from __future__ import absolute_import # Copyright (c) 2010-2019 openpyxl from openpyxl.compat import basestring, unicode from openpyxl.descriptors.serialisable import Serialisable from openpyxl.descriptors import ( Typed, String, Sequence, Bool, NoneSet, Set, Integer, Float, ) from openpyxl.descriptors.excel import HexBinary, ExtensionList from openpyxl.styles.colors import Color, ColorDescriptor from openpyxl.styles.differential import DifferentialStyle from openpyxl.utils.cell import COORD_RE class ValueDescriptor(Float): """ Expected type depends upon type attribue of parent :-( Most values should be numeric BUT they can also be cell references """ def __set__(self, instance, value): ref = None if value is not None and isinstance(value, basestring): ref = COORD_RE.match(value) if instance.type == "formula" or ref: self.expected_type = basestring else: self.expected_type = float super(ValueDescriptor, self).__set__(instance, value) class FormatObject(Serialisable): tagname = "cfvo" type = Set(values=(['num', 'percent', 'max', 'min', 'formula', 'percentile'])) val = ValueDescriptor(allow_none=True) gte = Bool(allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = () def __init__(self, type, val=None, gte=None, extLst=None, ): self.type = type self.val = val self.gte = gte class RuleType(Serialisable): cfvo = Sequence(expected_type=FormatObject) class IconSet(RuleType): tagname = "iconSet" iconSet = NoneSet(values=(['3Arrows', '3ArrowsGray', '3Flags', '3TrafficLights1', '3TrafficLights2', '3Signs', '3Symbols', '3Symbols2', '4Arrows', '4ArrowsGray', '4RedToBlack', '4Rating', '4TrafficLights', '5Arrows', '5ArrowsGray', '5Rating', '5Quarters'])) showValue = Bool(allow_none=True) percent = Bool(allow_none=True) reverse = Bool(allow_none=True) __elements__ = ("cfvo",) def __init__(self, iconSet=None, showValue=None, percent=None, reverse=None, cfvo=None, ): self.iconSet = iconSet self.showValue = showValue self.percent = percent self.reverse = reverse self.cfvo = cfvo class DataBar(RuleType): tagname = "dataBar" minLength = Integer(allow_none=True) maxLength = Integer(allow_none=True) showValue = Bool(allow_none=True) color = ColorDescriptor() __elements__ = ('cfvo', 'color') def __init__(self, minLength=None, maxLength=None, showValue=None, cfvo=None, color=None, ): self.minLength = minLength self.maxLength = maxLength self.showValue = showValue self.cfvo = cfvo self.color = color class ColorScale(RuleType): tagname = "colorScale" color = Sequence(expected_type=Color) __elements__ = ('cfvo', 'color') def __init__(self, cfvo=None, color=None, ): self.cfvo = cfvo self.color = color class Rule(Serialisable): tagname = "cfRule" type = Set(values=(['expression', 'cellIs', 'colorScale', 'dataBar', 'iconSet', 'top10', 'uniqueValues', 'duplicateValues', 'containsText', 'notContainsText', 'beginsWith', 'endsWith', 'containsBlanks', 'notContainsBlanks', 'containsErrors', 'notContainsErrors', 'timePeriod', 'aboveAverage'])) dxfId = Integer(allow_none=True) priority = Integer() stopIfTrue = Bool(allow_none=True) aboveAverage = Bool(allow_none=True) percent = Bool(allow_none=True) bottom = Bool(allow_none=True) operator = NoneSet(values=(['lessThan', 'lessThanOrEqual', 'equal', 'notEqual', 'greaterThanOrEqual', 'greaterThan', 'between', 'notBetween', 'containsText', 'notContains', 'beginsWith', 'endsWith'])) text = String(allow_none=True) timePeriod = NoneSet(values=(['today', 'yesterday', 'tomorrow', 'last7Days', 'thisMonth', 'lastMonth', 'nextMonth', 'thisWeek', 'lastWeek', 'nextWeek'])) rank = Integer(allow_none=True) stdDev = Integer(allow_none=True) equalAverage = Bool(allow_none=True) formula = Sequence(expected_type=unicode) colorScale = Typed(expected_type=ColorScale, allow_none=True) dataBar = Typed(expected_type=DataBar, allow_none=True) iconSet = Typed(expected_type=IconSet, allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) dxf = Typed(expected_type=DifferentialStyle, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('colorScale', 'dataBar', 'iconSet', 'formula') __attrs__ = ('type', 'rank', 'priority', 'equalAverage', 'operator', 'aboveAverage', 'dxfId', 'stdDev', 'stopIfTrue', 'timePeriod', 'text', 'percent', 'bottom') def __init__(self, type, dxfId=None, priority=0, stopIfTrue=None, aboveAverage=None, percent=None, bottom=None, operator=None, text=None, timePeriod=None, rank=None, stdDev=None, equalAverage=None, formula=(), colorScale=None, dataBar=None, iconSet=None, extLst=None, dxf=None, ): self.type = type self.dxfId = dxfId self.priority = priority self.stopIfTrue = stopIfTrue self.aboveAverage = aboveAverage self.percent = percent self.bottom = bottom self.operator = operator self.text = text self.timePeriod = timePeriod self.rank = rank self.stdDev = stdDev self.equalAverage = equalAverage self.formula = formula self.colorScale = colorScale self.dataBar = dataBar self.iconSet = iconSet self.dxf = dxf def ColorScaleRule(start_type=None, start_value=None, start_color=None, mid_type=None, mid_value=None, mid_color=None, end_type=None, end_value=None, end_color=None): """Backwards compatibility""" formats = [] if start_type is not None: formats.append(FormatObject(type=start_type, val=start_value)) if mid_type is not None: formats.append(FormatObject(type=mid_type, val=mid_value)) if end_type is not None: formats.append(FormatObject(type=end_type, val=end_value)) colors = [] for v in (start_color, mid_color, end_color): if v is not None: if not isinstance(v, Color): v = Color(v) colors.append(v) cs = ColorScale(cfvo=formats, color=colors) rule = Rule(type="colorScale", colorScale=cs) return rule def FormulaRule(formula=None, stopIfTrue=None, font=None, border=None, fill=None): """ Conditional formatting with custom differential style """ rule = Rule(type="expression", formula=formula, stopIfTrue=stopIfTrue) rule.dxf = DifferentialStyle(font=font, border=border, fill=fill) return rule def CellIsRule(operator=None, formula=None, stopIfTrue=None, font=None, border=None, fill=None): """ Conditional formatting rule based on cell contents. """ # Excel doesn't use >, >=, etc, but allow for ease of python development expand = {">": "greaterThan", ">=": "greaterThanOrEqual", "<": "lessThan", "<=": "lessThanOrEqual", "=": "equal", "==": "equal", "!=": "notEqual"} operator = expand.get(operator, operator) rule = Rule(type='cellIs', operator=operator, formula=formula, stopIfTrue=stopIfTrue) rule.dxf = DifferentialStyle(font=font, border=border, fill=fill) return rule def IconSetRule(icon_style=None, type=None, values=None, showValue=None, percent=None, reverse=None): """ Convenience function for creating icon set rules """ cfvo = [] for val in values: cfvo.append(FormatObject(type, val)) icon_set = IconSet(iconSet=icon_style, cfvo=cfvo, showValue=showValue, percent=percent, reverse=reverse) rule = Rule(type='iconSet', iconSet=icon_set) return rule def DataBarRule(start_type=None, start_value=None, end_type=None, end_value=None, color=None, showValue=None, minLength=None, maxLength=None): start = FormatObject(start_type, start_value) end = FormatObject(end_type, end_value) data_bar = DataBar(cfvo=[start, end], color=color, showValue=showValue, minLength=minLength, maxLength=maxLength) rule = Rule(type='dataBar', dataBar=data_bar) return rule