# Copyright 2015 MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Test GridFSBucket class.""" import copy import datetime import os import sys import re import gridfs sys.path[0:0] = [""] from bson import Binary from bson.json_util import loads from bson.py3compat import bytes_from_hex from gridfs.errors import NoFile, CorruptGridFile from test import (unittest, IntegrationTest) # Commands. _COMMANDS = {"delete": lambda coll, doc: [coll.delete_many(d["q"]) for d in doc['deletes']], "insert": lambda coll, doc: coll.insert_many(doc['documents']), "update": lambda coll, doc: [coll.update_many(u["q"], u["u"]) for u in doc['updates']] } # Location of JSON test specifications. _TEST_PATH = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'gridfs') def camel_to_snake(camel): # Regex to convert CamelCase to snake_case. Special case for _id. if camel == "id": return "file_id" snake = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', camel) return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', snake).lower() class TestAllScenarios(IntegrationTest): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestAllScenarios, cls).setUpClass() cls.fs = gridfs.GridFSBucket(cls.db) cls.str_to_cmd = { "upload": cls.fs.upload_from_stream, "download": cls.fs.open_download_stream, "delete": cls.fs.delete, "download_by_name": cls.fs.open_download_stream_by_name} def init_db(self, data, test): self.db.drop_collection("fs.files") self.db.drop_collection("fs.chunks") self.db.drop_collection("expected.files") self.db.drop_collection("expected.chunks") # Read in data. if data['files']: self.db.fs.files.insert_many(data['files']) self.db.expected.files.insert_many(data['files']) if data['chunks']: self.db.fs.chunks.insert_many(data['chunks']) self.db.expected.chunks.insert_many(data['chunks']) # Make initial modifications. if "arrange" in test: for cmd in test['arrange'].get('data', []): for key in cmd.keys(): if key in _COMMANDS: coll = self.db.get_collection(cmd[key]) _COMMANDS[key](coll, cmd) def init_expected_db(self, test, result): # Modify outcome DB. for cmd in test['assert'].get('data', []): for key in cmd.keys(): if key in _COMMANDS: # Replace wildcards in inserts. for doc in cmd.get('documents', []): keylist = doc.keys() for dockey in copy.deepcopy(list(keylist)): if "result" in str(doc[dockey]): doc[dockey] = result if "actual" in str(doc[dockey]): # Avoid duplicate doc.pop(dockey) # Move contentType to metadata. if dockey == "contentType": doc["metadata"] = {dockey: doc.pop(dockey)} coll = self.db.get_collection(cmd[key]) _COMMANDS[key](coll, cmd) if test['assert'].get('result') == "&result": test['assert']['result'] = result def sorted_list(self, coll, ignore_id): to_sort = [] for doc in coll.find(): docstr = "{" if ignore_id: # Cannot compare _id in chunks collection. doc.pop("_id") for k in sorted(doc.keys()): if k == "uploadDate": # Can't compare datetime. self.assertTrue(isinstance(doc[k], datetime.datetime)) else: docstr += "%s:%s " % (k, repr(doc[k])) to_sort.append(docstr + "}") return to_sort def create_test(scenario_def): def run_scenario(self): # Run tests. self.assertTrue(scenario_def['tests'], "tests cannot be empty") for test in scenario_def['tests']: self.init_db(scenario_def['data'], test) # Run GridFs Operation. operation = self.str_to_cmd[test['act']['operation']] args = test['act']['arguments'] extra_opts = args.pop("options", {}) if "contentType" in extra_opts: extra_opts["metadata"] = { "contentType": extra_opts.pop("contentType")} args.update(extra_opts) converted_args = dict((camel_to_snake(c), v) for c, v in args.items()) error = None try: result = operation(**converted_args) if 'download' in test['act']['operation']: result = Binary(result.read()) except Exception as exc: error = exc self.init_expected_db(test, result) # Asserts. errors = {"FileNotFound": NoFile, "ChunkIsMissing": CorruptGridFile, "ExtraChunk": CorruptGridFile, "ChunkIsWrongSize": CorruptGridFile, "RevisionNotFound": NoFile} if test['assert'].get("error", False): self.assertIsNotNone(error) self.assertTrue(isinstance(error, errors[test['assert']['error']])) else: self.assertIsNone(error) if 'result' in test['assert']: if test['assert']['result'] == 'void': test['assert']['result'] = None self.assertEqual(result, test['assert'].get('result')) if 'data' in test['assert']: # Create alphabetized list self.assertEqual( set(self.sorted_list(self.db.fs.chunks, True)), set(self.sorted_list(self.db.expected.chunks, True))) self.assertEqual( set(self.sorted_list(self.db.fs.files, False)), set(self.sorted_list(self.db.expected.files, False))) return run_scenario def create_tests(): for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(_TEST_PATH): for filename in filenames: with open(os.path.join(dirpath, filename)) as scenario_stream: scenario_def = loads(scenario_stream.read()) # Because object_hook is already defined by bson.json_util, # and everything is named 'data' def str2hex(jsn): for key, val in jsn.items(): if key in ("data", "source", "result"): if "$hex" in val: jsn[key] = Binary(bytes_from_hex(val['$hex'])) if isinstance(jsn[key], dict): str2hex(jsn[key]) if isinstance(jsn[key], list): for k in jsn[key]: str2hex(k) str2hex(scenario_def) # Construct test from scenario. new_test = create_test(scenario_def) test_name = 'test_%s' % ( os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) new_test.__name__ = test_name setattr(TestAllScenarios, new_test.__name__, new_test) create_tests() if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()