import collections import heapq import logging import math import numbers import random import re from .utils import _progress from .exception import MorfessorException, SegmentOnlyModelException _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _constructions_to_str(constructions): """Return a readable string for a list of constructions.""" if (isinstance(constructions[0], str) or isinstance(constructions[0], unicode)): # Constructions are strings return ' + '.join(constructions) else: # Constructions are not strings (should be tuples of strings) return ' + '.join(map(lambda x: ' '.join(x), constructions)) # rcount = root count (from corpus) # count = total count of the node # splitloc = integer or tuple. Location(s) of the possible splits for virtual # constructions; empty tuple or 0 if real construction ConstrNode = collections.namedtuple('ConstrNode', ['rcount', 'count', 'splitloc']) class BaselineModel(object): """Morfessor Baseline model class. Implements training of and segmenting with a Morfessor model. The model is complete agnostic to whether it is used with lists of strings (finding phrases in sentences) or strings of characters (finding morphs in words). """ penalty = -9999.9 def __init__(self, forcesplit_list=None, corpusweight=None, use_skips=False, nosplit_re=None): """Initialize a new model instance. Arguments: forcesplit_list: force segmentations on the characters in the given list corpusweight: weight for the corpus cost use_skips: randomly skip frequently occurring constructions to speed up training """ # In analyses for each construction a ConstrNode is stored. All # training data has a rcount (real count) > 0. All real morphemes # have no split locations. self._analyses = {} # Flag to indicate the model is only useful for segmentation self._segment_only = False # Cost variables self._lexicon_coding = LexiconEncoding() self._corpus_coding = CorpusEncoding(self._lexicon_coding) self._annot_coding = None #Set corpus weight updater self.set_corpus_weight_updater(corpusweight) # Configuration variables self._use_skips = use_skips # Random skips for frequent constructions self._supervised = False # Counter for random skipping self._counter = collections.Counter() if forcesplit_list is None: self.forcesplit_list = [] else: self.forcesplit_list = forcesplit_list if nosplit_re is None: self.nosplit_re = None else: self.nosplit_re = re.compile(nosplit_re, re.UNICODE) def set_corpus_weight_updater(self, corpus_weight): if corpus_weight is None: self._corpus_weight_updater = FixedCorpusWeight(1.0) elif isinstance(corpus_weight, numbers.Number): self._corpus_weight_updater = FixedCorpusWeight(corpus_weight) else: self._corpus_weight_updater = corpus_weight self._corpus_weight_updater.update(self, 0) def _check_segment_only(self): if self._segment_only: raise SegmentOnlyModelException() @property def tokens(self): """Return the number of construction tokens.""" return self._corpus_coding.tokens @property def types(self): """Return the number of construction types.""" return self._corpus_coding.types - 1 # do not include boundary def _add_compound(self, compound, c): """Add compound with count c to data.""" self._corpus_coding.boundaries += c self._modify_construction_count(compound, c) oldrc = self._analyses[compound].rcount self._analyses[compound] = \ self._analyses[compound]._replace(rcount=oldrc + c) def _remove(self, construction): """Remove construction from model.""" rcount, count, splitloc = self._analyses[construction] self._modify_construction_count(construction, -count) return rcount, count def _random_split(self, compound, threshold): """Return a random split for compound. Arguments: compound: compound to split threshold: probability of splitting at each position """ splitloc = tuple(i for i in range(1, len(compound)) if random.random() < threshold) return self._splitloc_to_segmentation(compound, splitloc) def _set_compound_analysis(self, compound, parts, ptype='rbranch'): """Set analysis of compound to according to given segmentation. Arguments: compound: compound to split parts: desired constructions of the compound ptype: type of the parse tree to use If ptype is 'rbranch', the analysis is stored internally as a right-branching tree. If ptype is 'flat', the analysis is stored directly to the compound's node. """ if len(parts) == 1: rcount, count = self._remove(compound) self._analyses[compound] = ConstrNode(rcount, 0, tuple()) self._modify_construction_count(compound, count) elif ptype == 'flat': rcount, count = self._remove(compound) splitloc = self._segmentation_to_splitloc(parts) self._analyses[compound] = ConstrNode(rcount, count, splitloc) for constr in parts: self._modify_construction_count(constr, count) elif ptype == 'rbranch': construction = compound for p in range(len(parts)): rcount, count = self._remove(construction) prefix = parts[p] if p == len(parts) - 1: self._analyses[construction] = ConstrNode(rcount, 0, 0) self._modify_construction_count(construction, count) else: suffix = self._join_constructions(parts[p + 1:]) self._analyses[construction] = ConstrNode(rcount, count, len(prefix)) self._modify_construction_count(prefix, count) self._modify_construction_count(suffix, count) construction = suffix else: raise MorfessorException("Unknown parse type '%s'" % ptype) def _update_annotation_choices(self): """Update the selection of alternative analyses in annotations. For semi-supervised models, select the most likely alternative analyses included in the annotations of the compounds. """ if not self._supervised: return # Collect constructions from the most probable segmentations # and add missing compounds also to the unannotated data constructions = collections.Counter() for compound, alternatives in self.annotations.items(): if not compound in self._analyses: self._add_compound(compound, 1) analysis, cost = self._best_analysis(alternatives) for m in analysis: constructions[m] += self._analyses[compound].rcount # Apply the selected constructions in annotated corpus coding self._annot_coding.set_constructions(constructions) for m, f in constructions.items(): count = 0 if m in self._analyses and not self._analyses[m].splitloc: count = self._analyses[m].count self._annot_coding.set_count(m, count) def _best_analysis(self, choices): """Select the best analysis out of the given choices.""" bestcost = None bestanalysis = None for analysis in choices: cost = 0.0 for m in analysis: if m in self._analyses and not self._analyses[m].splitloc: cost += (math.log(self._corpus_coding.tokens) - math.log(self._analyses[m].count)) else: cost -= self.penalty # penalty is negative if bestcost is None or cost < bestcost: bestcost = cost bestanalysis = analysis return bestanalysis, bestcost def _force_split(self, compound): """Return forced split of the compound.""" if len(self.forcesplit_list) == 0: return [compound] clen = len(compound) j = 0 parts = [] for i in range(1, clen): if compound[i] in self.forcesplit_list: if len(compound[j:i]) > 0: parts.append(compound[j:i]) parts.append(compound[i:i + 1]) j = i + 1 if j < clen: parts.append(compound[j:]) return parts def _test_skip(self, construction): """Return true if construction should be skipped.""" if construction in self._counter: t = self._counter[construction] if random.random() > 1.0 / max(1, t): return True self._counter[construction] += 1 return False def _viterbi_optimize(self, compound, addcount=0, maxlen=30): """Optimize segmentation of the compound using the Viterbi algorithm. Arguments: compound: compound to optimize addcount: constant for additive smoothing of Viterbi probs maxlen: maximum length for a construction Returns list of segments. """ clen = len(compound) if clen == 1: # Single atom return [compound] if self._use_skips and self._test_skip(compound): return self.segment(compound) # Collect forced subsegments parts = self._force_split(compound) # Use Viterbi algorithm to optimize the subsegments constructions = [] for part in parts: constructions += self.viterbi_segment(part, addcount=addcount, maxlen=maxlen)[0] self._set_compound_analysis(compound, constructions, ptype='flat') return constructions def _recursive_optimize(self, compound): """Optimize segmentation of the compound using recursive splitting. Returns list of segments. """ if len(compound) == 1: # Single atom return [compound] if self._use_skips and self._test_skip(compound): return self.segment(compound) # Collect forced subsegments parts = self._force_split(compound) if len(parts) == 1: # just one part return self._recursive_split(compound) self._set_compound_analysis(compound, parts) # Use recursive algorithm to optimize the subsegments constructions = [] for part in parts: constructions += self._recursive_split(part) return constructions def _recursive_split(self, construction): """Optimize segmentation of the construction by recursive splitting. Returns list of segments. """ if len(construction) == 1: # Single atom return [construction] if self._use_skips and self._test_skip(construction): return self.segment(construction) rcount, count = self._remove(construction) # Check all binary splits and no split self._modify_construction_count(construction, count) mincost = self.get_cost() self._modify_construction_count(construction, -count) splitloc = 0 for i in range(1, len(construction)): if (self.nosplit_re and self.nosplit_re.match(construction[(i - 1):(i + 1)])): continue prefix = construction[:i] suffix = construction[i:] self._modify_construction_count(prefix, count) self._modify_construction_count(suffix, count) cost = self.get_cost() self._modify_construction_count(prefix, -count) self._modify_construction_count(suffix, -count) if cost <= mincost: mincost = cost splitloc = i if splitloc: # Virtual construction self._analyses[construction] = ConstrNode(rcount, count, splitloc) prefix = construction[:splitloc] suffix = construction[splitloc:] self._modify_construction_count(prefix, count) self._modify_construction_count(suffix, count) lp = self._recursive_split(prefix) if suffix != prefix: return lp + self._recursive_split(suffix) else: return lp + lp else: # Real construction self._analyses[construction] = ConstrNode(rcount, 0, tuple()) self._modify_construction_count(construction, count) return [construction] def _modify_construction_count(self, construction, dcount): """Modify the count of construction by dcount. For virtual constructions, recurses to child nodes in the tree. For real constructions, adds/removes construction to/from the lexicon whenever necessary. """ if construction in self._analyses: rcount, count, splitloc = self._analyses[construction] else: rcount, count, splitloc = 0, 0, 0 newcount = count + dcount if newcount == 0: del self._analyses[construction] else: self._analyses[construction] = ConstrNode(rcount, newcount, splitloc) if splitloc: # Virtual construction children = self._splitloc_to_segmentation(construction, splitloc) for child in children: self._modify_construction_count(child, dcount) else: # Real construction self._corpus_coding.update_count(construction, count, newcount) if self._supervised: self._annot_coding.update_count(construction, count, newcount) if count == 0 and newcount > 0: self._lexicon_coding.add(construction) elif count > 0 and newcount == 0: self._lexicon_coding.remove(construction) def _epoch_update(self, epoch_num): """Do model updates that are necessary between training epochs. The argument is the number of training epochs finished. In practice, this does two things: - If random skipping is in use, reset construction counters. - If semi-supervised learning is in use and there are alternative analyses in the annotated data, select the annotations that are most likely given the model parameters. If not hand-set, update the weight of the annotated corpus. This method should also be run prior to training (with the epoch number argument as 0). """ forced_epochs = 0 if self._corpus_weight_updater.update(self, epoch_num): forced_epochs += 2 if self._use_skips: self._counter = collections.Counter() if self._supervised: self._update_annotation_choices() self._annot_coding.update_weight() return forced_epochs @staticmethod def _segmentation_to_splitloc(constructions): """Return a list of split locations for a segmented compound.""" splitloc = [] i = 0 for c in constructions: i += len(c) splitloc.append(i) return tuple(splitloc[:-1]) @staticmethod def _splitloc_to_segmentation(compound, splitloc): """Return segmentation corresponding to the list of split locations.""" if isinstance(splitloc, numbers.Number): return [compound[:splitloc], compound[splitloc:]] parts = [] startpos = 0 endpos = 0 for i in range(len(splitloc)): endpos = splitloc[i] parts.append(compound[startpos:endpos]) startpos = endpos parts.append(compound[endpos:]) return parts @staticmethod def _join_constructions(constructions): """Append the constructions after each other by addition. Works for both lists and strings """ result = type(constructions[0])() for c in constructions: result += c return result def get_compounds(self): """Return the compound types stored by the model.""" self._check_segment_only() return [w for w, node in self._analyses.items() if node.rcount > 0] def get_constructions(self): """Return a list of the present constructions and their counts.""" return sorted((c, node.count) for c, node in self._analyses.items() if not node.splitloc) def get_cost(self): """Return current model encoding cost.""" cost = self._corpus_coding.get_cost() + self._lexicon_coding.get_cost() if self._supervised: return cost + self._annot_coding.get_cost() else: return cost def get_segmentations(self): """Retrieve segmentations for all compounds encoded by the model.""" self._check_segment_only() for w in sorted(self._analyses.keys()): c = self._analyses[w].rcount if c > 0: yield c, self.segment(w) def load_data(self, data, freqthreshold=1, count_modifier=None, init_rand_split=None): """Load data to initialize the model for batch training. Arguments: data: iterator/generator of (count, compound, atoms) tuples corpus: corpus instance freqthreshold: discard compounds that occur less than given times in the corpus (default 1) count_modifier: function for adjusting the counts of each compound init_rand_split: If given, random split the word with init_rand_split as the probability for each split Adds the compounds in the corpus to the model lexicon. Returns the total cost. """ self._check_segment_only() totalcount = collections.Counter() for count, _, atoms in data: if len(atoms) > 0: totalcount[atoms] += count for atoms, count in totalcount.items(): if count < freqthreshold: continue if count_modifier is not None: self._add_compound(atoms, count_modifier(count)) else: self._add_compound(atoms, count) if init_rand_split is not None and init_rand_split > 0: parts = self._random_split(atoms, init_rand_split) self._set_compound_analysis(atoms, parts) return self.get_cost() def load_segmentations(self, segmentations): """Load model from existing segmentations. The argument should be an iterator providing a count and a segmentation. """ self._check_segment_only() for count, segmentation in segmentations: comp = "".join(segmentation) self._add_compound(comp, count) self._set_compound_analysis(comp, segmentation) def set_annotations(self, annotations, annotatedcorpusweight=None): """Prepare model for semi-supervised learning with given annotations. """ self._check_segment_only() self._supervised = True self.annotations = annotations self._annot_coding = AnnotatedCorpusEncoding(self._corpus_coding, weight= annotatedcorpusweight) self._annot_coding.boundaries = len(self.annotations) def segment(self, compound): """Segment the compound by looking it up in the model analyses. Raises KeyError if compound is not present in the training data. For segmenting new words, use viterbi_segment(compound). """ self._check_segment_only() rcount, count, splitloc = self._analyses[compound] constructions = [] if splitloc: for child in self._splitloc_to_segmentation(compound, splitloc): constructions += self.segment(child) else: constructions.append(compound) return constructions def train_batch(self, algorithm='recursive', algorithm_params=(), finish_threshold=0.005, max_epochs=None): """Train the model in batch fashion. The model is trained with the data already loaded into the model (by using an existing model or calling one of the load\_ methods). In each iteration (epoch) all compounds in the training data are optimized once, in a random order. If applicable, corpus weight, annotation cost, and random split counters are recalculated after each iteration. Arguments: algorithm: string in ('recursive', 'viterbi') that indicates the splitting algorithm used. algorithm_params: parameters passed to the splitting algorithm. devel_annotations: an annotated dataset (iterator of (compound, [analyses]) tuples) used for controlling the weight of the corpus encoding. finish_threshold: the stopping threshold. Training stops when the improvement of the last iteration is smaller then finish_threshold * #boundaries """ epochs = 0 forced_epochs = max(1, self._epoch_update(epochs)) newcost = self.get_cost() compounds = list(self.get_compounds())"Compounds in training data: %s types / %s tokens" % (len(compounds), self._corpus_coding.boundaries))"Starting batch training")"Epochs: %s\tCost: %s" % (epochs, newcost)) while True: # One epoch random.shuffle(compounds) for w in _progress(compounds): if algorithm == 'recursive': segments = self._recursive_optimize(w, *algorithm_params) elif algorithm == 'viterbi': segments = self._viterbi_optimize(w, *algorithm_params) else: raise MorfessorException("unknown algorithm '%s'" % algorithm) _logger.debug("#%s -> %s" % (w, _constructions_to_str(segments))) epochs += 1 _logger.debug("Cost before epoch update: %s" % self.get_cost()) forced_epochs = max(forced_epochs, self._epoch_update(epochs)) oldcost = newcost newcost = self.get_cost()"Epochs: %s\tCost: %s" % (epochs, newcost)) if (forced_epochs == 0 and newcost >= oldcost - finish_threshold * self._corpus_coding.boundaries): break if forced_epochs > 0: forced_epochs -= 1 if max_epochs is not None and epochs >= max_epochs:"Max number of epochs reached, stop training") break"Done.") return epochs, newcost def train_online(self, data, count_modifier=None, epoch_interval=10000, algorithm='recursive', algorithm_params=(), init_rand_split=None, max_epochs=None): """Train the model in online fashion. The model is trained with the data provided in the data argument. As example the data could come from a generator linked to standard in for live monitoring of the splitting. All compounds from data are only optimized once. After online training, batch training could be used for further optimization. Epochs are defined as a fixed number of compounds. After each epoch ( like in batch training), the annotation cost, and random split counters are recalculated if applicable. Arguments: data: iterator/generator of (_, _, compound) tuples. The first two arguments are ignored, as every occurence of the compound is taken with count 1 count_modifier: function for adjusting the counts of each compound epoch_interval: number of compounds to process before starting a new epoch algorithm: string in ('recursive', 'viterbi') that indicates the splitting algorithm used. algorithm_params: parameters passed to the splitting algorithm. init_rand_split: probability for random splitting a compound to at any point for initializing the model. None or 0 means no random splitting. """ self._check_segment_only() if count_modifier is not None: counts = {}"Starting online training") epochs = 0 i = 0 more_tokens = True while more_tokens: self._epoch_update(epochs) newcost = self.get_cost()"Tokens processed: %s\tCost: %s" % (i, newcost)) for _ in _progress(range(epoch_interval)): try: _, _, w = next(data) except StopIteration: more_tokens = False break if len(w) == 0: # Newline in corpus continue if count_modifier is not None: if not w in counts: c = 0 counts[w] = 1 addc = 1 else: c = counts[w] counts[w] = c + 1 addc = count_modifier(c + 1) - count_modifier(c) if addc > 0: self._add_compound(w, addc) else: self._add_compound(w, 1) if init_rand_split is not None and init_rand_split > 0: parts = self._random_split(w, init_rand_split) self._set_compound_analysis(w, parts) if algorithm == 'recursive': segments = self._recursive_optimize(w, *algorithm_params) elif algorithm == 'viterbi': segments = self._viterbi_optimize(w, *algorithm_params) else: raise MorfessorException("unknown algorithm '%s'" % algorithm) _logger.debug("#%s: %s -> %s" % (i, w, _constructions_to_str(segments))) i += 1 epochs += 1 if max_epochs is not None and epochs >= max_epochs:"Max number of epochs reached, stop training") break self._epoch_update(epochs) newcost = self.get_cost()"Tokens processed: %s\tCost: %s" % (i, newcost)) return epochs, newcost def viterbi_segment(self, compound, addcount=1.0, maxlen=30): """Find optimal segmentation using the Viterbi algorithm. Arguments: compound: compound to be segmented addcount: constant for additive smoothing (0 = no smoothing) maxlen: maximum length for the constructions If additive smoothing is applied, new complex construction types can be selected during the search. Without smoothing, only new single-atom constructions can be selected. Returns the most probable segmentation and its log-probability. """ clen = len(compound) grid = [(0.0, None)] if self._corpus_coding.tokens + self._corpus_coding.boundaries + \ addcount > 0: logtokens = math.log(self._corpus_coding.tokens + self._corpus_coding.boundaries + addcount) else: logtokens = 0 badlikelihood = clen * logtokens + 1.0 # Viterbi main loop for t in range(1, clen + 1): # Select the best path to current node. # Note that we can come from any node in history. bestpath = None bestcost = None if self.nosplit_re and t < clen and \ self.nosplit_re.match(compound[(t-1):(t+1)]): grid.append((clen*badlikelihood, t-1)) continue for pt in range(max(0, t - maxlen), t): if grid[pt][0] is None: continue cost = grid[pt][0] construction = compound[pt:t] if (construction in self._analyses and not self._analyses[construction].splitloc): if self._analyses[construction].count <= 0: raise MorfessorException( "Construction count of '%s' is %s" % (construction, self._analyses[construction].count)) cost += (logtokens - math.log(self._analyses[construction].count + addcount)) elif addcount > 0: if self._corpus_coding.tokens == 0: cost += (addcount * math.log(addcount) + self._lexicon_coding.get_codelength( construction) / self._corpus_coding.weight) else: cost += (logtokens - math.log(addcount) + (((self._lexicon_coding.boundaries + addcount) * math.log(self._lexicon_coding.boundaries + addcount)) - (self._lexicon_coding.boundaries * math.log(self._lexicon_coding.boundaries )) + self._lexicon_coding.get_codelength( construction)) / self._corpus_coding.weight) elif len(construction) == 1: cost += badlikelihood elif self.nosplit_re: # Some splits are forbidden, so longer unknown # constructions have to be allowed cost += len(construction) * badlikelihood else: continue if bestcost is None or cost < bestcost: bestcost = cost bestpath = pt grid.append((bestcost, bestpath)) constructions = [] cost, path = grid[-1] lt = clen + 1 while path is not None: t = path constructions.append(compound[t:lt]) path = grid[t][1] lt = t constructions.reverse() # Add boundary cost cost += (math.log(self._corpus_coding.tokens + self._corpus_coding.boundaries) - math.log(self._corpus_coding.boundaries)) return constructions, cost def forward_logprob(self, compound): """Find log-probability of a compound using the forward algorithm. Arguments: compound: compound to process Returns the (negative) log-probability of the compound. If the probability is zero, returns a number that is larger than the value defined by the penalty attribute of the model object. """ clen = len(compound) grid = [0.0] if self._corpus_coding.tokens + self._corpus_coding.boundaries > 0: logtokens = math.log(self._corpus_coding.tokens + self._corpus_coding.boundaries) else: logtokens = 0 # Forward main loop for t in range(1, clen + 1): # Sum probabilities from all paths to the current node. # Note that we can come from any node in history. psum = 0.0 for pt in range(0, t): cost = grid[pt] construction = compound[pt:t] if (construction in self._analyses and not self._analyses[construction].splitloc): if self._analyses[construction].count <= 0: raise MorfessorException( "Construction count of '%s' is %s" % (construction, self._analyses[construction].count)) cost += (logtokens - math.log(self._analyses[construction].count)) else: continue psum += math.exp(-cost) if psum > 0: grid.append(-math.log(psum)) else: grid.append(-self.penalty) cost = grid[-1] # Add boundary cost cost += (math.log(self._corpus_coding.tokens + self._corpus_coding.boundaries) - math.log(self._corpus_coding.boundaries)) return cost def viterbi_nbest(self, compound, n, addcount=1.0, maxlen=30): """Find top-n optimal segmentations using the Viterbi algorithm. Arguments: compound: compound to be segmented addcount: constant for additive smoothing (0 = no smoothing) maxlen: maximum length for the constructions If additive smoothing is applied, new complex construction types can be selected during the search. Without smoothing, only new single-atom constructions can be selected. Returns the n most probable segmentations and their log-probabilities. """ clen = len(compound) grid = [[(0.0, None, None)]] if self._corpus_coding.tokens + self._corpus_coding.boundaries + \ addcount > 0: logtokens = math.log(self._corpus_coding.tokens + self._corpus_coding.boundaries + addcount) else: logtokens = 0 badlikelihood = clen * logtokens + 1.0 # Viterbi main loop for t in range(1, clen + 1): # Select the best path to current node. # Note that we can come from any node in history. bestn = [] if self.nosplit_re and t < clen and \ self.nosplit_re.match(compound[(t-1):(t+1)]): grid.append([(-clen*badlikelihood, t-1, -1)]) continue for pt in range(max(0, t - maxlen), t): for k in range(len(grid[pt])): if grid[pt][k][0] is None: continue cost = grid[pt][k][0] construction = compound[pt:t] if (construction in self._analyses and not self._analyses[construction].splitloc): if self._analyses[construction].count <= 0: raise MorfessorException( "Construction count of '%s' is %s" % (construction, self._analyses[construction].count)) cost -= (logtokens - math.log(self._analyses[construction].count + addcount)) elif addcount > 0: if self._corpus_coding.tokens == 0: cost -= (addcount * math.log(addcount) + self._lexicon_coding.get_codelength( construction) / self._corpus_coding.weight) else: cost -= (logtokens - math.log(addcount) + (((self._lexicon_coding.boundaries + addcount) * math.log(self._lexicon_coding.boundaries + addcount)) - (self._lexicon_coding.boundaries * math.log(self._lexicon_coding. boundaries)) + self._lexicon_coding.get_codelength( construction)) / self._corpus_coding.weight) elif len(construction) == 1: cost -= badlikelihood elif self.nosplit_re: # Some splits are forbidden, so longer unknown # constructions have to be allowed cost -= len(construction) * badlikelihood else: continue if len(bestn) < n: heapq.heappush(bestn, (cost, pt, k)) else: heapq.heappushpop(bestn, (cost, pt, k)) grid.append(bestn) results = [] for k in range(len(grid[-1])): constructions = [] cost, path, ki = grid[-1][k] lt = clen + 1 while path is not None: t = path constructions.append(compound[t:lt]) path = grid[t][ki][1] ki = grid[t][ki][2] lt = t constructions.reverse() # Add boundary cost cost -= (math.log(self._corpus_coding.tokens + self._corpus_coding.boundaries) - math.log(self._corpus_coding.boundaries)) results.append((-cost, constructions)) return [(constr, cost) for cost, constr in sorted(results)] def get_corpus_coding_weight(self): return self._corpus_coding.weight def set_corpus_coding_weight(self, weight): self._check_segment_only() self._corpus_coding.weight = weight def make_segment_only(self): """Reduce the size of this model by removing all non-morphs from the analyses. After calling this method it is not possible anymore to call any other method that would change the state of the model. Anyway doing so would throw an exception. """ self._num_compounds = len(self.get_compounds()) self._segment_only = True self._analyses = {k: v for (k, v) in self._analyses.items() if not v.splitloc} def clear_segmentation(self): for compound in list(self.get_compounds()): self._set_compound_analysis(compound, [compound]) class CorpusWeight(object): @classmethod def move_direction(cls, model, direction, epoch): if direction != 0: weight = model.get_corpus_coding_weight() if direction > 0: weight *= 1 + 2.0 / epoch else: weight *= 1.0 / (1 + 2.0 / epoch) model.set_corpus_coding_weight(weight)"Corpus weight set to {}".format(weight)) return True return False class FixedCorpusWeight(CorpusWeight): def __init__(self, weight): self.weight = weight def update(self, model, _): model.set_corpus_coding_weight(self.weight) return False class AnnotationCorpusWeight(CorpusWeight): """Class for using development annotations to update the corpus weight during batch training """ def __init__(self, devel_set, threshold=0.01): = devel_set self.threshold = threshold def update(self, model, epoch): """Tune model corpus weight based on the precision and recall of the development data, trying to keep them equal""" if epoch < 1: return False tmp = wlist, annotations = zip(*tmp) segments = [model.viterbi_segment(w)[0] for w in wlist] d = self._estimate_segmentation_dir(segments, annotations) return self.move_direction(model, d, epoch) @classmethod def _boundary_recall(cls, prediction, reference): """Calculate average boundary recall for given segmentations.""" rec_total = 0 rec_sum = 0.0 for pre_list, ref_list in zip(prediction, reference): best = -1 for ref in ref_list: # list of internal boundary positions ref_b = set(BaselineModel._segmentation_to_splitloc(ref)) if len(ref_b) == 0: best = 1.0 break for pre in pre_list: pre_b = set(BaselineModel._segmentation_to_splitloc(pre)) r = len(ref_b.intersection(pre_b)) / float(len(ref_b)) if r > best: best = r if best >= 0: rec_sum += best rec_total += 1 return rec_sum, rec_total @classmethod def _bpr_evaluation(cls, prediction, reference): """Return boundary precision, recall, and F-score for segmentations.""" rec_s, rec_t = cls._boundary_recall(prediction, reference) pre_s, pre_t = cls._boundary_recall(reference, prediction) rec = rec_s / rec_t pre = pre_s / pre_t f = 2.0 * pre * rec / (pre + rec) return pre, rec, f def _estimate_segmentation_dir(self, segments, annotations): """Estimate if the given compounds are under- or oversegmented. The decision is based on the difference between boundary precision and recall values for the given sample of segmented data. Arguments: segments: list of predicted segmentations annotations: list of reference segmentations Return 1 in the case of oversegmentation, -1 in the case of undersegmentation, and 0 if no changes are required. """ pre, rec, f = self._bpr_evaluation([[x] for x in segments], annotations)"Boundary evaluation: precision %.4f; recall %.4f" % (pre, rec)) if abs(pre - rec) < self.threshold: return 0 elif rec > pre: return 1 else: return -1 class MorphLengthCorpusWeight(CorpusWeight): def __init__(self, morph_lenght, threshold=0.01): self.morph_length = morph_lenght self.threshold = threshold def update(self, model, epoch): if epoch < 1: return False cur_length = self.calc_morph_length(model)"Current morph-length: {}".format(cur_length)) if (abs(self.morph_length - cur_length) / self.morph_length > self.threshold): d = abs(self.morph_length - cur_length) / (self.morph_length - cur_length) return self.move_direction(model, d, epoch) return False @classmethod def calc_morph_length(cls, model): total_constructions = 0 total_atoms = 0 for compound in model.get_compounds(): constructions = model.segment(compound) for construction in constructions: total_constructions += 1 total_atoms += len(construction) if total_constructions > 0: return float(total_atoms) / total_constructions else: return 0.0 class NumMorphCorpusWeight(CorpusWeight): def __init__(self, num_morph_types, threshold=0.01): self.num_morph_types = num_morph_types self.threshold = threshold def update(self, model, epoch): if epoch < 1: return False cur_morph_types = model._lexicon_coding.boundaries"Number of morph types: {}".format(cur_morph_types)) if (abs(self.num_morph_types - cur_morph_types) / self.num_morph_types > self.threshold): d = (abs(self.num_morph_types - cur_morph_types) / (self.num_morph_types - cur_morph_types)) return self.move_direction(model, d, epoch) return False class Encoding(object): """Base class for calculating the entropy (encoding length) of a corpus or lexicon. Commonly subclassed to redefine specific methods. """ def __init__(self, weight=1.0): """Initizalize class Arguments: weight: weight used for this encoding """ self.logtokensum = 0.0 self.tokens = 0 self.boundaries = 0 self.weight = weight # constant used for speeding up logfactorial calculations with Stirling's # approximation _log2pi = math.log(2 * math.pi) @property def types(self): """Define number of types as 0. types is made a property method to ensure easy redefinition in subclasses """ return 0 @classmethod def _logfactorial(cls, n): """Calculate logarithm of n!. For large n (n > 20), use Stirling's approximation. """ if n < 2: return 0.0 if n < 20: return math.log(math.factorial(n)) logn = math.log(n) return n * logn - n + 0.5 * (logn + cls._log2pi) def frequency_distribution_cost(self): """Calculate -log[(u - 1)! (v - u)! / (v - 1)!] v is the number of tokens+boundaries and u the number of types """ if self.types < 2: return 0.0 tokens = self.tokens + self.boundaries return (self._logfactorial(tokens - 1) - self._logfactorial(self.types - 1) - self._logfactorial(tokens - self.types)) def permutations_cost(self): """The permutations cost for the encoding.""" return -self._logfactorial(self.boundaries) def update_count(self, construction, old_count, new_count): """Update the counts in the encoding.""" self.tokens += new_count - old_count if old_count > 1: self.logtokensum -= old_count * math.log(old_count) if new_count > 1: self.logtokensum += new_count * math.log(new_count) def get_cost(self): """Calculate the cost for encoding the corpus/lexicon""" if self.boundaries == 0: return 0.0 n = self.tokens + self.boundaries return ((n * math.log(n) - self.boundaries * math.log(self.boundaries) - self.logtokensum + self.permutations_cost()) * self.weight + self.frequency_distribution_cost()) class CorpusEncoding(Encoding): """Encoding the corpus class The basic difference to a normal encoding is that the number of types is not stored directly but fetched from the lexicon encoding. Also does the cost function not contain any permutation cost. """ def __init__(self, lexicon_encoding, weight=1.0): super(CorpusEncoding, self).__init__(weight) self.lexicon_encoding = lexicon_encoding @property def types(self): """Return the number of types of the corpus, which is the same as the number of boundaries in the lexicon + 1 """ return self.lexicon_encoding.boundaries + 1 def frequency_distribution_cost(self): """Calculate -log[(M - 1)! (N - M)! / (N - 1)!] for M types and N tokens. """ if self.types < 2: return 0.0 tokens = self.tokens return (self._logfactorial(tokens - 1) - self._logfactorial(self.types - 2) - self._logfactorial(tokens - self.types + 1)) def get_cost(self): """Override for the Encoding get_cost function. A corpus does not have a permutation cost """ if self.boundaries == 0: return 0.0 n = self.tokens + self.boundaries return ((n * math.log(n) - self.boundaries * math.log(self.boundaries) - self.logtokensum) * self.weight + self.frequency_distribution_cost()) class AnnotatedCorpusEncoding(Encoding): """Encoding the cost of an Annotated Corpus. In this encoding constructions that are missing are penalized. """ def __init__(self, corpus_coding, weight=None, penalty=-9999.9): """ Initialize encoding with appropriate meta data Arguments: corpus_coding: CorpusEncoding instance used for retrieving the number of tokens and boundaries in the corpus weight: The weight of this encoding. If the weight is None, it is updated automatically to be in balance with the corpus penalty: log penalty used for missing constructions """ super(AnnotatedCorpusEncoding, self).__init__() self.do_update_weight = True self.weight = 1.0 if weight is not None: self.do_update_weight = False self.weight = weight self.corpus_coding = corpus_coding self.penalty = penalty self.constructions = collections.Counter() def set_constructions(self, constructions): """Method for re-initializing the constructions. The count of the constructions must still be set with a call to set_count """ self.constructions = constructions self.tokens = sum(constructions.values()) self.logtokensum = 0.0 def set_count(self, construction, count): """Set an initial count for each construction. Missing constructions are penalized """ annot_count = self.constructions[construction] if count > 0: self.logtokensum += annot_count * math.log(count) else: self.logtokensum += annot_count * self.penalty def update_count(self, construction, old_count, new_count): """Update the counts in the Encoding, setting (or removing) a penalty for missing constructions """ if construction in self.constructions: annot_count = self.constructions[construction] if old_count > 0: self.logtokensum -= annot_count * math.log(old_count) else: self.logtokensum -= annot_count * self.penalty if new_count > 0: self.logtokensum += annot_count * math.log(new_count) else: self.logtokensum += annot_count * self.penalty def update_weight(self): """Update the weight of the Encoding by taking the ratio of the corpus boundaries and annotated boundaries """ if not self.do_update_weight: return old = self.weight self.weight = (self.corpus_coding.weight * float(self.corpus_coding.boundaries) / self.boundaries) if self.weight != old:"Corpus weight of annotated data set to %s" % self.weight) def get_cost(self): """Return the cost of the Annotation Corpus.""" if self.boundaries == 0: return 0.0 n = self.tokens + self.boundaries return ((n * math.log(self.corpus_coding.tokens + self.corpus_coding.boundaries) - self.boundaries * math.log(self.corpus_coding.boundaries) - self.logtokensum) * self.weight) class LexiconEncoding(Encoding): """Class for calculating the encoding cost for the Lexicon""" def __init__(self): """Initialize Lexcion Encoding""" super(LexiconEncoding, self).__init__() self.atoms = collections.Counter() @property def types(self): """Return the number of different atoms in the lexicon + 1 for the compound-end-token """ return len(self.atoms) + 1 def add(self, construction): """Add a construction to the lexicon, updating automatically the count for its atoms """ self.boundaries += 1 for atom in construction: c = self.atoms[atom] self.atoms[atom] = c + 1 self.update_count(atom, c, c + 1) def remove(self, construction): """Remove construction from the lexicon, updating automatically the count for its atoms """ self.boundaries -= 1 for atom in construction: c = self.atoms[atom] self.atoms[atom] = c - 1 self.update_count(atom, c, c - 1) def get_codelength(self, construction): """Return an approximate codelength for new construction.""" l = len(construction) + 1 cost = l * math.log(self.tokens + l) cost -= math.log(self.boundaries + 1) for atom in construction: if atom in self.atoms: c = self.atoms[atom] else: c = 1 cost -= math.log(c) return cost