import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from ._hdbscan_linkage import mst_linkage_core from .hdbscan_ import isclose def all_points_core_distance(distance_matrix, d=2.0): """ Compute the all-points-core-distance for all the points of a cluster. Parameters ---------- distance_matrix : array (cluster_size, cluster_size) The pairwise distance matrix between points in the cluster. d : integer The dimension of the data set, which is used in the computation of the all-point-core-distance as per the paper. Returns ------- core_distances : array (cluster_size,) The all-points-core-distance of each point in the cluster References ---------- Moulavi, D., Jaskowiak, P.A., Campello, R.J., Zimek, A. and Sander, J., 2014. Density-Based Clustering Validation. In SDM (pp. 839-847). """ distance_matrix[distance_matrix != 0] = (1.0 / distance_matrix[ distance_matrix != 0]) ** d result = distance_matrix.sum(axis=1) result /= distance_matrix.shape[0] - 1 result **= (-1.0 / d) return result def all_points_mutual_reachability(X, labels, cluster_id, metric='euclidean', d=None, **kwd_args): """ Compute the all-points-mutual-reachability distances for all the points of a cluster. If metric is 'precomputed' then assume X is a distance matrix for the full dataset. Note that in this case you must pass in 'd' the dimension of the dataset. Parameters ---------- X : array (n_samples, n_features) or (n_samples, n_samples) The input data of the clustering. This can be the data, or, if metric is set to `precomputed` the pairwise distance matrix used for the clustering. labels : array (n_samples) The label array output by the clustering, providing an integral cluster label to each data point, with -1 for noise points. cluster_id : integer The cluster label for which to compute the all-points mutual-reachability (which should be done on a cluster by cluster basis). metric : string The metric used to compute distances for the clustering (and to be re-used in computing distances for mr distance). If set to `precomputed` then X is assumed to be the precomputed distance matrix between samples. d : integer (or None) The number of features (dimension) of the dataset. This need only be set in the case of metric being set to `precomputed`, where the ambient dimension of the data is unknown to the function. **kwd_args : Extra arguments to pass to the distance computation for other metrics, such as minkowski, Mahanalobis etc. Returns ------- mutual_reachaibility : array (n_samples, n_samples) The pairwise mutual reachability distances between all points in `X` with `label` equal to `cluster_id`. core_distances : array (n_samples,) The all-points-core_distance of all points in `X` with `label` equal to `cluster_id`. References ---------- Moulavi, D., Jaskowiak, P.A., Campello, R.J., Zimek, A. and Sander, J., 2014. Density-Based Clustering Validation. In SDM (pp. 839-847). """ if metric == 'precomputed': if d is None: raise ValueError('If metric is precomputed a ' 'd value must be provided!') distance_matrix = X[labels == cluster_id, :][:, labels == cluster_id] else: subset_X = X[labels == cluster_id, :] distance_matrix = pairwise_distances(subset_X, metric=metric, **kwd_args) d = X.shape[1] core_distances = all_points_core_distance(distance_matrix.copy(), d=d) core_dist_matrix = np.tile(core_distances, (core_distances.shape[0], 1)) result = np.dstack( [distance_matrix, core_dist_matrix, core_dist_matrix.T]).max(axis=-1) return result, core_distances def internal_minimum_spanning_tree(mr_distances): """ Compute the 'internal' minimum spanning tree given a matrix of mutual reachability distances. Given a minimum spanning tree the 'internal' graph is the subgraph induced by vertices of degree greater than one. Parameters ---------- mr_distances : array (cluster_size, cluster_size) The pairwise mutual reachability distances, inferred to be the edge weights of a complete graph. Since MSTs are computed per cluster this is the all-points-mutual-reacability for points within a single cluster. Returns ------- internal_nodes : array An array listing the indices of the internal nodes of the MST internal_edges : array (?, 3) An array of internal edges in weighted edge list format; that is an edge is an array of length three listing the two vertices forming the edge and weight of the edge. References ---------- Moulavi, D., Jaskowiak, P.A., Campello, R.J., Zimek, A. and Sander, J., 2014. Density-Based Clustering Validation. In SDM (pp. 839-847). """ single_linkage_data = mst_linkage_core(mr_distances) min_span_tree = single_linkage_data.copy() for index, row in enumerate(min_span_tree[1:], 1): candidates = np.where(isclose(mr_distances[int(row[1])], row[2]))[0] candidates = np.intersect1d(candidates, single_linkage_data[:index, :2].astype( int)) candidates = candidates[candidates != row[1]] assert len(candidates) > 0 row[0] = candidates[0] vertices = np.arange(mr_distances.shape[0])[ np.bincount(min_span_tree.T[:2].flatten().astype(np.intp)) > 1] # A little "fancy" we select from the flattened array reshape back # (Fortran format to get indexing right) and take the product to do an and # then convert back to boolean type. edge_selection =[:2], vertices).reshape( (min_span_tree.shape[0], 2), order='F'), axis=1).astype(bool) # Density sparseness is not well defined if there are no # internal edges (as per the referenced paper). However # MATLAB code from the original authors simply selects the # largest of *all* the edges in the case that there are # no internal edges, so we do the same here if np.any(edge_selection): # If there are any internal edges, then subselect them out edges = min_span_tree[edge_selection] else: # If there are no internal edges then we want to take the # max over all the edges that exist in the MST, so we simply # do nothing and return all the edges in the MST. edges = min_span_tree.copy() return vertices, edges def density_separation(X, labels, cluster_id1, cluster_id2, internal_nodes1, internal_nodes2, core_distances1, core_distances2, metric='euclidean', **kwd_args): """ Compute the density separation between two clusters. This is the minimum all-points mutual reachability distance between pairs of points, one from internal nodes of MSTs of each cluster. Parameters ---------- X : array (n_samples, n_features) or (n_samples, n_samples) The input data of the clustering. This can be the data, or, if metric is set to `precomputed` the pairwise distance matrix used for the clustering. labels : array (n_samples) The label array output by the clustering, providing an integral cluster label to each data point, with -1 for noise points. cluster_id1 : integer The first cluster label to compute separation between. cluster_id2 : integer The second cluster label to compute separation between. internal_nodes1 : array The vertices of the MST for `cluster_id1` that were internal vertices. internal_nodes2 : array The vertices of the MST for `cluster_id2` that were internal vertices. core_distances1 : array (size of cluster_id1,) The all-points-core_distances of all points in the cluster specified by cluster_id1. core_distances2 : array (size of cluster_id2,) The all-points-core_distances of all points in the cluster specified by cluster_id2. metric : string The metric used to compute distances for the clustering (and to be re-used in computing distances for mr distance). If set to `precomputed` then X is assumed to be the precomputed distance matrix between samples. **kwd_args : Extra arguments to pass to the distance computation for other metrics, such as minkowski, Mahanalobis etc. Returns ------- The 'density separation' between the clusters specified by `cluster_id1` and `cluster_id2`. References ---------- Moulavi, D., Jaskowiak, P.A., Campello, R.J., Zimek, A. and Sander, J., 2014. Density-Based Clustering Validation. In SDM (pp. 839-847). """ if metric == 'precomputed': sub_select = X[labels == cluster_id1, :][:, labels == cluster_id2] distance_matrix = sub_select[internal_nodes1, :][:, internal_nodes2] else: cluster1 = X[labels == cluster_id1][internal_nodes1] cluster2 = X[labels == cluster_id2][internal_nodes2] distance_matrix = cdist(cluster1, cluster2, metric, **kwd_args) core_dist_matrix1 = np.tile(core_distances1[internal_nodes1], (distance_matrix.shape[1], 1)).T core_dist_matrix2 = np.tile(core_distances2[internal_nodes2], (distance_matrix.shape[0], 1)) mr_dist_matrix = np.dstack([distance_matrix, core_dist_matrix1, core_dist_matrix2]).max(axis=-1) return mr_dist_matrix.min() def validity_index(X, labels, metric='euclidean', d=None, per_cluster_scores=False, **kwd_args): """ Compute the density based cluster validity index for the clustering specified by `labels` and for each cluster in `labels`. Parameters ---------- X : array (n_samples, n_features) or (n_samples, n_samples) The input data of the clustering. This can be the data, or, if metric is set to `precomputed` the pairwise distance matrix used for the clustering. labels : array (n_samples) The label array output by the clustering, providing an integral cluster label to each data point, with -1 for noise points. metric : optional, string (default 'euclidean') The metric used to compute distances for the clustering (and to be re-used in computing distances for mr distance). If set to `precomputed` then X is assumed to be the precomputed distance matrix between samples. d : optional, integer (or None) (default None) The number of features (dimension) of the dataset. This need only be set in the case of metric being set to `precomputed`, where the ambient dimension of the data is unknown to the function. per_cluster_scores : optional, boolean (default False) Whether to return the validity index for individual clusters. Defaults to False with the function returning a single float value for the whole clustering. **kwd_args : Extra arguments to pass to the distance computation for other metrics, such as minkowski, Mahanalobis etc. Returns ------- validity_index : float The density based cluster validity index for the clustering. This is a numeric value between -1 and 1, with higher values indicating a 'better' clustering. per_cluster_validity_index : array (n_clusters,) The cluster validity index of each individual cluster as an array. The overall validity index is the weighted average of these values. Only returned if per_cluster_scores is set to True. References ---------- Moulavi, D., Jaskowiak, P.A., Campello, R.J., Zimek, A. and Sander, J., 2014. Density-Based Clustering Validation. In SDM (pp. 839-847). """ core_distances = {} density_sparseness = {} mst_nodes = {} mst_edges = {} max_cluster_id = labels.max() + 1 density_sep = np.inf * np.ones((max_cluster_id, max_cluster_id), dtype=np.float64) cluster_validity_indices = np.empty(max_cluster_id, dtype=np.float64) for cluster_id in range(max_cluster_id): if np.sum(labels == cluster_id) == 0: continue mr_distances, core_distances[ cluster_id] = all_points_mutual_reachability( X, labels, cluster_id, metric, d, **kwd_args ) mst_nodes[cluster_id], mst_edges[cluster_id] = \ internal_minimum_spanning_tree(mr_distances) density_sparseness[cluster_id] = mst_edges[cluster_id].T[2].max() for i in range(max_cluster_id): if np.sum(labels == i) == 0: continue internal_nodes_i = mst_nodes[i] for j in range(i + 1, max_cluster_id): if np.sum(labels == j) == 0: continue internal_nodes_j = mst_nodes[j] density_sep[i, j] = density_separation( X, labels, i, j, internal_nodes_i, internal_nodes_j, core_distances[i], core_distances[j], metric=metric, **kwd_args ) density_sep[j, i] = density_sep[i, j] n_samples = float(X.shape[0]) result = 0 for i in range(max_cluster_id): if np.sum(labels == i) == 0: continue min_density_sep = density_sep[i].min() cluster_validity_indices[i] = ( (min_density_sep - density_sparseness[i]) / max(min_density_sep, density_sparseness[i]) ) cluster_size = np.sum(labels == i) result += (cluster_size / n_samples) * cluster_validity_indices[i] if per_cluster_scores: return result, cluster_validity_indices else: return result