import importlib import importlib.util import json import os import signal import subprocess import sys import time import urllib.request import pytest import matplotlib as mpl # Minimal smoke-testing of the backends for which the dependencies are # PyPI-installable on CI. They are not available for all tested Python # versions so we don't fail on missing backends. def _get_testable_interactive_backends(): backends = [] for deps, backend in [ (["cairo", "gi"], "gtk3agg"), (["cairo", "gi"], "gtk3cairo"), (["PyQt5"], "qt5agg"), (["PyQt5", "cairocffi"], "qt5cairo"), (["PySide2"], "qt5agg"), (["PySide2", "cairocffi"], "qt5cairo"), (["tkinter"], "tkagg"), (["wx"], "wx"), (["wx"], "wxagg"), (["matplotlib.backends._macosx"], "macosx"), ]: reason = None missing = [dep for dep in deps if not importlib.util.find_spec(dep)] if sys.platform == "linux" and not os.environ.get("DISPLAY"): reason = "$DISPLAY is unset" elif missing: reason = "{} cannot be imported".format(", ".join(missing)) elif backend == 'macosx' and os.environ.get('TF_BUILD'): reason = "macosx backend fails on Azure" if reason: backend = pytest.param( backend, marks=pytest.mark.skip( reason=f"Skipping {backend} because {reason}")) elif backend.startswith('wx') and sys.platform == 'darwin': # ignore on OSX because that's currently broken (github #16849) backend = pytest.param( backend, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason='github #16849')) backends.append(backend) return backends # Using a timer not only allows testing of timers (on other backends), but is # also necessary on gtk3 and wx, where a direct call to key_press_event("q") # from draw_event causes breakage due to the canvas widget being deleted too # early. Also, gtk3 redefines key_press_event with a different signature, so # we directly invoke it from the superclass instead. _test_script = """\ import importlib import importlib.util import io import json import sys from unittest import TestCase import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, rcParams from matplotlib.backend_bases import FigureCanvasBase rcParams.update({ "webagg.open_in_browser": False, "webagg.port_retries": 1, }) if len(sys.argv) >= 2: # Second argument is json-encoded rcParams. rcParams.update(json.loads(sys.argv[1])) backend = plt.rcParams["backend"].lower() assert_equal = TestCase().assertEqual assert_raises = TestCase().assertRaises if backend.endswith("agg") and not backend.startswith(("gtk3", "web")): # Force interactive framework setup. plt.figure() # Check that we cannot switch to a backend using another interactive # framework, but can switch to a backend using cairo instead of agg, or a # non-interactive backend. In the first case, we use tkagg as the "other" # interactive backend as it is (essentially) guaranteed to be present. # Moreover, don't test switching away from gtk3 (as Gtk.main_level() is # not set up at this point yet) and webagg (which uses no interactive # framework). if backend != "tkagg": with assert_raises(ImportError): mpl.use("tkagg", force=True) def check_alt_backend(alt_backend): mpl.use(alt_backend, force=True) fig = plt.figure() assert_equal( type(fig.canvas).__module__, "matplotlib.backends.backend_{}".format(alt_backend)) if importlib.util.find_spec("cairocffi"): check_alt_backend(backend[:-3] + "cairo") check_alt_backend("svg") mpl.use(backend, force=True) fig, ax = plt.subplots() assert_equal( type(fig.canvas).__module__, "matplotlib.backends.backend_{}".format(backend)) ax.plot([0, 1], [2, 3]) timer = fig.canvas.new_timer(1.) # Test that floats are cast to int as needed. timer.add_callback(FigureCanvasBase.key_press_event, fig.canvas, "q") # Trigger quitting upon draw. fig.canvas.mpl_connect("draw_event", lambda event: timer.start()) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("close_event", print) result = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(result, format='png') # Ensure that the window is really closed. plt.pause(0.5) # Test that saving works after interactive window is closed, but the figure is # not deleted. result_after = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(result_after, format='png') if not backend.startswith('qt5') and sys.platform == 'darwin': # FIXME: This should be enabled everywhere once Qt5 is fixed on macOS to # not resize incorrectly. assert_equal(result.getvalue(), result_after.getvalue()) """ _test_timeout = 10 # Empirically, 1s is not enough on Travis. @pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", _get_testable_interactive_backends()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("toolbar", ["toolbar2", "toolmanager"]) @pytest.mark.flaky(reruns=3) def test_interactive_backend(backend, toolbar): if backend == "macosx": if toolbar == "toolmanager": pytest.skip("toolmanager is not implemented for macosx.") if toolbar == "toolbar2" and os.environ.get('TRAVIS'): # See pytest.skip("toolbar2 for macosx is buggy on Travis.") proc = [sys.executable, "-c", _test_script, json.dumps({"toolbar": toolbar})], env={**os.environ, "MPLBACKEND": backend, "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH": "0"}, timeout=_test_timeout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) if proc.returncode:"The subprocess returned with non-zero exit status " f"{proc.returncode}.") assert proc.stdout.count("CloseEvent") == 1 @pytest.mark.skipif('TF_BUILD' in os.environ, reason="this test fails an azure for unknown reasons") @pytest.mark.skipif( == "nt", reason="Cannot send SIGINT on Windows.") def test_webagg(): pytest.importorskip("tornado") proc = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "-c", _test_script], env={**os.environ, "MPLBACKEND": "webagg", "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH": "0"}) url = "http://{}:{}".format( mpl.rcParams["webagg.address"], mpl.rcParams["webagg.port"]) timeout = time.perf_counter() + _test_timeout while True: try: retcode = proc.poll() # check that the subprocess for the server is not dead assert retcode is None conn = urllib.request.urlopen(url) break except urllib.error.URLError: if time.perf_counter() > timeout:"Failed to connect to the webagg server.") else: continue conn.close() proc.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) assert proc.wait(timeout=_test_timeout) == 0 @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform != "linux", reason="this a linux-only test") @pytest.mark.backend('Qt5Agg', skip_on_importerror=True) def test_lazy_linux_headless(): test_script = """ import os import sys # make it look headless del os.environ['DISPLAY'] # we should fast-track to Agg import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.get_backend() == 'agg' assert 'PyQt5' not in sys.modules # make sure we really have pyqt installed import PyQt5 assert 'PyQt5' in sys.modules # try to switch and make sure we fail with ImportError try: plt.switch_backend('qt5agg') except ImportError: ... else: sys.exit(1) """ proc =[sys.executable, "-c", test_script]) if proc.returncode:"The subprocess returned with non-zero exit status " f"{proc.returncode}.")