import pydevconsole try: import __builtin__ except ImportError: import builtins as __builtin__ try: False True except NameError: # version < 2.3 -- didn't have the True/False builtins setattr(__builtin__, 'True', 1) setattr(__builtin__, 'False', 0) try: import java.lang #@UnusedImport from _pydev_bundle import _pydev_jy_imports_tipper _pydev_imports_tipper = _pydev_jy_imports_tipper except ImportError: IS_JYTHON = False from _pydev_bundle import _pydev_imports_tipper from _pydevd_bundle import pydevd_xml dir2 = _pydev_imports_tipper.generate_imports_tip_for_module #======================================================================================================================= # _StartsWithFilter #======================================================================================================================= class _StartsWithFilter: ''' Used because we can't create a lambda that'll use an outer scope in jython 2.1 ''' def __init__(self, start_with): self.start_with = start_with.lower() def __call__(self, name): return name.lower().startswith(self.start_with) #======================================================================================================================= # Completer # # This class was gotten from IPython.completer (dir2 was replaced with the completer already in pydev) #======================================================================================================================= class Completer: def __init__(self, namespace=None, global_namespace=None): """Create a new completer for the command line. Completer([namespace,global_namespace]) -> completer instance. If unspecified, the default namespace where completions are performed is __main__ (technically, __main__.__dict__). Namespaces should be given as dictionaries. An optional second namespace can be given. This allows the completer to handle cases where both the local and global scopes need to be distinguished. Completer instances should be used as the completion mechanism of readline via the set_completer() call: readline.set_completer(Completer(my_namespace).complete) """ # Don't bind to namespace quite yet, but flag whether the user wants a # specific namespace or to use __main__.__dict__. This will allow us # to bind to __main__.__dict__ at completion time, not now. if namespace is None: self.use_main_ns = 1 else: self.use_main_ns = 0 self.namespace = namespace # The global namespace, if given, can be bound directly if global_namespace is None: self.global_namespace = {} else: self.global_namespace = global_namespace def complete(self, text): """Return the next possible completion for 'text'. This is called successively with state == 0, 1, 2, ... until it returns None. The completion should begin with 'text'. """ if self.use_main_ns: #In pydev this option should never be used raise RuntimeError('Namespace must be provided!') self.namespace = __main__.__dict__ #@UndefinedVariable if "." in text: return self.attr_matches(text) else: return self.global_matches(text) def global_matches(self, text): """Compute matches when text is a simple name. Return a list of all keywords, built-in functions and names currently defined in self.namespace or self.global_namespace that match. """ def get_item(obj, attr): return obj[attr] a = {} for dict_with_comps in [__builtin__.__dict__, self.namespace, self.global_namespace]: #@UndefinedVariable a.update(dict_with_comps) filter = _StartsWithFilter(text) return dir2(a, a.keys(), get_item, filter) def attr_matches(self, text): """Compute matches when text contains a dot. Assuming the text is of the form NAME.NAME....[NAME], and is evaluatable in self.namespace or self.global_namespace, it will be evaluated and its attributes (as revealed by dir()) are used as possible completions. (For class instances, class members are are also considered.) WARNING: this can still invoke arbitrary C code, if an object with a __getattr__ hook is evaluated. """ import re # Another option, seems to work great. Catches things like ''. m = re.match(r"(\S+(\.\w+)*)\.(\w*)$", text) #@UndefinedVariable if not m: return [] expr, attr =, 3) try: obj = eval(expr, self.namespace) except: try: obj = eval(expr, self.global_namespace) except: return [] filter = _StartsWithFilter(attr) words = dir2(obj, filter=filter) return words #======================================================================================================================= # generate_completions_as_xml #======================================================================================================================= def generate_completions_as_xml(frame, act_tok): if frame is None: return '' #Not using frame.f_globals because of #(Names not resolved in generator expression in method) #See message: updated_globals = {} updated_globals.update(frame.f_globals) updated_globals.update(frame.f_locals) #locals later because it has precedence over the actual globals if pydevconsole.IPYTHON: completions = pydevconsole.get_completions(act_tok, act_tok, updated_globals, frame.f_locals) else: completer = Completer(updated_globals, None) #list(tuple(name, descr, parameters, type)) completions = completer.complete(act_tok) valid_xml = pydevd_xml.make_valid_xml_value quote = pydevd_xml.quote msg = [""] for comp in completions: msg.append('') msg.append("") return ''.join(msg)