_MAX_MEM" || test -n "$ES_HEAP_SIZE" || test -n "$ES_HEAP_NEWSIZE" || test -n "$ES_DIRECT_SIZE" || test -n "$ES_USE_IPV4" || test -n "$ES_GC_OPTS" || test -n "$ES_GC_LOG_FILE"; then echo "Error: encountered environment variables that are no longer supported" echo "Use jvm.options or ES_JAVA_OPTS to configure the JVM" unsupported_environment_variable "$ES_MIN_MEM" ES_MIN_MEM "set -Xms$ES_MIN_MEM in jvm.options or add \"-Xms$ES_MIN_MEM\" to ES_JAVA_OPTS" unsupported_environment_variable "$ES_MAX_MEM" ES_MAX_MEM "set -Xmx$ES_MAX_MEM in jvm.options or add \"-Xmx$ES_MAX_MEM\" to ES_JAVA_OPTS" unsupported_environment_variable "$ES_HEAP_SIZE" ES_HEAP_SIZE "set -Xms$ES_HEAP_SIZE and -Xmx$ES_HEAP_SIZE in jvm.options or add \"-Xms$ES_HEAP_SIZE -Xmx$ES_HEAP_SIZE\" to ES_JAVA_OPTS" unsupported_environment_variable "$ES_HEAP_NEWSIZE" ES_HEAP_NEWSIZE "set -Xmn$ES_HEAP_NEWSIZE in jvm.options or add \"-Xmn$ES_HEAP_SIZE\" to ES_JAVA_OPTS" unsupported_environment_variable "$ES_DIRECT_SIZE" ES_DIRECT_SIZE "set -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=$ES_DIRECT_SIZE in jvm.options or add \"-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=$ES_DIRECT_SIZE\" to ES_JAVA_OPTS" unsupported_environment_variable "$ES_USE_IPV4" ES_USE_IPV4 "set -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true in jvm.options or add \"-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true\" to ES_JAVA_OPTS" unsupported_environment_variable "$ES_GC_OPTS" ES_GC_OPTS "set ${ES_GC_OPTS// / and } in jvm.options or add \"$ES_GC_OPTS\" to ES_JAVA_OPTS" unsupported_environment_variable "$ES_GC_LOG_FILE" ES_GC_LOG_FILE "set -Xloggc:$ES_GC_LOG_FILE in jvm.options or add \"-Xloggc:$ES_GC_LOG_FILE\" to ES_JAVA_OPTS" exit 1 fi # end TODO: remove for Elasticsearch 6.x parse_jvm_options() { if [ -f "$1" ]; then echo "$(grep "^-" "$1" | tr '\n' ' ')" fi } CDPATH="" SCRIPT="$0" # SCRIPT may be an arbitrarily deep series of symlinks. Loop until we have the concrete path. while [ -h "$SCRIPT" ] ; do ls=`ls -ld "$SCRIPT"` # Drop everything prior to -> link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'` if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then SCRIPT="$link" else SCRIPT=`dirname "$SCRIPT"`/"$link" fi done # determine elasticsearch home ES_HOME=`dirname "$SCRIPT"`/.. # make ELASTICSEARCH_HOME absolute ES_HOME=`cd "$ES_HOME"; pwd` if [ -z "$ES_JVM_OPTIONS" ]; then for jvm_options in "$ES_HOME"/config/jvm.options \ /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options; do if [ -r "$jvm_options" ]; then ES_JVM_OPTIONS=$jvm_options break fi done fi ES_JAVA_OPTS="$(parse_jvm_options "$ES_JVM_OPTIONS") $ES_JAVA_OPTS" # If an include wasn't specified in the environment, then search for one... if [ "x$ES_INCLUDE" = "x" ]; then # Locations (in order) to use when searching for an include file. for include in /usr/share/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.in.sh \ /usr/local/share/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.in.sh \ /opt/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.in.sh \ ~/.elasticsearch.in.sh \ "$ES_HOME/bin/elasticsearch.in.sh" \ "`dirname "$0"`"/elasticsearch.in.sh; do if [ -r "$include" ]; then . "$include" break fi done # ...otherwise, source the specified include. elif [ -r "$ES_INCLUDE" ]; then . "$ES_INCLUDE" fi if [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" ]; then JAVA="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" else JAVA=`which java` fi if [ ! -x "$JAVA" ]; then echo "Could not find any executable java binary. Please install java in your PATH or set JAVA_HOME" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$ES_CLASSPATH" ]; then echo "You must set the ES_CLASSPATH var" >&2 exit 1 fi # don't let JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS slip in (e.g. crazy agents in ubuntu) # works around https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jayatana/+bug/1441487 if [ "x$JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS" != "x" ]; then echo "Warning: Ignoring JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=$JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS" echo "Please pass JVM parameters via ES_JAVA_OPTS instead" unset JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS fi # JAVA_OPTS is not a built-in JVM mechanism but some people think it is # so let us warn them that we are not observing the value of $JAVA_OPTS if [ "x$JAVA_OPTS" != "x" ]; then echo "Warning: Ignoring JAVA_OPTS=$JAVA_OPTS" echo "Please pass JVM parameters via ES_JAVA_OPTS instead" fi "$JAVA" -cp "$ES_CLASSPATH" org.elasticsearch.tools.JavaVersionChecker if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Elasticsearch requires at least Java 8 but your Java version from $JAVA does not meet this requirement" exit 1 fi # full hostname passed through cut for portability on systems that do not support hostname -s # export on separate line for shells that do not support combining definition and export HOSTNAME=`hostname | cut -d. -f1` export HOSTNAME # manual parsing to find out, if process should be detached daemonized=`echo $* | egrep -- '(^-d |-d$| -d |--daemonize$|--daemonize )'` if [ -z "$daemonized" ] ; then exec "$JAVA" $ES_JAVA_OPTS -Des.path.home="$ES_HOME" -cp "$ES_CLASSPATH" \ org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch "$@" else exec "$JAVA" $ES_JAVA_OPTS -Des.path.home="$ES_HOME" -cp "$ES_CLASSPATH" \ org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch "$@" <&- & retval=$? pid=$! [ $retval -eq 0 ] || exit $retval if [ ! -z "$ES_STARTUP_SLEEP_TIME" ]; then sleep $ES_STARTUP_SLEEP_TIME fi if ! ps -p $pid > /dev/null ; then exit 1 fi exit 0 fi exit $?