Source : ipmitool Version : 2.11.0 SPX-Version : 4.0 SPX-Format : 2.0 Owner : AMI Maintainer : Viswanathan S ( License : GPL-V2 Source-Location : AMI Source-Version : 1.0.0 Builds : ipmitool Build-Depends : libdbgout_dev, libipmi_dev, global_dev, ipmi_dev, libencryption_dev, libipmiparams_dev Architecture : ALL Urgency : medium Description : Contains the IPMITool modified to run with AMI SP-X Stack . #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Binary Packages follows # Binary package takes the following fields from source pacakage: # Version, SPX-Version, SPX-Format, Owner, Maintainer,License, # Architecture,SOC,BOARD,OEM,Urgency # Provides,Depends,Required ? # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package : ipmitool Config-Tag : ipmitool IPMI Test Utility Section : app Group : TESTTOOL Essential : NO Depends : ipmimain Required : libipmiparams, libdbgout, libipmi Description : This package includes the Binary for ipmitool application. .