# encoding: utf-8 # bootstrap.rb contains the minimal code to be able to launch Bundler to eventually be able # to retrieve the core code in the logstash-core gem which can live under different paths # depending on the launch context (local dev, packaged, etc) require_relative "bundler" require_relative "rubygems" module LogStash module Environment extend self # also set the env LOGSTASH_HOME LOGSTASH_HOME = ENV["LOGSTASH_HOME"] = ::File.expand_path(::File.join(__FILE__, "..", "..", "..")) BUNDLE_DIR = ::File.join(LOGSTASH_HOME, "vendor", "bundle") GEMFILE_PATH = ::File.join(LOGSTASH_HOME, "Gemfile") LOCAL_GEM_PATH = ::File.join(LOGSTASH_HOME, 'vendor', 'local_gems') CACHE_PATH = File.join(LOGSTASH_HOME, "vendor", "cache") # @return [String] the ruby version string bundler uses to craft its gem path def gem_ruby_version RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"] end # @return [String] major.minor ruby version, ex 1.9 def ruby_abi_version RUBY_VERSION[/(\d+\.\d+)(\.\d+)*/, 1] end # @return [String] jruby, ruby, rbx, ... def ruby_engine RUBY_ENGINE end def windows? ::Gem.win_platform? end def jruby? @jruby ||= !!(RUBY_PLATFORM == "java") end def logstash_gem_home ::File.join(BUNDLE_DIR, ruby_engine, gem_ruby_version) end def vendor_path(path) return ::File.join(LOGSTASH_HOME, "vendor", path) end def pattern_path(path) return ::File.join(LOGSTASH_HOME, "patterns", path) end end end # when launched as a script, not require'd, (currently from bin/logstash and bin/logstash-plugin) the first # argument is the path of a Ruby file to require and a LogStash::Runner class is expected to be # defined and exposing the LogStash::Runner#main instance method which will be called with the current ARGV # currently lib/logstash/runner.rb and lib/pluginmanager/main.rb are called using this. if $0 == __FILE__ LogStash::Bundler.setup!({:without => [:build, :development]}) require_relative "patches/jar_dependencies" require ARGV.shift LogStash::Runner.new.main(ARGV) end