""" The UserModuleDeleter and runfile methods are copied from Spyder and carry their own license agreement. http://code.google.com/p/spyderlib/source/browse/spyderlib/widgets/externalshell/sitecustomize.py Spyder License Agreement (MIT License) -------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Pierre Raybaut Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import sys import os # The following classes and functions are mainly intended to be used from # an interactive Python session class UserModuleDeleter: """ User Module Deleter (UMD) aims at deleting user modules to force Python to deeply reload them during import pathlist [list]: blacklist in terms of module path namelist [list]: blacklist in terms of module name """ def __init__(self, namelist=None, pathlist=None): if namelist is None: namelist = [] self.namelist = namelist if pathlist is None: pathlist = [] self.pathlist = pathlist try: # blacklist all files in org.python.pydev/pysrc import pydev_pysrc, inspect self.pathlist.append(os.path.dirname(pydev_pysrc.__file__)) except: pass self.previous_modules = list(sys.modules.keys()) def is_module_blacklisted(self, modname, modpath): for path in [sys.prefix] + self.pathlist: if modpath.startswith(path): return True else: return set(modname.split('.')) & set(self.namelist) def run(self, verbose=False): """ Del user modules to force Python to deeply reload them Do not del modules which are considered as system modules, i.e. modules installed in subdirectories of Python interpreter's binary Do not del C modules """ log = [] modules_copy = dict(sys.modules) for modname, module in modules_copy.items(): if modname == 'aaaaa': print(modname, module) print(self.previous_modules) if modname not in self.previous_modules: modpath = getattr(module, '__file__', None) if modpath is None: # *module* is a C module that is statically linked into the # interpreter. There is no way to know its path, so we # choose to ignore it. continue if not self.is_module_blacklisted(modname, modpath): log.append(modname) del sys.modules[modname] if verbose and log: print("\x1b[4;33m%s\x1b[24m%s\x1b[0m" % ("UMD has deleted", ": " + ", ".join(log))) __umd__ = None _get_globals_callback = None def _set_globals_function(get_globals): global _get_globals_callback _get_globals_callback = get_globals def _get_globals(): """Return current Python interpreter globals namespace""" if _get_globals_callback is not None: return _get_globals_callback() else: try: from __main__ import __dict__ as namespace except ImportError: try: # The import fails on IronPython import __main__ namespace = __main__.__dict__ except: namespace shell = namespace.get('__ipythonshell__') if shell is not None and hasattr(shell, 'user_ns'): # IPython 0.12+ kernel return shell.user_ns else: # Python interpreter return namespace return namespace def runfile(filename, args=None, wdir=None, namespace=None): """ Run filename args: command line arguments (string) wdir: working directory """ try: if hasattr(filename, 'decode'): filename = filename.decode('utf-8') except (UnicodeError, TypeError): pass global __umd__ if os.environ.get("PYDEV_UMD_ENABLED", "").lower() == "true": if __umd__ is None: namelist = os.environ.get("PYDEV_UMD_NAMELIST", None) if namelist is not None: namelist = namelist.split(',') __umd__ = UserModuleDeleter(namelist=namelist) else: verbose = os.environ.get("PYDEV_UMD_VERBOSE", "").lower() == "true" __umd__.run(verbose=verbose) if args is not None and not isinstance(args, basestring): raise TypeError("expected a character buffer object") if namespace is None: namespace = _get_globals() if '__file__' in namespace: old_file = namespace['__file__'] else: old_file = None namespace['__file__'] = filename sys.argv = [filename] if args is not None: for arg in args.split(): sys.argv.append(arg) if wdir is not None: try: if hasattr(wdir, 'decode'): wdir = wdir.decode('utf-8') except (UnicodeError, TypeError): pass os.chdir(wdir) execfile(filename, namespace) sys.argv = [''] if old_file is None: del namespace['__file__'] else: namespace['__file__'] = old_file