""" Test the logger module. """ # Author: Gael Varoquaux # Copyright (c) 2009 Gael Varoquaux # License: BSD Style, 3 clauses. import re from joblib.logger import PrintTime def test_print_time(tmpdir, capsys): # A simple smoke test for PrintTime. logfile = tmpdir.join('test.log').strpath print_time = PrintTime(logfile=logfile) print_time('Foo') # Create a second time, to smoke test log rotation. print_time = PrintTime(logfile=logfile) print_time('Foo') # And a third time print_time = PrintTime(logfile=logfile) print_time('Foo') out_printed_text, err_printed_text = capsys.readouterr() # Use regexps to be robust to time variations match = r"Foo: 0\..s, 0\..min\nFoo: 0\..s, 0..min\nFoo: " + \ r".\..s, 0..min\n" if not re.match(match, err_printed_text): raise AssertionError('Excepted %s, got %s' % (match, err_printed_text))