# Copyright 2012-present MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Utilities for testing pymongo """ import contextlib import functools import os import struct import sys import threading import time import warnings from collections import defaultdict from functools import partial from pymongo import MongoClient, monitoring from pymongo.errors import AutoReconnect, OperationFailure from pymongo.server_selectors import (any_server_selector, writable_server_selector) from pymongo.write_concern import WriteConcern from test import (client_context, db_user, db_pwd) IMPOSSIBLE_WRITE_CONCERN = WriteConcern(w=1000) class WhiteListEventListener(monitoring.CommandListener): def __init__(self, *commands): self.commands = set(commands) self.results = defaultdict(list) def started(self, event): if event.command_name in self.commands: self.results['started'].append(event) def succeeded(self, event): if event.command_name in self.commands: self.results['succeeded'].append(event) def failed(self, event): if event.command_name in self.commands: self.results['failed'].append(event) class EventListener(monitoring.CommandListener): def __init__(self): self.results = defaultdict(list) def started(self, event): self.results['started'].append(event) def succeeded(self, event): self.results['succeeded'].append(event) def failed(self, event): self.results['failed'].append(event) class ServerAndTopologyEventListener(monitoring.ServerListener, monitoring.TopologyListener): """Listens to all events.""" def __init__(self): self.results = [] def opened(self, event): self.results.append(event) def description_changed(self, event): self.results.append(event) def closed(self, event): self.results.append(event) class HeartbeatEventListener(monitoring.ServerHeartbeatListener): """Listens to only server heartbeat events.""" def __init__(self): self.results = [] def started(self, event): self.results.append(event) def succeeded(self, event): self.results.append(event) def failed(self, event): self.results.append(event) def _connection_string(h, p, authenticate): if h.startswith("mongodb://"): return h elif client_context.auth_enabled and authenticate: return "mongodb://%s:%s@%s:%d" % (db_user, db_pwd, h, p) else: return "mongodb://%s:%d" % (h, p) def _mongo_client(host, port, authenticate=True, direct=False, **kwargs): """Create a new client over SSL/TLS if necessary.""" client_options = client_context.ssl_client_options.copy() if client_context.replica_set_name and not direct: client_options['replicaSet'] = client_context.replica_set_name client_options.update(kwargs) client = MongoClient(_connection_string(host, port, authenticate), port, **client_options) return client def single_client_noauth( h=client_context.host, p=client_context.port, **kwargs): """Make a direct connection. Don't authenticate.""" return _mongo_client(h, p, authenticate=False, direct=True, **kwargs) def single_client( h=client_context.host, p=client_context.port, **kwargs): """Make a direct connection, and authenticate if necessary.""" return _mongo_client(h, p, direct=True, **kwargs) def rs_client_noauth( h=client_context.host, p=client_context.port, **kwargs): """Connect to the replica set. Don't authenticate.""" return _mongo_client(h, p, authenticate=False, **kwargs) def rs_client( h=client_context.host, p=client_context.port, **kwargs): """Connect to the replica set and authenticate if necessary.""" return _mongo_client(h, p, **kwargs) def rs_or_single_client_noauth( h=client_context.host, p=client_context.port, **kwargs): """Connect to the replica set if there is one, otherwise the standalone. Like rs_or_single_client, but does not authenticate. """ return _mongo_client(h, p, authenticate=False, **kwargs) def rs_or_single_client( h=client_context.host, p=client_context.port, **kwargs): """Connect to the replica set if there is one, otherwise the standalone. Authenticates if necessary. """ return _mongo_client(h, p, **kwargs) def one(s): """Get one element of a set""" return next(iter(s)) def oid_generated_on_client(oid): """Is this process's PID in this ObjectId?""" pid_from_doc = struct.unpack(">H", oid.binary[7:9])[0] return (os.getpid() % 0xFFFF) == pid_from_doc def delay(sec): return '''function() { sleep(%f * 1000); return true; }''' % sec def get_command_line(client): command_line = client.admin.command('getCmdLineOpts') assert command_line['ok'] == 1, "getCmdLineOpts() failed" return command_line def server_started_with_option(client, cmdline_opt, config_opt): """Check if the server was started with a particular option. :Parameters: - `cmdline_opt`: The command line option (i.e. --nojournal) - `config_opt`: The config file option (i.e. nojournal) """ command_line = get_command_line(client) if 'parsed' in command_line: parsed = command_line['parsed'] if config_opt in parsed: return parsed[config_opt] argv = command_line['argv'] return cmdline_opt in argv def server_started_with_auth(client): try: command_line = get_command_line(client) except OperationFailure as e: msg = e.details.get('errmsg', '') if e.code == 13 or 'unauthorized' in msg or 'login' in msg: # Unauthorized. return True raise # MongoDB >= 2.0 if 'parsed' in command_line: parsed = command_line['parsed'] # MongoDB >= 2.6 if 'security' in parsed: security = parsed['security'] # >= rc3 if 'authorization' in security: return security['authorization'] == 'enabled' # < rc3 return security.get('auth', False) or bool(security.get('keyFile')) return parsed.get('auth', False) or bool(parsed.get('keyFile')) # Legacy argv = command_line['argv'] return '--auth' in argv or '--keyFile' in argv def server_started_with_nojournal(client): command_line = get_command_line(client) # MongoDB 2.6. if 'parsed' in command_line: parsed = command_line['parsed'] if 'storage' in parsed: storage = parsed['storage'] if 'journal' in storage: return not storage['journal']['enabled'] return server_started_with_option(client, '--nojournal', 'nojournal') def server_is_master_with_slave(client): command_line = get_command_line(client) if 'parsed' in command_line: return command_line['parsed'].get('master', False) return '--master' in command_line['argv'] def drop_collections(db): for coll in db.collection_names(): if not coll.startswith('system'): db.drop_collection(coll) def remove_all_users(db): db.command("dropAllUsersFromDatabase", 1, writeConcern={"w": client_context.w}) def joinall(threads): """Join threads with a 5-minute timeout, assert joins succeeded""" for t in threads: t.join(300) assert not t.isAlive(), "Thread %s hung" % t def connected(client): """Convenience to wait for a newly-constructed client to connect.""" with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Ignore warning that "ismaster" is always routed to primary even # if client's read preference isn't PRIMARY. warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) client.admin.command('ismaster') # Force connection. return client def wait_until(predicate, success_description, timeout=10): """Wait up to 10 seconds (by default) for predicate to be true. E.g.: wait_until(lambda: client.primary == ('a', 1), 'connect to the primary') If the lambda-expression isn't true after 10 seconds, we raise AssertionError("Didn't ever connect to the primary"). Returns the predicate's first true value. """ start = time.time() while True: retval = predicate() if retval: return retval if time.time() - start > timeout: raise AssertionError("Didn't ever %s" % success_description) time.sleep(0.1) def is_mongos(client): res = client.admin.command('ismaster') return res.get('msg', '') == 'isdbgrid' def assertRaisesExactly(cls, fn, *args, **kwargs): """ Unlike the standard assertRaises, this checks that a function raises a specific class of exception, and not a subclass. E.g., check that MongoClient() raises ConnectionFailure but not its subclass, AutoReconnect. """ try: fn(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: assert e.__class__ == cls, "got %s, expected %s" % ( e.__class__.__name__, cls.__name__) else: raise AssertionError("%s not raised" % cls) @contextlib.contextmanager def _ignore_deprecations(): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) yield def ignore_deprecations(wrapped=None): """A context manager or a decorator.""" if wrapped: @functools.wraps(wrapped) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): with _ignore_deprecations(): return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper else: return _ignore_deprecations() class DeprecationFilter(object): def __init__(self, action="ignore"): """Start filtering deprecations.""" self.warn_context = warnings.catch_warnings() self.warn_context.__enter__() warnings.simplefilter(action, DeprecationWarning) def stop(self): """Stop filtering deprecations.""" self.warn_context.__exit__() self.warn_context = None def read_from_which_host( client, pref, tag_sets=None, ): """Read from a client with the given Read Preference. Return the 'host:port' which was read from. :Parameters: - `client`: A MongoClient - `mode`: A ReadPreference - `tag_sets`: List of dicts of tags for data-center-aware reads """ db = client.pymongo_test if isinstance(tag_sets, dict): tag_sets = [tag_sets] if tag_sets: tags = tag_sets or pref.tag_sets pref = pref.__class__(tags) db.read_preference = pref cursor = db.test.find() try: try: next(cursor) except StopIteration: # No documents in collection, that's fine pass return cursor.address except AutoReconnect: return None def assertReadFrom(testcase, client, member, *args, **kwargs): """Check that a query with the given mode and tag_sets reads from the expected replica-set member. :Parameters: - `testcase`: A unittest.TestCase - `client`: A MongoClient - `member`: A host:port expected to be used - `mode`: A ReadPreference - `tag_sets` (optional): List of dicts of tags for data-center-aware reads """ for _ in range(10): testcase.assertEqual(member, read_from_which_host(client, *args, **kwargs)) def assertReadFromAll(testcase, client, members, *args, **kwargs): """Check that a query with the given mode and tag_sets reads from all members in a set, and only members in that set. :Parameters: - `testcase`: A unittest.TestCase - `client`: A MongoClient - `members`: Sequence of host:port expected to be used - `mode`: A ReadPreference - `tag_sets` (optional): List of dicts of tags for data-center-aware reads """ members = set(members) used = set() for _ in range(100): used.add(read_from_which_host(client, *args, **kwargs)) testcase.assertEqual(members, used) def get_pool(client): """Get the standalone, primary, or mongos pool.""" topology = client._get_topology() server = topology.select_server(writable_server_selector) return server.pool def get_pools(client): """Get all pools.""" return [ server.pool for server in client._get_topology().select_servers(any_server_selector)] # Constants for run_threads and lazy_client_trial. NTRIALS = 5 NTHREADS = 10 def run_threads(collection, target): """Run a target function in many threads. target is a function taking a Collection and an integer. """ threads = [] for i in range(NTHREADS): bound_target = partial(target, collection, i) threads.append(threading.Thread(target=bound_target)) for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join(30) assert not t.isAlive() @contextlib.contextmanager def frequent_thread_switches(): """Make concurrency bugs more likely to manifest.""" interval = None if not sys.platform.startswith('java'): if hasattr(sys, 'getswitchinterval'): interval = sys.getswitchinterval() sys.setswitchinterval(1e-6) else: interval = sys.getcheckinterval() sys.setcheckinterval(1) try: yield finally: if not sys.platform.startswith('java'): if hasattr(sys, 'setswitchinterval'): sys.setswitchinterval(interval) else: sys.setcheckinterval(interval) def lazy_client_trial(reset, target, test, get_client): """Test concurrent operations on a lazily-connecting client. `reset` takes a collection and resets it for the next trial. `target` takes a lazily-connecting collection and an index from 0 to NTHREADS, and performs some operation, e.g. an insert. `test` takes the lazily-connecting collection and asserts a post-condition to prove `target` succeeded. """ collection = client_context.client.pymongo_test.test with frequent_thread_switches(): for i in range(NTRIALS): reset(collection) lazy_client = get_client() lazy_collection = lazy_client.pymongo_test.test run_threads(lazy_collection, target) test(lazy_collection) def gevent_monkey_patched(): """Check if gevent's monkey patching is active.""" # In Python 3.6 importing gevent.socket raises an ImportWarning. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ImportWarning) try: import socket import gevent.socket return socket.socket is gevent.socket.socket except ImportError: return False def eventlet_monkey_patched(): """Check if eventlet's monkey patching is active.""" try: import threading import eventlet return (threading.current_thread.__module__ == 'eventlet.green.threading') except ImportError: return False def is_greenthread_patched(): return gevent_monkey_patched() or eventlet_monkey_patched()