import unittest from ctypes import * from binascii import hexlify import re def dump(obj): # helper function to dump memory contents in hex, with a hyphen # between the bytes. h = hexlify(memoryview(obj)).decode() return re.sub(r"(..)", r"\1-", h)[:-1] class Value(Structure): _fields_ = [("val", c_byte)] class Container(Structure): _fields_ = [("pvalues", POINTER(Value))] class Test(unittest.TestCase): def test(self): # create an array of 4 values val_array = (Value * 4)() # create a container, which holds a pointer to the pvalues array. c = Container() c.pvalues = val_array # memory contains 4 NUL bytes now, that's correct self.assertEqual("00-00-00-00", dump(val_array)) # set the values of the array through the pointer: for i in range(4): c.pvalues[i].val = i + 1 values = [c.pvalues[i].val for i in range(4)] # These are the expected results: here s the bug! self.assertEqual( (values, dump(val_array)), ([1, 2, 3, 4], "01-02-03-04") ) def test_2(self): val_array = (Value * 4)() # memory contains 4 NUL bytes now, that's correct self.assertEqual("00-00-00-00", dump(val_array)) ptr = cast(val_array, POINTER(Value)) # set the values of the array through the pointer: for i in range(4): ptr[i].val = i + 1 values = [ptr[i].val for i in range(4)] # These are the expected results: here s the bug! self.assertEqual( (values, dump(val_array)), ([1, 2, 3, 4], "01-02-03-04") ) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()