from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import cntk as C import numpy as np from .common import floatx from .common import epsilon from .common import image_data_format from .common import normalize_data_format from ..utils.generic_utils import transpose_shape from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import contextmanager import warnings C.set_global_option('align_axis', 1) b_any = any py_slice = slice dev = C.device.use_default_device() if dev.type() == 0: warnings.warn( 'CNTK backend warning: GPU is not detected. ' 'CNTK\'s CPU version is not fully optimized,' 'please run with GPU to get better performance.') # A learning phase is a bool tensor used to run Keras models in # either train mode (learning_phase == 1) or test mode (learning_phase == 0). # LEARNING_PHASE_PLACEHOLDER is the placeholder for dynamic learning phase _LEARNING_PHASE_PLACEHOLDER = C.constant( shape=(), dtype=np.float32, value=1.0, name='_keras_learning_phase') # static learning phase flag, if it is not 0 or 1, we will go with dynamic # learning phase tensor. _LEARNING_PHASE = -1 _UID_PREFIXES = defaultdict(int) # cntk doesn't support gradient as symbolic op, to hook up with keras model, # we will create gradient as a constant placeholder, here use this global # map to keep the mapping from grad placeholder to parameter grad_parameter_dict = {} NAME_SCOPE_STACK = [] @contextmanager def name_scope(name): global NAME_SCOPE_STACK NAME_SCOPE_STACK.append(name) yield NAME_SCOPE_STACK.pop() def get_uid(prefix=''): _UID_PREFIXES[prefix] += 1 return _UID_PREFIXES[prefix] def learning_phase(): # If _LEARNING_PHASE is not 0 or 1, return dynamic learning phase tensor if _LEARNING_PHASE in {0, 1}: return _LEARNING_PHASE else: return _LEARNING_PHASE_PLACEHOLDER def set_learning_phase(value): global _LEARNING_PHASE if value not in {0, 1}: raise ValueError('CNTK Backend: Set learning phase ' 'with value %s is not supported, ' 'expected 0 or 1.' % value) _LEARNING_PHASE = value def clear_session(): """Reset learning phase flag for cntk backend. """ global _LEARNING_PHASE global _LEARNING_PHASE_PLACEHOLDER _LEARNING_PHASE = -1 _LEARNING_PHASE_PLACEHOLDER.value = np.asarray(1.0) def in_train_phase(x, alt, training=None): global _LEARNING_PHASE if training is None: training = learning_phase() uses_learning_phase = True else: uses_learning_phase = False # CNTK currently don't support cond op, so here we use # element_select approach as workaround. It may have # perf issue, will resolve it later with cntk cond op. if callable(x) and isinstance(x, C.cntk_py.Function) is False: x = x() if callable(alt) and isinstance(alt, C.cntk_py.Function) is False: alt = alt() if training is True: x._uses_learning_phase = uses_learning_phase return x else: # if _LEARNING_PHASE is static if isinstance(training, int) or isinstance(training, bool): result = x if training == 1 or training is True else alt else: result = C.element_select(training, x, alt) result._uses_learning_phase = uses_learning_phase return result def in_test_phase(x, alt, training=None): return in_train_phase(alt, x, training=training) def _convert_string_dtype(dtype): if dtype == 'float32': return np.float32 elif dtype == 'float64': return np.float64 elif dtype == 'float16': return np.float16 else: # cntk only running with float, # try to cast to float to run the model return np.float32 def _convert_dtype_string(dtype): if dtype == np.float32: return 'float32' elif dtype == np.float64: return 'float64' elif dtype == np.float16: return 'float16' else: raise ValueError('CNTK Backend: Unsupported dtype: %s. ' 'CNTK only supports float32, float64, and ' 'float16.' % dtype) def variable(value, dtype=None, name=None, constraint=None): """Instantiates a variable and returns it. # Arguments value: Numpy array, initial value of the tensor. dtype: Tensor type. name: Optional name string for the tensor. constraint: Optional projection function to be applied to the variable after an optimizer update. # Returns A variable instance (with Keras metadata included). """ if dtype is None: dtype = floatx() if name is None: name = '' if isinstance( value, C.variables.Constant) or isinstance( value, C.variables.Parameter): value = value.value # we don't support init parameter with symbolic op, so eval it first as # workaround if isinstance(value, C.cntk_py.Function): value = eval(value) shape = value.shape if hasattr(value, 'shape') else () if hasattr(value, 'dtype') and value.dtype != dtype and len(shape) > 0: value = value.astype(dtype) # TODO: remove the conversion when cntk supports int32, int64 # dtype = 'float32' if 'int' in str(dtype) else dtype v = C.parameter(shape=shape, init=value, dtype=dtype, name=_prepare_name(name, 'variable')) v._keras_shape = v.shape v._uses_learning_phase = False v.constraint = constraint return v def is_variable(x): return isinstance(x, C.variables.Parameter) def bias_add(x, bias, data_format=None): data_format = normalize_data_format(data_format) dims = len(x.shape) if dims > 0 and x.shape[0] == C.InferredDimension: dims -= 1 bias_dims = len(bias.shape) if bias_dims != 1 and bias_dims != dims: raise ValueError('Unexpected bias dimensions %d, ' 'expected 1 or %d dimensions' % (bias_dims, dims)) if dims == 4: if data_format == 'channels_first': if bias_dims == 1: shape = (bias.shape[0], 1, 1, 1) else: shape = (bias.shape[3],) + bias.shape[:3] elif data_format == 'channels_last': if bias_dims == 1: shape = (1, 1, 1, bias.shape[0]) else: shape = bias.shape elif dims == 3: if data_format == 'channels_first': if bias_dims == 1: shape = (bias.shape[0], 1, 1) else: shape = (bias.shape[2],) + bias.shape[:2] elif data_format == 'channels_last': if bias_dims == 1: shape = (1, 1, bias.shape[0]) else: shape = bias.shape elif dims == 2: if data_format == 'channels_first': if bias_dims == 1: shape = (bias.shape[0], 1) else: shape = (bias.shape[1],) + bias.shape[:1] elif data_format == 'channels_last': if bias_dims == 1: shape = (1, bias.shape[0]) else: shape = bias.shape else: shape = bias.shape return x + reshape(bias, shape) def eval(x): if isinstance(x, C.cntk_py.Function): return x.eval() elif (isinstance(x, C.variables.Constant) or isinstance( x, C.variables.Parameter)): return x.value else: raise ValueError('CNTK Backend: `eval` method on ' '`%s` type is not supported. ' 'CNTK only supports `eval` with ' '`Function`, `Constant` or ' '`Parameter`.' % type(x)) def placeholder( shape=None, ndim=None, dtype=None, sparse=False, name=None, dynamic_axis_num=1): if dtype is None: dtype = floatx() if not shape: if ndim: shape = tuple([None for _ in range(ndim)]) if _get_cntk_version() >= 2.2: dynamic_dimension = C.FreeDimension else: dynamic_dimension = C.InferredDimension cntk_shape = [dynamic_dimension if s is None else s for s in shape] cntk_shape = tuple(cntk_shape) if dynamic_axis_num > len(cntk_shape): raise ValueError('CNTK backend: creating placeholder with ' '%d dimension is not supported, at least ' '%d dimensions are needed.' % (len(cntk_shape), dynamic_axis_num)) if name is None: name = '' cntk_shape = cntk_shape[dynamic_axis_num:] x = C.input( shape=cntk_shape, dtype=_convert_string_dtype(dtype), is_sparse=sparse, name=name) x._keras_shape = shape x._uses_learning_phase = False x._cntk_placeholder = True return x def is_placeholder(x): """Returns whether `x` is a placeholder. # Arguments x: A candidate placeholder. # Returns Boolean. """ return hasattr(x, '_cntk_placeholder') and x._cntk_placeholder def is_keras_tensor(x): if not is_tensor(x): raise ValueError('Unexpectedly found an instance of type `' + str(type(x)) + '`. ' 'Expected a symbolic tensor instance.') return hasattr(x, '_keras_history') def is_tensor(x): return isinstance(x, (C.variables.Constant, C.variables.Variable, C.variables.Parameter, C.ops.functions.Function)) def shape(x): shape = list(int_shape(x)) num_dynamic = _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) non_dyn_shape = [] for i in range(len(x.shape)): if shape[i + num_dynamic] is None: non_dyn_shape.append(x.shape[i]) else: non_dyn_shape.append(shape[i + num_dynamic]) return shape[:num_dynamic] + non_dyn_shape def is_sparse(tensor): return tensor.is_sparse def int_shape(x): if hasattr(x, '_keras_shape'): return x._keras_shape if hasattr(x, 'shape'): shape = x.shape else: shape = np.array(x).shape if hasattr(x, 'dynamic_axes'): dynamic_shape = [None for a in x.dynamic_axes] shape = tuple(dynamic_shape) + shape return shape def ndim(x): shape = int_shape(x) return len(shape) def _prepare_name(name, default): prefix = '_'.join(NAME_SCOPE_STACK) if name is None or name == '': return prefix + '/' + default return prefix + '/' + name def constant(value, dtype=None, shape=None, name=None): if dtype is None: dtype = floatx() if shape is None: shape = () np_value = value * np.ones(shape) const = C.constant(np_value, dtype=dtype, name=_prepare_name(name, 'constant')) const._keras_shape = const.shape const._uses_learning_phase = False return const def random_binomial(shape, p=0.0, dtype=None, seed=None): if seed is None: # ensure that randomness is conditioned by the Numpy RNG seed = np.random.randint(10e7) if dtype is None: dtype = floatx() else: dtype = _convert_string_dtype(dtype) for _ in shape: if _ is None: raise ValueError('CNTK Backend: randomness op with ' 'dynamic shape is not supported now. ' 'Please provide fixed dimension ' 'instead of `None`.') return C.random.bernoulli(shape=shape, dtype=dtype, mean=p, seed=seed) def random_uniform(shape, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, dtype=None, seed=None): for _ in shape: if _ is None: raise ValueError('CNTK Backend: randomness op with ' 'dynamic shape is not supported now. ' 'Please provide fixed dimension ' 'instead of `None`.') if seed is None: # ensure that randomness is conditioned by the Numpy RNG seed = np.random.randint(10e3) return C.random.uniform( shape=shape, dtype=dtype, low=minval, high=maxval, seed=seed) def random_uniform_variable(shape, low, high, dtype=None, name=None, seed=None): if seed is None: # ensure that randomness is conditioned by the Numpy RNG seed = np.random.randint(10e3) if dtype is None: dtype = floatx() else: dtype = _convert_string_dtype(dtype) if name is None: name = '' scale = (high - low) / 2 p = C.parameter( shape, init=C.initializer.uniform( scale, seed=seed), dtype=dtype, name=name) return variable(value=p.value + low + scale) def random_normal_variable( shape, mean, scale, dtype=None, name=None, seed=None): if seed is None: # ensure that randomness is conditioned by the Numpy RNG seed = np.random.randint(10e7) if dtype is None: dtype = floatx() else: dtype = _convert_string_dtype(dtype) if name is None: name = '' p = C.parameter( shape=shape, init=C.initializer.normal( scale=scale, seed=seed), dtype=dtype, name=name) return variable(value=p.value + mean) def random_normal(shape, mean=0.0, stddev=1.0, dtype=None, seed=None): if dtype is None: dtype = floatx() for _ in shape: if _ is None: raise ValueError('CNTK Backend: randomness op with ' 'dynamic shape is not supported now. ' 'Please provide fixed dimension ' 'instead of `None`.') if seed is None: # ensure that randomness is conditioned by the Numpy RNG seed = np.random.randint(10e3) return C.random.normal( shape=shape, mean=mean, scale=stddev, seed=seed, dtype=dtype) def truncated_normal(shape, mean=0.0, stddev=1.0, dtype=None, seed=None): if seed is None: seed = np.random.randint(1, 10e6) if dtype is None: dtype = floatx() else: dtype = _convert_string_dtype(dtype) return C.parameter( shape, init=C.initializer.truncated_normal( stddev, seed=seed), dtype=dtype) def dtype(x): return _convert_dtype_string(x.dtype) def zeros(shape, dtype=None, name=None): if dtype is None: dtype = floatx() ctype = _convert_string_dtype(dtype) return variable(value=np.zeros(shape, ctype), dtype=dtype, name=name) def ones(shape, dtype=None, name=None): if dtype is None: dtype = floatx() ctype = _convert_string_dtype(dtype) return variable(value=np.ones(shape, ctype), dtype=dtype, name=name) def eye(size, dtype=None, name=None): if dtype is None: dtype = floatx() if isinstance(size, (list, tuple)): n, m = size else: n, m = size, size return variable(np.eye(n, m), dtype, name) def zeros_like(x, dtype=None, name=None): name = name or '' if dtype is None: dtype = floatx() return C.cast(C.zeros_like(x, name), dtype) def ones_like(x, dtype=None, name=None): name = name or '' if dtype is None: dtype = floatx() return C.cast(C.ones_like(x, name), dtype) def count_params(x): for _ in x.shape: if _ == C.InferredDimension or _ == C.FreeDimension: raise ValueError('CNTK backend: `count_params` with dynamic ' 'shape is not supported. Please provide ' 'fixed dimension instead of `None`.') return def cast(x, dtype): # cntk calculate everything in float, so don't need case from bool / int return x def size(x, name=None): return sum(ones_like(x, name=name)) def dot(x, y): if len(x.shape) > 2 or len(y.shape) > 2: y_shape = int_shape(y) if len(y_shape) > 2: permutation = [len(y_shape) - 2] permutation += list(range(len(y_shape) - 2)) permutation += [len(y_shape) - 1] y = C.transpose(y, perm=permutation) return C.times(x, y, len(y_shape) - 1) else: return C.times(x, y) def batch_dot(x, y, axes=None): x_shape = int_shape(x) y_shape = int_shape(y) x_ndim = len(x_shape) y_ndim = len(y_shape) if x_ndim < 2 or y_ndim < 2: raise ValueError('Can not do batch_dot on inputs ' 'with rank < 2. ' 'Received inputs with shapes ' + str(x_shape) + ' and ' + str(y_shape) + '.') x_batch_size = x_shape[0] y_batch_size = y_shape[0] if x_batch_size is not None and y_batch_size is not None: if x_batch_size != y_batch_size: raise ValueError('Can not do batch_dot on inputs ' 'with different batch sizes. ' 'Received inputs with shapes ' + str(x_shape) + ' and ' + str(y_shape) + '.') if isinstance(axes, int): axes = [axes, axes] if axes is None: if y_ndim == 2: axes = [x_ndim - 1, y_ndim - 1] else: axes = [x_ndim - 1, y_ndim - 2] if b_any([isinstance(a, (list, tuple)) for a in axes]): raise ValueError('Multiple target dimensions are not supported. ' + 'Expected: None, int, (int, int), ' + 'Provided: ' + str(axes)) # if tuple, convert to list axes = list(axes) # convert negative indices if axes[0] < 0: axes[0] += x_ndim if axes[1] < 0: axes[1] += y_ndim if 0 in axes: raise ValueError('Can not perform batch_dot over axis 0.' ' If your inputs are not batched,' ' add a dummy batch dimension to your ' 'inputs using K.expand_dims(x, 0)') d1 = x_shape[axes[0]] d2 = y_shape[axes[1]] if d1 is not None and d2 is not None and d1 != d2: raise ValueError('Can not do batch_dot on inputs with shapes ' + str(x_shape) + ' and ' + str(y_shape) + ' with axes=' + str(axes) + '. x.shape[%d] != ' 'y.shape[%d] (%d != %d).' % (axes[0], axes[1], d1, d2)) # Input shapes: # x: (b_size, x1, ..., d, ..., xn) # y: (b_size, y1, ..., d, ..., yn) # where d is the dimension to reduce. # Bring d to the last dimension in x # x: (b_size, ..., d) permute_pattern = list(range(x_ndim)) for i in range(axes[0], x_ndim - 1): permute_pattern[i] = permute_pattern[i + 1] permute_pattern[-1] = axes[0] x = permute_dimensions(x, permute_pattern) # Bring d to the second dimension in y # y: (b_size, d, ...) permute_pattern = list(range(y_ndim)) for i in range(axes[1], 1, -1): permute_pattern[i] = permute_pattern[i - 1] permute_pattern[1] = axes[1] y = permute_dimensions(y, permute_pattern) # Expand to rank 3 if needed if x_ndim == 2: x = expand_dims(x, 1) x_expanded = True else: x_expanded = False if y_ndim == 2: y = expand_dims(y, -1) y_expanded = True else: y_expanded = False x_shape = int_shape(x) y_shape = int_shape(y) # batch size might be lost at this point x_batch_size = x_shape[0] y_batch_size = y_shape[0] if x_batch_size is None and y_batch_size is None: dynamic_batch_size = True elif x_batch_size is not None and y_batch_size is not None: dynamic_batch_size = False else: raise ValueError('Can not perform batch_dot on inputs' + ' with both static and dynamic batch sizes.' + 'You probably attempted to permform the ' + 'operation on a placeholder and a variable, ' + 'which is not yet supported on the CNTK backend.') if dynamic_batch_size: result = C.times(x, y, output_rank=y_ndim - 2 + int(y_expanded)) else: result = [] for i in range(x_batch_size): xi = x[i] yi = y[i] if ndim(xi) == ndim(x): # for older versions of CNTK xi = squeeze(xi, 0) yi = squeeze(yi, 0) result.append(C.times(xi, yi, output_rank=y_ndim - 2 + int(y_expanded))) result = stack(result, 0) if x_expanded: result = squeeze(result, 1) if y_expanded: result = squeeze(result, -1) if ndim(result) == 1: return expand_dims(result) return result def transpose(x): return C.swapaxes(x, 0, 1) def gather(reference, indices): # There is a bug in cntk gather op which may cause crash. # We have made a fix but not catched in CNTK 2.1 release. # Will update with gather op in next release if _get_cntk_version() >= 2.2: return C.ops.gather(reference, indices) else: num_classes = reference.shape[0] one_hot_matrix = C.ops.one_hot(indices, num_classes) return C.times( one_hot_matrix, reference, output_rank=len(reference.shape) - 1) def _remove_dims(x, axis, keepdims=False): if keepdims is False and isinstance(axis, list): # sequence axis is removed by default, so don't need reshape on it reduce_axes = [] for a in axis: if isinstance(a, C.Axis) is False: reduce_axes.append(a) return _reshape_dummy_dim(x, reduce_axes) else: if isinstance(axis, list): has_seq = False for a in axis: if isinstance(a, C.Axis): has_seq = True break if has_seq: nones = _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) x = expand_dims(x, nones) return x def max(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): axis = _normalize_axis(axis, x) output = _reduce_on_axis(x, axis, 'reduce_max') return _remove_dims(output, axis, keepdims) def min(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): axis = _normalize_axis(axis, x) output = _reduce_on_axis(x, axis, 'reduce_min') return _remove_dims(output, axis, keepdims) def sum(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): axis = _normalize_axis(axis, x) output = _reduce_on_axis(x, axis, 'reduce_sum') return _remove_dims(output, axis, keepdims) def prod(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): axis = _normalize_axis(axis, x) output = _reduce_on_axis(x, axis, 'reduce_prod') return _remove_dims(output, axis, keepdims) def logsumexp(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): return log(sum(exp(x), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)) def var(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): m = mean(x, axis, keepdims=True) devs_squared = C.square(x - m) return mean(devs_squared, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) def std(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): return C.sqrt(var(x, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)) def expand_dims(x, axis=-1): shape = list(int_shape(x)) nones = _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) index = axis if axis >= 0 else len(shape) + 1 shape.insert(index, 1) new_shape = shape[nones:] new_shape = tuple( [C.InferredDimension if _ is None else _ for _ in new_shape]) result = C.reshape(x, new_shape) if index < nones: result._keras_shape = shape return result def squeeze(x, axis): if isinstance(axis, tuple): axis = list(axis) if not isinstance(axis, list): axis = [axis] shape = list(int_shape(x)) _axis = [] for _ in axis: if isinstance(_, int): _axis.append(_ if _ >= 0 else _ + len(shape)) if len(_axis) == 0: return x nones = _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) for _ in sorted(_axis, reverse=True): del shape[_] new_shape = shape[nones:] new_shape_temp = [] for _ in new_shape: if _ == C.FreeDimension: new_shape_temp.append(C.InferredDimension) else: new_shape_temp.append(_) new_shape = tuple(new_shape_temp) return C.reshape(x, new_shape) def tile(x, n): if isinstance(n, int): n = (n,) elif isinstance(n, list): n = tuple(n) shape = int_shape(x) num_dynamic_axis = _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) if len(n) < len(shape): # Padding the axis n = tuple([1 for _ in range(len(shape) - len(n))]) + n elif len(n) != len(shape): raise NotImplementedError i = num_dynamic_axis for i, rep in enumerate(n): if i >= num_dynamic_axis and shape[i] is not None: tmp = [x] * rep x = C.splice(*tmp, axis=i - num_dynamic_axis) i += 1 return x def _normalize_axis(axis, x): shape = int_shape(x) ndim = len(shape) nones = _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) if nones > ndim: raise ValueError( 'CNTK Backend: tensor with keras shape: `%s` has ' '%d cntk dynamic axis, this is not expected, please ' 'double check the keras shape history.' % (str(shape), nones)) # Current cntk does not support shape like (1, batch). so using the workaround # here to mapping the correct axis. Will remove this tricky after we add support # in native cntk op cntk_axis = [] dynamic_axis_index = 0 for i in range(ndim): if shape[i] is None and dynamic_axis_index < nones: cntk_axis.append(x.dynamic_axes[dynamic_axis_index]) dynamic_axis_index += 1 else: cntk_axis.append(i - dynamic_axis_index) if dynamic_axis_index < nones: i = 0 while dynamic_axis_index < nones: cntk_axis[i] = x.dynamic_axes[dynamic_axis_index] i += 1 dynamic_axis_index += 1 while i < len(cntk_axis): cntk_axis[i] -= nones i += 1 if isinstance(axis, tuple): _axis = list(axis) elif isinstance(axis, int): _axis = [axis] elif isinstance(axis, list): _axis = list(axis) else: _axis = axis if isinstance(_axis, list): for i, a in enumerate(_axis): if a is not None and a < 0: _axis[i] = (a % ndim) if _axis[i] is not None: _axis[i] = cntk_axis[_axis[i]] else: if _axis is None: _axis = C.Axis.all_axes() return _axis def _reshape_dummy_dim(x, axis): shape = list(x.shape) _axis = [_ + len(shape) if _ < 0 else _ for _ in axis] if shape.count(C.InferredDimension) > 1 or shape.count(C.FreeDimension) > 1: result = x for index in sorted(_axis, reverse=True): result = C.reshape(result, shape=(), begin_axis=index, end_axis=index + 1) return result else: for index in sorted(_axis, reverse=True): del shape[index] shape = [C.InferredDimension if _ == C.FreeDimension else _ for _ in shape] return C.reshape(x, shape) def mean(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): axis = _normalize_axis(axis, x) output = _reduce_on_axis(x, axis, 'reduce_mean') return _remove_dims(output, axis, keepdims) def any(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): reduce_result = sum(x, axis, keepdims=keepdims) any_matrix = C.element_select( reduce_result, ones_like(reduce_result), zeros_like(reduce_result)) if len(reduce_result.shape) == 0 and _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) == 0: return C.reduce_sum(any_matrix) else: return any_matrix def all(x, axis=None, keepdims=False): reduce_result = prod(x, axis, keepdims=keepdims) all_matrix = C.element_select( reduce_result, ones_like(reduce_result), zeros_like(reduce_result)) if len(reduce_result.shape) == 0 and _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) == 0: return C.reduce_sum(all_matrix) else: return all_matrix def classification_error(target, output, axis=-1): return C.ops.reduce_mean( C.equal( argmax( output, axis=-1), argmax( target, axis=-1)), axis=C.Axis.all_axes()) def argmax(x, axis=-1): axis = [axis] axis = _normalize_axis(axis, x) output = C.ops.argmax(x, axis=axis[0]) return _reshape_dummy_dim(output, axis) def argmin(x, axis=-1): axis = [axis] axis = _normalize_axis(axis, x) output = C.ops.argmin(x, axis=axis[0]) return _reshape_dummy_dim(output, axis) def square(x): return C.square(x) def abs(x): return C.abs(x) def sqrt(x): return C.sqrt(x) def exp(x): return C.exp(x) def log(x): return C.log(x) def round(x): return C.round(x) def sigmoid(x): return C.sigmoid(x) def sign(x): return x / C.abs(x) def pow(x, a): return C.pow(x, a) def clip(x, min_value, max_value): if (isinstance(min_value, (int, float)) and isinstance(max_value, (int, float))): if max_value < min_value: max_value = min_value if min_value is None: min_value = -np.inf if max_value is None: max_value = np.inf return C.clip(x, min_value, max_value) def binary_crossentropy(target, output, from_logits=False): if from_logits: output = C.sigmoid(output) output = C.clip(output, epsilon(), 1.0 - epsilon()) output = -target * C.log(output) - (1.0 - target) * C.log(1.0 - output) return output def get_variable_shape(x): return int_shape(x) def update(x, new_x): return C.assign(x, new_x) def moving_average_update(variable, value, momentum): return C.assign(variable, variable * momentum + value * (1. - momentum)) def update_add(x, increment): result = x + increment return C.assign(x, result) def update_sub(x, decrement): result = x - decrement return C.assign(x, result) def gradients(loss, variables): # cntk does not support gradients as symbolic op, # to hook up with keras model # we will return a constant as place holder, the cntk learner will apply # the gradient during training. global grad_parameter_dict if isinstance(variables, list) is False: variables = [variables] grads = [] for v in variables: g = C.constant(0, shape=v.shape, name='keras_grad_placeholder') grads.append(g) grad_parameter_dict[g] = v return grads def equal(x, y): return C.equal(x, y) def not_equal(x, y): return C.not_equal(x, y) def greater(x, y): return C.greater(x, y) def greater_equal(x, y): return C.greater_equal(x, y) def less(x, y): return C.less(x, y) def less_equal(x, y): return C.less_equal(x, y) def maximum(x, y): return C.element_max(x, y) def minimum(x, y): return C.element_min(x, y) def sin(x): return C.sin(x) def cos(x): return C.cos(x) def normalize_batch_in_training(x, gamma, beta, reduction_axes, epsilon=1e-3): if gamma is None: if beta is None: gamma = ones_like(x) else: gamma = ones_like(beta) if beta is None: if gamma is None: beta = zeros_like(x) else: beta = zeros_like(gamma) mean, variant = _moments(x, _normalize_axis(reduction_axes, x)) if sorted(reduction_axes) == list(range(ndim(x)))[:-1]: normalized = batch_normalization( x, mean, variant, beta, gamma, epsilon) else: # need broadcasting target_shape = [] x_shape = int_shape(x) # skip the batch axis for axis in range(1, ndim(x)): if axis in reduction_axes: target_shape.append(1) if ndim(gamma) > axis: gamma = C.reduce_mean(gamma, axis - 1) beta = C.reduce_mean(beta, axis - 1) else: target_shape.append(x_shape[axis]) broadcast_mean = C.reshape(mean, target_shape) broadcast_var = C.reshape(variant, target_shape) broadcast_gamma = C.reshape(gamma, target_shape) broadcast_beta = C.reshape(beta, target_shape) normalized = batch_normalization( x, broadcast_mean, broadcast_var, broadcast_beta, broadcast_gamma, epsilon) return normalized, mean, variant def _moments(x, axes=None, shift=None, keep_dims=False): _axes = tuple(axes) if shift is None: shift = x # Compute true mean while keeping the dims for proper broadcasting. for axis in _axes: shift = C.reduce_mean(shift, axis=axis) shift = C.stop_gradient(shift) shifted_mean = C.minus(x, shift) for axis in _axes: shifted_mean = C.reduce_mean(shifted_mean, axis=axis) variance_mean = C.square(C.minus(x, shift)) for axis in _axes: variance_mean = C.reduce_mean(variance_mean, axis=axis) variance = C.minus(variance_mean, C.square(shifted_mean)) mean =, shift) if not keep_dims: mean = squeeze(mean, _axes) variance = squeeze(variance, _axes) return mean, variance def batch_normalization(x, mean, var, beta, gamma, axis=-1, epsilon=1e-3): # The mean / var / beta / gamma may be processed by broadcast # so it may have an extra batch axis with 1, it is not needed # in cntk, need to remove those dummy axis. if ndim(mean) == ndim(x) and shape(mean)[0] == 1: mean = _reshape_dummy_dim(mean, [0]) if ndim(var) == ndim(x) and shape(var)[0] == 1: var = _reshape_dummy_dim(var, [0]) if gamma is None: gamma = ones_like(var) elif ndim(gamma) == ndim(x) and shape(gamma)[0] == 1: gamma = _reshape_dummy_dim(gamma, [0]) if beta is None: beta = zeros_like(mean) elif ndim(beta) == ndim(x) and shape(beta)[0] == 1: beta = _reshape_dummy_dim(beta, [0]) return (x - mean) / C.sqrt(var + epsilon) * gamma + beta def concatenate(tensors, axis=-1): if len(tensors) == 0: return None axis = [axis] axis = _normalize_axis(axis, tensors[0]) return C.splice(*tensors, axis=axis[0]) def stack(x, axis=0): x = [expand_dims(t, axis) for t in x] return concatenate(x, axis) def flatten(x): return reshape(x, (-1,)) def reshape(x, shape): shape_temp = [] for _ in shape: if _ == C.FreeDimension: shape_temp.append(C.InferredDimension) else: shape_temp.append(_) shape = tuple(shape_temp) if isinstance(x, C.variables.Parameter): return C.reshape(x, shape) else: num_dynamic_axis = _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) if num_dynamic_axis == 1 and len(shape) > 0 and shape[0] == -1: # collapse axis with batch axis if b_any(_ == C.InferredDimension for _ in x.shape) or b_any( _ == C.FreeDimension for _ in x.shape): warnings.warn( 'Warning: CNTK backend does not support ' 'collapse of batch axis with inferred dimension. ' 'The reshape did not take place.') return x return _reshape_batch(x, shape) else: # no collapse, then first need to padding the shape if num_dynamic_axis >= len(shape): i = 0 while i < len(shape): if shape[i] is None or shape[i] == -1: i += 1 else: break shape = tuple([-1 for _ in range(num_dynamic_axis - i)]) + shape new_shape = list(shape) new_shape = new_shape[num_dynamic_axis:] new_shape = [C.InferredDimension if _ is None else _ for _ in new_shape] return C.reshape(x, new_shape) def permute_dimensions(x, pattern): dims = len(int_shape(x)) num_dynamic_axis = _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) if isinstance(pattern, list): current_layout = [i for i in range(dims)] else: current_layout = tuple([i for i in range(dims)]) if (num_dynamic_axis > 0 and pattern[:num_dynamic_axis] != current_layout[:num_dynamic_axis]): raise ValueError('CNTK backend: the permute pattern %s ' 'requested permute on dynamic axis, ' 'which is not supported. Please do permute ' 'on static axis.' % pattern) axis = list(pattern) axis = axis[num_dynamic_axis:] axis = _normalize_axis(axis, x) return C.transpose(x, axis) def resize_images(x, height_factor, width_factor, data_format, interpolation='nearest'): if interpolation == 'nearest': if data_format == 'channels_first': output = repeat_elements(x, height_factor, axis=2) output = repeat_elements(output, width_factor, axis=3) return output elif data_format == 'channels_last': output = repeat_elements(x, height_factor, axis=1) output = repeat_elements(output, width_factor, axis=2) return output else: raise ValueError('CNTK Backend: Invalid data_format: %s' % data_format) else: raise NotImplementedError('CNTK only supports `nearest` interpolation.') def resize_volumes(x, depth_factor, height_factor, width_factor, data_format): if data_format == 'channels_first': output = repeat_elements(x, depth_factor, axis=2) output = repeat_elements(output, height_factor, axis=3) output = repeat_elements(output, width_factor, axis=4) return output elif data_format == 'channels_last': output = repeat_elements(x, depth_factor, axis=1) output = repeat_elements(output, height_factor, axis=2) output = repeat_elements(output, width_factor, axis=3) return output else: raise ValueError('CNTK Backend: Invalid data_format: %s' % data_format) def repeat_elements(x, rep, axis): axis = _normalize_axis(axis, x) axis = axis[0] slices = [] shape = x.shape i = 0 while i < shape[axis]: tmp = C.ops.slice(x, axis, i, i + 1) for _ in range(rep): slices.append(tmp) i += 1 return C.splice(*slices, axis=axis) def repeat(x, n): # this is a workaround for recurrent layer # if n is inferred dimension, # we can't figure out how to repeat it in cntk now # return the same x to take cntk broadcast feature # to make the recurrent layer work. # need to be fixed in GA. if n is C.InferredDimension or n is C.FreeDimension: return x index = 1 - _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) if index < 0 or index > 1: raise NotImplementedError new_shape = list(x.shape) new_shape.insert(index, 1) new_shape = tuple(new_shape) x = C.reshape(x, new_shape) temp = [x] * n return C.splice(*temp, axis=index) def tanh(x): return C.tanh(x) def _static_rnn(step_function, inputs, initial_states, go_backwards=False, mask=None, constants=None, unroll=False, input_length=None): shape = int_shape(inputs) dims = len(shape) uses_learning_phase = False if dims < 3: raise ValueError('Input should be at least 3D.') # if the second axis is static axis, CNTK will do unroll by default if shape[1] is None: raise ValueError('CNTK Backend: the input of static rnn ' 'has shape `%s`, the second axis ' 'is not static. If you want to run ' 'rnn with non-static axis, please try ' 'dynamic rnn with sequence axis.' % shape) if constants is None: constants = [] if mask is not None: mask_shape = int_shape(mask) if len(mask_shape) == dims - 1: mask = expand_dims(mask) nones = _get_dynamic_axis_num(inputs) states = tuple(initial_states) outputs = [] time_axis = 1 - nones if nones > 0 else 1 if go_backwards: i = shape[1] - 1 while i >= 0: current = C.ops.slice(inputs, time_axis, i, i + 1) # remove dummy dimension current = squeeze(current, time_axis) output, new_states = step_function( current, tuple(states) + tuple(constants)) if getattr(output, '_uses_learning_phase', False): uses_learning_phase = True if mask is not None: mask_slice = C.ops.slice(mask, time_axis, i, i + 1) mask_slice = squeeze(mask_slice, time_axis) if len(outputs) == 0: prev_output = zeros_like(output) else: prev_output = outputs[-1] output = C.ops.element_select(mask_slice, output, prev_output) return_states = [] for s, n_s in zip(states, new_states): return_states.append( C.ops.element_select( mask_slice, n_s, s)) new_states = return_states outputs.append(output) states = new_states i -= 1 else: i = 0 while i < shape[1]: current = C.ops.slice(inputs, time_axis, i, i + 1) # remove dummy dimension current = squeeze(current, 1) output, new_states = step_function( current, tuple(states) + tuple(constants)) if getattr(output, '_uses_learning_phase', False): uses_learning_phase = True if mask is not None: mask_slice = C.ops.slice(mask, time_axis, i, i + 1) mask_slice = squeeze(mask_slice, 1) if len(outputs) == 0: prev_output = zeros_like(output) else: prev_output = outputs[-1] output = C.ops.element_select(mask_slice, output, prev_output) return_states = [] for s, n_s in zip(states, new_states): return_states.append( C.ops.element_select( mask_slice, n_s, s)) new_states = return_states outputs.append(output) states = new_states[:len(states)] i += 1 i = 1 # add the time_step axis back final_output = expand_dims(outputs[0], 1) last_output = outputs[0] while i < len(outputs): # add the time_step axis back output_slice = expand_dims(outputs[i], 1) final_output = C.splice(final_output, output_slice, axis=time_axis) last_output = outputs[i] i += 1 last_output._uses_learning_phase = uses_learning_phase return last_output, final_output, states def rnn(step_function, inputs, initial_states, go_backwards=False, mask=None, constants=None, unroll=False, input_length=None): if not unroll and mask is not None: warnings.warn( 'CNTK Backend only supports accurate masking if ' '`output == new_states[0]` for ' '`output, new_states = step_function(inputs, states)`') shape = int_shape(inputs) dims = len(shape) global uses_learning_phase uses_learning_phase = False if dims < 3: raise ValueError('CNTK Backend: the input of rnn has only rank %d ' 'Need at least rank 3 to run RNN.' % dims) if _get_dynamic_axis_num(inputs) == 0 or unroll: return _static_rnn( step_function, inputs, initial_states, go_backwards, mask, constants, unroll, input_length) if constants is None: constants = [] num_time_step = shape[1] if num_time_step is None and not has_seq_axis(inputs): num_time_step = inputs.shape[0] initial = [] for s in initial_states: if _get_dynamic_axis_num(s) == 0: if hasattr(C, 'to_batch'): initial.append(C.to_batch(s)) else: initial.append(C.user_function(ConvertToBatch(s))) else: initial.append(s) need_convert = not has_seq_axis(inputs) if go_backwards and need_convert is False: raise NotImplementedError( 'CNTK Backend: `go_backwards` is not supported with ' 'variable-length sequences. Please specify a ' 'static length for your sequences.') rnn_inputs = inputs if need_convert: if go_backwards: rnn_inputs = reverse(rnn_inputs, 1) rnn_inputs = C.to_sequence(rnn_inputs) rnn_constants = [] for constant in constants: if isinstance(constant, list): new_c = [] for c in constant: if _get_dynamic_axis_num(c) == 1: new_c.append(C.sequence.broadcast_as(c, rnn_inputs)) else: new_c.append(c) rnn_constants.append(new_c) else: if _get_dynamic_axis_num(constant) == 1: rnn_constants.append(C.sequence.broadcast_as( constant, rnn_inputs)) else: rnn_constants.append(constant) else: rnn_constants = constants if mask is not None and not has_seq_axis(mask): if go_backwards: mask = reverse(mask, 1) if len(int_shape(mask)) == 2: mask = expand_dims(mask) mask = C.to_sequence_like(mask, rnn_inputs) states = tuple(initial) with C.default_options(axis_offset=1): def _recurrence(x, states, m): # create place holder place_holders = [C.placeholder( dynamic_axes=x.dynamic_axes) for _ in states] past_values = [] for s, p in zip(states, place_holders): past_values.append(C.sequence.past_value(p, s)) new_output, new_states = step_function( x, tuple(past_values) + tuple(rnn_constants)) if getattr(new_output, '_uses_learning_phase', False): global uses_learning_phase uses_learning_phase = True if m is not None: new_states_temp = [] for n, s in zip(new_states, past_values): new_states_temp.append(C.element_select(m, n, s)) new_states = new_states_temp n_s = [] for o, p in zip(new_states, place_holders): n_s.append(o.replace_placeholders({p: o.output})) if len(n_s) > 0: new_output = n_s[-1] return new_output, n_s final_output, final_states = _recurrence(rnn_inputs, states, mask) last_output = C.sequence.last(final_output) last_states = [C.sequence.last(s) for s in final_states] if need_convert: final_output = C.sequence.unpack(final_output, 0, no_mask_output=True) if num_time_step is not None and num_time_step is not C.FreeDimension: final_output = _reshape_sequence(final_output, num_time_step) f_stats = [] for l_s, i_s in zip(last_states, initial_states): if _get_dynamic_axis_num(i_s) == 0 and _get_dynamic_axis_num(l_s) == 1: if hasattr(C, 'unpack_batch'): f_stats.append(C.unpack_batch(l_s)) else: f_stats.append( C.user_function(ConvertToStatic(l_s, batch_size=i_s.shape[0]))) else: f_stats.append(l_s) last_output._uses_learning_phase = uses_learning_phase return last_output, final_output, f_stats def has_seq_axis(x): return hasattr(x, 'dynamic_axes') and len(x.dynamic_axes) > 1 def l2_normalize(x, axis=None): axis = [axis] axis = _normalize_axis(axis, x) norm = C.sqrt(C.reduce_sum(C.square(x), axis=axis[0])) return x / norm def hard_sigmoid(x): x = (0.2 * x) + 0.5 x = C.clip(x, 0.0, 1.0) return x def conv1d(x, kernel, strides=1, padding='valid', data_format=None, dilation_rate=1): data_format = normalize_data_format(data_format) if padding == 'causal': # causal (dilated) convolution: left_pad = dilation_rate * (kernel.shape[0] - 1) x = temporal_padding(x, (left_pad, 0)) padding = 'valid' if data_format == 'channels_last': x = C.swapaxes(x, 0, 1) # As of Keras 2.0.0, all kernels are normalized # on the format `(steps, input_depth, depth)`, # independently of `data_format`. # CNTK expects `(depth, input_depth, steps)`. kernel = C.swapaxes(kernel, 0, 2) padding = _preprocess_border_mode(padding) if dev.type() == 0 and dilation_rate != 1: raise ValueError( 'Dilated convolution on CPU is not supported by CNTK backend. ' 'Please set `dilation_rate` to 1. You passed: %s' % (dilation_rate,)) dilation_rate = (1, dilation_rate) x = C.convolution( kernel, x, strides=strides, auto_padding=[False, padding], dilation=dilation_rate) if data_format == 'channels_last': x = C.swapaxes(x, 0, 1) return x def conv2d(x, kernel, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid', data_format=None, dilation_rate=(1, 1)): data_format = normalize_data_format(data_format) x = _preprocess_conv2d_input(x, data_format) kernel = _preprocess_conv2d_kernel(kernel, data_format) padding = _preprocess_border_mode(padding) if dev.type() == 0 and dilation_rate != (1, 1): raise ValueError( 'Dilated convolution on CPU is not supported by CNTK backend. ' 'Please set `dilation_rate` to (1, 1). ' 'You passed: %s' % (dilation_rate,)) dilation_rate = (1,) + dilation_rate x = C.convolution(kernel, x, strides, auto_padding=[False, padding, padding], dilation=dilation_rate) return _postprocess_conv2d_output(x, data_format) def separable_conv1d(x, depthwise_kernel, pointwise_kernel, strides=1, padding='valid', data_format=None, dilation_rate=1): data_format = normalize_data_format(data_format) if isinstance(strides, int): strides = (strides,) if isinstance(dilation_rate, int): dilation_rate = (dilation_rate,) if dilation_rate != (1,): raise ValueError( 'Dilated separable 1D convolution is currently not supported ' 'by CNTK backend. Please set `dilation_rate` to 1. ' 'You passed: %s' % (dilation_rate,)) if data_format == 'channels_last': spatial_start_dim = 2 else: spatial_start_dim = 3 x = expand_dims(x, spatial_start_dim) depthwise_kernel = expand_dims(depthwise_kernel, 1) pointwise_kernel = expand_dims(pointwise_kernel, 1) strides = (1,) + strides + (1,) dilation_rate = (1,) + dilation_rate x = _preprocess_conv2d_input(x, data_format) depthwise_kernel = _preprocess_conv2d_kernel(depthwise_kernel, data_format) depthwise_kernel = C.reshape(C.transpose(depthwise_kernel, (1, 0, 2, 3)), (-1, 1) + depthwise_kernel.shape[2:]) pointwise_kernel = _preprocess_conv2d_kernel(pointwise_kernel, data_format) padding = _preprocess_border_mode(padding) x = C.convolution(depthwise_kernel, x, strides=strides, auto_padding=[False, padding, padding], groups=x.shape[0]) x = C.convolution(pointwise_kernel, x, strides=(1, 1, 1), auto_padding=[False]) x = _postprocess_conv2d_output(x, data_format) return squeeze(x, spatial_start_dim) def separable_conv2d(x, depthwise_kernel, pointwise_kernel, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid', data_format=None, dilation_rate=(1, 1)): data_format = normalize_data_format(data_format) x = _preprocess_conv2d_input(x, data_format) depthwise_kernel = _preprocess_conv2d_kernel(depthwise_kernel, data_format) depthwise_kernel = C.reshape(C.transpose(depthwise_kernel, (1, 0, 2, 3)), (-1, 1) + depthwise_kernel.shape[2:]) pointwise_kernel = _preprocess_conv2d_kernel(pointwise_kernel, data_format) padding = _preprocess_border_mode(padding) if dilation_rate == (1, 1): strides = (1,) + strides x = C.convolution(depthwise_kernel, x, strides=strides, auto_padding=[False, padding, padding], groups=x.shape[0]) x = C.convolution(pointwise_kernel, x, strides=(1, 1, 1), auto_padding=[False]) else: if dilation_rate[0] != dilation_rate[1]: raise ValueError('CNTK Backend: non-square dilation_rate is ' 'not supported.') if strides != (1, 1): raise ValueError('Invalid strides for dilated convolution') x = C.convolution(depthwise_kernel, x, strides=dilation_rate[0], auto_padding=[False, padding, padding]) x = C.convolution(pointwise_kernel, x, strides=(1, 1, 1), auto_padding=[False]) return _postprocess_conv2d_output(x, data_format) def depthwise_conv2d(x, depthwise_kernel, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid', data_format=None, dilation_rate=(1, 1)): data_format = normalize_data_format(data_format) x = _preprocess_conv2d_input(x, data_format) depthwise_kernel = _preprocess_conv2d_kernel(depthwise_kernel, data_format) depthwise_kernel = C.reshape(C.transpose(depthwise_kernel, (1, 0, 2, 3)), (-1, 1) + depthwise_kernel.shape[2:]) padding = _preprocess_border_mode(padding) if dilation_rate == (1, 1): strides = (1,) + strides x = C.convolution(depthwise_kernel, x, strides=strides, auto_padding=[False, padding, padding], groups=x.shape[0]) else: if dilation_rate[0] != dilation_rate[1]: raise ValueError('CNTK Backend: non-square dilation_rate is ' 'not supported.') if strides != (1, 1): raise ValueError('Invalid strides for dilated convolution') x = C.convolution(depthwise_kernel, x, strides=dilation_rate[0], auto_padding=[False, padding, padding], groups=x.shape[0]) return _postprocess_conv2d_output(x, data_format) def conv3d(x, kernel, strides=(1, 1, 1), padding='valid', data_format=None, dilation_rate=(1, 1, 1)): data_format = normalize_data_format(data_format) x = _preprocess_conv3d_input(x, data_format) kernel = _preprocess_conv3d_kernel(kernel, data_format) padding = _preprocess_border_mode(padding) if dev.type() == 0 and dilation_rate != (1, 1, 1): raise ValueError( 'Dilated convolution on CPU is not supported by CNTK backend. ' 'Please set `dilation_rate` to (1, 1, 1). ' 'You passed: %s' % (dilation_rate,)) dilation_rate = (1,) + dilation_rate x = C.convolution( kernel, x, strides, auto_padding=[False, padding, padding, padding], dilation=dilation_rate) return _postprocess_conv3d_output(x, data_format) def conv3d_transpose(x, kernel, output_shape, strides=(1, 1, 1), padding='valid', data_format=None): data_format = normalize_data_format(data_format) x = _preprocess_conv3d_input(x, data_format) kernel = _preprocess_conv3d_kernel(kernel, data_format) padding = _preprocess_border_mode(padding) strides = (1,) + strides # cntk output_shape does not include batch axis output_shape = output_shape[1:] # in keras2, need handle output shape in different format if data_format == 'channels_last': output_shape = transpose_shape(output_shape, 'channels_first', spatial_axes=(0, 1, 2)) x = C.convolution_transpose( kernel, x, strides, auto_padding=[ False, padding, padding, padding], output_shape=output_shape) return _postprocess_conv3d_output(x, data_format) def pool2d(x, pool_size, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid', data_format=None, pool_mode='max'): data_format = normalize_data_format(data_format) padding = _preprocess_border_mode(padding) x = _preprocess_conv2d_input(x, data_format) if pool_mode == 'max': x = C.pooling( x, C.MAX_POOLING, pool_size, strides, auto_padding=[padding]) elif pool_mode == 'avg': x = C.pooling( x, C.AVG_POOLING, pool_size, strides, auto_padding=[padding]) else: raise ValueError('Invalid pooling mode: ' + str(pool_mode)) return _postprocess_conv2d_output(x, data_format) def pool3d(x, pool_size, strides=(1, 1, 1), padding='valid', data_format=None, pool_mode='max'): data_format = normalize_data_format(data_format) padding = _preprocess_border_mode(padding) x = _preprocess_conv3d_input(x, data_format) if pool_mode == 'max': x = C.pooling( x, C.MAX_POOLING, pool_size, strides, auto_padding=[padding]) elif pool_mode == 'avg': x = C.pooling( x, C.AVG_POOLING, pool_size, strides, auto_padding=[padding]) else: raise ValueError('Invalid pooling mode: ' + str(pool_mode)) return _postprocess_conv3d_output(x, data_format) def relu(x, alpha=0., max_value=None, threshold=0.): if alpha != 0.: if threshold != 0.: negative_part = C.relu(-x + threshold) else: negative_part = C.relu(-x) if threshold != 0.: x = x * C.greater(x, threshold) else: x = C.relu(x) if max_value is not None: x = C.clip(x, 0.0, max_value) if alpha != 0.: x -= alpha * negative_part return x def dropout(x, level, noise_shape=None, seed=None): if level < 0. or level >= 1: raise ValueError('CNTK Backend: Invalid dropout level %s, ' 'must be in interval [0, 1].' % level) return C.dropout(x, level) def batch_flatten(x): # cntk's batch axis is not in shape, # so just flatten all the dim in x.shape dim = x = C.reshape(x, (-1,)) x._keras_shape = (None, dim) return x def softmax(x, axis=-1): return C.softmax(x, axis=axis) def softplus(x): return C.softplus(x) def softsign(x): return x / (1 + C.abs(x)) def categorical_crossentropy(target, output, from_logits=False, axis=-1): # Here, unlike other backends, the tensors lack a batch dimension: axis_without_batch = -1 if axis == -1 else axis - 1 output_dimensions = list(range(len(output.shape))) if axis_without_batch != -1 and axis_without_batch not in output_dimensions: raise ValueError( '{}{}{}'.format( 'Unexpected channels axis {}. '.format(axis_without_batch), 'Expected to be -1 or one of the axes of `output`, ', 'which has {} dimensions.'.format(len(output.shape)))) # If the channels are not in the last axis, move them to be there: if axis_without_batch != -1 and axis_without_batch != output_dimensions[-1]: permutation = output_dimensions[:axis_without_batch] permutation += output_dimensions[axis_without_batch + 1:] permutation += [axis_without_batch] output = C.transpose(output, permutation) target = C.transpose(target, permutation) if from_logits: result = C.cross_entropy_with_softmax(output, target) # cntk's result shape is (batch, 1), while keras expect (batch, ) return C.reshape(result, ()) else: # scale preds so that the class probas of each sample sum to 1 output /= C.reduce_sum(output, axis=-1) # avoid numerical instability with epsilon clipping output = C.clip(output, epsilon(), 1.0 - epsilon()) return -sum(target * C.log(output), axis=-1) def sparse_categorical_crossentropy(target, output, from_logits=False, axis=-1): # Here, unlike other backends, the tensors lack a batch dimension: axis_without_batch = -1 if axis == -1 else axis - 1 output_dimensions = list(range(len(output.shape))) if axis_without_batch != -1 and axis_without_batch not in output_dimensions: raise ValueError( '{}{}{}'.format( 'Unexpected channels axis {}. '.format(axis_without_batch), 'Expected to be -1 or one of the axes of `output`, ', 'which has {} dimensions.'.format(len(output.shape)))) target = C.one_hot(target, output.shape[axis_without_batch], axis=axis_without_batch) target = C.reshape(target, output.shape) return categorical_crossentropy(target, output, from_logits, axis=axis) class Function(object): def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, updates=[], **kwargs): self.placeholders = inputs self.trainer = None self.unrelated_updates = None self.updates = updates if len(updates) > 0: assert len(outputs) > 0 self.loss = outputs[0] # need group update by gradient place holder u_ops = [] unrelated_updates = [] for update in updates: if isinstance(update, tuple): if len(update) != 2: raise NotImplementedError else: u = C.assign(update[0], update[1]) else: u = update if len(u.arguments) == 0: u_ops.append(u) else: unrelated_updates.append(u) update_func = C.combine([u.output for u in u_ops]) grads = update_func.find_all_with_name('keras_grad_placeholder') u_list = [] p_list = [] for g in grads: if g in grad_parameter_dict: p_list.append(grad_parameter_dict[g]) u_list.append(g) else: raise ValueError( 'CNTK backend: when constructing trainer, ' 'found gradient node `%s` which is not ' 'related to any parameters in the model. ' 'Please double check how the gradient node ' 'is constructed.' % g) if len(u_list) > 0: learner = C.cntk_py.universal_learner(p_list, u_list, update_func) criterion = ( outputs[0], outputs[1]) if len(outputs) > 1 else ( outputs[0], ) self.trainer = C.trainer.Trainer( outputs[0], criterion, [learner]) self.trainer_output = tuple([f.output for f in criterion]) elif len(u_ops) > 0: unrelated_updates.extend(u_ops) if len(unrelated_updates) > 0: self.unrelated_updates = C.combine( [_.output for _ in unrelated_updates]) if self.trainer is None: self.metrics_outputs = [f.output for f in outputs] self.metrics_func = C.combine(self.metrics_outputs) # cntk only could handle loss and 1 metric in trainer, for metrics more # than 2, need manual eval elif len(outputs) > 2: self.metrics_outputs = [f.output for f in outputs[2:]] self.metrics_func = C.combine(self.metrics_outputs) else: self.metrics_func = None @staticmethod def _is_input_shape_compatible(input, placeholder): if hasattr(input, 'shape') and hasattr(placeholder, 'shape'): num_dynamic = get_num_dynamic_axis(placeholder) input_shape = input.shape[num_dynamic:] placeholder_shape = placeholder.shape for i, p in zip(input_shape, placeholder_shape): if i != p and p != C.InferredDimension and p != C.FreeDimension: return False return True def __call__(self, inputs): global _LEARNING_PHASE_PLACEHOLDER global _LEARNING_PHASE assert isinstance(inputs, (list, tuple)) feed_dict = {} for tensor, value in zip(self.placeholders, inputs): # cntk only support calculate on float, do auto cast here if (hasattr(value, 'dtype') and value.dtype != np.float32 and value.dtype != np.float64): value = value.astype(np.float32) if tensor == _LEARNING_PHASE_PLACEHOLDER: _LEARNING_PHASE_PLACEHOLDER.value = np.asarray(value) else: # in current version cntk can't support input with variable # length. Will support it in next release. if not self._is_input_shape_compatible(value, tensor): raise ValueError( 'CNTK backend: The placeholder has been resolved ' 'to shape `%s`, but input shape is `%s`. Currently ' 'CNTK can not take variable length inputs. Please ' 'pass inputs that have a static shape.' % (str(tensor.shape), str(value.shape))) feed_dict[tensor] = value updated = [] if self.trainer is not None: input_dict = {} for argument in self.loss.arguments: if argument in feed_dict: input_dict[argument] = feed_dict[argument] else: raise ValueError( 'CNTK backend: argument %s is not found in inputs. ' 'Please double check the model and inputs in ' '`train_function`.' % result = self.trainer.train_minibatch( input_dict, self.trainer_output) assert(len(result) == 2) outputs = result[1] for o in self.trainer_output: updated.append(outputs[o]) if self.metrics_func is not None: input_dict = {} for argument in self.metrics_func.arguments: if argument in feed_dict: input_dict[argument] = feed_dict[argument] else: raise ValueError('CNTK backend: metrics argument %s ' 'is not found in inputs. Please double ' 'check the model and inputs.' % # Some ops (like dropout) won't be applied during "eval" in cntk. # They only evaluated in training phase. To make it work, call # "forward" method to let cntk know we want to evaluate them.from # But the assign ops won't be executed under this mode, that's why # we need this check. if (self.unrelated_updates is None and (_LEARNING_PHASE_PLACEHOLDER.value == 1.0 or _LEARNING_PHASE == 1)): _, output_values = self.metrics_func.forward( input_dict, self.metrics_func.outputs, (self.metrics_func.outputs[0],), as_numpy=False) else: output_values = self.metrics_func.eval(input_dict, as_numpy=False) if isinstance(output_values, dict): for o in self.metrics_outputs: value = output_values[o] v = value.asarray() updated.append(v) else: v = output_values.asarray() for o in self.metrics_outputs: updated.append(v) if self.unrelated_updates is not None: input_dict = {} for argument in self.unrelated_updates.arguments: if argument in feed_dict: input_dict[argument] = feed_dict[argument] else: raise ValueError( 'CNTK backend: assign ops argument %s ' 'is not found in inputs. Please double ' 'check the model and inputs.' % self.unrelated_updates.eval(input_dict, as_numpy=False) return updated def function(inputs, outputs, updates=[], **kwargs): return Function(inputs, outputs, updates=updates, **kwargs) def temporal_padding(x, padding=(1, 1)): assert len(padding) == 2 num_dynamic_axis = _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) assert len(x.shape) == 3 - (1 if num_dynamic_axis > 0 else 0) return pad(x, [padding], 'channels_last', num_dynamic_axis) def _padding(x, pattern, axis): # pragma: no cover base_shape = x.shape if b_any([dim < 0 for dim in base_shape]): raise ValueError('CNTK Backend: padding input tensor with ' 'shape `%s` contains non-specified dimension, ' 'which is not supported. Please give fixed ' 'dimension to enable padding.' % base_shape) if pattern[0] > 0: prefix_shape = list(base_shape) prefix_shape[axis] = pattern[0] prefix_shape = tuple(prefix_shape) x = C.splice(C.constant(value=0, shape=prefix_shape), x, axis=axis) base_shape = x.shape if pattern[1] > 0: postfix_shape = list(base_shape) postfix_shape[axis] = pattern[1] postfix_shape = tuple(postfix_shape) x = C.splice(x, C.constant(value=0, shape=postfix_shape), axis=axis) return x def pad(x, pad_info, data_format, num_dynamic_axis): if hasattr(C, 'pad'): pattern = [list(p) for p in pad_info] if data_format == 'channels_first': pattern = [[0, 0]] + pattern else: pattern = pattern + [[0, 0]] if num_dynamic_axis == 0: pattern = [[0, 0]] + pattern return C.pad(x, pattern=pattern) else: # pragma: no cover for (a, p) in enumerate(pad_info): x = _padding(x, p, a + (1 if num_dynamic_axis == 0 else 0) + (1 if data_format == 'channels_first' else 0)) return x def spatial_2d_padding(x, padding=((1, 1), (1, 1)), data_format=None): assert len(padding) == 2 assert len(padding[0]) == 2 assert len(padding[1]) == 2 data_format = normalize_data_format(data_format) num_dynamic_axis = _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) assert len(x.shape) == 4 - (1 if num_dynamic_axis > 0 else 0) return pad(x, padding, data_format, num_dynamic_axis) def spatial_3d_padding(x, padding=((1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)), data_format=None): assert len(padding) == 3 assert len(padding[0]) == 2 assert len(padding[1]) == 2 assert len(padding[2]) == 2 data_format = normalize_data_format(data_format) num_dynamic_axis = _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) assert len(x.shape) == 5 - (1 if num_dynamic_axis > 0 else 0) return pad(x, padding, data_format, num_dynamic_axis) def one_hot(indices, num_classes): return C.one_hot(indices, num_classes) def get_value(x): if isinstance( x, (C.variables.Parameter, C.variables.Constant)): return x.value else: return eval(x) def batch_get_value(xs): result = [get_value(x) for x in xs] return result def set_value(x, value): if (isinstance(x, C.variables.Parameter) or isinstance(x, C.variables.Constant)): if isinstance(value, (float, int)): value = np.full(x.shape, value, dtype=floatx()) x.value = value else: raise NotImplementedError def print_tensor(x, message=''): return C.user_function( LambdaFunc(x, when=lambda x: True, execute=lambda x: print(message))) def batch_set_value(tuples): for t in tuples: x = t[0] value = t[1] if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) is False: value = np.asarray(value) if isinstance(x, C.variables.Parameter): x.value = value else: raise NotImplementedError def stop_gradient(variables): if isinstance(variables, (list, tuple)): return map(C.stop_gradient, variables) else: return C.stop_gradient(variables) def switch(condition, then_expression, else_expression): if callable(then_expression): then_expression = then_expression() if callable(else_expression): else_expression = else_expression() ndim_cond = ndim(condition) ndim_expr = ndim(then_expression) if ndim_cond > ndim_expr: raise ValueError('Rank of condition should be less' ' than or equal to rank of then and' ' else expressions. ndim(condition)=' + str(ndim_cond) + ', ndim(then_expression)' '=' + str(ndim_expr)) elif ndim_cond < ndim_expr: shape_expr = int_shape(then_expression) ndim_diff = ndim_expr - ndim_cond for i in range(ndim_diff): condition = expand_dims(condition) condition = tile(condition, shape_expr[ndim_cond + i]) return C.element_select(condition, then_expression, else_expression) def elu(x, alpha=1.): res = C.elu(x) if alpha == 1: return res else: return C.element_select(C.greater(x, 0), res, alpha * res) def in_top_k(predictions, targets, k): _targets = C.one_hot(targets, predictions.shape[-1]) result = [C.classification_error(predictions[i], _targets[i], topN=k) for i in range(predictions.shape[0])] result = concatenate(result, axis=-1) return 1 - C.reshape(result, shape=(-1,)) def conv2d_transpose(x, kernel, output_shape, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid', data_format=None, dilation_rate=(1, 1)): data_format = normalize_data_format(data_format) x = _preprocess_conv2d_input(x, data_format) kernel = _preprocess_conv2d_kernel(kernel, data_format) padding = _preprocess_border_mode(padding) strides = (1,) + strides # cntk output_shape does not include batch axis output_shape = output_shape[1:] # in keras2, need handle output shape in different format if data_format == 'channels_last': output_shape = transpose_shape(output_shape, 'channels_first', spatial_axes=(0, 1)) dilation_rate = (1,) + dilation_rate x = C.convolution_transpose( kernel, x, strides, auto_padding=[ False, padding, padding], output_shape=output_shape, dilation=dilation_rate) return _postprocess_conv2d_output(x, data_format) def identity(x, name=None): if name is None: name = '%s_alias' % return C.alias(x, name=name) def _preprocess_conv2d_input(x, data_format): if data_format == 'channels_last': # TF uses the last dimension as channel dimension, # instead of the 2nd one. # TH input shape: (samples, input_depth, rows, cols) # TF input shape: (samples, rows, cols, input_depth) x = C.transpose(x, (2, 0, 1)) return x def _preprocess_conv2d_kernel(kernel, data_format): # As of Keras 2.0.0, all kernels are normalized # on the format `(rows, cols, input_depth, depth)`, # independently of `data_format`. # CNTK expects `(depth, input_depth, rows, cols)`. kernel = C.transpose(kernel, (3, 2, 0, 1)) return kernel def _preprocess_border_mode(padding): if padding == 'same': padding = True elif padding == 'valid': padding = False else: raise ValueError('Invalid border mode: ' + str(padding)) return padding def _postprocess_conv2d_output(x, data_format): if data_format == 'channels_last': x = C.transpose(x, (1, 2, 0)) return x def _preprocess_conv3d_input(x, data_format): if data_format == 'channels_last': # TF uses the last dimension as channel dimension, # instead of the 2nd one. # TH input shape: (samples, input_depth, conv_dim1, conv_dim2, conv_dim3) # TF input shape: (samples, conv_dim1, conv_dim2, conv_dim3, # input_depth) x = C.transpose(x, (3, 0, 1, 2)) return x def _preprocess_conv3d_kernel(kernel, dim_ordering): kernel = C.transpose(kernel, (4, 3, 0, 1, 2)) return kernel def _postprocess_conv3d_output(x, dim_ordering): if dim_ordering == 'channels_last': x = C.transpose(x, (1, 2, 3, 0)) return x def _get_dynamic_axis_num(x): if hasattr(x, 'dynamic_axes'): return len(x.dynamic_axes) else: return 0 def _contain_seqence_axis(x): if _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) > 1: return x.dynamic_axes[1] == C.Axis.default_dynamic_axis() else: return False def get_num_dynamic_axis(x): return _get_dynamic_axis_num(x) def _reduce_on_axis(x, axis, reduce_fun_name): if isinstance(axis, list): for a in axis: if isinstance(a, C.Axis) \ and a != C.Axis.default_batch_axis() \ and hasattr(C.sequence, reduce_fun_name): x = getattr(C.sequence, reduce_fun_name)(x, a) else: x = getattr(C, reduce_fun_name)(x, a) else: x = getattr(C, reduce_fun_name)(x, axis) return x def _reshape_sequence(x, time_step): tmp_shape = list(int_shape(x)) tmp_shape[1] = time_step return reshape(x, tmp_shape) def local_conv1d(inputs, kernel, kernel_size, strides, data_format=None): data_format = normalize_data_format(data_format) stride = strides[0] kernel_shape = int_shape(kernel) output_length, feature_dim, filters = kernel_shape xs = [] for i in range(output_length): slice_length = py_slice(i * stride, i * stride + kernel_size[0]) xs.append(reshape(inputs[:, slice_length, :], (-1, 1, feature_dim))) x_aggregate = concatenate(xs, axis=1) # transpose kernel to output_filters first, to apply broadcast weight = permute_dimensions(kernel, (2, 0, 1)) # Shape: (batch, filters, output_length, input_length * kernel_size) output = x_aggregate * weight # Shape: (batch, filters, output_length) output = sum(output, axis=3) # Shape: (batch, output_length, filters) return permute_dimensions(output, (0, 2, 1)) def local_conv2d(inputs, kernel, kernel_size, strides, output_shape, data_format=None): data_format = normalize_data_format(data_format) stride_row, stride_col = strides output_row, output_col = output_shape kernel_shape = int_shape(kernel) _, feature_dim, filters = kernel_shape xs = [] for i in range(output_row): for j in range(output_col): slice_row = py_slice(i * stride_row, i * stride_row + kernel_size[0]) slice_col = py_slice(j * stride_col, j * stride_col + kernel_size[1]) if data_format == 'channels_first': xs.append(reshape(inputs[:, :, slice_row, slice_col], (-1, 1, feature_dim))) else: xs.append(reshape(inputs[:, slice_row, slice_col, :], (-1, 1, feature_dim))) x_aggregate = concatenate(xs, axis=1) # transpose kernel to put filters first weight = permute_dimensions(kernel, (2, 0, 1)) # shape: batch, filters, output_length, input_length * kernel_size output = x_aggregate * weight # shape: batch, filters, output_length output = sum(output, axis=3) # shape: batch, filters, row, col output = reshape(output, (-1, filters, output_row, output_col)) if data_format == 'channels_last': # shape: batch, row, col, filters output = permute_dimensions(output, (0, 2, 3, 1)) return output def reverse(x, axes): if isinstance(axes, int): axes = [axes] cntk_axes = _normalize_axis(axes, x) begin_index = [0 for _ in cntk_axes] end_index = [0 for _ in cntk_axes] strides = [-1 for _ in cntk_axes] return C.slice(x, cntk_axes, begin_index, end_index, strides) def slice(x, start, size): if not (len(int_shape(x)) == len(start) == len(size)): raise ValueError('The dimension and the size of indices should match.') out = x[tuple([py_slice(i, i + j) for (i, j) in zip(start, size)])] out._keras_shape = tuple(size) return out def _reshape_batch(x, shape): # there is a bug in cntk 2.1's unpack_batch implementation if hasattr(C, 'unpack_batch') and _get_cntk_version() >= 2.2: const_a = C.unpack_batch(x) const_a = C.reshape(const_a, shape) return C.to_batch(const_a) else: return C.user_function(ReshapeBatch(x, shape[1:])) def _get_cntk_version(): version = C.__version__ if version.endswith('+'): version = version[:-1] # for hot fix, ignore all the . except the first one. if len(version) > 2 and version[1] == '.': version = version[:2] + version[2:].replace('.', '') try: return float(version) except: warnings.warn( 'CNTK backend warning: CNTK version not detected. ' 'Will using CNTK 2.0 GA as default.') return float(2.0) class ReshapeBatch(C.ops.functions.UserFunction): def __init__(self, input, shape, name='reshape_with_batch'): super(ReshapeBatch, self).__init__([input], as_numpy=False, name=name) self.from_shape = input.shape self.target_shape = shape def infer_outputs(self): batch_axis = C.Axis.default_batch_axis() return [ C.output_variable( self.target_shape, self.inputs[0].dtype, [batch_axis])] def forward(self, arguments, device=None, outputs_to_retain=None): num_element = arguments.shape()[0] * num_static_element = num_batch = int(num_element / num_static_element) result =,) + self.target_shape) return None, C.cntk_py.Value(result) def backward(self, state, root_gradients): grad_array_view = num_element = root_gradients.shape()[0] * np.asarray(self.target_shape)) num_static_element = num_old_batch = int(num_element / num_static_element) return C.cntk_py.Value( grad_array_view.as_shape( (num_old_batch,) + self.from_shape)) class ConvertToBatch(C.ops.functions.UserFunction): """Converts input first axis to CNTK batch axis. We may introduce this operation in CNTK native implementation later. # Arguments inputs: a cntk variable (parameter/constant) name: name of this node """ def __init__(self, input, name='convert_to_batch'): super(ConvertToBatch, self).__init__([input], as_numpy=False, name=name) def infer_outputs(self): batch_axis = C.Axis.default_batch_axis() return [ C.output_variable( self.inputs[0].shape[1:], self.inputs[0].dtype, [batch_axis])] def forward(self, arguments, device=None, outputs_to_retain=None): return None, C.cntk_py.Value( def backward(self, state, root_gradients): return C.cntk_py.Value( class ConvertToStatic(C.ops.functions.UserFunction): """Converts input first axis to CNTK static axis. We may introduce this operation in CNTK native implementation later. # Arguments inputs: a cntk tensor which has batch axis batch_size: size of batch axis. name: name of this node. """ def __init__(self, input, batch_size, name='convert_to_static'): super(ConvertToStatic, self).__init__([input], as_numpy=False, name=name) self.target_shape = (batch_size,) + input.shape def infer_outputs(self): return [ C.output_variable( self.target_shape, self.inputs[0].dtype, [])] def forward(self, arguments, device=None, outputs_to_retain=None): return None, C.cntk_py.Value( def backward(self, state, root_gradients): return C.cntk_py.Value( class LambdaFunc(C.ops.functions.UserFunction): def __init__(self, arg, when=lambda arg: True, execute=lambda arg: print(arg), name=''): self.when = when self.execute = execute super(LambdaFunc, self).__init__([arg], name=name) def infer_outputs(self): return [ C.output_variable( self.inputs[0].shape, self.inputs[0].dtype, self.inputs[0].dynamic_axes)] def forward(self, argument, device=None, outputs_to_retain=None): if self.when(argument): self.execute(argument) return None, argument def backward(self, state, root_gradients): return root_gradients def reset_uids(): global _UID_PREFIXES _UID_PREFIXES = defaultdict(int) def to_dense(tensor): raise NotImplementedError def cumsum(x, axis=0): dim = x.shape[axis] U = C.constant(np.triu(np.ones((dim, dim))).astype(x.dtype)) if axis != -1: x = C.swapaxes(x, -1, axis) out = C.times(x, U) if axis != -1: out = C.swapaxes(out, -1, axis) return out def cumprod(x, axis=0): shape = x.shape out = x for rep in range(shape[axis] - 1): sliced_shape = list(shape) sliced_shape[axis] = rep + 1 if axis == 0: _x = x[rep:(rep + 1)] elif axis == 1: _x = x[:, rep:(rep + 1)] elif axis == 2: _x = x[:, :, rep:(rep + 1)] y = concatenate([ones(sliced_shape, dtype=x.dtype), repeat_elements(_x, rep=shape[axis] - 1 - rep, axis=axis)], axis=axis) out = C.element_times(out, y) return out def arange(start, stop=None, step=1, dtype='int32'): raise NotImplementedError def ctc_label_dense_to_sparse(labels, label_lengths): raise NotImplementedError def ctc_batch_cost(y_true, y_pred, input_length, label_length): raise NotImplementedError def ctc_decode(y_pred, input_length, greedy=True, beam_width=100, top_paths=1, merge_repeated=False): raise NotImplementedError def map_fn(fn, elems, name=None, dtype=None): raise NotImplementedError def foldl(fn, elems, initializer=None, name=None): """Reduce `elems` by `fn` combined them from left to right on dimension 0. # Arguments fn: Callable that will be called upon each element in `elems` (and on the optional `initializer`) passed as a second argument. The first argument passed to `fn` is the accumulator which is the accumulated value calculated from the preceding invocation of `fn`. Example For `fn`: ```python lambda acc, x: acc + x ``` elems: Tensor initializer: (optional) Tensor, the initial value for the accumulator. In case of None value is provided during the call the first value is used (`elems[0]`) as `initializer` from `elems` name: (optional) String, name for the foldl node in the graph. # Returns Same type and shape as `initializer` # Raises: TypeError: if `fn` is not callable. TypeError: if `initializer` is neither a tensor nor None value. TypeError: if `elems` is not a tensor. """ if not callable(fn): raise TypeError("`fn` must be callable.") if initializer is not None and not is_tensor(initializer): raise TypeError("`initializer` must be a tensor or None") if not is_tensor(elems): raise TypeError('`elems` must be a tensor') if initializer is None and shape(elems)[0] > 1: initializer = elems[0] elems = elems[1:] elif initializer is None: initializer = elems[0] elems = None accumulator = initializer if elems is not None: for i in range(shape(elems)[0]): accumulator = fn(accumulator, elems[i]) if name is not None: = str(name) return reshape(accumulator, shape(initializer)[1:]) def foldr(fn, elems, initializer=None, name=None): """Reduce `elems` by `fn` combined them from right to left on dimension 0. # Arguments fn: Callable that will be called upon each element in `elems` (and on the optional `initializer`) passed as a second argument. The first argument passed to `fn` is the accumulator which is the accumulated value calculated from the preceding invocation of `fn`. Example For `fn`: ```python lambda acc, x: acc + x ``` elems: Tensor initializer: (optional) Tensor, the initial value for the accumulator. In case of None value is provided during the call the last value is used (`elems[-1]`) as `initializer` from `elems` name: (optional) String, name for the foldr node in the graph. # Returns Same type and shape as `initializer` # Raises: TypeError: if `fn` is not callable. TypeError: if `initializer` is neither a tensor nor None value. TypeError: if `elems` is not a tensor. """ if not callable(fn): raise TypeError("`fn` must be callable.") if initializer is not None and not is_tensor(initializer): raise TypeError("`initializer` must be a tensor or None") if not is_tensor(elems): raise TypeError('`elems` must be a tensor') if initializer is None and shape(elems)[0] > 1: initializer = elems[-1] elems = elems[:-1] elif initializer is None: initializer = elems[0] elems = None accumulator = initializer if elems is not None: for i in range(shape(elems)[0]): accumulator = fn(accumulator, elems[-i]) if name is not None: = str(name) return reshape(accumulator, shape(initializer)[1:]) def control_dependencies(control_inputs): @contextmanager def nullcontextmanager(): yield return nullcontextmanager()