""" test the scalar Timedelta """ import pytest import numpy as np from datetime import timedelta import pandas as pd import pandas.util.testing as tm from pandas.core.tools.timedeltas import _coerce_scalar_to_timedelta_type as ct from pandas import (Timedelta, TimedeltaIndex, timedelta_range, Series, to_timedelta, compat) from pandas._libs.tslib import iNaT, NaT class TestTimedeltaArithmetic(object): def test_arithmetic_overflow(self): with pytest.raises(OverflowError): pd.Timestamp('1700-01-01') + pd.Timedelta(13 * 19999, unit='D') with pytest.raises(OverflowError): pd.Timestamp('1700-01-01') + timedelta(days=13 * 19999) def test_array_timedelta_floordiv(self): # https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/19761 ints = pd.date_range('2012-10-08', periods=4, freq='D').view('i8') msg = r"Use 'array // timedelta.value'" with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning) as m: result = ints // pd.Timedelta(1, unit='s') assert msg in str(m[0].message) expected = np.array([1349654400, 1349740800, 1349827200, 1349913600], dtype='i8') tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) def test_ops_error_str(self): # GH 13624 td = Timedelta('1 day') for left, right in [(td, 'a'), ('a', td)]: with pytest.raises(TypeError): left + right with pytest.raises(TypeError): left > right assert not left == right assert left != right def test_ops_notimplemented(self): class Other(object): pass other = Other() td = Timedelta('1 day') assert td.__add__(other) is NotImplemented assert td.__sub__(other) is NotImplemented assert td.__truediv__(other) is NotImplemented assert td.__mul__(other) is NotImplemented assert td.__floordiv__(other) is NotImplemented def test_unary_ops(self): td = Timedelta(10, unit='d') # __neg__, __pos__ assert -td == Timedelta(-10, unit='d') assert -td == Timedelta('-10d') assert +td == Timedelta(10, unit='d') # __abs__, __abs__(__neg__) assert abs(td) == td assert abs(-td) == td assert abs(-td) == Timedelta('10d') class TestTimedeltaComparison(object): def test_comparison_object_array(self): # analogous to GH#15183 td = Timedelta('2 days') other = Timedelta('3 hours') arr = np.array([other, td], dtype=object) res = arr == td expected = np.array([False, True], dtype=bool) assert (res == expected).all() # 2D case arr = np.array([[other, td], [td, other]], dtype=object) res = arr != td expected = np.array([[True, False], [False, True]], dtype=bool) assert res.shape == expected.shape assert (res == expected).all() def test_compare_timedelta_ndarray(self): # GH11835 periods = [Timedelta('0 days 01:00:00'), Timedelta('0 days 01:00:00')] arr = np.array(periods) result = arr[0] > arr expected = np.array([False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) class TestTimedeltas(object): @pytest.mark.parametrize("unit, value, expected", [ ('us', 9.999, 9999), ('ms', 9.999999, 9999999), ('s', 9.999999999, 9999999999)]) def test_rounding_on_int_unit_construction(self, unit, value, expected): # GH 12690 result = Timedelta(value, unit=unit) assert result.value == expected result = Timedelta(str(value) + unit) assert result.value == expected def test_total_seconds_scalar(self): # see gh-10939 rng = Timedelta('1 days, 10:11:12.100123456') expt = 1 * 86400 + 10 * 3600 + 11 * 60 + 12 + 100123456. / 1e9 tm.assert_almost_equal(rng.total_seconds(), expt) rng = Timedelta(np.nan) assert np.isnan(rng.total_seconds()) def test_conversion(self): for td in [Timedelta(10, unit='d'), Timedelta('1 days, 10:11:12.012345')]: pydt = td.to_pytimedelta() assert td == Timedelta(pydt) assert td == pydt assert (isinstance(pydt, timedelta) and not isinstance( pydt, Timedelta)) assert td == np.timedelta64(td.value, 'ns') td64 = td.to_timedelta64() assert td64 == np.timedelta64(td.value, 'ns') assert td == td64 assert isinstance(td64, np.timedelta64) # this is NOT equal and cannot be roundtriped (because of the nanos) td = Timedelta('1 days, 10:11:12.012345678') assert td != td.to_pytimedelta() def test_freq_conversion(self): # truediv td = Timedelta('1 days 2 hours 3 ns') result = td / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') assert result == td.value / float(86400 * 1e9) result = td / np.timedelta64(1, 's') assert result == td.value / float(1e9) result = td / np.timedelta64(1, 'ns') assert result == td.value # floordiv td = Timedelta('1 days 2 hours 3 ns') result = td // np.timedelta64(1, 'D') assert result == 1 result = td // np.timedelta64(1, 's') assert result == 93600 result = td // np.timedelta64(1, 'ns') assert result == td.value def test_fields(self): def check(value): # that we are int/long like assert isinstance(value, (int, compat.long)) # compat to datetime.timedelta rng = to_timedelta('1 days, 10:11:12') assert rng.days == 1 assert rng.seconds == 10 * 3600 + 11 * 60 + 12 assert rng.microseconds == 0 assert rng.nanoseconds == 0 pytest.raises(AttributeError, lambda: rng.hours) pytest.raises(AttributeError, lambda: rng.minutes) pytest.raises(AttributeError, lambda: rng.milliseconds) # GH 10050 check(rng.days) check(rng.seconds) check(rng.microseconds) check(rng.nanoseconds) td = Timedelta('-1 days, 10:11:12') assert abs(td) == Timedelta('13:48:48') assert str(td) == "-1 days +10:11:12" assert -td == Timedelta('0 days 13:48:48') assert -Timedelta('-1 days, 10:11:12').value == 49728000000000 assert Timedelta('-1 days, 10:11:12').value == -49728000000000 rng = to_timedelta('-1 days, 10:11:12.100123456') assert rng.days == -1 assert rng.seconds == 10 * 3600 + 11 * 60 + 12 assert rng.microseconds == 100 * 1000 + 123 assert rng.nanoseconds == 456 pytest.raises(AttributeError, lambda: rng.hours) pytest.raises(AttributeError, lambda: rng.minutes) pytest.raises(AttributeError, lambda: rng.milliseconds) # components tup = pd.to_timedelta(-1, 'us').components assert tup.days == -1 assert tup.hours == 23 assert tup.minutes == 59 assert tup.seconds == 59 assert tup.milliseconds == 999 assert tup.microseconds == 999 assert tup.nanoseconds == 0 # GH 10050 check(tup.days) check(tup.hours) check(tup.minutes) check(tup.seconds) check(tup.milliseconds) check(tup.microseconds) check(tup.nanoseconds) tup = Timedelta('-1 days 1 us').components assert tup.days == -2 assert tup.hours == 23 assert tup.minutes == 59 assert tup.seconds == 59 assert tup.milliseconds == 999 assert tup.microseconds == 999 assert tup.nanoseconds == 0 def test_nat_converters(self): assert to_timedelta('nat', box=False).astype('int64') == iNaT assert to_timedelta('nan', box=False).astype('int64') == iNaT def testit(unit, transform): # array result = to_timedelta(np.arange(5), unit=unit) expected = TimedeltaIndex([np.timedelta64(i, transform(unit)) for i in np.arange(5).tolist()]) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) # scalar result = to_timedelta(2, unit=unit) expected = Timedelta(np.timedelta64(2, transform(unit)).astype( 'timedelta64[ns]')) assert result == expected # validate all units # GH 6855 for unit in ['Y', 'M', 'W', 'D', 'y', 'w', 'd']: testit(unit, lambda x: x.upper()) for unit in ['days', 'day', 'Day', 'Days']: testit(unit, lambda x: 'D') for unit in ['h', 'm', 's', 'ms', 'us', 'ns', 'H', 'S', 'MS', 'US', 'NS']: testit(unit, lambda x: x.lower()) # offsets # m testit('T', lambda x: 'm') # ms testit('L', lambda x: 'ms') def test_numeric_conversions(self): assert ct(0) == np.timedelta64(0, 'ns') assert ct(10) == np.timedelta64(10, 'ns') assert ct(10, unit='ns') == np.timedelta64(10, 'ns').astype('m8[ns]') assert ct(10, unit='us') == np.timedelta64(10, 'us').astype('m8[ns]') assert ct(10, unit='ms') == np.timedelta64(10, 'ms').astype('m8[ns]') assert ct(10, unit='s') == np.timedelta64(10, 's').astype('m8[ns]') assert ct(10, unit='d') == np.timedelta64(10, 'D').astype('m8[ns]') def test_timedelta_conversions(self): assert (ct(timedelta(seconds=1)) == np.timedelta64(1, 's').astype('m8[ns]')) assert (ct(timedelta(microseconds=1)) == np.timedelta64(1, 'us').astype('m8[ns]')) assert (ct(timedelta(days=1)) == np.timedelta64(1, 'D').astype('m8[ns]')) def test_round(self): t1 = Timedelta('1 days 02:34:56.789123456') t2 = Timedelta('-1 days 02:34:56.789123456') for (freq, s1, s2) in [('N', t1, t2), ('U', Timedelta('1 days 02:34:56.789123000'), Timedelta('-1 days 02:34:56.789123000')), ('L', Timedelta('1 days 02:34:56.789000000'), Timedelta('-1 days 02:34:56.789000000')), ('S', Timedelta('1 days 02:34:57'), Timedelta('-1 days 02:34:57')), ('2S', Timedelta('1 days 02:34:56'), Timedelta('-1 days 02:34:56')), ('5S', Timedelta('1 days 02:34:55'), Timedelta('-1 days 02:34:55')), ('T', Timedelta('1 days 02:35:00'), Timedelta('-1 days 02:35:00')), ('12T', Timedelta('1 days 02:36:00'), Timedelta('-1 days 02:36:00')), ('H', Timedelta('1 days 03:00:00'), Timedelta('-1 days 03:00:00')), ('d', Timedelta('1 days'), Timedelta('-1 days'))]: r1 = t1.round(freq) assert r1 == s1 r2 = t2.round(freq) assert r2 == s2 # invalid for freq in ['Y', 'M', 'foobar']: pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: t1.round(freq)) t1 = timedelta_range('1 days', periods=3, freq='1 min 2 s 3 us') t2 = -1 * t1 t1a = timedelta_range('1 days', periods=3, freq='1 min 2 s') t1c = pd.TimedeltaIndex([1, 1, 1], unit='D') # note that negative times round DOWN! so don't give whole numbers for (freq, s1, s2) in [('N', t1, t2), ('U', t1, t2), ('L', t1a, TimedeltaIndex(['-1 days +00:00:00', '-2 days +23:58:58', '-2 days +23:57:56'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None) ), ('S', t1a, TimedeltaIndex(['-1 days +00:00:00', '-2 days +23:58:58', '-2 days +23:57:56'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None) ), ('12T', t1c, TimedeltaIndex(['-1 days', '-1 days', '-1 days'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None) ), ('H', t1c, TimedeltaIndex(['-1 days', '-1 days', '-1 days'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None) ), ('d', t1c, pd.TimedeltaIndex([-1, -1, -1], unit='D') )]: r1 = t1.round(freq) tm.assert_index_equal(r1, s1) r2 = t2.round(freq) tm.assert_index_equal(r2, s2) # invalid for freq in ['Y', 'M', 'foobar']: pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: t1.round(freq)) def test_contains(self): # Checking for any NaT-like objects # GH 13603 td = to_timedelta(range(5), unit='d') + pd.offsets.Hour(1) for v in [pd.NaT, None, float('nan'), np.nan]: assert not (v in td) td = to_timedelta([pd.NaT]) for v in [pd.NaT, None, float('nan'), np.nan]: assert (v in td) def test_identity(self): td = Timedelta(10, unit='d') assert isinstance(td, Timedelta) assert isinstance(td, timedelta) def test_short_format_converters(self): def conv(v): return v.astype('m8[ns]') assert ct('10') == np.timedelta64(10, 'ns') assert ct('10ns') == np.timedelta64(10, 'ns') assert ct('100') == np.timedelta64(100, 'ns') assert ct('100ns') == np.timedelta64(100, 'ns') assert ct('1000') == np.timedelta64(1000, 'ns') assert ct('1000ns') == np.timedelta64(1000, 'ns') assert ct('1000NS') == np.timedelta64(1000, 'ns') assert ct('10us') == np.timedelta64(10000, 'ns') assert ct('100us') == np.timedelta64(100000, 'ns') assert ct('1000us') == np.timedelta64(1000000, 'ns') assert ct('1000Us') == np.timedelta64(1000000, 'ns') assert ct('1000uS') == np.timedelta64(1000000, 'ns') assert ct('1ms') == np.timedelta64(1000000, 'ns') assert ct('10ms') == np.timedelta64(10000000, 'ns') assert ct('100ms') == np.timedelta64(100000000, 'ns') assert ct('1000ms') == np.timedelta64(1000000000, 'ns') assert ct('-1s') == -np.timedelta64(1000000000, 'ns') assert ct('1s') == np.timedelta64(1000000000, 'ns') assert ct('10s') == np.timedelta64(10000000000, 'ns') assert ct('100s') == np.timedelta64(100000000000, 'ns') assert ct('1000s') == np.timedelta64(1000000000000, 'ns') assert ct('1d') == conv(np.timedelta64(1, 'D')) assert ct('-1d') == -conv(np.timedelta64(1, 'D')) assert ct('1D') == conv(np.timedelta64(1, 'D')) assert ct('10D') == conv(np.timedelta64(10, 'D')) assert ct('100D') == conv(np.timedelta64(100, 'D')) assert ct('1000D') == conv(np.timedelta64(1000, 'D')) assert ct('10000D') == conv(np.timedelta64(10000, 'D')) # space assert ct(' 10000D ') == conv(np.timedelta64(10000, 'D')) assert ct(' - 10000D ') == -conv(np.timedelta64(10000, 'D')) # invalid pytest.raises(ValueError, ct, '1foo') pytest.raises(ValueError, ct, 'foo') def test_full_format_converters(self): def conv(v): return v.astype('m8[ns]') d1 = np.timedelta64(1, 'D') assert ct('1days') == conv(d1) assert ct('1days,') == conv(d1) assert ct('- 1days,') == -conv(d1) assert ct('00:00:01') == conv(np.timedelta64(1, 's')) assert ct('06:00:01') == conv(np.timedelta64(6 * 3600 + 1, 's')) assert ct('06:00:01.0') == conv(np.timedelta64(6 * 3600 + 1, 's')) assert ct('06:00:01.01') == conv(np.timedelta64( 1000 * (6 * 3600 + 1) + 10, 'ms')) assert (ct('- 1days, 00:00:01') == conv(-d1 + np.timedelta64(1, 's'))) assert (ct('1days, 06:00:01') == conv(d1 + np.timedelta64(6 * 3600 + 1, 's'))) assert (ct('1days, 06:00:01.01') == conv(d1 + np.timedelta64(1000 * (6 * 3600 + 1) + 10, 'ms'))) # invalid pytest.raises(ValueError, ct, '- 1days, 00') def test_overflow(self): # GH 9442 s = Series(pd.date_range('20130101', periods=100000, freq='H')) s[0] += pd.Timedelta('1s 1ms') # mean result = (s - s.min()).mean() expected = pd.Timedelta((pd.DatetimeIndex((s - s.min())).asi8 / len(s) ).sum()) # the computation is converted to float so # might be some loss of precision assert np.allclose(result.value / 1000, expected.value / 1000) # sum pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: (s - s.min()).sum()) s1 = s[0:10000] pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: (s1 - s1.min()).sum()) s2 = s[0:1000] result = (s2 - s2.min()).sum() def test_pickle(self): v = Timedelta('1 days 10:11:12.0123456') v_p = tm.round_trip_pickle(v) assert v == v_p def test_timedelta_hash_equality(self): # GH 11129 v = Timedelta(1, 'D') td = timedelta(days=1) assert hash(v) == hash(td) d = {td: 2} assert d[v] == 2 tds = timedelta_range('1 second', periods=20) assert all(hash(td) == hash(td.to_pytimedelta()) for td in tds) # python timedeltas drop ns resolution ns_td = Timedelta(1, 'ns') assert hash(ns_td) != hash(ns_td.to_pytimedelta()) def test_implementation_limits(self): min_td = Timedelta(Timedelta.min) max_td = Timedelta(Timedelta.max) # GH 12727 # timedelta limits correspond to int64 boundaries assert min_td.value == np.iinfo(np.int64).min + 1 assert max_td.value == np.iinfo(np.int64).max # Beyond lower limit, a NAT before the Overflow assert (min_td - Timedelta(1, 'ns')) is NaT with pytest.raises(OverflowError): min_td - Timedelta(2, 'ns') with pytest.raises(OverflowError): max_td + Timedelta(1, 'ns') # Same tests using the internal nanosecond values td = Timedelta(min_td.value - 1, 'ns') assert td is NaT with pytest.raises(OverflowError): Timedelta(min_td.value - 2, 'ns') with pytest.raises(OverflowError): Timedelta(max_td.value + 1, 'ns') def test_total_seconds_precision(self): # GH 19458 assert Timedelta('30S').total_seconds() == 30.0 assert Timedelta('0').total_seconds() == 0.0 assert Timedelta('-2S').total_seconds() == -2.0 assert Timedelta('5.324S').total_seconds() == 5.324 assert (Timedelta('30S').total_seconds() - 30.0) < 1e-20 assert (30.0 - Timedelta('30S').total_seconds()) < 1e-20 def test_timedelta_arithmetic(self): data = pd.Series(['nat', '32 days'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]') deltas = [timedelta(days=1), Timedelta(1, unit='D')] for delta in deltas: result_method = data.add(delta) result_operator = data + delta expected = pd.Series(['nat', '33 days'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]') tm.assert_series_equal(result_operator, expected) tm.assert_series_equal(result_method, expected) result_method = data.sub(delta) result_operator = data - delta expected = pd.Series(['nat', '31 days'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]') tm.assert_series_equal(result_operator, expected) tm.assert_series_equal(result_method, expected) # GH 9396 result_method = data.div(delta) result_operator = data / delta expected = pd.Series([np.nan, 32.], dtype='float64') tm.assert_series_equal(result_operator, expected) tm.assert_series_equal(result_method, expected) def test_apply_to_timedelta(self): timedelta_NaT = pd.to_timedelta('NaT') list_of_valid_strings = ['00:00:01', '00:00:02'] a = pd.to_timedelta(list_of_valid_strings) b = Series(list_of_valid_strings).apply(pd.to_timedelta) # Can't compare until apply on a Series gives the correct dtype # assert_series_equal(a, b) list_of_strings = ['00:00:01', np.nan, pd.NaT, timedelta_NaT] # TODO: unused? a = pd.to_timedelta(list_of_strings) # noqa b = Series(list_of_strings).apply(pd.to_timedelta) # noqa # Can't compare until apply on a Series gives the correct dtype # assert_series_equal(a, b) def test_components(self): rng = timedelta_range('1 days, 10:11:12', periods=2, freq='s') rng.components # with nat s = Series(rng) s[1] = np.nan result = s.dt.components assert not result.iloc[0].isna().all() assert result.iloc[1].isna().all()