# Copyright: (c) 2018, Jordan Borean (@jborean93) # MIT License (see LICENSE or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) import binascii import hashlib import hmac import struct import ntlm_auth.compute_keys as compkeys from ntlm_auth.constants import NegotiateFlags, SignSealConstants from ntlm_auth.rc4 import ARC4 class _NtlmMessageSignature1(object): EXPECTED_BODY_LENGTH = 16 def __init__(self, random_pad, checksum, seq_num): """ [MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14 NTLMSSP_MESSAGE_SIGNATURE This version of the NTLMSSP_MESSAGE_SIGNATURE structure MUST be used when the NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_EXTENDED_SESSIONSECURITY flag is not negotiated. :param random_pad: A 4-byte array that contains the random pad for the message :param checksum: A 4-byte array that contains the checksum for the message :param seq_num: A 32-bit unsigned integer that contains the NTLM sequence number for this application message """ self.version = b"\x01\x00\x00\x00" self.random_pad = random_pad self.checksum = checksum self.seq_num = seq_num def get_data(self): signature = self.version signature += self.random_pad signature += self.checksum signature += self.seq_num assert self.EXPECTED_BODY_LENGTH == len(signature), \ "BODY_LENGTH: %d != signature: %d" \ % (self.EXPECTED_BODY_LENGTH, len(signature)) return signature class _NtlmMessageSignature2(object): EXPECTED_BODY_LENGTH = 16 def __init__(self, checksum, seq_num): """ [MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14 NTLMSSP_MESSAGE_SIGNATURE for Extended Session Security This version of the NTLMSSP_MESSAGE_SIGNATURE structure MUST be used when the NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_EXTENDED_SESSIONSECURITY flag is negotiated :param checksum: An 8-byte array that contains the checksum for the message :param seq_num: A 32-bit unsigned integer that contains the NTLM sequence number for this application message """ self.version = b"\x01\x00\x00\x00" self.checksum = checksum self.seq_num = seq_num def get_data(self): signature = self.version signature += self.checksum signature += self.seq_num assert self.EXPECTED_BODY_LENGTH == len(signature),\ "BODY_LENGTH: %d != signature: %d"\ % (self.EXPECTED_BODY_LENGTH, len(signature)) return signature class SessionSecurity(object): def __init__(self, negotiate_flags, exported_session_key, source="client"): """ Initialises a security session context that can be used by libraries that call ntlm-auth to sign and seal messages send to the server as well as verify and unseal messages that have been received from the server. This is similar to the GSS_Wrap functions specified in the MS-NLMP document which does the same task. :param negotiate_flags: The negotiate flag structure that has been negotiated with the server :param exported_session_key: A 128-bit session key used to derive signing and sealing keys :param source: The source of the message, only used in test scenarios when testing out a server sealing and unsealing """ self.negotiate_flags = negotiate_flags self.exported_session_key = exported_session_key self.outgoing_seq_num = 0 self.incoming_seq_num = 0 self._source = source self._client_sealing_key = compkeys.get_seal_key(self.negotiate_flags, exported_session_key, SignSealConstants.CLIENT_SEALING) self._server_sealing_key = compkeys.get_seal_key(self.negotiate_flags, exported_session_key, SignSealConstants.SERVER_SEALING) self.outgoing_handle = None self.incoming_handle = None self.reset_rc4_state(True) self.reset_rc4_state(False) if source == "client": self.outgoing_signing_key = compkeys.get_sign_key(exported_session_key, SignSealConstants.CLIENT_SIGNING) self.incoming_signing_key = compkeys.get_sign_key(exported_session_key, SignSealConstants.SERVER_SIGNING) elif source == "server": self.outgoing_signing_key = compkeys.get_sign_key(exported_session_key, SignSealConstants.SERVER_SIGNING) self.incoming_signing_key = compkeys.get_sign_key(exported_session_key, SignSealConstants.CLIENT_SIGNING) else: raise ValueError("Invalid source parameter %s, must be client " "or server" % source) def reset_rc4_state(self, outgoing=True): csk = self._client_sealing_key ssk = self._server_sealing_key if outgoing: self.outgoing_handle = ARC4(csk if self._source == 'client' else ssk) else: self.incoming_handle = ARC4(ssk if self._source == 'client' else csk) def wrap(self, message): """ [MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14 3.4.6 GSS_WrapEx() Emulates the GSS_Wrap() implementation to sign and seal messages if the correct flags are set. :param message: The message data that will be wrapped :return message: The message that has been sealed if flags are set :return signature: The signature of the message, None if flags are not set """ if self.negotiate_flags & NegotiateFlags.NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SEAL: encrypted_message = self._seal_message(message) signature = self.get_signature(message) message = encrypted_message elif self.negotiate_flags & NegotiateFlags.NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SIGN: signature = self.get_signature(message) else: signature = None return message, signature def unwrap(self, message, signature): """ [MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14 3.4.7 GSS_UnwrapEx() Emulates the GSS_Unwrap() implementation to unseal messages and verify the signature sent matches what has been computed locally. Will throw an Exception if the signature doesn't match :param message: The message data received from the server :param signature: The signature of the message :return message: The message that has been unsealed if flags are set """ if self.negotiate_flags & NegotiateFlags.NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SEAL: message = self._unseal_message(message) self.verify_signature(message, signature) elif self.negotiate_flags & NegotiateFlags.NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SIGN: self.verify_signature(message, signature) return message def _seal_message(self, message): """ [MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14 3.4.3 Message Confidentiality Will generate an encrypted message using RC4 based on the ClientSealingKey :param message: The message to be sealed (encrypted) :return encrypted_message: The encrypted message """ encrypted_message = self.outgoing_handle.update(message) return encrypted_message def _unseal_message(self, message): """ [MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14 3.4.3 Message Confidentiality Will generate a dencrypted message using RC4 based on the ServerSealingKey :param message: The message to be unsealed (dencrypted) :return decrypted_message: The decrypted message """ decrypted_message = self.incoming_handle.update(message) return decrypted_message def get_signature(self, message): """ [MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14 3.4.4 Message Signature Functions Will create the signature based on the message to send to the server. Depending on the negotiate_flags set this could either be an NTLMv1 signature or NTLMv2 with Extended Session Security signature. :param message: The message data that will be signed :return signature: Either _NtlmMessageSignature1 or _NtlmMessageSignature2 depending on the flags set """ signature = calc_signature(message, self.negotiate_flags, self.outgoing_signing_key, self.outgoing_seq_num, self.outgoing_handle) self.outgoing_seq_num += 1 return signature.get_data() def verify_signature(self, message, signature): """ Will verify that the signature received from the server matches up with the expected signature computed locally. Will throw an exception if they do not match :param message: The message data that is received from the server :param signature: The signature of the message received from the server """ if self.negotiate_flags & \ NegotiateFlags.NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_EXTENDED_SESSIONSECURITY: actual_checksum = signature[4:12] actual_seq_num = struct.unpack("