import platform from flask_caching.backends.base import BaseCache try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: # pragma: no cover import pickle class UWSGICache(BaseCache): """ Implements the cache using uWSGI's caching framework. .. note:: This class cannot be used when running under PyPy, because the uWSGI API implementation for PyPy is lacking the needed functionality. :param default_timeout: The default timeout in seconds. :param cache: The name of the caching instance to connect to, for example: mycache@localhost:3031, defaults to an empty string, which means uWSGI will cache in the local instance. If the cache is in the same instance as the werkzeug app, you only have to provide the name of the cache. """ def __init__(self, default_timeout=300, cache=""): super(UWSGICache, self).__init__(default_timeout) if platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy": raise RuntimeError( "uWSGI caching does not work under PyPy, see " "the docs for more details." ) try: import uwsgi self._uwsgi = uwsgi except ImportError: raise RuntimeError( "uWSGI could not be imported, are you " "running under uWSGI?" ) self.cache = cache def get(self, key): rv = self._uwsgi.cache_get(key, self.cache) if rv is None: return return pickle.loads(rv) def delete(self, key): return self._uwsgi.cache_del(key, self.cache) def set(self, key, value, timeout=None): return self._uwsgi.cache_update( key, pickle.dumps(value), self._normalize_timeout(timeout), self.cache, ) def add(self, key, value, timeout=None): return self._uwsgi.cache_set( key, pickle.dumps(value), self._normalize_timeout(timeout), self.cache, ) def clear(self): return self._uwsgi.cache_clear(self.cache) def has(self, key): return self._uwsgi.cache_exists(key, self.cache) is not None