# Copyright 2017 MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Logical sessions for ordering sequential operations. Requires MongoDB 3.6. .. versionadded:: 3.6 Causally Consistent Reads ========================= .. code-block:: python with client.start_session(causal_consistency=True) as session: collection = client.db.collection collection.update_one({'_id': 1}, {'$set': {'x': 10}}, session=session) secondary_c = collection.with_options( read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY) # A secondary read waits for replication of the write. secondary_c.find_one({'_id': 1}, session=session) If `causal_consistency` is True (the default), read operations that use the session are causally after previous read and write operations. Using a causally consistent session, an application can read its own writes and is guaranteed monotonic reads, even when reading from replica set secondaries. .. mongodoc:: causal-consistency Classes ======= """ import collections import uuid from bson.binary import Binary from bson.int64 import Int64 from bson.py3compat import abc from bson.timestamp import Timestamp from pymongo import monotonic from pymongo.errors import InvalidOperation class SessionOptions(object): """Options for a new :class:`ClientSession`. :Parameters: - `causal_consistency` (optional): If True (the default), read operations are causally ordered within the session. """ def __init__(self, causal_consistency=True): self._causal_consistency = causal_consistency @property def causal_consistency(self): """Whether causal consistency is configured.""" return self._causal_consistency class ClientSession(object): """A session for ordering sequential operations.""" def __init__(self, client, server_session, options, authset): # A MongoClient, a _ServerSession, a SessionOptions, and a set. self._client = client self._server_session = server_session self._options = options self._authset = authset self._cluster_time = None self._operation_time = None def end_session(self): """Finish this session. It is an error to use the session or any derived :class:`~pymongo.database.Database`, :class:`~pymongo.collection.Collection`, or :class:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor` after the session has ended. """ self._end_session(True) def _end_session(self, lock): if self._server_session is not None: self._client._return_server_session(self._server_session, lock) self._server_session = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.end_session() @property def client(self): """The :class:`~pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient` this session was created from. """ return self._client @property def options(self): """The :class:`SessionOptions` this session was created with.""" return self._options @property def session_id(self): """A BSON document, the opaque server session identifier.""" if self._server_session is None: raise InvalidOperation("Cannot use ended session") return self._server_session.session_id @property def cluster_time(self): """The cluster time returned by the last operation executed in this session. """ return self._cluster_time @property def operation_time(self): """The operation time returned by the last operation executed in this session. """ return self._operation_time def _advance_cluster_time(self, cluster_time): """Internal cluster time helper.""" if self._cluster_time is None: self._cluster_time = cluster_time elif cluster_time is not None: if cluster_time["clusterTime"] > self._cluster_time["clusterTime"]: self._cluster_time = cluster_time def advance_cluster_time(self, cluster_time): """Update the cluster time for this session. :Parameters: - `cluster_time`: The :data:`~pymongo.client_session.ClientSession.cluster_time` from another `ClientSession` instance. """ if not isinstance(cluster_time, abc.Mapping): raise TypeError( "cluster_time must be a subclass of collections.Mapping") if not isinstance(cluster_time.get("clusterTime"), Timestamp): raise ValueError("Invalid cluster_time") self._advance_cluster_time(cluster_time) def _advance_operation_time(self, operation_time): """Internal operation time helper.""" if self._operation_time is None: self._operation_time = operation_time elif operation_time is not None: if operation_time > self._operation_time: self._operation_time = operation_time def advance_operation_time(self, operation_time): """Update the operation time for this session. :Parameters: - `operation_time`: The :data:`~pymongo.client_session.ClientSession.operation_time` from another `ClientSession` instance. """ if not isinstance(operation_time, Timestamp): raise TypeError("operation_time must be an instance " "of bson.timestamp.Timestamp") self._advance_operation_time(operation_time) @property def has_ended(self): """True if this session is finished.""" return self._server_session is None def _use_lsid(self): # Internal function. if self._server_session is None: raise InvalidOperation("Cannot use ended session") return self._server_session.use_lsid() def _transaction_id(self): # Internal function. if self._server_session is None: raise InvalidOperation("Cannot use ended session") return self._server_session.transaction_id() def _retry_transaction_id(self): # Internal function. if self._server_session is None: raise InvalidOperation("Cannot use ended session") self._server_session.retry_transaction_id() class _ServerSession(object): def __init__(self): # Ensure id is type 4, regardless of CodecOptions.uuid_representation. self.session_id = {'id': Binary(uuid.uuid4().bytes, 4)} self.last_use = monotonic.time() self._transaction_id = 0 def timed_out(self, session_timeout_minutes): idle_seconds = monotonic.time() - self.last_use # Timed out if we have less than a minute to live. return idle_seconds > (session_timeout_minutes - 1) * 60 def use_lsid(self): self.last_use = monotonic.time() return self.session_id def transaction_id(self): """Monotonically increasing positive 64-bit integer.""" self._transaction_id += 1 return Int64(self._transaction_id) def retry_transaction_id(self): self._transaction_id -= 1 class _ServerSessionPool(collections.deque): """Pool of _ServerSession objects. This class is not thread-safe, access it while holding the Topology lock. """ def pop_all(self): ids = [] while self: ids.append(self.pop().session_id) return ids def get_server_session(self, session_timeout_minutes): # Although the Driver Sessions Spec says we only clear stale sessions # in return_server_session, PyMongo can't take a lock when returning # sessions from a __del__ method (like in Cursor.__die), so it can't # clear stale sessions there. In case many sessions were returned via # __del__, check for stale sessions here too. self._clear_stale(session_timeout_minutes) # The most recently used sessions are on the left. while self: s = self.popleft() if not s.timed_out(session_timeout_minutes): return s return _ServerSession() def return_server_session(self, server_session, session_timeout_minutes): self._clear_stale(session_timeout_minutes) if not server_session.timed_out(session_timeout_minutes): self.appendleft(server_session) def return_server_session_no_lock(self, server_session): self.appendleft(server_session) def _clear_stale(self, session_timeout_minutes): # Clear stale sessions. The least recently used are on the right. while self: if self[-1].timed_out(session_timeout_minutes): self.pop() else: # The remaining sessions also haven't timed out. break