# Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """A Python test reporter that generates test reports in JUnit XML format.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import datetime import re import sys import threading import time import traceback import unittest from xml.sax import saxutils from absl.testing import _pretty_print_reporter from absl.third_party import unittest3_backport import six # See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#NT-Char _bad_control_character_codes = set(range(0, 0x20)) - {0x9, 0xA, 0xD} _control_character_conversions = { chr(i): '\\x{:02x}'.format(i) for i in _bad_control_character_codes} _escape_xml_attr_conversions = { '"': '"', "'": ''', '\n': ' ', '\t': ' ', '\r': ' ', ' ': ' '} _escape_xml_attr_conversions.update(_control_character_conversions) # When class or module level function fails, unittest/suite.py adds a # _ErrorHolder instance instead of a real TestCase, and it has a description # like "setUpClass (__main__.MyTestCase)". _CLASS_OR_MODULE_LEVEL_TEST_DESC_REGEX = re.compile(r'^(\w+) \((\S+)\)$') # NOTE: while saxutils.quoteattr() theoretically does the same thing; it # seems to often end up being too smart for it's own good not escaping properly. # This function is much more reliable. def _escape_xml_attr(content): """Escapes xml attributes.""" # Note: saxutils doesn't escape the quotes. return saxutils.escape(content, _escape_xml_attr_conversions) def _escape_cdata(s): """Escapes a string to be used as XML CDATA. CDATA characters are treated strictly as character data, not as XML markup, but there are still certain restrictions on them. Args: s: the string to be escaped. Returns: An escaped version of the input string. """ for char, escaped in six.iteritems(_control_character_conversions): s = s.replace(char, escaped) return s.replace(']]>', ']] >') def _iso8601_timestamp(timestamp): """Produces an ISO8601 datetime. Args: timestamp: an Epoch based timestamp in seconds. Returns: A iso8601 format timestamp if the input is a valid timestamp, None otherwise """ if timestamp is None or timestamp < 0: return None # Use utcfromtimestamp in PY2 because it doesn't have a built-in UTC object if six.PY2: return '%s+00:00' % datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( timestamp).isoformat() else: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( timestamp, tz=datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat() def _print_xml_element_header(element, attributes, stream, indentation=''): """Prints an XML header of an arbitrary element. Args: element: element name (testsuites, testsuite, testcase) attributes: 2-tuple list with (attributes, values) already escaped stream: output stream to write test report XML to indentation: indentation added to the element header """ stream.write('%s<%s' % (indentation, element)) for attribute in attributes: if len(attribute) == 2 \ and attribute[0] is not None and attribute[1] is not None: stream.write(' %s="%s"' % (attribute[0], attribute[1])) stream.write('>\n') # Copy time.time which ensures the real time is used internally. # This prevents bad interactions with tests that stub out time. _time_copy = time.time if hasattr(traceback, '_some_str'): # Use the traceback module str function to format safely. _safe_str = traceback._some_str else: _safe_str = str # pylint: disable=invalid-name class _TestCaseResult(object): """Private helper for _TextAndXMLTestResult that represents a test result. Attributes: test: A TestCase instance of an individual test method. name: The name of the individual test method. full_class_name: The full name of the test class. run_time: The duration (in seconds) it took to run the test. start_time: Epoch relative timestamp of when test started (in seconds) errors: A list of error 4-tuples. Error tuple entries are 1) a string identifier of either "failure" or "error" 2) an exception_type 3) an exception_message 4) a string version of a sys.exc_info()-style tuple of values ('error', err[0], err[1], self._exc_info_to_string(err)) If the length of errors is 0, then the test is either passed or skipped. skip_reason: A string explaining why the test was skipped. """ def __init__(self, test): self.run_time = -1 self.start_time = -1 self.skip_reason = None self.errors = [] self.test = test # Parse the test id to get its test name and full class path. # Unfortunately there is no better way of knowning the test and class. # Worse, unittest uses _ErrorHandler instances to represent class / module # level failures. test_desc = test.id() or str(test) # Check if it's something like "setUpClass (__main__.TestCase)". match = _CLASS_OR_MODULE_LEVEL_TEST_DESC_REGEX.match(test_desc) if match: name = match.group(1) full_class_name = match.group(2) else: class_name = unittest.util.strclass(test.__class__) if ((six.PY3 and isinstance(test, unittest.case._SubTest)) or (six.PY2 and isinstance(test, unittest3_backport.case._SubTest))): # If the test case is a _SubTest, the real TestCase instance is # available as _SubTest.test_case. class_name = unittest.util.strclass(test.test_case.__class__) if test_desc.startswith(class_name + '.'): # In a typical unittest.TestCase scenario, test.id() returns with # a class name formatted using unittest.util.strclass. name = test_desc[len(class_name)+1:] full_class_name = class_name else: # Otherwise make a best effort to guess the test name and full class # path. parts = test_desc.rsplit('.', 1) name = parts[-1] full_class_name = parts[0] if len(parts) == 2 else '' self.name = _escape_xml_attr(name) self.full_class_name = _escape_xml_attr(full_class_name) def set_run_time(self, time_in_secs): self.run_time = time_in_secs def set_start_time(self, time_in_secs): self.start_time = time_in_secs def print_xml_summary(self, stream): """Prints an XML Summary of a TestCase. Status and result are populated as per JUnit XML test result reporter. A test that has been skipped will always have a skip reason, as every skip method in Python's unittest requires the reason arg to be passed. Args: stream: output stream to write test report XML to """ if self.skip_reason is None: status = 'run' result = 'completed' else: status = 'notrun' result = 'suppressed' test_case_attributes = [ ('name', '%s' % self.name), ('status', '%s' % status), ('result', '%s' % result), ('time', '%.1f' % self.run_time), ('classname', self.full_class_name), ('timestamp', _iso8601_timestamp(self.start_time)), ] _print_xml_element_header('testcase', test_case_attributes, stream, ' ') self._print_testcase_details(stream) stream.write(' \n') def _print_testcase_details(self, stream): for error in self.errors: outcome, exception_type, message, error_msg = error # pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence message = _escape_xml_attr(_safe_str(message)) exception_type = _escape_xml_attr(str(exception_type)) error_msg = _escape_cdata(error_msg) stream.write(' <%s message="%s" type="%s">\n' % (outcome, message, exception_type, error_msg, outcome)) class _TestSuiteResult(object): """Private helper for _TextAndXMLTestResult.""" def __init__(self): self.suites = {} self.failure_counts = {} self.error_counts = {} self.overall_start_time = -1 self.overall_end_time = -1 self._testsuites_properties = {} def add_test_case_result(self, test_case_result): suite_name = type(test_case_result.test).__name__ if suite_name == '_ErrorHolder': # _ErrorHolder is a special case created by unittest for class / module # level functions. suite_name = test_case_result.full_class_name.rsplit('.')[-1] if ((six.PY3 and isinstance(test_case_result.test, unittest.case._SubTest)) or (six.PY2 and isinstance(test_case_result.test, unittest3_backport.case._SubTest))): # If the test case is a _SubTest, the real TestCase instance is # available as _SubTest.test_case. suite_name = type(test_case_result.test.test_case).__name__ self._setup_test_suite(suite_name) self.suites[suite_name].append(test_case_result) for error in test_case_result.errors: # Only count the first failure or error so that the sum is equal to the # total number of *testcases* that have failures or errors. if error[0] == 'failure': self.failure_counts[suite_name] += 1 break elif error[0] == 'error': self.error_counts[suite_name] += 1 break def print_xml_summary(self, stream): overall_test_count = sum(len(x) for x in self.suites.values()) overall_failures = sum(self.failure_counts.values()) overall_errors = sum(self.error_counts.values()) overall_attributes = [ ('name', ''), ('tests', '%d' % overall_test_count), ('failures', '%d' % overall_failures), ('errors', '%d' % overall_errors), ('time', '%.1f' % (self.overall_end_time - self.overall_start_time)), ('timestamp', _iso8601_timestamp(self.overall_start_time)), ] _print_xml_element_header('testsuites', overall_attributes, stream) if self._testsuites_properties: stream.write(' \n') for name, value in sorted(six.iteritems(self._testsuites_properties)): stream.write(' \n' % (_escape_xml_attr(name), _escape_xml_attr(str(value)))) stream.write(' \n') for suite_name in self.suites: suite = self.suites[suite_name] suite_end_time = max(x.start_time + x.run_time for x in suite) suite_start_time = min(x.start_time for x in suite) failures = self.failure_counts[suite_name] errors = self.error_counts[suite_name] suite_attributes = [ ('name', '%s' % suite_name), ('tests', '%d' % len(suite)), ('failures', '%d' % failures), ('errors', '%d' % errors), ('time', '%.1f' % (suite_end_time - suite_start_time)), ('timestamp', _iso8601_timestamp(suite_start_time)), ] _print_xml_element_header('testsuite', suite_attributes, stream) for test_case_result in suite: test_case_result.print_xml_summary(stream) stream.write('\n') stream.write('\n') def _setup_test_suite(self, suite_name): """Adds a test suite to the set of suites tracked by this test run. Args: suite_name: string, The name of the test suite being initialized. """ if suite_name in self.suites: return self.suites[suite_name] = [] self.failure_counts[suite_name] = 0 self.error_counts[suite_name] = 0 def set_end_time(self, timestamp_in_secs): """Sets the start timestamp of this test suite. Args: timestamp_in_secs: timestamp in seconds since epoch """ self.overall_end_time = timestamp_in_secs def set_start_time(self, timestamp_in_secs): """Sets the end timestamp of this test suite. Args: timestamp_in_secs: timestamp in seconds since epoch """ self.overall_start_time = timestamp_in_secs class _TextAndXMLTestResult(_pretty_print_reporter.TextTestResult): """Private TestResult class that produces both formatted text results and XML. Used by TextAndXMLTestRunner. """ _TEST_SUITE_RESULT_CLASS = _TestSuiteResult _TEST_CASE_RESULT_CLASS = _TestCaseResult def __init__(self, xml_stream, stream, descriptions, verbosity, time_getter=_time_copy, testsuites_properties=None): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).__init__(stream, descriptions, verbosity) self.xml_stream = xml_stream self.pending_test_case_results = {} self.suite = self._TEST_SUITE_RESULT_CLASS() if testsuites_properties: self.suite._testsuites_properties = testsuites_properties self.time_getter = time_getter # This lock guards any mutations on pending_test_case_results. self._pending_test_case_results_lock = threading.RLock() def startTest(self, test): self.start_time = self.time_getter() super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).startTest(test) def stopTest(self, test): # Grabbing the write lock to avoid conflicting with stopTestRun. with self._pending_test_case_results_lock: super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).stopTest(test) result = self.get_pending_test_case_result(test) if not result: test_name = test.id() or str(test) sys.stderr.write('No pending test case: %s\n' % test_name) return test_id = id(test) run_time = self.time_getter() - self.start_time result.set_run_time(run_time) result.set_start_time(self.start_time) self.suite.add_test_case_result(result) del self.pending_test_case_results[test_id] def startTestRun(self): self.suite.set_start_time(self.time_getter()) super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).startTestRun() def stopTestRun(self): self.suite.set_end_time(self.time_getter()) # All pending_test_case_results will be added to the suite and removed from # the pending_test_case_results dictionary. Grabing the write lock to avoid # results from being added during this process to avoid duplicating adds or # accidentally erasing newly appended pending results. with self._pending_test_case_results_lock: # Errors in the test fixture (setUpModule, tearDownModule, # setUpClass, tearDownClass) can leave a pending result which # never gets added to the suite. The runner calls stopTestRun # which gives us an opportunity to add these errors for # reporting here. for test_id in self.pending_test_case_results: result = self.pending_test_case_results[test_id] if hasattr(self, 'start_time'): run_time = self.suite.overall_end_time - self.start_time result.set_run_time(run_time) result.set_start_time(self.start_time) self.suite.add_test_case_result(result) self.pending_test_case_results.clear() def _exc_info_to_string(self, err, test=None): """Converts a sys.exc_info()-style tuple of values into a string. This method must be overridden because the method signature in unittest.TestResult changed between Python 2.2 and 2.4. Args: err: A sys.exc_info() tuple of values for an error. test: The test method. Returns: A formatted exception string. """ if test: return super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self)._exc_info_to_string(err, test) return ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*err)) def add_pending_test_case_result(self, test, error_summary=None, skip_reason=None): """Adds result information to a test case result which may still be running. If a result entry for the test already exists, add_pending_test_case_result will add error summary tuples and/or overwrite skip_reason for the result. If it does not yet exist, a result entry will be created. Note that a test result is considered to have been run and passed only if there are no errors or skip_reason. Args: test: A test method as defined by unittest error_summary: A 4-tuple with the following entries: 1) a string identifier of either "failure" or "error" 2) an exception_type 3) an exception_message 4) a string version of a sys.exc_info()-style tuple of values ('error', err[0], err[1], self._exc_info_to_string(err)) If the length of errors is 0, then the test is either passed or skipped. skip_reason: a string explaining why the test was skipped """ with self._pending_test_case_results_lock: test_id = id(test) if test_id not in self.pending_test_case_results: self.pending_test_case_results[test_id] = self._TEST_CASE_RESULT_CLASS( test) if error_summary: self.pending_test_case_results[test_id].errors.append(error_summary) if skip_reason: self.pending_test_case_results[test_id].skip_reason = skip_reason def delete_pending_test_case_result(self, test): with self._pending_test_case_results_lock: test_id = id(test) del self.pending_test_case_results[test_id] def get_pending_test_case_result(self, test): test_id = id(test) return self.pending_test_case_results.get(test_id, None) def addSuccess(self, test): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).addSuccess(test) self.add_pending_test_case_result(test) def addError(self, test, err): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).addError(test, err) error_summary = ('error', err[0], err[1], self._exc_info_to_string(err, test=test)) self.add_pending_test_case_result(test, error_summary=error_summary) def addFailure(self, test, err): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).addFailure(test, err) error_summary = ('failure', err[0], err[1], self._exc_info_to_string(err, test=test)) self.add_pending_test_case_result(test, error_summary=error_summary) def addSkip(self, test, reason): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).addSkip(test, reason) self.add_pending_test_case_result(test, skip_reason=reason) def addExpectedFailure(self, test, err): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).addExpectedFailure(test, err) if callable(getattr(test, 'recordProperty', None)): test.recordProperty('EXPECTED_FAILURE', self._exc_info_to_string(err, test=test)) self.add_pending_test_case_result(test) def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).addUnexpectedSuccess(test) test_name = test.id() or str(test) error_summary = ('error', '', '', 'Test case %s should have failed, but passed.' % (test_name)) self.add_pending_test_case_result(test, error_summary=error_summary) def addSubTest(self, test, subtest, err): # pylint: disable=invalid-name super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).addSubTest(test, subtest, err) if err is not None: if issubclass(err[0], test.failureException): error_summary = ('failure', err[0], err[1], self._exc_info_to_string(err, test=test)) else: error_summary = ('error', err[0], err[1], self._exc_info_to_string(err, test=test)) else: error_summary = None self.add_pending_test_case_result(subtest, error_summary=error_summary) def printErrors(self): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).printErrors() self.xml_stream.write('\n') self.suite.print_xml_summary(self.xml_stream) class TextAndXMLTestRunner(unittest.TextTestRunner): """A test runner that produces both formatted text results and XML. It prints out the names of tests as they are run, errors as they occur, and a summary of the results at the end of the test run. """ _TEST_RESULT_CLASS = _TextAndXMLTestResult _xml_stream = None _testsuites_properties = {} def __init__(self, xml_stream=None, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a TextAndXMLTestRunner. Args: xml_stream: file-like or None; XML-formatted test results are output via this object's write() method. If None (the default), the new instance behaves as described in the set_default_xml_stream method documentation below. *args: passed unmodified to unittest.TextTestRunner.__init__. **kwargs: passed unmodified to unittest.TextTestRunner.__init__. """ super(TextAndXMLTestRunner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if xml_stream is not None: self._xml_stream = xml_stream # else, do not set self._xml_stream to None -- this allows implicit fallback # to the class attribute's value. @classmethod def set_default_xml_stream(cls, xml_stream): """Sets the default XML stream for the class. Args: xml_stream: file-like or None; used for instances when xml_stream is None or not passed to their constructors. If None is passed, instances created with xml_stream=None will act as ordinary TextTestRunner instances; this is the default state before any calls to this method have been made. """ cls._xml_stream = xml_stream def _makeResult(self): if self._xml_stream is None: return super(TextAndXMLTestRunner, self)._makeResult() else: return self._TEST_RESULT_CLASS( self._xml_stream, self.stream, self.descriptions, self.verbosity, testsuites_properties=self._testsuites_properties) @classmethod def set_testsuites_property(cls, key, value): cls._testsuites_properties[key] = value