# Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """This modules contains flags DEFINE functions. Do NOT import this module directly. Import the flags package and use the aliases defined at the package level instead. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import sys import types from absl.flags import _argument_parser from absl.flags import _exceptions from absl.flags import _flag from absl.flags import _flagvalues from absl.flags import _helpers from absl.flags import _validators # pylint: disable=unused-import try: from typing import Text, List, Any except ImportError: pass try: import enum except ImportError: pass # pylint: enable=unused-import _helpers.disclaim_module_ids.add(id(sys.modules[__name__])) def _register_bounds_validator_if_needed(parser, name, flag_values): """Enforces lower and upper bounds for numeric flags. Args: parser: NumericParser (either FloatParser or IntegerParser), provides lower and upper bounds, and help text to display. name: str, name of the flag flag_values: FlagValues. """ if parser.lower_bound is not None or parser.upper_bound is not None: def checker(value): if value is not None and parser.is_outside_bounds(value): message = '%s is not %s' % (value, parser.syntactic_help) raise _exceptions.ValidationError(message) return True _validators.register_validator(name, checker, flag_values=flag_values) def DEFINE( # pylint: disable=invalid-name parser, name, default, help, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, serializer=None, module_name=None, **args): """Registers a generic Flag object. NOTE: in the docstrings of all DEFINE* functions, "registers" is short for "creates a new flag and registers it". Auxiliary function: clients should use the specialized DEFINE_ function instead. Args: parser: ArgumentParser, used to parse the flag arguments. name: str, the flag name. default: The default value of the flag. help: str, the help message. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. serializer: ArgumentSerializer, the flag serializer instance. module_name: str, the name of the Python module declaring this flag. If not provided, it will be computed using the stack trace of this call. **args: dict, the extra keyword args that are passed to Flag __init__. Returns: a handle to defined flag. """ return DEFINE_flag( _flag.Flag(parser, serializer, name, default, help, **args), flag_values, module_name) def DEFINE_flag(flag, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, module_name=None): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Registers a 'Flag' object with a 'FlagValues' object. By default, the global FLAGS 'FlagValue' object is used. Typical users will use one of the more specialized DEFINE_xxx functions, such as DEFINE_string or DEFINE_integer. But developers who need to create Flag objects themselves should use this function to register their flags. Args: flag: Flag, a flag that is key to the module. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. module_name: str, the name of the Python module declaring this flag. If not provided, it will be computed using the stack trace of this call. Returns: a handle to defined flag. """ # Copying the reference to flag_values prevents pychecker warnings. fv = flag_values fv[flag.name] = flag # Tell flag_values who's defining the flag. if module_name: module = sys.modules.get(module_name) else: module, module_name = _helpers.get_calling_module_object_and_name() flag_values.register_flag_by_module(module_name, flag) flag_values.register_flag_by_module_id(id(module), flag) return _flagvalues.FlagHolder( fv, flag, ensure_non_none_value=flag.default is not None) def _internal_declare_key_flags(flag_names, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, key_flag_values=None): """Declares a flag as key for the calling module. Internal function. User code should call declare_key_flag or adopt_module_key_flags instead. Args: flag_names: [str], a list of strings that are names of already-registered Flag objects. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flags listed in flag_names have registered (the value of the flag_values argument from the DEFINE_* calls that defined those flags). This should almost never need to be overridden. key_flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance that (among possibly many other things) keeps track of the key flags for each module. Default None means "same as flag_values". This should almost never need to be overridden. Raises: UnrecognizedFlagError: Raised when the flag is not defined. """ key_flag_values = key_flag_values or flag_values module = _helpers.get_calling_module() for flag_name in flag_names: flag = flag_values[flag_name] key_flag_values.register_key_flag_for_module(module, flag) def declare_key_flag(flag_name, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS): """Declares one flag as key to the current module. Key flags are flags that are deemed really important for a module. They are important when listing help messages; e.g., if the --helpshort command-line flag is used, then only the key flags of the main module are listed (instead of all flags, as in the case of --helpfull). Sample usage: flags.declare_key_flag('flag_1') Args: flag_name: str, the name of an already declared flag. (Redeclaring flags as key, including flags implicitly key because they were declared in this module, is a no-op.) flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance in which the flag will be declared as a key flag. This should almost never need to be overridden. Raises: ValueError: Raised if flag_name not defined as a Python flag. """ if flag_name in _helpers.SPECIAL_FLAGS: # Take care of the special flags, e.g., --flagfile, --undefok. # These flags are defined in SPECIAL_FLAGS, and are treated # specially during flag parsing, taking precedence over the # user-defined flags. _internal_declare_key_flags([flag_name], flag_values=_helpers.SPECIAL_FLAGS, key_flag_values=flag_values) return try: _internal_declare_key_flags([flag_name], flag_values=flag_values) except KeyError: raise ValueError('Flag --%s is undefined. To set a flag as a key flag ' 'first define it in Python.' % flag_name) def adopt_module_key_flags(module, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS): """Declares that all flags key to a module are key to the current module. Args: module: module, the module object from which all key flags will be declared as key flags to the current module. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance in which the flags will be declared as key flags. This should almost never need to be overridden. Raises: Error: Raised when given an argument that is a module name (a string), instead of a module object. """ if not isinstance(module, types.ModuleType): raise _exceptions.Error('Expected a module object, not %r.' % (module,)) _internal_declare_key_flags( [f.name for f in flag_values.get_key_flags_for_module(module.__name__)], flag_values=flag_values) # If module is this flag module, take _helpers.SPECIAL_FLAGS into account. if module == _helpers.FLAGS_MODULE: _internal_declare_key_flags( # As we associate flags with get_calling_module_object_and_name(), the # special flags defined in this module are incorrectly registered with # a different module. So, we can't use get_key_flags_for_module. # Instead, we take all flags from _helpers.SPECIAL_FLAGS (a private # FlagValues, where no other module should register flags). [_helpers.SPECIAL_FLAGS[name].name for name in _helpers.SPECIAL_FLAGS], flag_values=_helpers.SPECIAL_FLAGS, key_flag_values=flag_values) def disclaim_key_flags(): """Declares that the current module will not define any more key flags. Normally, the module that calls the DEFINE_xxx functions claims the flag to be its key flag. This is undesirable for modules that define additional DEFINE_yyy functions with its own flag parsers and serializers, since that module will accidentally claim flags defined by DEFINE_yyy as its key flags. After calling this function, the module disclaims flag definitions thereafter, so the key flags will be correctly attributed to the caller of DEFINE_yyy. After calling this function, the module will not be able to define any more flags. This function will affect all FlagValues objects. """ globals_for_caller = sys._getframe(1).f_globals # pylint: disable=protected-access module, _ = _helpers.get_module_object_and_name(globals_for_caller) _helpers.disclaim_module_ids.add(id(module)) def DEFINE_string( # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin name, default, help, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, **args): """Registers a flag whose value can be any string.""" parser = _argument_parser.ArgumentParser() serializer = _argument_parser.ArgumentSerializer() return DEFINE(parser, name, default, help, flag_values, serializer, **args) def DEFINE_boolean( # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin name, default, help, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, module_name=None, **args): """Registers a boolean flag. Such a boolean flag does not take an argument. If a user wants to specify a false value explicitly, the long option beginning with 'no' must be used: i.e. --noflag This flag will have a value of None, True or False. None is possible if default=None and the user does not specify the flag on the command line. Args: name: str, the flag name. default: bool|str|None, the default value of the flag. help: str, the help message. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. module_name: str, the name of the Python module declaring this flag. If not provided, it will be computed using the stack trace of this call. **args: dict, the extra keyword args that are passed to Flag __init__. Returns: a handle to defined flag. """ return DEFINE_flag( _flag.BooleanFlag(name, default, help, **args), flag_values, module_name) def DEFINE_float( # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin name, default, help, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, **args): """Registers a flag whose value must be a float. If lower_bound or upper_bound are set, then this flag must be within the given range. Args: name: str, the flag name. default: float|str|None, the default value of the flag. help: str, the help message. lower_bound: float, min value of the flag. upper_bound: float, max value of the flag. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. **args: dict, the extra keyword args that are passed to DEFINE. Returns: a handle to defined flag. """ parser = _argument_parser.FloatParser(lower_bound, upper_bound) serializer = _argument_parser.ArgumentSerializer() result = DEFINE(parser, name, default, help, flag_values, serializer, **args) _register_bounds_validator_if_needed(parser, name, flag_values=flag_values) return result def DEFINE_integer( # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin name, default, help, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, **args): """Registers a flag whose value must be an integer. If lower_bound, or upper_bound are set, then this flag must be within the given range. Args: name: str, the flag name. default: int|str|None, the default value of the flag. help: str, the help message. lower_bound: int, min value of the flag. upper_bound: int, max value of the flag. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. **args: dict, the extra keyword args that are passed to DEFINE. Returns: a handle to defined flag. """ parser = _argument_parser.IntegerParser(lower_bound, upper_bound) serializer = _argument_parser.ArgumentSerializer() result = DEFINE(parser, name, default, help, flag_values, serializer, **args) _register_bounds_validator_if_needed(parser, name, flag_values=flag_values) return result def DEFINE_enum( # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin name, default, enum_values, help, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, module_name=None, **args): """Registers a flag whose value can be any string from enum_values. Instead of a string enum, prefer `DEFINE_enum_class`, which allows defining enums from an `enum.Enum` class. Args: name: str, the flag name. default: str|None, the default value of the flag. enum_values: [str], a non-empty list of strings with the possible values for the flag. help: str, the help message. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. module_name: str, the name of the Python module declaring this flag. If not provided, it will be computed using the stack trace of this call. **args: dict, the extra keyword args that are passed to Flag __init__. Returns: a handle to defined flag. """ return DEFINE_flag( _flag.EnumFlag(name, default, help, enum_values, **args), flag_values, module_name) def DEFINE_enum_class( # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin name, default, enum_class, help, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, module_name=None, case_sensitive=False, **args): """Registers a flag whose value can be the name of enum members. Args: name: str, the flag name. default: Enum|str|None, the default value of the flag. enum_class: class, the Enum class with all the possible values for the flag. help: str, the help message. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. module_name: str, the name of the Python module declaring this flag. If not provided, it will be computed using the stack trace of this call. case_sensitive: bool, whether to map strings to members of the enum_class without considering case. **args: dict, the extra keyword args that are passed to Flag __init__. Returns: a handle to defined flag. """ return DEFINE_flag( _flag.EnumClassFlag( name, default, help, enum_class, case_sensitive=case_sensitive, **args), flag_values, module_name) def DEFINE_list( # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin name, default, help, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, **args): """Registers a flag whose value is a comma-separated list of strings. The flag value is parsed with a CSV parser. Args: name: str, the flag name. default: list|str|None, the default value of the flag. help: str, the help message. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. **args: Dictionary with extra keyword args that are passed to the Flag __init__. Returns: a handle to defined flag. """ parser = _argument_parser.ListParser() serializer = _argument_parser.CsvListSerializer(',') return DEFINE(parser, name, default, help, flag_values, serializer, **args) def DEFINE_spaceseplist( # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin name, default, help, comma_compat=False, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, **args): """Registers a flag whose value is a whitespace-separated list of strings. Any whitespace can be used as a separator. Args: name: str, the flag name. default: list|str|None, the default value of the flag. help: str, the help message. comma_compat: bool - Whether to support comma as an additional separator. If false then only whitespace is supported. This is intended only for backwards compatibility with flags that used to be comma-separated. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. **args: Dictionary with extra keyword args that are passed to the Flag __init__. Returns: a handle to defined flag. """ parser = _argument_parser.WhitespaceSeparatedListParser( comma_compat=comma_compat) serializer = _argument_parser.ListSerializer(' ') return DEFINE(parser, name, default, help, flag_values, serializer, **args) def DEFINE_multi( # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin parser, serializer, name, default, help, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, module_name=None, **args): """Registers a generic MultiFlag that parses its args with a given parser. Auxiliary function. Normal users should NOT use it directly. Developers who need to create their own 'Parser' classes for options which can appear multiple times can call this module function to register their flags. Args: parser: ArgumentParser, used to parse the flag arguments. serializer: ArgumentSerializer, the flag serializer instance. name: str, the flag name. default: Union[Iterable[T], Text, None], the default value of the flag. If the value is text, it will be parsed as if it was provided from the command line. If the value is a non-string iterable, it will be iterated over to create a shallow copy of the values. If it is None, it is left as-is. help: str, the help message. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. module_name: A string, the name of the Python module declaring this flag. If not provided, it will be computed using the stack trace of this call. **args: Dictionary with extra keyword args that are passed to the Flag __init__. Returns: a handle to defined flag. """ return DEFINE_flag( _flag.MultiFlag(parser, serializer, name, default, help, **args), flag_values, module_name) def DEFINE_multi_string( # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin name, default, help, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, **args): """Registers a flag whose value can be a list of any strings. Use the flag on the command line multiple times to place multiple string values into the list. The 'default' may be a single string (which will be converted into a single-element list) or a list of strings. Args: name: str, the flag name. default: Union[Iterable[Text], Text, None], the default value of the flag; see `DEFINE_multi`. help: str, the help message. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. **args: Dictionary with extra keyword args that are passed to the Flag __init__. Returns: a handle to defined flag. """ parser = _argument_parser.ArgumentParser() serializer = _argument_parser.ArgumentSerializer() return DEFINE_multi(parser, serializer, name, default, help, flag_values, **args) def DEFINE_multi_integer( # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin name, default, help, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, **args): """Registers a flag whose value can be a list of arbitrary integers. Use the flag on the command line multiple times to place multiple integer values into the list. The 'default' may be a single integer (which will be converted into a single-element list) or a list of integers. Args: name: str, the flag name. default: Union[Iterable[int], Text, None], the default value of the flag; see `DEFINE_multi`. help: str, the help message. lower_bound: int, min values of the flag. upper_bound: int, max values of the flag. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. **args: Dictionary with extra keyword args that are passed to the Flag __init__. Returns: a handle to defined flag. """ parser = _argument_parser.IntegerParser(lower_bound, upper_bound) serializer = _argument_parser.ArgumentSerializer() return DEFINE_multi(parser, serializer, name, default, help, flag_values, **args) def DEFINE_multi_float( # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin name, default, help, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, **args): """Registers a flag whose value can be a list of arbitrary floats. Use the flag on the command line multiple times to place multiple float values into the list. The 'default' may be a single float (which will be converted into a single-element list) or a list of floats. Args: name: str, the flag name. default: Union[Iterable[float], Text, None], the default value of the flag; see `DEFINE_multi`. help: str, the help message. lower_bound: float, min values of the flag. upper_bound: float, max values of the flag. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. **args: Dictionary with extra keyword args that are passed to the Flag __init__. Returns: a handle to defined flag. """ parser = _argument_parser.FloatParser(lower_bound, upper_bound) serializer = _argument_parser.ArgumentSerializer() return DEFINE_multi(parser, serializer, name, default, help, flag_values, **args) def DEFINE_multi_enum( # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin name, default, enum_values, help, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, case_sensitive=True, **args): """Registers a flag whose value can be a list strings from enum_values. Use the flag on the command line multiple times to place multiple enum values into the list. The 'default' may be a single string (which will be converted into a single-element list) or a list of strings. Args: name: str, the flag name. default: Union[Iterable[Text], Text, None], the default value of the flag; see `DEFINE_multi`. enum_values: [str], a non-empty list of strings with the possible values for the flag. help: str, the help message. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. case_sensitive: Whether or not the enum is to be case-sensitive. **args: Dictionary with extra keyword args that are passed to the Flag __init__. Returns: a handle to defined flag. """ parser = _argument_parser.EnumParser(enum_values, case_sensitive) serializer = _argument_parser.ArgumentSerializer() return DEFINE_multi(parser, serializer, name, default, help, flag_values, **args) def DEFINE_multi_enum_class( # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin name, default, enum_class, help, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, module_name=None, case_sensitive=False, **args): """Registers a flag whose value can be a list of enum members. Use the flag on the command line multiple times to place multiple enum values into the list. Args: name: str, the flag name. default: Union[Iterable[Enum], Iterable[Text], Enum, Text, None], the default value of the flag; see `DEFINE_multi`; only differences are documented here. If the value is a single Enum, it is treated as a single-item list of that Enum value. If it is an iterable, text values within the iterable will be converted to the equivalent Enum objects. enum_class: class, the Enum class with all the possible values for the flag. help: str, the help message. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. module_name: A string, the name of the Python module declaring this flag. If not provided, it will be computed using the stack trace of this call. case_sensitive: bool, whether to map strings to members of the enum_class without considering case. **args: Dictionary with extra keyword args that are passed to the Flag __init__. Returns: a handle to defined flag. """ return DEFINE_flag( _flag.MultiEnumClassFlag( name, default, help, enum_class, case_sensitive=case_sensitive), flag_values, module_name, **args) def DEFINE_alias( # pylint: disable=invalid-name name, original_name, flag_values=_flagvalues.FLAGS, module_name=None): """Defines an alias flag for an existing one. Args: name: str, the flag name. original_name: str, the original flag name. flag_values: FlagValues, the FlagValues instance with which the flag will be registered. This should almost never need to be overridden. module_name: A string, the name of the module that defines this flag. Returns: a handle to defined flag. Raises: flags.FlagError: UnrecognizedFlagError: if the referenced flag doesn't exist. DuplicateFlagError: if the alias name has been used by some existing flag. """ if original_name not in flag_values: raise _exceptions.UnrecognizedFlagError(original_name) flag = flag_values[original_name] class _FlagAlias(_flag.Flag): """Overrides Flag class so alias value is copy of original flag value.""" def parse(self, argument): flag.parse(argument) self.present += 1 def _parse_from_default(self, value): # The value was already parsed by the aliased flag, so there is no # need to call the parser on it a second time. # Additionally, because of how MultiFlag parses and merges values, # it isn't possible to delegate to the aliased flag and still get # the correct values. return value @property def value(self): return flag.value @value.setter def value(self, value): flag.value = value help_msg = 'Alias for --%s.' % flag.name # If alias_name has been used, flags.DuplicatedFlag will be raised. return DEFINE_flag( _FlagAlias( flag.parser, flag.serializer, name, flag.default, help_msg, boolean=flag.boolean), flag_values, module_name)