# This file is part of h5py, a Python interface to the HDF5 library. # # http://www.h5py.org # # Copyright 2008-2013 Andrew Collette and contributors # # License: Standard 3-clause BSD; see "license.txt" for full license terms # and contributor agreement. """ Tests the h5py.AttributeManager.create() method. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import six import numpy as np import h5py from .common import ut, TestCase class TestArray(TestCase): """ Check that top-level array types can be created and read. """ def test_int(self): # See issue 498 dt = np.dtype('(3,)i') data = np.arange(3, dtype='i') self.f.attrs.create('x', data=data, dtype=dt) aid = h5py.h5a.open(self.f.id, b'x') htype = aid.get_type() self.assertEqual(htype.get_class(), h5py.h5t.ARRAY) out = self.f.attrs['x'] self.assertArrayEqual(out, data) def test_string_dtype(self): # See issue 498 discussion self.f.attrs.create('x', data=42, dtype='i8') def test_str(self): # See issue 1057 self.f.attrs.create('x', six.unichr(0x03A9)) out = self.f.attrs['x'] self.assertEqual(out, six.unichr(0x03A9)) self.assertIsInstance(out, six.string_types) def test_tuple_of_unicode(self): # Test that a tuple of unicode strings can be set as an attribute. It will # be converted to a numpy array of vlen unicode type: data = (u'a', u'b') self.f.attrs.create('x', data=data) result = self.f.attrs['x'] self.assertTrue(all(result == data)) self.assertEqual(result.dtype, np.dtype('O')) # However, a numpy array of type U being passed in will not be # automatically converted, and should raise an error as it does # not map to a h5py dtype data_as_U_array = np.array(data) self.assertEqual(data_as_U_array.dtype, np.dtype('U1')) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.f.attrs.create('y', data=data_as_U_array)