"""Etcd Transport. It uses Etcd as a store to transport messages in Queues It uses python-etcd for talking to Etcd's HTTP API """ from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import os import socket from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import contextmanager from kombu.exceptions import ChannelError from kombu.five import Empty from kombu.log import get_logger from kombu.utils.json import loads, dumps from kombu.utils.objects import cached_property from . import virtual try: import etcd except ImportError: etcd = None logger = get_logger('kombu.transport.etcd') DEFAULT_PORT = 2379 DEFAULT_HOST = 'localhost' class Channel(virtual.Channel): """Etcd Channel class which talks to the Etcd.""" prefix = 'kombu' index = None timeout = 10 session_ttl = 30 lock_ttl = 10 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if etcd is None: raise ImportError('Missing python-etcd library') super(Channel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) port = self.connection.client.port or self.connection.default_port host = self.connection.client.hostname or DEFAULT_HOST logger.debug('Host: %s Port: %s Timeout: %s', host, port, self.timeout) self.queues = defaultdict(dict) self.client = etcd.Client(host=host, port=int(port)) def _key_prefix(self, queue): """Create and return the `queue` with the proper prefix. Arguments: queue (str): The name of the queue. """ return '{0}/{1}'.format(self.prefix, queue) @contextmanager def _queue_lock(self, queue): """Try to acquire a lock on the Queue. It does so by creating a object called 'lock' which is locked by the current session.. This way other nodes are not able to write to the lock object which means that they have to wait before the lock is released. Arguments: queue (str): The name of the queue. """ lock = etcd.Lock(self.client, queue) lock._uuid = self.lock_value logger.debug('Acquiring lock {0}'.format(lock.name)) lock.acquire(blocking=True, lock_ttl=self.lock_ttl) try: yield finally: logger.debug('Releasing lock {0}'.format(lock.name)) lock.release() def _new_queue(self, queue, **_): """Create a new `queue` if the `queue` doesn't already exist. Arguments: queue (str): The name of the queue. """ self.queues[queue] = queue with self._queue_lock(queue): try: return self.client.write( key=self._key_prefix(queue), dir=True, value=None) except etcd.EtcdNotFile: logger.debug('Queue "{0}" already exists'.format(queue)) return self.client.read(key=self._key_prefix(queue)) def _has_queue(self, queue, **kwargs): """Verify that queue exists. Returns: bool: Should return :const:`True` if the queue exists or :const:`False` otherwise. """ try: self.client.read(self._key_prefix(queue)) return True except etcd.EtcdKeyNotFound: return False def _delete(self, queue, *args, **_): """Delete a `queue`. Arguments: queue (str): The name of the queue. """ self.queues.pop(queue, None) self._purge(queue) def _put(self, queue, payload, **_): """Put `message` onto `queue`. This simply writes a key to the Etcd store Arguments: queue (str): The name of the queue. payload (dict): Message data which will be dumped to etcd. """ with self._queue_lock(queue): key = self._key_prefix(queue) if not self.client.write( key=key, value=dumps(payload), append=True): raise ChannelError('Cannot add key {0!r} to etcd'.format(key)) def _get(self, queue, timeout=None): """Get the first available message from the queue. Before it does so it acquires a lock on the store so only one node reads at the same time. This is for read consistency Arguments: queue (str): The name of the queue. timeout (int): Optional seconds to wait for a response. """ with self._queue_lock(queue): key = self._key_prefix(queue) logger.debug('Fetching key %s with index %s', key, self.index) try: result = self.client.read( key=key, recursive=True, index=self.index, timeout=self.timeout) if result is None: raise Empty() item = result._children[-1] logger.debug('Removing key {0}'.format(item['key'])) msg_content = loads(item['value']) self.client.delete(key=item['key']) return msg_content except (TypeError, IndexError, etcd.EtcdException) as error: logger.debug('_get failed: {0}:{1}'.format(type(error), error)) raise Empty() def _purge(self, queue): """Remove all `message`s from a `queue`. Arguments: queue (str): The name of the queue. """ with self._queue_lock(queue): key = self._key_prefix(queue) logger.debug('Purging queue at key {0}'.format(key)) return self.client.delete(key=key, recursive=True) def _size(self, queue): """Return the size of the `queue`. Arguments: queue (str): The name of the queue. """ with self._queue_lock(queue): size = 0 try: key = self._key_prefix(queue) logger.debug('Fetching key recursively %s with index %s', key, self.index) result = self.client.read( key=key, recursive=True, index=self.index) size = len(result._children) except TypeError: pass logger.debug('Found %s keys under %s with index %s', size, key, self.index) return size @cached_property def lock_value(self): return '{0}.{1}'.format(socket.gethostname(), os.getpid()) class Transport(virtual.Transport): """Etcd storage Transport for Kombu.""" Channel = Channel default_port = DEFAULT_PORT driver_type = 'etcd' driver_name = 'python-etcd' polling_interval = 3 implements = virtual.Transport.implements.extend( exchange_type=frozenset(['direct'])) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new instance of etcd.Transport.""" if etcd is None: raise ImportError('Missing python-etcd library') super(Transport, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.connection_errors = ( virtual.Transport.connection_errors + (etcd.EtcdException, ) ) self.channel_errors = ( virtual.Transport.channel_errors + (etcd.EtcdException, ) ) def verify_connection(self, connection): """Verify the connection works.""" port = connection.client.port or self.default_port host = connection.client.hostname or DEFAULT_HOST logger.debug('Verify Etcd connection to %s:%s', host, port) try: etcd.Client(host=host, port=int(port)) return True except ValueError: pass return False def driver_version(self): """Return the version of the etcd library. .. note:: python-etcd has no __version__. This is a workaround. """ try: import pip.commands.freeze for x in pip.commands.freeze.freeze(): if x.startswith('python-etcd'): return x.split('==')[1] except (ImportError, IndexError): logger.warn('Unable to find the python-etcd version.') return 'Unknown'