# encoding: utf-8 """ Enumerations used by charts and related objects """ from __future__ import absolute_import from .base import ( alias, Enumeration, EnumMember, ReturnValueOnlyEnumMember, XmlEnumeration, XmlMappedEnumMember, ) class XL_AXIS_CROSSES(XmlEnumeration): """ Specifies the point on the specified axis where the other axis crosses. Example:: from pptx.enum.chart import XL_AXIS_CROSSES value_axis.crosses = XL_AXIS_CROSSES.MAXIMUM """ __ms_name__ = "XlAxisCrosses" __url__ = "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff745402.aspx" __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember( "AUTOMATIC", -4105, "autoZero", "The axis crossing point is set " "automatically, often at zero.", ), ReturnValueOnlyEnumMember( "CUSTOM", -4114, "The .crosses_at property specifies the axis cr" "ossing point.", ), XmlMappedEnumMember( "MAXIMUM", 2, "max", "The axis crosses at the maximum value." ), XmlMappedEnumMember( "MINIMUM", 4, "min", "The axis crosses at the minimum value." ), ) class XL_CATEGORY_TYPE(Enumeration): """ Specifies the type of the category axis. Example:: from pptx.enum.chart import XL_CATEGORY_TYPE date_axis = chart.category_axis assert date_axis.category_type == XL_CATEGORY_TYPE.TIME_SCALE """ __ms_name__ = "XlCategoryType" __url__ = "https://msdn.microsoft.com/EN-US/library/office/ff746136.aspx" __members__ = ( EnumMember( "AUTOMATIC_SCALE", -4105, "The application controls the axis " "type." ), EnumMember( "CATEGORY_SCALE", 2, "Axis groups data by an arbitrary set of " "categories" ), EnumMember( "TIME_SCALE", 3, "Axis groups data on a time scale of days, " "months, or years.", ), ) class XL_CHART_TYPE(Enumeration): """ Specifies the type of a chart. Example:: from pptx.enum.chart import XL_CHART_TYPE assert chart.chart_type == XL_CHART_TYPE.BAR_STACKED """ __ms_name__ = "XlChartType" __url__ = "http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff838409.aspx" __members__ = ( EnumMember("THREE_D_AREA", -4098, "3D Area."), EnumMember("THREE_D_AREA_STACKED", 78, "3D Stacked Area."), EnumMember("THREE_D_AREA_STACKED_100", 79, "100% Stacked Area."), EnumMember("THREE_D_BAR_CLUSTERED", 60, "3D Clustered Bar."), EnumMember("THREE_D_BAR_STACKED", 61, "3D Stacked Bar."), EnumMember("THREE_D_BAR_STACKED_100", 62, "3D 100% Stacked Bar."), EnumMember("THREE_D_COLUMN", -4100, "3D Column."), EnumMember("THREE_D_COLUMN_CLUSTERED", 54, "3D Clustered Column."), EnumMember("THREE_D_COLUMN_STACKED", 55, "3D Stacked Column."), EnumMember("THREE_D_COLUMN_STACKED_100", 56, "3D 100% Stacked Column."), EnumMember("THREE_D_LINE", -4101, "3D Line."), EnumMember("THREE_D_PIE", -4102, "3D Pie."), EnumMember("THREE_D_PIE_EXPLODED", 70, "Exploded 3D Pie."), EnumMember("AREA", 1, "Area"), EnumMember("AREA_STACKED", 76, "Stacked Area."), EnumMember("AREA_STACKED_100", 77, "100% Stacked Area."), EnumMember("BAR_CLUSTERED", 57, "Clustered Bar."), EnumMember("BAR_OF_PIE", 71, "Bar of Pie."), EnumMember("BAR_STACKED", 58, "Stacked Bar."), EnumMember("BAR_STACKED_100", 59, "100% Stacked Bar."), EnumMember("BUBBLE", 15, "Bubble."), EnumMember("BUBBLE_THREE_D_EFFECT", 87, "Bubble with 3D effects."), EnumMember("COLUMN_CLUSTERED", 51, "Clustered Column."), EnumMember("COLUMN_STACKED", 52, "Stacked Column."), EnumMember("COLUMN_STACKED_100", 53, "100% Stacked Column."), EnumMember("CONE_BAR_CLUSTERED", 102, "Clustered Cone Bar."), EnumMember("CONE_BAR_STACKED", 103, "Stacked Cone Bar."), EnumMember("CONE_BAR_STACKED_100", 104, "100% Stacked Cone Bar."), EnumMember("CONE_COL", 105, "3D Cone Column."), EnumMember("CONE_COL_CLUSTERED", 99, "Clustered Cone Column."), EnumMember("CONE_COL_STACKED", 100, "Stacked Cone Column."), EnumMember("CONE_COL_STACKED_100", 101, "100% Stacked Cone Column."), EnumMember("CYLINDER_BAR_CLUSTERED", 95, "Clustered Cylinder Bar."), EnumMember("CYLINDER_BAR_STACKED", 96, "Stacked Cylinder Bar."), EnumMember("CYLINDER_BAR_STACKED_100", 97, "100% Stacked Cylinder Bar."), EnumMember("CYLINDER_COL", 98, "3D Cylinder Column."), EnumMember("CYLINDER_COL_CLUSTERED", 92, "Clustered Cone Column."), EnumMember("CYLINDER_COL_STACKED", 93, "Stacked Cone Column."), EnumMember("CYLINDER_COL_STACKED_100", 94, "100% Stacked Cylinder Column."), EnumMember("DOUGHNUT", -4120, "Doughnut."), EnumMember("DOUGHNUT_EXPLODED", 80, "Exploded Doughnut."), EnumMember("LINE", 4, "Line."), EnumMember("LINE_MARKERS", 65, "Line with Markers."), EnumMember("LINE_MARKERS_STACKED", 66, "Stacked Line with Markers."), EnumMember("LINE_MARKERS_STACKED_100", 67, "100% Stacked Line with Markers."), EnumMember("LINE_STACKED", 63, "Stacked Line."), EnumMember("LINE_STACKED_100", 64, "100% Stacked Line."), EnumMember("PIE", 5, "Pie."), EnumMember("PIE_EXPLODED", 69, "Exploded Pie."), EnumMember("PIE_OF_PIE", 68, "Pie of Pie."), EnumMember("PYRAMID_BAR_CLUSTERED", 109, "Clustered Pyramid Bar."), EnumMember("PYRAMID_BAR_STACKED", 110, "Stacked Pyramid Bar."), EnumMember("PYRAMID_BAR_STACKED_100", 111, "100% Stacked Pyramid Bar."), EnumMember("PYRAMID_COL", 112, "3D Pyramid Column."), EnumMember("PYRAMID_COL_CLUSTERED", 106, "Clustered Pyramid Column."), EnumMember("PYRAMID_COL_STACKED", 107, "Stacked Pyramid Column."), EnumMember("PYRAMID_COL_STACKED_100", 108, "100% Stacked Pyramid Column."), EnumMember("RADAR", -4151, "Radar."), EnumMember("RADAR_FILLED", 82, "Filled Radar."), EnumMember("RADAR_MARKERS", 81, "Radar with Data Markers."), EnumMember("STOCK_HLC", 88, "High-Low-Close."), EnumMember("STOCK_OHLC", 89, "Open-High-Low-Close."), EnumMember("STOCK_VHLC", 90, "Volume-High-Low-Close."), EnumMember("STOCK_VOHLC", 91, "Volume-Open-High-Low-Close."), EnumMember("SURFACE", 83, "3D Surface."), EnumMember("SURFACE_TOP_VIEW", 85, "Surface (Top View)."), EnumMember("SURFACE_TOP_VIEW_WIREFRAME", 86, "Surface (Top View wireframe)."), EnumMember("SURFACE_WIREFRAME", 84, "3D Surface (wireframe)."), EnumMember("XY_SCATTER", -4169, "Scatter."), EnumMember("XY_SCATTER_LINES", 74, "Scatter with Lines."), EnumMember( "XY_SCATTER_LINES_NO_MARKERS", 75, "Scatter with Lines and No Da" "ta Markers.", ), EnumMember("XY_SCATTER_SMOOTH", 72, "Scatter with Smoothed Lines."), EnumMember( "XY_SCATTER_SMOOTH_NO_MARKERS", 73, "Scatter with Smoothed Lines" " and No Data Markers.", ), ) @alias("XL_LABEL_POSITION") class XL_DATA_LABEL_POSITION(XmlEnumeration): """ Specifies where the data label is positioned. Example:: from pptx.enum.chart import XL_LABEL_POSITION data_labels = chart.plots[0].data_labels data_labels.position = XL_LABEL_POSITION.OUTSIDE_END """ __ms_name__ = "XlDataLabelPosition" __url__ = "http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff745082.aspx" __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember( "ABOVE", 0, "t", "The data label is positioned above the data po" "int." ), XmlMappedEnumMember( "BELOW", 1, "b", "The data label is positioned below the data po" "int." ), XmlMappedEnumMember( "BEST_FIT", 5, "bestFit", "Word sets the position of the data la" "bel." ), XmlMappedEnumMember( "CENTER", -4108, "ctr", "The data label is centered on the data " "point or inside a bar or a pie slice.", ), XmlMappedEnumMember( "INSIDE_BASE", 4, "inBase", "The data label is positioned inside" " the data point at the bottom edge.", ), XmlMappedEnumMember( "INSIDE_END", 3, "inEnd", "The data label is positioned inside t" "he data point at the top edge.", ), XmlMappedEnumMember( "LEFT", -4131, "l", "The data label is positioned to the left of" " the data point.", ), ReturnValueOnlyEnumMember("MIXED", 6, "Data labels are in multiple positions."), XmlMappedEnumMember( "OUTSIDE_END", 2, "outEnd", "The data label is positioned outsid" "e the data point at the top edge.", ), XmlMappedEnumMember( "RIGHT", -4152, "r", "The data label is positioned to the right " "of the data point.", ), ) class XL_LEGEND_POSITION(XmlEnumeration): """ Specifies the position of the legend on a chart. Example:: from pptx.enum.chart import XL_LEGEND_POSITION chart.has_legend = True chart.legend.position = XL_LEGEND_POSITION.BOTTOM """ __ms_name__ = "XlLegendPosition" __url__ = "http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff745840.aspx" __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember("BOTTOM", -4107, "b", "Below the chart."), XmlMappedEnumMember( "CORNER", 2, "tr", "In the upper-right corner of the chart borde" "r." ), ReturnValueOnlyEnumMember("CUSTOM", -4161, "A custom position."), XmlMappedEnumMember("LEFT", -4131, "l", "Left of the chart."), XmlMappedEnumMember("RIGHT", -4152, "r", "Right of the chart."), XmlMappedEnumMember("TOP", -4160, "t", "Above the chart."), ) class XL_MARKER_STYLE(XmlEnumeration): """ Specifies the marker style for a point or series in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart. Example:: from pptx.enum.chart import XL_MARKER_STYLE series.marker.style = XL_MARKER_STYLE.CIRCLE """ __ms_name__ = "XlMarkerStyle" __url__ = "http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff197219.aspx" __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember("AUTOMATIC", -4105, "auto", "Automatic markers"), XmlMappedEnumMember("CIRCLE", 8, "circle", "Circular markers"), XmlMappedEnumMember("DASH", -4115, "dash", "Long bar markers"), XmlMappedEnumMember("DIAMOND", 2, "diamond", "Diamond-shaped markers"), XmlMappedEnumMember("DOT", -4118, "dot", "Short bar markers"), XmlMappedEnumMember("NONE", -4142, "none", "No markers"), XmlMappedEnumMember("PICTURE", -4147, "picture", "Picture markers"), XmlMappedEnumMember("PLUS", 9, "plus", "Square markers with a plus sign"), XmlMappedEnumMember("SQUARE", 1, "square", "Square markers"), XmlMappedEnumMember("STAR", 5, "star", "Square markers with an asterisk"), XmlMappedEnumMember("TRIANGLE", 3, "triangle", "Triangular markers"), XmlMappedEnumMember("X", -4168, "x", "Square markers with an X"), ) class XL_TICK_MARK(XmlEnumeration): """ Specifies a type of axis tick for a chart. Example:: from pptx.enum.chart import XL_TICK_MARK chart.value_axis.minor_tick_mark = XL_TICK_MARK.INSIDE """ __ms_name__ = "XlTickMark" __url__ = "http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff193878.aspx" __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember("CROSS", 4, "cross", "Tick mark crosses the axis"), XmlMappedEnumMember("INSIDE", 2, "in", "Tick mark appears inside the axis"), XmlMappedEnumMember("NONE", -4142, "none", "No tick mark"), XmlMappedEnumMember("OUTSIDE", 3, "out", "Tick mark appears outside the axis"), ) class XL_TICK_LABEL_POSITION(XmlEnumeration): """ Specifies the position of tick-mark labels on a chart axis. Example:: from pptx.enum.chart import XL_TICK_LABEL_POSITION category_axis = chart.category_axis category_axis.tick_label_position = XL_TICK_LABEL_POSITION.LOW """ __ms_name__ = "XlTickLabelPosition" __url__ = "http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff822561.aspx" __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember("HIGH", -4127, "high", "Top or right side of the chart."), XmlMappedEnumMember("LOW", -4134, "low", "Bottom or left side of the chart."), XmlMappedEnumMember( "NEXT_TO_AXIS", 4, "nextTo", "Next to axis (where axis is not at" " either side of the chart).", ), XmlMappedEnumMember("NONE", -4142, "none", "No tick labels."), )