PROJECT := cpu_features BRANCH := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) SHA1 := $(shell git rev-parse --verify HEAD) # General commands .PHONY: help BOLD=\e[1m RESET=\e[0m help: @echo -e "${BOLD}SYNOPSIS${RESET}" @echo -e "\tmake [NOCACHE=1]" @echo @echo -e "${BOLD}DESCRIPTION${RESET}" @echo -e "\ttest build inside docker container to have a reproductible build." @echo @echo -e "${BOLD}MAKE TARGETS${RESET}" @echo -e "\t${BOLD}help${RESET}: display this help and exit." @echo @echo -e "\t${BOLD}amd64_${RESET}: build docker image using an Ubuntu:latest x86_64 base image." @echo -e "\t${BOLD}save_amd64_${RESET}: Save the docker image." @echo -e "\t${BOLD}sh_amd64_${RESET}: run a container using the docker image (debug purpose)." @echo -e "\t${BOLD}clean_amd64_${RESET}: Remove cache and docker image." @echo @echo -e "\tWith ${BOLD}${RESET}:" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}env${RESET}" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}devel${RESET}" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}build${RESET}" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}test${RESET}" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}install_env${RESET}" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}install_devel${RESET}" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}install_build${RESET}" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}install_test${RESET}" @echo -e "\te.g. 'make amd64_build'" @echo @echo -e "\t${BOLD}_${RESET}: build docker image for a specific toolchain target." @echo -e "\t${BOLD}save__${RESET}: Save the docker image for a specific platform." @echo -e "\t${BOLD}sh__${RESET}: run a container using the docker image specified (debug purpose)." @echo -e "\t${BOLD}clean__${RESET}: Remove cache and docker image." @echo @echo -e "\tWith ${BOLD}${RESET}:" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}arm-linux-gnueabihf${RESET} (linaro toolchain)" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}armv8l-linux-gnueabihf${RESET} (linaro toolchain)" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}arm-linux-gnueabi${RESET} (linaro toolchain)" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}armeb-linux-gnueabihf${RESET} (linaro toolchain)" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}armeb-linux-gnueabi${RESET} (linaro toolchain)" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}aarch64-linux-gnu${RESET} (linaro toolchain)" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}aarch64_be-linux-gnu${RESET} (linaro toolchain)" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}mips32${RESET} (codespace toolchain)" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}mips64${RESET} (codespace toolchain)" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}mips32el${RESET} (codespace toolchain)" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}mips64el${RESET} (codespace toolchain)" @echo @echo -e "\tWith ${BOLD}${RESET}:" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}env${RESET}" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}devel${RESET}" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}build${RESET}" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}test${RESET}" @echo -e "\te.g. 'make aarch64_test'" @echo @echo -e "\t${BOLD}${RESET}: build the vagrant virtual machine." @echo -e "\t${BOLD}clean_${RESET}: Remove virtual machine for the specified vm." @echo @echo -e "\t${BOLD}${RESET}:" @echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}freebsd${RESET} (FreeBSD)" @echo @echo -e "\t${BOLD}clean${RESET}: Remove cache and ALL docker images." @echo @echo -e "\t${BOLD}NOCACHE=1${RESET}: use 'docker build --no-cache' when building container (default use cache)." @echo @echo -e "branch: $(BRANCH)" @echo -e "sha1: $(SHA1)" # Need to add cmd_platform to PHONY otherwise target are ignored since they do not # contain recipe (using FORCE do not work here) .PHONY: all all: build # Delete all implicit rules to speed up makefile MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules .SUFFIXES: # Remove some rules from gmake that .SUFFIXES does not remove. SUFFIXES = # Keep all intermediate files # ToDo: try to remove it later .SECONDARY: # Docker image name prefix. IMAGE := ${PROJECT} ifdef NOCACHE DOCKER_BUILD_CMD := docker build --no-cache else DOCKER_BUILD_CMD := docker build endif DOCKER_RUN_CMD := docker run --rm --init --net=host # $* stem # $< first prerequist # $@ target name ############ ## NATIVE ## ############ STAGES = env devel build test install_env install_devel install_build install_test targets_amd64 = $(addprefix amd64_, $(STAGES)) .PHONY: $(targets_amd64) $(targets_amd64): amd64_%: docker/amd64/Dockerfile #@docker image rm -f ${IMAGE}:amd64_$* 2>/dev/null ${DOCKER_BUILD_CMD} \ --tag ${IMAGE}:amd64_$* \ --target=$* \ -f $< \ .. #$(info Create targets: save_amd64 $(addprefix save_amd64_, $(STAGES)) (debug).) save_targets_amd64 = $(addprefix save_amd64_, $(STAGES)) .PHONY: $(save_targets_amd64) $(save_targets_amd64): save_amd64_%: cache/amd64/docker_%.tar cache/amd64/docker_%.tar: amd64_% @rm -f $@ mkdir -p cache/amd64 docker save ${IMAGE}:amd64_$* -o $@ #$(info Create targets: $(addprefix sh_amd64_, $(STAGES)) (debug).) sh_targets_amd64 = $(addprefix sh_amd64_, $(STAGES)) .PHONY: $(sh_targets_amd64) $(sh_targets_amd64): sh_amd64_%: amd64_% ${DOCKER_RUN_CMD} -it --name ${IMAGE}_amd64_$* ${IMAGE}:amd64_$* #$(info Create targets: $(addprefix clean_amd64_, $(STAGES)).) clean_targets_amd64 = $(addprefix clean_amd64_, $(STAGES)) .PHONY: clean_amd64 $(clean_targets_amd64) clean_amd64: $(clean_targets_amd64) $(clean_targets_amd64): clean_amd64_%: docker image rm -f ${IMAGE}:amd64_$* 2>/dev/null rm -f cache/amd64/docker_$*.tar ############### ## TOOLCHAIN ## ############### TOOLCHAIN_TARGETS = \ arm-linux-gnueabihf armv8l-linux-gnueabihf arm-linux-gnueabi armeb-linux-gnueabihf armeb-linux-gnueabi \ aarch64-linux-gnu aarch64_be-linux-gnu \ mips32 mips32el mips64 mips64el TOOLCHAIN_STAGES = env devel build test define toolchain-stage-target = #$$(info STAGE: $1) #$$(info Create targets: toolchain_$1 $(addsuffix _$1, $(TOOLCHAIN_TARGETS)).) targets_toolchain_$1 = $(addsuffix _$1, $(TOOLCHAIN_TARGETS)) .PHONY: toolchain_$1 $$(targets_toolchain_$1) toolchain_$1: $$(targets_toolchain_$1) $$(targets_toolchain_$1): %_$1: docker/toolchain/Dockerfile #@docker image rm -f ${IMAGE}:$$*_$1 2>/dev/null ${DOCKER_BUILD_CMD} \ --tag ${IMAGE}:$$*_$1 \ --build-arg TARGET=$$* \ --target=$1 \ -f $$< \ .. #$$(info Create targets: save_toolchain_$1 $(addprefix save_, $(addsuffix _$1, $(TOOLCHAIN_TARGETS))) (debug).) save_targets_toolchain_$1 = $(addprefix save_, $(addsuffix _$1, $(TOOLCHAIN_TARGETS))) .PHONY: save_toolchain_$1 $$(save_targets_toolchain_$1) save_toolchain_$1: $$(save_targets_toolchain_$1) $$(save_targets_toolchain_$1): save_%_$1: cache/%/docker_$1.tar cache/%/docker_$1.tar: %_$1 @rm -f $$@ mkdir -p cache/$$* docker save ${IMAGE}:$$*_$1 -o $$@ #$$(info Create targets: $(addprefix sh_, $(addsuffix _$1, $(TOOLCHAIN_TARGETS))) (debug).) sh_targets_toolchain_$1 = $(addprefix sh_, $(addsuffix _$1, $(TOOLCHAIN_TARGETS))) .PHONY: $$(sh_targets_toolchain_$1) $$(sh_targets_toolchain_$1): sh_%_$1: %_$1 ${DOCKER_RUN_CMD} -it --name ${IMAGE}_$$*_$1 ${IMAGE}:$$*_$1 #$$(info Create targets: clean_toolchain_$1 $(addprefix clean_, $(addsuffix _$1, $(TOOLCHAIN_TARGETS))).) clean_targets_toolchain_$1 = $(addprefix clean_, $(addsuffix _$1, $(TOOLCHAIN_TARGETS))) .PHONY: clean_toolchain_$1 $$(clean_targets_toolchain_$1) clean_toolchain_$1: $$(clean_targets_toolchain_$1) $$(clean_targets_toolchain_$1): clean_%_$1: docker image rm -f ${IMAGE}:$$*_$1 2>/dev/null rm -f cache/$$*/docker_$1.tar endef $(foreach stage,$(TOOLCHAIN_STAGES),$(eval $(call toolchain-stage-target,$(stage)))) ## MERGE ## .PHONY: clean_toolchain clean_toolchain: $(addprefix clean_toolchain_, $(TOOLCHAIN_STAGES)) -rmdir $(addprefix cache/, $(TOOLCHAIN_TARGETS)) .PHONY: env devel build test env: amd64_env toolchain_env devel: amd64_devel toolchain_devel build: amd64_build toolchain_build test: amd64_test toolchain_test .PHONY: install_env install_devel install_build install_test install_env: amd64_install_env install_devel: amd64_install_devel install_build: amd64_install_build install_test: amd64_install_test ############# ## VAGRANT ## ############# VMS = freebsd vms_targets = $(addsuffix _build, $(VMS)) .PHONY: $(vms_targets) $(vms_targets): %_build: vagrant/%/Vagrantfile @cd vagrant/$* && vagrant destroy -f cd vagrant/$* && vagrant up clean_vms_targets = $(addprefix clean_, $(VMS)) .PHONY: clean_vms $(clean_vms_targets) clean_vms: $(clean_vms_targets) $(clean_vms_targets): clean_%: cd vagrant/$* && vagrant destroy -f -rm -rf vagrant/$*/.vagrant ########### ## CLEAN ## ########### .PHONY: clean clean: clean_amd64 clean_toolchain clean_vms docker container prune -f docker image prune -f -rmdir cache .PHONY: distclean distclean: clean -docker container rm -f $$(docker container ls -aq) -docker image rm -f $$(docker image ls -aq) -vagrant box remove -f generic/freebsd12