@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set params='%*' call "%~dp0setup.bat" || exit /b 1 if errorlevel 1 ( if not defined nopauseonerror ( pause ) exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% ) rem iterate over the command line args and look for the argument rem after --path.settings to see if the jvm.options file is in rem that path and set LS_JVM_OPTIONS_CONFIG accordingly :loop for /F "usebackq tokens=1-2* delims= " %%A in (!params!) do ( set current=%%A set next=%%B set params='%%B %%C' if "!current!" == "--path.settings" ( if exist !next!\jvm.options ( set "LS_JVM_OPTIONS_CONFIG=!next!\jvm.options" ) ) if not "x!params!" == "x" ( goto loop ) ) rem if explicit jvm.options is not found use default location if "%LS_JVM_OPTIONS_CONFIG%" == "" ( set LS_JVM_OPTIONS_CONFIG=%LS_HOME%\config\jvm.options ) rem extract the options from the JVM options file %LS_JVM_OPTIONS_CONFIG% rem such options are the lines beginning with '-', thus "findstr /b" if exist %LS_JVM_OPTIONS_CONFIG% ( for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in (`findstr /b \- %LS_JVM_OPTIONS_CONFIG%`) do set options=!options! %%a set "LS_JAVA_OPTS=!options! %LS_JAVA_OPTS%" ) else ( echo "warning: no jvm.options file found" ) set JAVA_OPTS=%LS_JAVA_OPTS% rem jruby launcher will pickup JAVA_OPTS set above to set the JVM options before launching jruby %JRUBY_BIN% "%LS_HOME%\lib\bootstrap\environment.rb" "logstash\runner.rb" %* endlocal