# Copyright 2015-present MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Utilities for testing Server Selection and Max Staleness.""" import datetime import os import sys sys.path[0:0] = [""] from bson import json_util from pymongo import read_preferences from pymongo.common import clean_node, HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY from pymongo.errors import AutoReconnect, ConfigurationError from pymongo.ismaster import IsMaster from pymongo.server_description import ServerDescription from pymongo.settings import TopologySettings from pymongo.server_selectors import writable_server_selector from pymongo.topology import Topology from test import unittest class MockSocketInfo(object): def close(self): pass def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass class MockPool(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def reset(self): pass def remove_stale_sockets(self): pass class MockMonitor(object): def __init__(self, server_description, topology, pool, topology_settings): pass def open(self): pass def request_check(self): pass def close(self): pass def get_addresses(server_list): seeds = [] hosts = [] for server in server_list: seeds.append(clean_node(server['address'])) hosts.append(server['address']) return seeds, hosts def make_last_write_date(server): epoch = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) millis = server.get('lastWrite', {}).get('lastWriteDate') if millis: diff = ((millis % 1000) + 1000) % 1000 seconds = (millis - diff) / 1000 micros = diff * 1000 return epoch + datetime.timedelta( seconds=seconds, microseconds=micros) else: # "Unknown" server. return epoch def make_server_description(server, hosts): """Make a ServerDescription from server info in a JSON test.""" server_type = server['type'] if server_type == "Unknown": return ServerDescription(clean_node(server['address']), IsMaster({})) ismaster_response = {'ok': True, 'hosts': hosts} if server_type != "Standalone" and server_type != "Mongos": ismaster_response['setName'] = "rs" if server_type == "RSPrimary": ismaster_response['ismaster'] = True elif server_type == "RSSecondary": ismaster_response['secondary'] = True elif server_type == "Mongos": ismaster_response['msg'] = 'isdbgrid' ismaster_response['lastWrite'] = { 'lastWriteDate': make_last_write_date(server) } for field in 'maxWireVersion', 'tags', 'idleWritePeriodMillis': if field in server: ismaster_response[field] = server[field] ismaster_response.setdefault('maxWireVersion', 6) # Sets _last_update_time to now. sd = ServerDescription(clean_node(server['address']), IsMaster(ismaster_response), round_trip_time=server['avg_rtt_ms'] / 1000.0) if 'lastUpdateTime' in server: sd._last_update_time = server['lastUpdateTime'] / 1000.0 # ms to sec. return sd def get_topology_type_name(scenario_def): td = scenario_def['topology_description'] name = td['type'] if name == 'Unknown': # PyMongo never starts a topology in type Unknown. return 'Sharded' if len(td['servers']) > 1 else 'Single' else: return name def create_test(scenario_def): def run_scenario(self): # Initialize topologies. if 'heartbeatFrequencyMS' in scenario_def: frequency = int(scenario_def['heartbeatFrequencyMS']) / 1000.0 else: frequency = HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY settings = dict( monitor_class=MockMonitor, heartbeat_frequency=frequency, pool_class=MockPool) settings['seeds'], hosts = get_addresses( scenario_def['topology_description']['servers']) # "Eligible servers" is defined in the server selection spec as # the set of servers matching both the ReadPreference's mode # and tag sets. top_latency = Topology(TopologySettings(**settings)) top_latency.open() # "In latency window" is defined in the server selection # spec as the subset of suitable_servers that falls within the # allowable latency window. settings['local_threshold_ms'] = 1000000 top_suitable = Topology(TopologySettings(**settings)) top_suitable.open() # Update topologies with server descriptions. for server in scenario_def['topology_description']['servers']: server_description = make_server_description(server, hosts) top_suitable.on_change(server_description) top_latency.on_change(server_description) # Create server selector. if scenario_def.get("operation") == "write": pref = writable_server_selector else: # Make first letter lowercase to match read_pref's modes. pref_def = scenario_def['read_preference'] mode_string = pref_def.get('mode', 'primary') mode_string = mode_string[:1].lower() + mode_string[1:] mode = read_preferences.read_pref_mode_from_name(mode_string) max_staleness = pref_def.get('maxStalenessSeconds', -1) tag_sets = pref_def.get('tag_sets') if scenario_def.get('error'): with self.assertRaises((ConfigurationError, ValueError)): # Error can be raised when making Read Pref or selecting. pref = read_preferences.make_read_preference( mode, tag_sets=tag_sets, max_staleness=max_staleness) top_latency.select_server(pref) return pref = read_preferences.make_read_preference( mode, tag_sets=tag_sets, max_staleness=max_staleness) # Select servers. if not scenario_def.get('suitable_servers'): with self.assertRaises(AutoReconnect): top_suitable.select_server(pref, server_selection_timeout=0) return if not scenario_def['in_latency_window']: with self.assertRaises(AutoReconnect): top_latency.select_server(pref, server_selection_timeout=0) return actual_suitable_s = top_suitable.select_servers( pref, server_selection_timeout=0) actual_latency_s = top_latency.select_servers( pref, server_selection_timeout=0) expected_suitable_servers = {} for server in scenario_def['suitable_servers']: server_description = make_server_description(server, hosts) expected_suitable_servers[server['address']] = server_description actual_suitable_servers = {} for s in actual_suitable_s: actual_suitable_servers["%s:%d" % (s.description.address[0], s.description.address[1])] = s.description self.assertEqual(len(actual_suitable_servers), len(expected_suitable_servers)) for k, actual in actual_suitable_servers.items(): expected = expected_suitable_servers[k] self.assertEqual(expected.address, actual.address) self.assertEqual(expected.server_type, actual.server_type) self.assertEqual(expected.round_trip_time, actual.round_trip_time) self.assertEqual(expected.tags, actual.tags) self.assertEqual(expected.all_hosts, actual.all_hosts) expected_latency_servers = {} for server in scenario_def['in_latency_window']: server_description = make_server_description(server, hosts) expected_latency_servers[server['address']] = server_description actual_latency_servers = {} for s in actual_latency_s: actual_latency_servers["%s:%d" % (s.description.address[0], s.description.address[1])] = s.description self.assertEqual(len(actual_latency_servers), len(expected_latency_servers)) for k, actual in actual_latency_servers.items(): expected = expected_latency_servers[k] self.assertEqual(expected.address, actual.address) self.assertEqual(expected.server_type, actual.server_type) self.assertEqual(expected.round_trip_time, actual.round_trip_time) self.assertEqual(expected.tags, actual.tags) self.assertEqual(expected.all_hosts, actual.all_hosts) return run_scenario def create_selection_tests(test_dir): class TestAllScenarios(unittest.TestCase): pass for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(test_dir): dirname = os.path.split(dirpath) dirname = os.path.split(dirname[-2])[-1] + '_' + dirname[-1] for filename in filenames: with open(os.path.join(dirpath, filename)) as scenario_stream: scenario_def = json_util.loads(scenario_stream.read()) # Construct test from scenario. new_test = create_test(scenario_def) test_name = 'test_%s_%s' % ( dirname, os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) new_test.__name__ = test_name setattr(TestAllScenarios, new_test.__name__, new_test) return TestAllScenarios