# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Subraph centrality and communicability betweenness. """ # Copyright (C) 2011 by # Aric Hagberg # Dan Schult # Pieter Swart # All rights reserved. # BSD license. import networkx as nx from networkx.utils import * __author__ = "\n".join(['Aric Hagberg (hagberg@lanl.gov)', 'Franck Kalala (franckkalala@yahoo.fr']) __all__ = ['subgraph_centrality_exp', 'subgraph_centrality', 'communicability_betweenness_centrality', 'estrada_index' ] @not_implemented_for('directed') @not_implemented_for('multigraph') def subgraph_centrality_exp(G): r"""Return the subgraph centrality for each node of G. Subgraph centrality of a node `n` is the sum of weighted closed walks of all lengths starting and ending at node `n`. The weights decrease with path length. Each closed walk is associated with a connected subgraph ([1]_). Parameters ---------- G: graph Returns ------- nodes:dictionary Dictionary of nodes with subgraph centrality as the value. Raises ------ NetworkXError If the graph is not undirected and simple. See Also -------- subgraph_centrality: Alternative algorithm of the subgraph centrality for each node of G. Notes ----- This version of the algorithm exponentiates the adjacency matrix. The subgraph centrality of a node `u` in G can be found using the matrix exponential of the adjacency matrix of G [1]_, .. math:: SC(u)=(e^A)_{uu} . References ---------- .. [1] Ernesto Estrada, Juan A. Rodriguez-Velazquez, "Subgraph centrality in complex networks", Physical Review E 71, 056103 (2005). https://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0504730 Examples -------- (Example from [1]_) >>> G = nx.Graph([(1,2),(1,5),(1,8),(2,3),(2,8),(3,4),(3,6),(4,5),(4,7),(5,6),(6,7),(7,8)]) >>> sc = nx.subgraph_centrality_exp(G) >>> print(['%s %0.2f'%(node,sc[node]) for node in sorted(sc)]) ['1 3.90', '2 3.90', '3 3.64', '4 3.71', '5 3.64', '6 3.71', '7 3.64', '8 3.90'] """ # alternative implementation that calculates the matrix exponential import scipy.linalg nodelist = list(G) # ordering of nodes in matrix A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G, nodelist) # convert to 0-1 matrix A[A != 0.0] = 1 expA = scipy.linalg.expm(A.A) # convert diagonal to dictionary keyed by node sc = dict(zip(nodelist, map(float, expA.diagonal()))) return sc @not_implemented_for('directed') @not_implemented_for('multigraph') def subgraph_centrality(G): r"""Return subgraph centrality for each node in G. Subgraph centrality of a node `n` is the sum of weighted closed walks of all lengths starting and ending at node `n`. The weights decrease with path length. Each closed walk is associated with a connected subgraph ([1]_). Parameters ---------- G: graph Returns ------- nodes : dictionary Dictionary of nodes with subgraph centrality as the value. Raises ------ NetworkXError If the graph is not undirected and simple. See Also -------- subgraph_centrality_exp: Alternative algorithm of the subgraph centrality for each node of G. Notes ----- This version of the algorithm computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix. Subgraph centrality of a node `u` in G can be found using a spectral decomposition of the adjacency matrix [1]_, .. math:: SC(u)=\sum_{j=1}^{N}(v_{j}^{u})^2 e^{\lambda_{j}}, where `v_j` is an eigenvector of the adjacency matrix `A` of G corresponding corresponding to the eigenvalue `\lambda_j`. Examples -------- (Example from [1]_) >>> G = nx.Graph([(1,2),(1,5),(1,8),(2,3),(2,8),(3,4),(3,6),(4,5),(4,7),(5,6),(6,7),(7,8)]) >>> sc = nx.subgraph_centrality(G) >>> print(['%s %0.2f'%(node,sc[node]) for node in sorted(sc)]) ['1 3.90', '2 3.90', '3 3.64', '4 3.71', '5 3.64', '6 3.71', '7 3.64', '8 3.90'] References ---------- .. [1] Ernesto Estrada, Juan A. Rodriguez-Velazquez, "Subgraph centrality in complex networks", Physical Review E 71, 056103 (2005). https://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0504730 """ import numpy import numpy.linalg nodelist = list(G) # ordering of nodes in matrix A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G, nodelist) # convert to 0-1 matrix A[A != 0.0] = 1 w, v = numpy.linalg.eigh(A.A) vsquare = numpy.array(v)**2 expw = numpy.exp(w) xg = numpy.dot(vsquare, expw) # convert vector dictionary keyed by node sc = dict(zip(nodelist, map(float, xg))) return sc @not_implemented_for('directed') @not_implemented_for('multigraph') def communicability_betweenness_centrality(G, normalized=True): r"""Return subgraph communicability for all pairs of nodes in G. Communicability betweenness measure makes use of the number of walks connecting every pair of nodes as the basis of a betweenness centrality measure. Parameters ---------- G: graph Returns ------- nodes : dictionary Dictionary of nodes with communicability betweenness as the value. Raises ------ NetworkXError If the graph is not undirected and simple. Notes ----- Let `G=(V,E)` be a simple undirected graph with `n` nodes and `m` edges, and `A` denote the adjacency matrix of `G`. Let `G(r)=(V,E(r))` be the graph resulting from removing all edges connected to node `r` but not the node itself. The adjacency matrix for `G(r)` is `A+E(r)`, where `E(r)` has nonzeros only in row and column `r`. The subraph betweenness of a node `r` is [1]_ .. math:: \omega_{r} = \frac{1}{C}\sum_{p}\sum_{q}\frac{G_{prq}}{G_{pq}}, p\neq q, q\neq r, where `G_{prq}=(e^{A}_{pq} - (e^{A+E(r)})_{pq}` is the number of walks involving node r, `G_{pq}=(e^{A})_{pq}` is the number of closed walks starting at node `p` and ending at node `q`, and `C=(n-1)^{2}-(n-1)` is a normalization factor equal to the number of terms in the sum. The resulting `\omega_{r}` takes values between zero and one. The lower bound cannot be attained for a connected graph, and the upper bound is attained in the star graph. References ---------- .. [1] Ernesto Estrada, Desmond J. Higham, Naomichi Hatano, "Communicability Betweenness in Complex Networks" Physica A 388 (2009) 764-774. https://arxiv.org/abs/0905.4102 Examples -------- >>> G = nx.Graph([(0,1),(1,2),(1,5),(5,4),(2,4),(2,3),(4,3),(3,6)]) >>> cbc = nx.communicability_betweenness_centrality(G) """ import scipy import scipy.linalg nodelist = list(G) # ordering of nodes in matrix n = len(nodelist) A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G, nodelist) # convert to 0-1 matrix A[A != 0.0] = 1 expA = scipy.linalg.expm(A.A) mapping = dict(zip(nodelist, range(n))) cbc = {} for v in G: # remove row and col of node v i = mapping[v] row = A[i, :].copy() col = A[:, i].copy() A[i, :] = 0 A[:, i] = 0 B = (expA - scipy.linalg.expm(A.A)) / expA # sum with row/col of node v and diag set to zero B[i, :] = 0 B[:, i] = 0 B -= scipy.diag(scipy.diag(B)) cbc[v] = float(B.sum()) # put row and col back A[i, :] = row A[:, i] = col # rescaling cbc = _rescale(cbc, normalized=normalized) return cbc def _rescale(cbc, normalized): # helper to rescale betweenness centrality if normalized is True: order = len(cbc) if order <= 2: scale = None else: scale = 1.0 / ((order - 1.0)**2 - (order - 1.0)) if scale is not None: for v in cbc: cbc[v] *= scale return cbc def estrada_index(G): r"""Return the Estrada index of a the graph G. The Estrada Index is a topological index of folding or 3D "compactness" ([1]_). Parameters ---------- G: graph Returns ------- estrada index: float Raises ------ NetworkXError If the graph is not undirected and simple. Notes ----- Let `G=(V,E)` be a simple undirected graph with `n` nodes and let `\lambda_{1}\leq\lambda_{2}\leq\cdots\lambda_{n}` be a non-increasing ordering of the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix `A`. The Estrada index is ([1]_, [2]_) .. math:: EE(G)=\sum_{j=1}^n e^{\lambda _j}. References ---------- .. [1] E. Estrada, "Characterization of 3D molecular structure", Chem. Phys. Lett. 319, 713 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0009-2614(00)00158-5 .. [2] José Antonio de la Peñaa, Ivan Gutman, Juan Rada, "Estimating the Estrada index", Linear Algebra and its Applications. 427, 1 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.laa.2007.06.020 Examples -------- >>> G=nx.Graph([(0,1),(1,2),(1,5),(5,4),(2,4),(2,3),(4,3),(3,6)]) >>> ei=nx.estrada_index(G) """ return sum(subgraph_centrality(G).values()) # fixture for nose tests def setup_module(module): from nose import SkipTest try: import numpy except: raise SkipTest("NumPy not available") try: import scipy except: raise SkipTest("SciPy not available")