from __future__ import absolute_import import atexit import binascii import collections import struct from threading import Thread, Event import weakref from kafka.vendor import six from kafka.errors import BufferUnderflowError def crc32(data): crc = binascii.crc32(data) # py2 and py3 behave a little differently # CRC is encoded as a signed int in kafka protocol # so we'll convert the py3 unsigned result to signed if six.PY3 and crc >= 2**31: crc -= 2**32 return crc def write_int_string(s): if s is not None and not isinstance(s, six.binary_type): raise TypeError('Expected "%s" to be bytes\n' 'data=%s' % (type(s), repr(s))) if s is None: return struct.pack('>i', -1) else: return struct.pack('>i%ds' % len(s), len(s), s) def read_short_string(data, cur): if len(data) < cur + 2: raise BufferUnderflowError("Not enough data left") (strlen,) = struct.unpack('>h', data[cur:cur + 2]) if strlen == -1: return None, cur + 2 cur += 2 if len(data) < cur + strlen: raise BufferUnderflowError("Not enough data left") out = data[cur:cur + strlen] return out, cur + strlen def relative_unpack(fmt, data, cur): size = struct.calcsize(fmt) if len(data) < cur + size: raise BufferUnderflowError("Not enough data left") out = struct.unpack(fmt, data[cur:cur + size]) return out, cur + size def group_by_topic_and_partition(tuples): out = collections.defaultdict(dict) for t in tuples: assert t.topic not in out or t.partition not in out[t.topic], \ 'Duplicate {0}s for {1} {2}'.format(t.__class__.__name__, t.topic, t.partition) out[t.topic][t.partition] = t return out class ReentrantTimer(object): """ A timer that can be restarted, unlike threading.Timer (although this uses threading.Timer) Arguments: t: timer interval in milliseconds fn: a callable to invoke args: tuple of args to be passed to function kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to function """ def __init__(self, t, fn, *args, **kwargs): if t <= 0: raise ValueError('Invalid timeout value') if not callable(fn): raise ValueError('fn must be callable') self.thread = None self.t = t / 1000.0 self.fn = fn self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs = None def _timer(self, active): # python2.6 Event.wait() always returns None # python2.7 and greater returns the flag value (true/false) # we want the flag value, so add an 'or' here for python2.6 # this is redundant for later python versions (FLAG OR FLAG == FLAG) while not (active.wait(self.t) or active.is_set()): self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) def start(self): if self.thread is not None: self.stop() = Event() self.thread = Thread(target=self._timer, args=(,)) self.thread.daemon = True # So the app exits when main thread exits self.thread.start() def stop(self): if self.thread is None: return self.thread.join(self.t + 1) # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit self.timer = None self.fn = None def __del__(self): self.stop() class WeakMethod(object): """ Callable that weakly references a method and the object it is bound to. It is based on Arguments: object_dot_method: A bound instance method (i.e. 'object.method'). """ def __init__(self, object_dot_method): try: = weakref.ref(object_dot_method.__self__) except AttributeError: = weakref.ref(object_dot_method.im_self) self._target_id = id( try: self.method = weakref.ref(object_dot_method.__func__) except AttributeError: self.method = weakref.ref(object_dot_method.im_func) self._method_id = id(self.method()) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls the method on target with args and kwargs. """ return self.method()(, *args, **kwargs) def __hash__(self): return hash( ^ hash(self.method) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, WeakMethod): return False return self._target_id == other._target_id and self._method_id == other._method_id def try_method_on_system_exit(obj, method, *args, **kwargs): def wrapper(_obj, _meth, *args, **kwargs): try: getattr(_obj, _meth)(*args, **kwargs) except (ReferenceError, AttributeError): pass atexit.register(wrapper, weakref.proxy(obj), method, *args, **kwargs)