# encoding: utf-8 """ Temporary stand-in for main oxml module that came across with the PackageReader transplant. Probably much will get replaced with objects from the pptx.oxml.core and then this module will either get deleted or only hold the package related custom element classes. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from lxml import etree from .constants import NAMESPACE as NS, RELATIONSHIP_TARGET_MODE as RTM from ..oxml import parse_xml, register_element_cls from ..oxml.simpletypes import ( ST_ContentType, ST_Extension, ST_TargetMode, XsdAnyUri, XsdId, ) from ..oxml.xmlchemy import ( BaseOxmlElement, OptionalAttribute, RequiredAttribute, ZeroOrMore, ) nsmap = { "ct": NS.OPC_CONTENT_TYPES, "pr": NS.OPC_RELATIONSHIPS, "r": NS.OFC_RELATIONSHIPS, } def oxml_tostring(elm, encoding=None, pretty_print=False, standalone=None): return etree.tostring( elm, encoding=encoding, pretty_print=pretty_print, standalone=standalone ) def serialize_part_xml(part_elm): xml = etree.tostring(part_elm, encoding="UTF-8", standalone=True) return xml class CT_Default(BaseOxmlElement): """ ```` element, specifying the default content type to be applied to a part with the specified extension. """ extension = RequiredAttribute("Extension", ST_Extension) contentType = RequiredAttribute("ContentType", ST_ContentType) class CT_Override(BaseOxmlElement): """ ```` element, specifying the content type to be applied for a part with the specified partname. """ partName = RequiredAttribute("PartName", XsdAnyUri) contentType = RequiredAttribute("ContentType", ST_ContentType) class CT_Relationship(BaseOxmlElement): """ ```` element, representing a single relationship from a source to a target part. """ rId = RequiredAttribute("Id", XsdId) reltype = RequiredAttribute("Type", XsdAnyUri) target_ref = RequiredAttribute("Target", XsdAnyUri) targetMode = OptionalAttribute("TargetMode", ST_TargetMode, default=RTM.INTERNAL) @classmethod def new(cls, rId, reltype, target, target_mode=RTM.INTERNAL): """ Return a new ```` element. """ xml = '' % nsmap["pr"] relationship = parse_xml(xml) relationship.rId = rId relationship.reltype = reltype relationship.target_ref = target relationship.targetMode = target_mode return relationship class CT_Relationships(BaseOxmlElement): """ ```` element, the root element in a .rels file. """ relationship = ZeroOrMore("pr:Relationship") def add_rel(self, rId, reltype, target, is_external=False): """ Add a child ```` element with attributes set according to parameter values. """ target_mode = RTM.EXTERNAL if is_external else RTM.INTERNAL relationship = CT_Relationship.new(rId, reltype, target, target_mode) self._insert_relationship(relationship) @classmethod def new(cls): """ Return a new ```` element. """ xml = '' % nsmap["pr"] relationships = parse_xml(xml) return relationships @property def xml(self): """ Return XML string for this element, suitable for saving in a .rels stream, not pretty printed and with an XML declaration at the top. """ return oxml_tostring(self, encoding="UTF-8", standalone=True) class CT_Types(BaseOxmlElement): """ ```` element, the container element for Default and Override elements in [Content_Types].xml. """ default = ZeroOrMore("ct:Default") override = ZeroOrMore("ct:Override") def add_default(self, ext, content_type): """ Add a child ```` element with attributes set to parameter values. """ return self._add_default(extension=ext, contentType=content_type) def add_override(self, partname, content_type): """ Add a child ```` element with attributes set to parameter values. """ return self._add_override(partName=partname, contentType=content_type) @classmethod def new(cls): """ Return a new ```` element. """ xml = '' % nsmap["ct"] types = parse_xml(xml) return types register_element_cls("ct:Default", CT_Default) register_element_cls("ct:Override", CT_Override) register_element_cls("ct:Types", CT_Types) register_element_cls("pr:Relationship", CT_Relationship) register_element_cls("pr:Relationships", CT_Relationships)