# This tests the internal _objects attribute import unittest from ctypes import * from sys import getrefcount as grc # XXX This test must be reviewed for correctness!!! # ctypes' types are container types. # # They have an internal memory block, which only consists of some bytes, # but it has to keep references to other objects as well. This is not # really needed for trivial C types like int or char, but it is important # for aggregate types like strings or pointers in particular. # # What about pointers? class ObjectsTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def assertSame(self, a, b): self.assertEqual(id(a), id(b)) def test_ints(self): i = 42000123 refcnt = grc(i) ci = c_int(i) self.assertEqual(refcnt, grc(i)) self.assertEqual(ci._objects, None) def test_c_char_p(self): s = b"Hello, World" refcnt = grc(s) cs = c_char_p(s) self.assertEqual(refcnt + 1, grc(s)) self.assertSame(cs._objects, s) def test_simple_struct(self): class X(Structure): _fields_ = [("a", c_int), ("b", c_int)] a = 421234 b = 421235 x = X() self.assertEqual(x._objects, None) x.a = a x.b = b self.assertEqual(x._objects, None) def test_embedded_structs(self): class X(Structure): _fields_ = [("a", c_int), ("b", c_int)] class Y(Structure): _fields_ = [("x", X), ("y", X)] y = Y() self.assertEqual(y._objects, None) x1, x2 = X(), X() y.x, y.y = x1, x2 self.assertEqual(y._objects, {"0": {}, "1": {}}) x1.a, x2.b = 42, 93 self.assertEqual(y._objects, {"0": {}, "1": {}}) def test_xxx(self): class X(Structure): _fields_ = [("a", c_char_p), ("b", c_char_p)] class Y(Structure): _fields_ = [("x", X), ("y", X)] s1 = b"Hello, World" s2 = b"Hallo, Welt" x = X() x.a = s1 x.b = s2 self.assertEqual(x._objects, {"0": s1, "1": s2}) y = Y() y.x = x self.assertEqual(y._objects, {"0": {"0": s1, "1": s2}}) ## x = y.x ## del y ## print x._b_base_._objects def test_ptr_struct(self): class X(Structure): _fields_ = [("data", POINTER(c_int))] A = c_int*4 a = A(11, 22, 33, 44) self.assertEqual(a._objects, None) x = X() x.data = a ##XXX print x._objects ##XXX print x.data[0] ##XXX print x.data._objects if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()