from __future__ import absolute_import import abc import logging import re from kafka.vendor import six from kafka.errors import IllegalStateError from kafka.protocol.offset import OffsetResetStrategy from kafka.structs import OffsetAndMetadata log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SubscriptionState(object): """ A class for tracking the topics, partitions, and offsets for the consumer. A partition is "assigned" either directly with assign_from_user() (manual assignment) or with assign_from_subscribed() (automatic assignment from subscription). Once assigned, the partition is not considered "fetchable" until its initial position has been set with seek(). Fetchable partitions track a fetch position which is used to set the offset of the next fetch, and a consumed position which is the last offset that has been returned to the user. You can suspend fetching from a partition through pause() without affecting the fetched/consumed offsets. The partition will remain unfetchable until the resume() is used. You can also query the pause state independently with is_paused(). Note that pause state as well as fetch/consumed positions are not preserved when partition assignment is changed whether directly by the user or through a group rebalance. This class also maintains a cache of the latest commit position for each of the assigned partitions. This is updated through committed() and can be used to set the initial fetch position (e.g. Fetcher._reset_offset() ). """ _SUBSCRIPTION_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = ( "You must choose only one way to configure your consumer:" " (1) subscribe to specific topics by name," " (2) subscribe to topics matching a regex pattern," " (3) assign itself specific topic-partitions.") def __init__(self, offset_reset_strategy='earliest'): """Initialize a SubscriptionState instance Keyword Arguments: offset_reset_strategy: 'earliest' or 'latest', otherwise exception will be raised when fetching an offset that is no longer available. Default: 'earliest' """ try: offset_reset_strategy = getattr(OffsetResetStrategy, offset_reset_strategy.upper()) except AttributeError: log.warning('Unrecognized offset_reset_strategy, using NONE') offset_reset_strategy = OffsetResetStrategy.NONE self._default_offset_reset_strategy = offset_reset_strategy self.subscription = None # set() or None self.subscribed_pattern = None # regex str or None self._group_subscription = set() self._user_assignment = set() self.assignment = dict() self.needs_partition_assignment = False self.listener = None # initialize to true for the consumers to fetch offset upon starting up self.needs_fetch_committed_offsets = True def subscribe(self, topics=(), pattern=None, listener=None): """Subscribe to a list of topics, or a topic regex pattern. Partitions will be dynamically assigned via a group coordinator. Topic subscriptions are not incremental: this list will replace the current assignment (if there is one). This method is incompatible with assign_from_user() Arguments: topics (list): List of topics for subscription. pattern (str): Pattern to match available topics. You must provide either topics or pattern, but not both. listener (ConsumerRebalanceListener): Optionally include listener callback, which will be called before and after each rebalance operation. As part of group management, the consumer will keep track of the list of consumers that belong to a particular group and will trigger a rebalance operation if one of the following events trigger: * Number of partitions change for any of the subscribed topics * Topic is created or deleted * An existing member of the consumer group dies * A new member is added to the consumer group When any of these events are triggered, the provided listener will be invoked first to indicate that the consumer's assignment has been revoked, and then again when the new assignment has been received. Note that this listener will immediately override any listener set in a previous call to subscribe. It is guaranteed, however, that the partitions revoked/assigned through this interface are from topics subscribed in this call. """ if self._user_assignment or (topics and pattern): raise IllegalStateError(self._SUBSCRIPTION_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE) assert topics or pattern, 'Must provide topics or pattern' if pattern:'Subscribing to pattern: /%s/', pattern) self.subscription = set() self.subscribed_pattern = re.compile(pattern) else: self.change_subscription(topics) if listener and not isinstance(listener, ConsumerRebalanceListener): raise TypeError('listener must be a ConsumerRebalanceListener') self.listener = listener def change_subscription(self, topics): """Change the topic subscription. Arguments: topics (list of str): topics for subscription Raises: IllegalStateErrror: if assign_from_user has been used already TypeError: if a non-str topic is given """ if self._user_assignment: raise IllegalStateError(self._SUBSCRIPTION_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE) if isinstance(topics, six.string_types): topics = [topics] if self.subscription == set(topics): log.warning("subscription unchanged by change_subscription(%s)", topics) return if any(not isinstance(t, six.string_types) for t in topics): raise TypeError('All topics must be strings')'Updating subscribed topics to: %s', topics) self.subscription = set(topics) self._group_subscription.update(topics) self.needs_partition_assignment = True # Remove any assigned partitions which are no longer subscribed to for tp in set(self.assignment.keys()): if tp.topic not in self.subscription: del self.assignment[tp] def group_subscribe(self, topics): """Add topics to the current group subscription. This is used by the group leader to ensure that it receives metadata updates for all topics that any member of the group is subscribed to. Arguments: topics (list of str): topics to add to the group subscription """ if self._user_assignment: raise IllegalStateError(self._SUBSCRIPTION_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE) self._group_subscription.update(topics) def mark_for_reassignment(self): if self._user_assignment: raise IllegalStateError(self._SUBSCRIPTION_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE) assert self.subscription is not None, 'Subscription required' self._group_subscription.intersection_update(self.subscription) self.needs_partition_assignment = True def assign_from_user(self, partitions): """Manually assign a list of TopicPartitions to this consumer. This interface does not allow for incremental assignment and will replace the previous assignment (if there was one). Manual topic assignment through this method does not use the consumer's group management functionality. As such, there will be no rebalance operation triggered when group membership or cluster and topic metadata change. Note that it is not possible to use both manual partition assignment with assign() and group assignment with subscribe(). Arguments: partitions (list of TopicPartition): assignment for this instance. Raises: IllegalStateError: if consumer has already called subscribe() """ if self.subscription is not None: raise IllegalStateError(self._SUBSCRIPTION_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE) self._user_assignment.clear() self._user_assignment.update(partitions) for partition in partitions: if partition not in self.assignment: self._add_assigned_partition(partition) for tp in set(self.assignment.keys()) - self._user_assignment: del self.assignment[tp] self.needs_partition_assignment = False self.needs_fetch_committed_offsets = True def assign_from_subscribed(self, assignments): """Update the assignment to the specified partitions This method is called by the coordinator to dynamically assign partitions based on the consumer's topic subscription. This is different from assign_from_user() which directly sets the assignment from a user-supplied TopicPartition list. Arguments: assignments (list of TopicPartition): partitions to assign to this consumer instance. """ if self.subscription is None: raise IllegalStateError(self._SUBSCRIPTION_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE) for tp in assignments: if tp.topic not in self.subscription: raise ValueError("Assigned partition %s for non-subscribed topic." % str(tp)) self.assignment.clear() for tp in assignments: self._add_assigned_partition(tp) self.needs_partition_assignment = False"Updated partition assignment: %s", assignments) def unsubscribe(self): """Clear all topic subscriptions and partition assignments""" self.subscription = None self._user_assignment.clear() self.assignment.clear() self.needs_partition_assignment = True self.subscribed_pattern = None def group_subscription(self): """Get the topic subscription for the group. For the leader, this will include the union of all member subscriptions. For followers, it is the member's subscription only. This is used when querying topic metadata to detect metadata changes that would require rebalancing (the leader fetches metadata for all topics in the group so that it can do partition assignment). Returns: set: topics """ return self._group_subscription def seek(self, partition, offset): """Manually specify the fetch offset for a TopicPartition. Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use on the next poll(). If this API is invoked for the same partition more than once, the latest offset will be used on the next poll(). Note that you may lose data if this API is arbitrarily used in the middle of consumption, to reset the fetch offsets. Arguments: partition (TopicPartition): partition for seek operation offset (int): message offset in partition """ self.assignment[partition].seek(offset) def assigned_partitions(self): """Return set of TopicPartitions in current assignment.""" return set(self.assignment.keys()) def paused_partitions(self): """Return current set of paused TopicPartitions.""" return set(partition for partition in self.assignment if self.is_paused(partition)) def fetchable_partitions(self): """Return set of TopicPartitions that should be Fetched.""" fetchable = set() for partition, state in six.iteritems(self.assignment): if state.is_fetchable(): fetchable.add(partition) return fetchable def partitions_auto_assigned(self): """Return True unless user supplied partitions manually.""" return self.subscription is not None def all_consumed_offsets(self): """Returns consumed offsets as {TopicPartition: OffsetAndMetadata}""" all_consumed = {} for partition, state in six.iteritems(self.assignment): if state.has_valid_position: all_consumed[partition] = OffsetAndMetadata(state.position, '') return all_consumed def need_offset_reset(self, partition, offset_reset_strategy=None): """Mark partition for offset reset using specified or default strategy. Arguments: partition (TopicPartition): partition to mark offset_reset_strategy (OffsetResetStrategy, optional) """ if offset_reset_strategy is None: offset_reset_strategy = self._default_offset_reset_strategy self.assignment[partition].await_reset(offset_reset_strategy) def has_default_offset_reset_policy(self): """Return True if default offset reset policy is Earliest or Latest""" return self._default_offset_reset_strategy != OffsetResetStrategy.NONE def is_offset_reset_needed(self, partition): return self.assignment[partition].awaiting_reset def has_all_fetch_positions(self): for state in self.assignment.values(): if not state.has_valid_position: return False return True def missing_fetch_positions(self): missing = set() for partition, state in six.iteritems(self.assignment): if not state.has_valid_position: missing.add(partition) return missing def is_assigned(self, partition): return partition in self.assignment def is_paused(self, partition): return partition in self.assignment and self.assignment[partition].paused def is_fetchable(self, partition): return partition in self.assignment and self.assignment[partition].is_fetchable() def pause(self, partition): self.assignment[partition].pause() def resume(self, partition): self.assignment[partition].resume() def _add_assigned_partition(self, partition): self.assignment[partition] = TopicPartitionState() class TopicPartitionState(object): def __init__(self): self.committed = None # last committed position self.has_valid_position = False # whether we have valid position self.paused = False # whether this partition has been paused by the user self.awaiting_reset = False # whether we are awaiting reset self.reset_strategy = None # the reset strategy if awaitingReset is set self._position = None # offset exposed to the user self.highwater = None self.drop_pending_message_set = False def _set_position(self, offset): assert self.has_valid_position, 'Valid position required' self._position = offset def _get_position(self): return self._position position = property(_get_position, _set_position, None, "last position") def await_reset(self, strategy): self.awaiting_reset = True self.reset_strategy = strategy self._position = None self.has_valid_position = False def seek(self, offset): self._position = offset self.awaiting_reset = False self.reset_strategy = None self.has_valid_position = True self.drop_pending_message_set = True def pause(self): self.paused = True def resume(self): self.paused = False def is_fetchable(self): return not self.paused and self.has_valid_position class ConsumerRebalanceListener(object): """ A callback interface that the user can implement to trigger custom actions when the set of partitions assigned to the consumer changes. This is applicable when the consumer is having Kafka auto-manage group membership. If the consumer's directly assign partitions, those partitions will never be reassigned and this callback is not applicable. When Kafka is managing the group membership, a partition re-assignment will be triggered any time the members of the group changes or the subscription of the members changes. This can occur when processes die, new process instances are added or old instances come back to life after failure. Rebalances can also be triggered by changes affecting the subscribed topics (e.g. when then number of partitions is administratively adjusted). There are many uses for this functionality. One common use is saving offsets in a custom store. By saving offsets in the on_partitions_revoked(), call we can ensure that any time partition assignment changes the offset gets saved. Another use is flushing out any kind of cache of intermediate results the consumer may be keeping. For example, consider a case where the consumer is subscribed to a topic containing user page views, and the goal is to count the number of page views per users for each five minute window. Let's say the topic is partitioned by the user id so that all events for a particular user will go to a single consumer instance. The consumer can keep in memory a running tally of actions per user and only flush these out to a remote data store when its cache gets too big. However if a partition is reassigned it may want to automatically trigger a flush of this cache, before the new owner takes over consumption. This callback will execute in the user thread as part of the Consumer.poll() whenever partition assignment changes. It is guaranteed that all consumer processes will invoke on_partitions_revoked() prior to any process invoking on_partitions_assigned(). So if offsets or other state is saved in the on_partitions_revoked() call, it should be saved by the time the process taking over that partition has their on_partitions_assigned() callback called to load the state. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractmethod def on_partitions_revoked(self, revoked): """ A callback method the user can implement to provide handling of offset commits to a customized store on the start of a rebalance operation. This method will be called before a rebalance operation starts and after the consumer stops fetching data. It is recommended that offsets should be committed in this callback to either Kafka or a custom offset store to prevent duplicate data. NOTE: This method is only called before rebalances. It is not called prior to KafkaConsumer.close() Arguments: revoked (list of TopicPartition): the partitions that were assigned to the consumer on the last rebalance """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def on_partitions_assigned(self, assigned): """ A callback method the user can implement to provide handling of customized offsets on completion of a successful partition re-assignment. This method will be called after an offset re-assignment completes and before the consumer starts fetching data. It is guaranteed that all the processes in a consumer group will execute their on_partitions_revoked() callback before any instance executes its on_partitions_assigned() callback. Arguments: assigned (list of TopicPartition): the partitions assigned to the consumer (may include partitions that were previously assigned) """ pass