from __future__ import nested_scopes import weakref import sys from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_comm import get_global_debugger from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_constants import threading, dict_contains, call_only_once from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_constants import dict_items from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_custom_frames import update_custom_frame, remove_custom_frame, add_custom_frame from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_dont_trace_files import DONT_TRACE from pydevd_file_utils import get_abs_path_real_path_and_base_from_frame from pydevd_tracing import SetTrace import stackless # @UnresolvedImport # Used so that we don't loose the id (because we'll remove when it's not alive and would generate a new id for the # same tasklet). class TaskletToLastId: ''' So, why not a WeakKeyDictionary? The problem is that removals from the WeakKeyDictionary will create a new tasklet (as it adds a callback to remove the key when it's garbage-collected), so, we can get into a recursion. ''' def __init__(self): self.tasklet_ref_to_last_id = {} self._i = 0 def get(self, tasklet): return self.tasklet_ref_to_last_id.get(weakref.ref(tasklet)) def __setitem__(self, tasklet, last_id): self.tasklet_ref_to_last_id[weakref.ref(tasklet)] = last_id self._i += 1 if self._i % 100 == 0: #Collect at each 100 additions to the dict (no need to rush). for tasklet_ref in list(self.tasklet_ref_to_last_id.keys()): if tasklet_ref() is None: del self.tasklet_ref_to_last_id[tasklet_ref] _tasklet_to_last_id = TaskletToLastId() #======================================================================================================================= # _TaskletInfo #======================================================================================================================= class _TaskletInfo: _last_id = 0 def __init__(self, tasklet_weakref, tasklet): self.frame_id = None self.tasklet_weakref = tasklet_weakref last_id = _tasklet_to_last_id.get(tasklet) if last_id is None: _TaskletInfo._last_id += 1 last_id = _TaskletInfo._last_id _tasklet_to_last_id[tasklet] = last_id self._tasklet_id = last_id self.update_name() def update_name(self): tasklet = self.tasklet_weakref() if tasklet: if tasklet.blocked: state = 'blocked' elif tasklet.paused: state = 'paused' elif tasklet.scheduled: state = 'scheduled' else: state = '' try: name = except AttributeError: if tasklet.is_main: name = 'MainTasklet' else: name = 'Tasklet-%s' % (self._tasklet_id,) thread_id = tasklet.thread_id if thread_id != -1: for thread in threading.enumerate(): if thread.ident == thread_id: if thread_name = "of %s" % (,) else: thread_name = "of Thread-%s" % ( or str(thread_id),) break else: # should not happen. thread_name = "of Thread-%s" % (str(thread_id),) thread = None else: # tasklet is no longer bound to a thread, because its thread ended thread_name = "without thread" tid = id(tasklet) tasklet = None else: state = 'dead' name = 'Tasklet-%s' % (self._tasklet_id,) thread_name = "" tid = '-' self.tasklet_name = '%s %s %s (%s)' % (state, name, thread_name, tid) if not hasattr(stackless.tasklet, "trace_function"): # bug # is not fixed. Stackless releases before 2014 def update_name(self): tasklet = self.tasklet_weakref() if tasklet: try: name = except AttributeError: if tasklet.is_main: name = 'MainTasklet' else: name = 'Tasklet-%s' % (self._tasklet_id,) thread_id = tasklet.thread_id for thread in threading.enumerate(): if thread.ident == thread_id: if thread_name = "of %s" % (,) else: thread_name = "of Thread-%s" % ( or str(thread_id),) break else: # should not happen. thread_name = "of Thread-%s" % (str(thread_id),) thread = None tid = id(tasklet) tasklet = None else: name = 'Tasklet-%s' % (self._tasklet_id,) thread_name = "" tid = '-' self.tasklet_name = '%s %s (%s)' % (name, thread_name, tid) _weak_tasklet_registered_to_info = {} #======================================================================================================================= # get_tasklet_info #======================================================================================================================= def get_tasklet_info(tasklet): return register_tasklet_info(tasklet) #======================================================================================================================= # register_tasklet_info #======================================================================================================================= def register_tasklet_info(tasklet): r = weakref.ref(tasklet) info = _weak_tasklet_registered_to_info.get(r) if info is None: info = _weak_tasklet_registered_to_info[r] = _TaskletInfo(r, tasklet) return info _application_set_schedule_callback = None #======================================================================================================================= # _schedule_callback #======================================================================================================================= def _schedule_callback(prev, next): ''' Called when a context is stopped or a new context is made runnable. ''' try: if not prev and not next: return current_frame = sys._getframe() if next: register_tasklet_info(next) # Ok, making next runnable: set the tracing facility in it. debugger = get_global_debugger() if debugger is not None: next.trace_function = debugger.trace_dispatch frame = next.frame if frame is current_frame: frame = frame.f_back if hasattr(frame, 'f_trace'): # Note: can be None (but hasattr should cover for that too). frame.f_trace = debugger.trace_dispatch debugger = None if prev: register_tasklet_info(prev) try: for tasklet_ref, tasklet_info in dict_items(_weak_tasklet_registered_to_info): # Make sure it's a copy! tasklet = tasklet_ref() if tasklet is None or not tasklet.alive: # Garbage-collected already! try: del _weak_tasklet_registered_to_info[tasklet_ref] except KeyError: pass if tasklet_info.frame_id is not None: remove_custom_frame(tasklet_info.frame_id) else: is_running = stackless.get_thread_info(tasklet.thread_id)[1] is tasklet if tasklet is prev or (tasklet is not next and not is_running): # the tasklet won't run after this scheduler action: # - the tasklet is the previous tasklet # - it is not the next tasklet and it is not an already running tasklet frame = tasklet.frame if frame is current_frame: frame = frame.f_back if frame is not None: base = get_abs_path_real_path_and_base_from_frame(frame)[-1] # print >>sys.stderr, "SchedCB: %r, %d, '%s', '%s'" % (tasklet, frame.f_lineno, _filename, base) is_file_to_ignore = dict_contains(DONT_TRACE, base) if not is_file_to_ignore: tasklet_info.update_name() if tasklet_info.frame_id is None: tasklet_info.frame_id = add_custom_frame(frame, tasklet_info.tasklet_name, tasklet.thread_id) else: update_custom_frame(tasklet_info.frame_id, frame, tasklet.thread_id, name=tasklet_info.tasklet_name) elif tasklet is next or is_running: if tasklet_info.frame_id is not None: # Remove info about stackless suspended when it starts to run. remove_custom_frame(tasklet_info.frame_id) tasklet_info.frame_id = None finally: tasklet = None tasklet_info = None frame = None except: import traceback;traceback.print_exc() if _application_set_schedule_callback is not None: return _application_set_schedule_callback(prev, next) if not hasattr(stackless.tasklet, "trace_function"): # Older versions of Stackless, released before 2014 # This code does not work reliable! It is affected by several # stackless bugs: Stackless issues #44, #42, #40 def _schedule_callback(prev, next): ''' Called when a context is stopped or a new context is made runnable. ''' try: if not prev and not next: return if next: register_tasklet_info(next) # Ok, making next runnable: set the tracing facility in it. debugger = get_global_debugger() if debugger is not None and next.frame: if hasattr(next.frame, 'f_trace'): next.frame.f_trace = debugger.trace_dispatch debugger = None if prev: register_tasklet_info(prev) try: for tasklet_ref, tasklet_info in dict_items(_weak_tasklet_registered_to_info): # Make sure it's a copy! tasklet = tasklet_ref() if tasklet is None or not tasklet.alive: # Garbage-collected already! try: del _weak_tasklet_registered_to_info[tasklet_ref] except KeyError: pass if tasklet_info.frame_id is not None: remove_custom_frame(tasklet_info.frame_id) else: if tasklet.paused or tasklet.blocked or tasklet.scheduled: if tasklet.frame and tasklet.frame.f_back: f_back = tasklet.frame.f_back base = get_abs_path_real_path_and_base_from_frame(f_back)[-1] is_file_to_ignore = dict_contains(DONT_TRACE, base) if not is_file_to_ignore: if tasklet_info.frame_id is None: tasklet_info.frame_id = add_custom_frame(f_back, tasklet_info.tasklet_name, tasklet.thread_id) else: update_custom_frame(tasklet_info.frame_id, f_back, tasklet.thread_id) elif tasklet.is_current: if tasklet_info.frame_id is not None: # Remove info about stackless suspended when it starts to run. remove_custom_frame(tasklet_info.frame_id) tasklet_info.frame_id = None finally: tasklet = None tasklet_info = None f_back = None except: import traceback;traceback.print_exc() if _application_set_schedule_callback is not None: return _application_set_schedule_callback(prev, next) _original_setup = stackless.tasklet.setup #======================================================================================================================= # setup #======================================================================================================================= def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Called to run a new tasklet: rebind the creation so that we can trace it. ''' f = self.tempval def new_f(old_f, args, kwargs): debugger = get_global_debugger() if debugger is not None: SetTrace(debugger.trace_dispatch) debugger = None # Remove our own traces :) self.tempval = old_f register_tasklet_info(self) # Hover old_f to see the stackless being created and *args and **kwargs to see its parameters. return old_f(*args, **kwargs) # This is the way to tell stackless that the function it should execute is our function, not the original one. Note: # setting tempval is the same as calling bind(new_f), but it seems that there's no other way to get the currently # bound function, so, keeping on using tempval instead of calling bind (which is actually the same thing in a better # API). self.tempval = new_f return _original_setup(self, f, args, kwargs) #======================================================================================================================= # __call__ #======================================================================================================================= def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Called to run a new tasklet: rebind the creation so that we can trace it. ''' return setup(self, *args, **kwargs) _original_run = #======================================================================================================================= # run #======================================================================================================================= def run(*args, **kwargs): debugger = get_global_debugger() if debugger is not None: SetTrace(debugger.trace_dispatch) debugger = None return _original_run(*args, **kwargs) #======================================================================================================================= # patch_stackless #======================================================================================================================= def patch_stackless(): ''' This function should be called to patch the stackless module so that new tasklets are properly tracked in the debugger. ''' global _application_set_schedule_callback _application_set_schedule_callback = stackless.set_schedule_callback(_schedule_callback) def set_schedule_callback(callable): global _application_set_schedule_callback old = _application_set_schedule_callback _application_set_schedule_callback = callable return old def get_schedule_callback(): global _application_set_schedule_callback return _application_set_schedule_callback set_schedule_callback.__doc__ = stackless.set_schedule_callback.__doc__ if hasattr(stackless, "get_schedule_callback"): get_schedule_callback.__doc__ = stackless.get_schedule_callback.__doc__ stackless.set_schedule_callback = set_schedule_callback stackless.get_schedule_callback = get_schedule_callback if not hasattr(stackless.tasklet, "trace_function"): # Older versions of Stackless, released before 2014 __call__.__doc__ = stackless.tasklet.__call__.__doc__ stackless.tasklet.__call__ = __call__ setup.__doc__ = stackless.tasklet.setup.__doc__ stackless.tasklet.setup = setup run.__doc__ = = run patch_stackless = call_only_once(patch_stackless)