"""Generic process mailbox.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import socket import warnings from collections import defaultdict, deque from contextlib import contextmanager from copy import copy from itertools import count from threading import local from time import time from . import Exchange, Queue, Consumer, Producer from .clocks import LamportClock from .common import maybe_declare, oid_from from .exceptions import InconsistencyError from .five import range from .log import get_logger from .utils.functional import maybe_evaluate, reprcall from .utils.objects import cached_property from .utils.uuid import uuid W_PIDBOX_IN_USE = """\ A node named {node.hostname} is already using this process mailbox! Maybe you forgot to shutdown the other node or did not do so properly? Or if you meant to start multiple nodes on the same host please make sure you give each node a unique node name! """ __all__ = ['Node', 'Mailbox'] logger = get_logger(__name__) debug, error = logger.debug, logger.error class Node(object): """Mailbox node.""" #: hostname of the node. hostname = None #: the :class:`Mailbox` this is a node for. mailbox = None #: map of method name/handlers. handlers = None #: current context (passed on to handlers) state = None #: current channel. channel = None def __init__(self, hostname, state=None, channel=None, handlers=None, mailbox=None): self.channel = channel self.mailbox = mailbox self.hostname = hostname self.state = state self.adjust_clock = self.mailbox.clock.adjust if handlers is None: handlers = {} self.handlers = handlers def Consumer(self, channel=None, no_ack=True, accept=None, **options): queue = self.mailbox.get_queue(self.hostname) def verify_exclusive(name, messages, consumers): if consumers: warnings.warn(W_PIDBOX_IN_USE.format(node=self)) queue.on_declared = verify_exclusive return Consumer( channel or self.channel, [queue], no_ack=no_ack, accept=self.mailbox.accept if accept is None else accept, **options ) def handler(self, fun): self.handlers[fun.__name__] = fun return fun def on_decode_error(self, message, exc): error('Cannot decode message: %r', exc, exc_info=1) def listen(self, channel=None, callback=None): consumer = self.Consumer(channel=channel, callbacks=[callback or self.handle_message], on_decode_error=self.on_decode_error) consumer.consume() return consumer def dispatch(self, method, arguments=None, reply_to=None, ticket=None, **kwargs): arguments = arguments or {} debug('pidbox received method %s [reply_to:%s ticket:%s]', reprcall(method, (), kwargs=arguments), reply_to, ticket) handle = reply_to and self.handle_call or self.handle_cast try: reply = handle(method, arguments) except SystemExit: raise except Exception as exc: error('pidbox command error: %r', exc, exc_info=1) reply = {'error': repr(exc)} if reply_to: self.reply({self.hostname: reply}, exchange=reply_to['exchange'], routing_key=reply_to['routing_key'], ticket=ticket) return reply def handle(self, method, arguments={}): return self.handlers[method](self.state, **arguments) def handle_call(self, method, arguments): return self.handle(method, arguments) def handle_cast(self, method, arguments): return self.handle(method, arguments) def handle_message(self, body, message=None): destination = body.get('destination') if message: self.adjust_clock(message.headers.get('clock') or 0) if not destination or self.hostname in destination: return self.dispatch(**body) dispatch_from_message = handle_message def reply(self, data, exchange, routing_key, ticket, **kwargs): self.mailbox._publish_reply(data, exchange, routing_key, ticket, channel=self.channel, serializer=self.mailbox.serializer) class Mailbox(object): """Process Mailbox.""" node_cls = Node exchange_fmt = '%s.pidbox' reply_exchange_fmt = 'reply.%s.pidbox' #: Name of application. namespace = None #: Connection (if bound). connection = None #: Exchange type (usually direct, or fanout for broadcast). type = 'direct' #: mailbox exchange (init by constructor). exchange = None #: exchange to send replies to. reply_exchange = None #: Only accepts json messages by default. accept = ['json'] #: Message serializer serializer = None def __init__(self, namespace, type='direct', connection=None, clock=None, accept=None, serializer=None, producer_pool=None, queue_ttl=None, queue_expires=None, reply_queue_ttl=None, reply_queue_expires=10.0): self.namespace = namespace self.connection = connection self.type = type self.clock = LamportClock() if clock is None else clock self.exchange = self._get_exchange(self.namespace, self.type) self.reply_exchange = self._get_reply_exchange(self.namespace) self._tls = local() self.unclaimed = defaultdict(deque) self.accept = self.accept if accept is None else accept self.serializer = self.serializer if serializer is None else serializer self.queue_ttl = queue_ttl self.queue_expires = queue_expires self.reply_queue_ttl = reply_queue_ttl self.reply_queue_expires = reply_queue_expires self._producer_pool = producer_pool def __call__(self, connection): bound = copy(self) bound.connection = connection return bound def Node(self, hostname=None, state=None, channel=None, handlers=None): hostname = hostname or socket.gethostname() return self.node_cls(hostname, state, channel, handlers, mailbox=self) def call(self, destination, command, kwargs={}, timeout=None, callback=None, channel=None): return self._broadcast(command, kwargs, destination, reply=True, timeout=timeout, callback=callback, channel=channel) def cast(self, destination, command, kwargs={}): return self._broadcast(command, kwargs, destination, reply=False) def abcast(self, command, kwargs={}): return self._broadcast(command, kwargs, reply=False) def multi_call(self, command, kwargs={}, timeout=1, limit=None, callback=None, channel=None): return self._broadcast(command, kwargs, reply=True, timeout=timeout, limit=limit, callback=callback, channel=channel) def get_reply_queue(self): oid = self.oid return Queue( '%s.%s' % (oid, self.reply_exchange.name), exchange=self.reply_exchange, routing_key=oid, durable=False, auto_delete=True, expires=self.reply_queue_expires, message_ttl=self.reply_queue_ttl, ) @cached_property def reply_queue(self): return self.get_reply_queue() def get_queue(self, hostname): return Queue( '%s.%s.pidbox' % (hostname, self.namespace), exchange=self.exchange, durable=False, auto_delete=True, expires=self.queue_expires, message_ttl=self.queue_ttl, ) @contextmanager def producer_or_acquire(self, producer=None, channel=None): if producer: yield producer elif self.producer_pool: with self.producer_pool.acquire() as producer: yield producer else: yield Producer(channel, auto_declare=False) def _publish_reply(self, reply, exchange, routing_key, ticket, channel=None, producer=None, **opts): chan = channel or self.connection.default_channel exchange = Exchange(exchange, exchange_type='direct', delivery_mode='transient', durable=False) with self.producer_or_acquire(producer, chan) as producer: try: producer.publish( reply, exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key, declare=[exchange], headers={ 'ticket': ticket, 'clock': self.clock.forward(), }, **opts ) except InconsistencyError: # queue probably deleted and no one is expecting a reply. pass def _publish(self, type, arguments, destination=None, reply_ticket=None, channel=None, timeout=None, serializer=None, producer=None): message = {'method': type, 'arguments': arguments, 'destination': destination} chan = channel or self.connection.default_channel exchange = self.exchange if reply_ticket: maybe_declare(self.reply_queue(channel)) message.update(ticket=reply_ticket, reply_to={'exchange': self.reply_exchange.name, 'routing_key': self.oid}) serializer = serializer or self.serializer with self.producer_or_acquire(producer, chan) as producer: producer.publish( message, exchange=exchange.name, declare=[exchange], headers={'clock': self.clock.forward(), 'expires': time() + timeout if timeout else 0}, serializer=serializer, ) def _broadcast(self, command, arguments=None, destination=None, reply=False, timeout=1, limit=None, callback=None, channel=None, serializer=None): if destination is not None and \ not isinstance(destination, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError( 'destination must be a list/tuple not {0}'.format( type(destination))) arguments = arguments or {} reply_ticket = reply and uuid() or None chan = channel or self.connection.default_channel # Set reply limit to number of destinations (if specified) if limit is None and destination: limit = destination and len(destination) or None serializer = serializer or self.serializer self._publish(command, arguments, destination=destination, reply_ticket=reply_ticket, channel=chan, timeout=timeout, serializer=serializer) if reply_ticket: return self._collect(reply_ticket, limit=limit, timeout=timeout, callback=callback, channel=chan) def _collect(self, ticket, limit=None, timeout=1, callback=None, channel=None, accept=None): if accept is None: accept = self.accept chan = channel or self.connection.default_channel queue = self.reply_queue consumer = Consumer(channel, [queue], accept=accept, no_ack=True) responses = [] unclaimed = self.unclaimed adjust_clock = self.clock.adjust try: return unclaimed.pop(ticket) except KeyError: pass def on_message(body, message): # ticket header added in kombu 2.5 header = message.headers.get adjust_clock(header('clock') or 0) expires = header('expires') if expires and time() > expires: return this_id = header('ticket', ticket) if this_id == ticket: if callback: callback(body) responses.append(body) else: unclaimed[this_id].append(body) consumer.register_callback(on_message) try: with consumer: for i in limit and range(limit) or count(): try: self.connection.drain_events(timeout=timeout) except socket.timeout: break return responses finally: chan.after_reply_message_received(queue.name) def _get_exchange(self, namespace, type): return Exchange(self.exchange_fmt % namespace, type=type, durable=False, delivery_mode='transient') def _get_reply_exchange(self, namespace): return Exchange(self.reply_exchange_fmt % namespace, type='direct', durable=False, delivery_mode='transient') @cached_property def oid(self): try: return self._tls.OID except AttributeError: oid = self._tls.OID = oid_from(self) return oid @cached_property def producer_pool(self): return maybe_evaluate(self._producer_pool)