# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Worker Consumer Blueprint. This module contains the components responsible for consuming messages from the broker, processing the messages and keeping the broker connections up and running. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import errno import logging import os from collections import defaultdict from time import sleep from billiard.common import restart_state from billiard.exceptions import RestartFreqExceeded from kombu.async.semaphore import DummyLock from kombu.utils.compat import _detect_environment from kombu.utils.encoding import safe_repr, bytes_t from kombu.utils.limits import TokenBucket from vine import ppartial, promise from celery import bootsteps from celery import signals from celery.app.trace import build_tracer from celery.exceptions import InvalidTaskError, NotRegistered from celery.five import buffer_t, items, python_2_unicode_compatible, values from celery.utils.functional import noop from celery.utils.log import get_logger from celery.utils.nodenames import gethostname from celery.utils.objects import Bunch from celery.utils.text import truncate from celery.utils.time import humanize_seconds, rate from celery.worker import loops from celery.worker.state import ( task_reserved, maybe_shutdown, reserved_requests, ) __all__ = ['Consumer', 'Evloop', 'dump_body'] CLOSE = bootsteps.CLOSE TERMINATE = bootsteps.TERMINATE STOP_CONDITIONS = {CLOSE, TERMINATE} logger = get_logger(__name__) debug, info, warn, error, crit = (logger.debug, logger.info, logger.warning, logger.error, logger.critical) CONNECTION_RETRY = """\ consumer: Connection to broker lost. \ Trying to re-establish the connection...\ """ CONNECTION_RETRY_STEP = """\ Trying again {when}...\ """ CONNECTION_ERROR = """\ consumer: Cannot connect to %s: %s. %s """ CONNECTION_FAILOVER = """\ Will retry using next failover.\ """ UNKNOWN_FORMAT = """\ Received and deleted unknown message. Wrong destination?!? The full contents of the message body was: %s """ #: Error message for when an unregistered task is received. UNKNOWN_TASK_ERROR = """\ Received unregistered task of type %s. The message has been ignored and discarded. Did you remember to import the module containing this task? Or maybe you're using relative imports? Please see http://docs.celeryq.org/en/latest/internals/protocol.html for more information. The full contents of the message body was: %s """ #: Error message for when an invalid task message is received. INVALID_TASK_ERROR = """\ Received invalid task message: %s The message has been ignored and discarded. Please ensure your message conforms to the task message protocol as described here: http://docs.celeryq.org/en/latest/internals/protocol.html The full contents of the message body was: %s """ MESSAGE_DECODE_ERROR = """\ Can't decode message body: %r [type:%r encoding:%r headers:%s] body: %s """ MESSAGE_REPORT = """\ body: {0} {{content_type:{1} content_encoding:{2} delivery_info:{3} headers={4}}} """ def dump_body(m, body): """Format message body for debugging purposes.""" # v2 protocol does not deserialize body body = m.body if body is None else body if isinstance(body, buffer_t): body = bytes_t(body) return '{0} ({1}b)'.format(truncate(safe_repr(body), 1024), len(m.body)) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Consumer(object): """Consumer blueprint.""" Strategies = dict #: Optional callback called the first time the worker #: is ready to receive tasks. init_callback = None #: The current worker pool instance. pool = None #: A timer used for high-priority internal tasks, such #: as sending heartbeats. timer = None restart_count = -1 # first start is the same as a restart class Blueprint(bootsteps.Blueprint): """Consumer blueprint.""" name = 'Consumer' default_steps = [ 'celery.worker.consumer.connection:Connection', 'celery.worker.consumer.mingle:Mingle', 'celery.worker.consumer.events:Events', 'celery.worker.consumer.gossip:Gossip', 'celery.worker.consumer.heart:Heart', 'celery.worker.consumer.control:Control', 'celery.worker.consumer.tasks:Tasks', 'celery.worker.consumer.consumer:Evloop', 'celery.worker.consumer.agent:Agent', ] def shutdown(self, parent): self.send_all(parent, 'shutdown') def __init__(self, on_task_request, init_callback=noop, hostname=None, pool=None, app=None, timer=None, controller=None, hub=None, amqheartbeat=None, worker_options=None, disable_rate_limits=False, initial_prefetch_count=2, prefetch_multiplier=1, **kwargs): self.app = app self.controller = controller self.init_callback = init_callback self.hostname = hostname or gethostname() self.pid = os.getpid() self.pool = pool self.timer = timer self.strategies = self.Strategies() self.conninfo = self.app.connection_for_read() self.connection_errors = self.conninfo.connection_errors self.channel_errors = self.conninfo.channel_errors self._restart_state = restart_state(maxR=5, maxT=1) self._does_info = logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO) self._limit_order = 0 self.on_task_request = on_task_request self.on_task_message = set() self.amqheartbeat_rate = self.app.conf.broker_heartbeat_checkrate self.disable_rate_limits = disable_rate_limits self.initial_prefetch_count = initial_prefetch_count self.prefetch_multiplier = prefetch_multiplier # this contains a tokenbucket for each task type by name, used for # rate limits, or None if rate limits are disabled for that task. self.task_buckets = defaultdict(lambda: None) self.reset_rate_limits() self.hub = hub if self.hub or getattr(self.pool, 'is_green', False): self.amqheartbeat = amqheartbeat if self.amqheartbeat is None: self.amqheartbeat = self.app.conf.broker_heartbeat else: self.amqheartbeat = 0 if not hasattr(self, 'loop'): self.loop = loops.asynloop if hub else loops.synloop if _detect_environment() == 'gevent': # there's a gevent bug that causes timeouts to not be reset, # so if the connection timeout is exceeded once, it can NEVER # connect again. self.app.conf.broker_connection_timeout = None self._pending_operations = [] self.steps = [] self.blueprint = self.Blueprint( steps=self.app.steps['consumer'], on_close=self.on_close, ) self.blueprint.apply(self, **dict(worker_options or {}, **kwargs)) def call_soon(self, p, *args, **kwargs): p = ppartial(p, *args, **kwargs) if self.hub: return self.hub.call_soon(p) self._pending_operations.append(p) return p def perform_pending_operations(self): if not self.hub: while self._pending_operations: try: self._pending_operations.pop()() except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except logger.exception('Pending callback raised: %r', exc) def bucket_for_task(self, type): limit = rate(getattr(type, 'rate_limit', None)) return TokenBucket(limit, capacity=1) if limit else None def reset_rate_limits(self): self.task_buckets.update( (n, self.bucket_for_task(t)) for n, t in items(self.app.tasks) ) def _update_prefetch_count(self, index=0): """Update prefetch count after pool/shrink grow operations. Index must be the change in number of processes as a positive (increasing) or negative (decreasing) number. Note: Currently pool grow operations will end up with an offset of +1 if the initial size of the pool was 0 (e.g. :option:`--autoscale=1,0 `). """ num_processes = self.pool.num_processes if not self.initial_prefetch_count or not num_processes: return # prefetch disabled self.initial_prefetch_count = ( self.pool.num_processes * self.prefetch_multiplier ) return self._update_qos_eventually(index) def _update_qos_eventually(self, index): return (self.qos.decrement_eventually if index < 0 else self.qos.increment_eventually)( abs(index) * self.prefetch_multiplier) def _limit_move_to_pool(self, request): task_reserved(request) self.on_task_request(request) def _on_bucket_wakeup(self, bucket, tokens): try: request = bucket.pop() except IndexError: pass else: self._limit_move_to_pool(request) self._schedule_oldest_bucket_request(bucket, tokens) def _schedule_oldest_bucket_request(self, bucket, tokens): try: request = bucket.pop() except IndexError: pass else: return self._schedule_bucket_request(request, bucket, tokens) def _schedule_bucket_request(self, request, bucket, tokens): bucket.can_consume(tokens) bucket.add(request) pri = self._limit_order = (self._limit_order + 1) % 10 hold = bucket.expected_time(tokens) self.timer.call_after( hold, self._on_bucket_wakeup, (bucket, tokens), priority=pri, ) def _limit_task(self, request, bucket, tokens): if bucket.contents: return bucket.add(request) return self._schedule_bucket_request(request, bucket, tokens) def start(self): blueprint = self.blueprint while blueprint.state not in STOP_CONDITIONS: maybe_shutdown() if self.restart_count: try: self._restart_state.step() except RestartFreqExceeded as exc: crit('Frequent restarts detected: %r', exc, exc_info=1) sleep(1) self.restart_count += 1 try: blueprint.start(self) except self.connection_errors as exc: # If we're not retrying connections, no need to catch # connection errors if not self.app.conf.broker_connection_retry: raise if isinstance(exc, OSError) and exc.errno == errno.EMFILE: raise # Too many open files maybe_shutdown() if blueprint.state not in STOP_CONDITIONS: if self.connection: self.on_connection_error_after_connected(exc) else: self.on_connection_error_before_connected(exc) self.on_close() blueprint.restart(self) def on_connection_error_before_connected(self, exc): error(CONNECTION_ERROR, self.conninfo.as_uri(), exc, 'Trying to reconnect...') def on_connection_error_after_connected(self, exc): warn(CONNECTION_RETRY, exc_info=True) try: self.connection.collect() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass def register_with_event_loop(self, hub): self.blueprint.send_all( self, 'register_with_event_loop', args=(hub,), description='Hub.register', ) def shutdown(self): self.blueprint.shutdown(self) def stop(self): self.blueprint.stop(self) def on_ready(self): callback, self.init_callback = self.init_callback, None if callback: callback(self) def loop_args(self): return (self, self.connection, self.task_consumer, self.blueprint, self.hub, self.qos, self.amqheartbeat, self.app.clock, self.amqheartbeat_rate) def on_decode_error(self, message, exc): """Callback called if an error occurs while decoding a message. Simply logs the error and acknowledges the message so it doesn't enter a loop. Arguments: message (kombu.Message): The message received. exc (Exception): The exception being handled. """ crit(MESSAGE_DECODE_ERROR, exc, message.content_type, message.content_encoding, safe_repr(message.headers), dump_body(message, message.body), exc_info=1) message.ack() def on_close(self): # Clear internal queues to get rid of old messages. # They can't be acked anyway, as a delivery tag is specific # to the current channel. if self.controller and self.controller.semaphore: self.controller.semaphore.clear() if self.timer: self.timer.clear() for bucket in values(self.task_buckets): if bucket: bucket.clear_pending() reserved_requests.clear() if self.pool and self.pool.flush: self.pool.flush() def connect(self): """Establish the broker connection used for consuming tasks. Retries establishing the connection if the :setting:`broker_connection_retry` setting is enabled """ conn = self.connection_for_read(heartbeat=self.amqheartbeat) if self.hub: conn.transport.register_with_event_loop(conn.connection, self.hub) return conn def connection_for_read(self, heartbeat=None): return self.ensure_connected( self.app.connection_for_read(heartbeat=heartbeat)) def connection_for_write(self, heartbeat=None): return self.ensure_connected( self.app.connection_for_write(heartbeat=heartbeat)) def ensure_connected(self, conn): # Callback called for each retry while the connection # can't be established. def _error_handler(exc, interval, next_step=CONNECTION_RETRY_STEP): if getattr(conn, 'alt', None) and interval == 0: next_step = CONNECTION_FAILOVER error(CONNECTION_ERROR, conn.as_uri(), exc, next_step.format(when=humanize_seconds(interval, 'in', ' '))) # remember that the connection is lazy, it won't establish # until needed. if not self.app.conf.broker_connection_retry: # retry disabled, just call connect directly. conn.connect() return conn conn = conn.ensure_connection( _error_handler, self.app.conf.broker_connection_max_retries, callback=maybe_shutdown, ) return conn def _flush_events(self): if self.event_dispatcher: self.event_dispatcher.flush() def on_send_event_buffered(self): if self.hub: self.hub._ready.add(self._flush_events) def add_task_queue(self, queue, exchange=None, exchange_type=None, routing_key=None, **options): cset = self.task_consumer queues = self.app.amqp.queues # Must use in' here, as __missing__ will automatically # create queues when :setting:`task_create_missing_queues` is enabled. # (Issue #1079) if queue in queues: q = queues[queue] else: exchange = queue if exchange is None else exchange exchange_type = ('direct' if exchange_type is None else exchange_type) q = queues.select_add(queue, exchange=exchange, exchange_type=exchange_type, routing_key=routing_key, **options) if not cset.consuming_from(queue): cset.add_queue(q) cset.consume() info('Started consuming from %s', queue) def cancel_task_queue(self, queue): info('Canceling queue %s', queue) self.app.amqp.queues.deselect(queue) self.task_consumer.cancel_by_queue(queue) def apply_eta_task(self, task): """Method called by the timer to apply a task with an ETA/countdown.""" task_reserved(task) self.on_task_request(task) self.qos.decrement_eventually() def _message_report(self, body, message): return MESSAGE_REPORT.format(dump_body(message, body), safe_repr(message.content_type), safe_repr(message.content_encoding), safe_repr(message.delivery_info), safe_repr(message.headers)) def on_unknown_message(self, body, message): warn(UNKNOWN_FORMAT, self._message_report(body, message)) message.reject_log_error(logger, self.connection_errors) signals.task_rejected.send(sender=self, message=message, exc=None) def on_unknown_task(self, body, message, exc): error(UNKNOWN_TASK_ERROR, exc, dump_body(message, body), exc_info=True) try: id_, name = message.headers['id'], message.headers['task'] root_id = message.headers.get('root_id') except KeyError: # proto1 payload = message.payload id_, name = payload['id'], payload['task'] root_id = None request = Bunch( name=name, chord=None, root_id=root_id, correlation_id=message.properties.get('correlation_id'), reply_to=message.properties.get('reply_to'), errbacks=None, ) message.reject_log_error(logger, self.connection_errors) self.app.backend.mark_as_failure( id_, NotRegistered(name), request=request, ) if self.event_dispatcher: self.event_dispatcher.send( 'task-failed', uuid=id_, exception='NotRegistered({0!r})'.format(name), ) signals.task_unknown.send( sender=self, message=message, exc=exc, name=name, id=id_, ) def on_invalid_task(self, body, message, exc): error(INVALID_TASK_ERROR, exc, dump_body(message, body), exc_info=True) message.reject_log_error(logger, self.connection_errors) signals.task_rejected.send(sender=self, message=message, exc=exc) def update_strategies(self): loader = self.app.loader for name, task in items(self.app.tasks): self.strategies[name] = task.start_strategy(self.app, self) task.__trace__ = build_tracer(name, task, loader, self.hostname, app=self.app) def create_task_handler(self, promise=promise): strategies = self.strategies on_unknown_message = self.on_unknown_message on_unknown_task = self.on_unknown_task on_invalid_task = self.on_invalid_task callbacks = self.on_task_message call_soon = self.call_soon def on_task_received(message): # payload will only be set for v1 protocol, since v2 # will defer deserializing the message body to the pool. payload = None try: type_ = message.headers['task'] # protocol v2 except TypeError: return on_unknown_message(None, message) except KeyError: try: payload = message.decode() except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except return self.on_decode_error(message, exc) try: type_, payload = payload['task'], payload # protocol v1 except (TypeError, KeyError): return on_unknown_message(payload, message) try: strategy = strategies[type_] except KeyError as exc: return on_unknown_task(None, message, exc) else: try: strategy( message, payload, promise(call_soon, (message.ack_log_error,)), promise(call_soon, (message.reject_log_error,)), callbacks, ) except InvalidTaskError as exc: return on_invalid_task(payload, message, exc) return on_task_received def __repr__(self): """``repr(self)``.""" return ''.format( self=self, state=self.blueprint.human_state(), ) class Evloop(bootsteps.StartStopStep): """Event loop service. Note: This is always started last. """ label = 'event loop' last = True def start(self, c): self.patch_all(c) c.loop(*c.loop_args()) def patch_all(self, c): c.qos._mutex = DummyLock()