# Copyright 2012-2019, Andrey Kislyuk and argcomplete contributors. # Licensed under the Apache License. See https://github.com/kislyuk/argcomplete for more info. # Copy of __expand_tilde_by_ref from bash-completion __python_argcomplete_expand_tilde_by_ref () { if [ "${!1:0:1}" = "~" ]; then if [ "${!1}" != "${!1//\/}" ]; then eval $1="${!1/%\/*}"/'${!1#*/}'; else eval $1="${!1}"; fi; fi } # Run something, muting output or redirecting it to the debug stream # depending on the value of _ARC_DEBUG. # If ARGCOMPLETE_USE_TEMPFILES is set, use tempfiles for IPC. __python_argcomplete_run() { if [[ -z "${ARGCOMPLETE_USE_TEMPFILES-}" ]]; then __python_argcomplete_run_inner "$@" return fi local tmpfile="$(mktemp)" _ARGCOMPLETE_STDOUT_FILENAME="$tmpfile" __python_argcomplete_run_inner "$@" local code=$? cat "$tmpfile" rm "$tmpfile" return $code } __python_argcomplete_run_inner() { if [[ -z "${_ARC_DEBUG-}" ]]; then "$@" 8>&1 9>&2 1>/dev/null 2>&1 else "$@" 8>&1 9>&2 1>&9 2>&1 fi } # Scan the beginning of an executable file ($1) for a regexp ($2). By default, # scan for the magic string indicating that the executable supports the # argcomplete completion protocol. By default, scan the first kilobyte; # if $3 is set to -n, scan until the first line break up to a kilobyte. __python_argcomplete_scan_head() { read -s -r ${3:--N} 1024 < "$1" [[ "$REPLY" =~ ${2:-PYTHON_ARGCOMPLETE_OK} ]] } __python_argcomplete_scan_head_noerr() { __python_argcomplete_scan_head "$@" 2>/dev/null } _python_argcomplete_global() { local executable=$1 __python_argcomplete_expand_tilde_by_ref executable local ARGCOMPLETE=0 if [[ "$executable" == python* ]] || [[ "$executable" == pypy* ]]; then if [[ "${COMP_WORDS[1]}" == -m ]]; then if __python_argcomplete_run "$executable" -m argcomplete._check_module "${COMP_WORDS[2]}"; then ARGCOMPLETE=3 else return fi elif [[ -f "${COMP_WORDS[1]}" ]] && __python_argcomplete_scan_head_noerr "${COMP_WORDS[1]}"; then local ARGCOMPLETE=2 else return fi elif type -P "$executable" >/dev/null 2>&1; then local SCRIPT_NAME=$(type -P "$executable") if (type -t pyenv && [[ "$SCRIPT_NAME" = $(pyenv root)/shims/* ]]) >/dev/null 2>&1; then local SCRIPT_NAME=$(pyenv which "$executable") fi if __python_argcomplete_scan_head_noerr "$SCRIPT_NAME"; then local ARGCOMPLETE=1 elif __python_argcomplete_scan_head_noerr "$SCRIPT_NAME" '^#!(.*)$' -n && [[ "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" =~ ^.*(python|pypy)[0-9\.]*$ ]]; then local interpreter="$BASH_REMATCH" if (__python_argcomplete_scan_head_noerr "$SCRIPT_NAME" "(PBR Generated)|(EASY-INSTALL-(SCRIPT|ENTRY-SCRIPT|DEV-SCRIPT))" \ && "$interpreter" "$(type -P python-argcomplete-check-easy-install-script)" "$SCRIPT_NAME") >/dev/null 2>&1; then local ARGCOMPLETE=1 elif __python_argcomplete_run "$interpreter" -m argcomplete._check_console_script "$SCRIPT_NAME"; then local ARGCOMPLETE=1 fi fi fi if [[ $ARGCOMPLETE != 0 ]]; then local IFS=$(echo -e '\v') COMPREPLY=( $(_ARGCOMPLETE_IFS="$IFS" \ COMP_LINE="$COMP_LINE" \ COMP_POINT="$COMP_POINT" \ COMP_TYPE="$COMP_TYPE" \ _ARGCOMPLETE_COMP_WORDBREAKS="$COMP_WORDBREAKS" \ _ARGCOMPLETE=$ARGCOMPLETE \ _ARGCOMPLETE_SUPPRESS_SPACE=1 \ __python_argcomplete_run "$executable" "${COMP_WORDS[@]:1:ARGCOMPLETE-1}") ) if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then unset COMPREPLY elif [[ "${COMPREPLY-}" =~ [=/:]$ ]]; then compopt -o nospace fi else type -t _completion_loader | grep -q 'function' && _completion_loader "$@" fi } complete -o default -o bashdefault -D -F _python_argcomplete_global