# encoding: utf-8 require "fileutils" module LogStash module Bundler extend self def patch! # Patch bundler to write a .lock file specific to the version of ruby. # This keeps MRI/JRuby/RBX from conflicting over the Gemfile.lock updates ::Bundler::SharedHelpers.module_exec do def default_lockfile ruby = "#{Environment.ruby_engine}-#{Environment.ruby_abi_version}" Pathname.new("#{default_gemfile}.#{ruby}.lock") end end # Patch to prevent Bundler to save a .bundle/config file in the root # of the application ::Bundler::Settings.module_exec do def set_key(key, value, hash, file) key = key_for(key) unless hash[key] == value hash[key] = value hash.delete(key) if value.nil? end value end end # This patch makes rubygems fetch directly from the remote servers # the dependencies he need and might not have downloaded in a local # repository. This basically enabled the offline feature to work as # we remove the gems from the vendor directory before packaging. ::Bundler::Source::Rubygems.module_exec do def cached_gem(spec) cached_built_in_gem(spec) end end end def setup!(options = {}) options = {:without => [:development]}.merge(options) options[:without] = Array(options[:without]) # make sure we use our own installed bundler LogStash::Rubygems.patch! ::Gem.clear_paths ::Gem.paths = ENV['GEM_HOME'] = ENV['GEM_PATH'] = Environment.logstash_gem_home # set BUNDLE_GEMFILE ENV before requiring bundler to avoid bundler recurse and load unrelated Gemfile(s) ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = Environment::GEMFILE_PATH require "bundler" LogStash::Bundler.patch! ::Bundler.settings[:path] = Environment::BUNDLE_DIR ::Bundler.settings[:without] = options[:without].join(":") # in the context of Bundler.setup it looks like this is useless here because Gemfile path can only be specified using # the ENV, see https://github.com/bundler/bundler/blob/v1.8.3/lib/bundler/shared_helpers.rb#L103 ::Bundler.settings[:gemfile] = Environment::GEMFILE_PATH ::Bundler.reset! ::Bundler.setup end # execute bundle install and capture any $stdout output. any raised exception in the process will be trapped # and returned. logs errors to $stdout. # @param [Hash] options invoke options with default values, :max_tries => 10, :clean => false, :install => false, :update => false # @option options [Boolean] :max_tries The number of times bundler is going to try the installation before failing (default: 10) # @option options [Boolean] :clean It cleans the unused gems (default: false) # @option options [Boolean] :install Run the installation of a set of gems defined in a Gemfile (default: false) # @option options [Boolean, String, Array] :update Update the current environment, must be either false or a String or an Array of String (default: false) # @option options [Boolean] :local Do not attempt to fetch gems remotely and use the gem cache instead (default: false) # @option options [Boolean] :package Locks and then caches all dependencies to be reused later on (default: false) # @option options [Boolean] :all It packages dependencies defined with :git or :path (default: false) # @option options [Array] :without Exclude gems that are part of the specified named group (default: [:development]) # @return [String, Exception] the installation captured output and any raised exception or nil if none def invoke!(options = {}) options = {:max_tries => 10, :clean => false, :install => false, :update => false, :local => false, :jobs => 12, :all => false, :package => false, :without => [:development]}.merge(options) options[:without] = Array(options[:without]) options[:update] = Array(options[:update]) if options[:update] # make sure we use our own installed bundler # require "logstash/patches/rubygems" # patch rubygems before clear_paths LogStash::Rubygems.patch! ::Gem.clear_paths ::Gem.paths = ENV['GEM_HOME'] = ENV['GEM_PATH'] = LogStash::Environment.logstash_gem_home # set BUNDLE_GEMFILE ENV before requiring bundler to avoid bundler recurse and load unrelated Gemfile(s). # in the context of calling Bundler::CLI this is not really required since Bundler::CLI will look at # Bundler.settings[:gemfile] unlike Bundler.setup. For the sake of consistency and defensive/future proofing, let's keep it here. ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = LogStash::Environment::GEMFILE_PATH require "bundler" require "bundler/cli" # create Gemfile from template iff it does not exist unless ::File.exists?(Environment::GEMFILE_PATH) FileUtils.copy( ::File.join(Environment::LOGSTASH_HOME, "Gemfile.template"), Environment::GEMFILE_PATH ) end # create Gemfile.jruby-1.9.lock from template iff a template exists it itself does not exist lock_template = ::File.join(ENV["LOGSTASH_HOME"], "Gemfile.jruby-1.9.lock.release") if ::File.exists?(lock_template) && !::File.exists?(Environment::LOCKFILE) FileUtils.copy(lock_template, Environment::LOCKFILE) end LogStash::Bundler.patch! # force Rubygems sources to our Gemfile sources ::Gem.sources = ::Gem::SourceList.from(options[:rubygems_source]) if options[:rubygems_source] ::Bundler.settings[:path] = LogStash::Environment::BUNDLE_DIR ::Bundler.settings[:gemfile] = LogStash::Environment::GEMFILE_PATH ::Bundler.settings[:without] = options[:without].join(":") ::Bundler.settings[:force] = options[:force] if !debug? # Will deal with transient network errors execute_bundler_with_retry(options) else options[:verbose] = true execute_bundler(options) end end def execute_bundler_with_retry(options) try = 0 # capture_stdout also traps any raised exception and pass them back as the function return [output, exception] output, exception = capture_stdout do loop do begin execute_bundler(options) break rescue ::Bundler::VersionConflict => e $stderr.puts("Plugin version conflict, aborting") raise(e) rescue ::Bundler::GemNotFound => e $stderr.puts("Plugin not found, aborting") raise(e) rescue => e if try >= options[:max_tries] $stderr.puts("Too many retries, aborting, caused by #{e.class}") $stderr.puts(e.message) if ENV["DEBUG"] raise(e) end try += 1 $stderr.puts("Error #{e.class}, retrying #{try}/#{options[:max_tries]}") $stderr.puts(e.message) sleep(0.5) end end end raise exception if exception return output end def execute_bundler(options) ::Bundler.reset! ::Bundler::CLI.start(bundler_arguments(options)) end def debug? ENV["DEBUG"] end # build Bundler::CLI.start arguments array from the given options hash # @param option [Hash] the invoke! options hash # @return [Array] Bundler::CLI.start string arguments array def bundler_arguments(options = {}) arguments = [] if options[:install] arguments << "install" arguments << "--clean" if options[:clean] if options[:local] arguments << "--local" arguments << "--no-prune" # From bundler docs: Don't remove stale gems from the cache. end elsif options[:update] arguments << "update" arguments << options[:update] arguments << "--local" if options[:local] elsif options[:clean] arguments << "clean" elsif options[:package] arguments << "package" arguments << "--all" if options[:all] end arguments << "--verbose" if options[:verbose] arguments.flatten end # capture any $stdout from the passed block. also trap any exception in that block, in which case the trapped exception will be returned # @param [Proc] the code block to execute # @return [String, Exception] the captured $stdout string and any trapped exception or nil if none def capture_stdout(&block) old_stdout = $stdout $stdout = StringIO.new("", "w") begin block.call rescue => e return [$stdout.string, e] end [$stdout.string, nil] ensure $stdout = old_stdout end end end