import traceback from _pydev_bundle.pydev_is_thread_alive import is_thread_alive from _pydev_imps._pydev_saved_modules import threading from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_constants import get_thread_id from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_dont_trace_files import DONT_TRACE from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_kill_all_pydevd_threads import kill_all_pydev_threads from pydevd_file_utils import get_abs_path_real_path_and_base_from_frame, NORM_PATHS_AND_BASE_CONTAINER from pydevd_tracing import SetTrace # IFDEF CYTHON # # In Cython, PyDBAdditionalThreadInfo is bundled in the file. # ELSE from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_additional_thread_info import PyDBAdditionalThreadInfo # ENDIF threadingCurrentThread = threading.currentThread get_file_type = DONT_TRACE.get def trace_dispatch(py_db, frame, event, arg): #try: t = threadingCurrentThread() #except: #this could give an exception (python 2.5 bug), but should not be there anymore... #see #and related bug: #frame.f_trace = py_db.trace_dispatch #return py_db.trace_dispatch if getattr(t, 'pydev_do_not_trace', None): return None try: additional_info = t.additional_info if additional_info is None: raise AttributeError() except: additional_info = t.additional_info = PyDBAdditionalThreadInfo() thread_tracer = ThreadTracer((py_db, t, additional_info)) # IFDEF CYTHON # t._tracer = thread_tracer # Hack for cython to keep it alive while the thread is alive (just the method in the SetTrace is not enough). # ELSE # ENDIF SetTrace(thread_tracer.__call__) return thread_tracer.__call__(frame, event, arg) # IFDEF CYTHON # cdef class ThreadTracer: # cdef public tuple _args; # def __init__(self, tuple args): # self._args = args # ELSE class ThreadTracer: def __init__(self, args): self._args = args # ENDIF def __call__(self, frame, event, arg): ''' This is the callback used when we enter some context in the debugger. We also decorate the thread we are in with info about the debugging. The attributes added are: pydev_state pydev_step_stop pydev_step_cmd pydev_notify_kill :param PyDB py_db: This is the global debugger (this method should actually be added as a method to it). ''' # IFDEF CYTHON # cdef str filename; # cdef str base; # cdef tuple abs_path_real_path_and_base; # cdef PyDBAdditionalThreadInfo additional_info; # ENDIF py_db, t, additional_info = self._args try: if py_db._finish_debugging_session: if not py_db._termination_event_set: #that was not working very well because jython gave some socket errors try: if py_db.output_checker is None: kill_all_pydev_threads() except: traceback.print_exc() py_db._termination_event_set = True return None # if thread is not alive, cancel trace_dispatch processing if not is_thread_alive(t): py_db._process_thread_not_alive(get_thread_id(t)) return None # suspend tracing try: # Make fast path faster! abs_path_real_path_and_base = NORM_PATHS_AND_BASE_CONTAINER[frame.f_code.co_filename] except: abs_path_real_path_and_base = get_abs_path_real_path_and_base_from_frame(frame) if py_db.thread_analyser is not None: py_db.thread_analyser.log_event(frame) if py_db.asyncio_analyser is not None: py_db.asyncio_analyser.log_event(frame) file_type = get_file_type(abs_path_real_path_and_base[-1]) #we don't want to debug threading or anything related to pydevd if file_type is not None: if file_type == 1: # inlining LIB_FILE = 1 if py_db.not_in_scope(abs_path_real_path_and_base[1]): # print('skipped: trace_dispatch (not in scope)', base, frame.f_lineno, event, frame.f_code.co_name, file_type) return None else: # print('skipped: trace_dispatch', base, frame.f_lineno, event, frame.f_code.co_name, file_type) return None if additional_info.pydev_step_cmd != -1: if py_db.is_filter_enabled and py_db.is_ignored_by_filters(abs_path_real_path_and_base[1]): # ignore files matching stepping filters return None if py_db.is_filter_libraries and py_db.not_in_scope(abs_path_real_path_and_base[1]): # ignore library files while stepping return None # print('trace_dispatch', base, frame.f_lineno, event, frame.f_code.co_name, file_type) if additional_info.is_tracing: return None #we don't wan't to trace code invoked from pydevd_frame.trace_dispatch # each new frame... # IFDEF CYTHON # # Note that on Cython we only support more modern idioms (no support for < Python 2.5) # return PyDBFrame((py_db, abs_path_real_path_and_base[1], additional_info, t)).trace_dispatch(frame, event, arg) # ELSE return additional_info.create_db_frame((py_db, abs_path_real_path_and_base[1], additional_info, t, frame)).trace_dispatch(frame, event, arg) # ENDIF except SystemExit: return None except Exception: if py_db._finish_debugging_session: return None # Don't log errors when we're shutting down. # Log it try: if traceback is not None: # This can actually happen during the interpreter shutdown in Python 2.7 traceback.print_exc() except: # Error logging? We're really in the interpreter shutdown... # ( pass return None