# Copyright 2014-present MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You # may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. """Class to monitor a MongoDB server on a background thread.""" import atexit import threading import weakref from pymongo import common, periodic_executor from pymongo.errors import (NotMasterError, OperationFailure, _OperationCancelled) from pymongo.ismaster import IsMaster from pymongo.monotonic import time as _time from pymongo.periodic_executor import _shutdown_executors from pymongo.read_preferences import MovingAverage from pymongo.server_description import ServerDescription from pymongo.srv_resolver import _SrvResolver class MonitorBase(object): def __init__(self, topology, name, interval, min_interval): """Base class to do periodic work on a background thread. The the background thread is signaled to stop when the Topology or this instance is freed. """ # We strongly reference the executor and it weakly references us via # this closure. When the monitor is freed, stop the executor soon. def target(): monitor = self_ref() if monitor is None: return False # Stop the executor. monitor._run() return True executor = periodic_executor.PeriodicExecutor( interval=interval, min_interval=min_interval, target=target, name=name) self._executor = executor def _on_topology_gc(dummy=None): # This prevents GC from waiting 10 seconds for isMaster to complete # See test_cleanup_executors_on_client_del. monitor = self_ref() if monitor: monitor.gc_safe_close() # Avoid cycles. When self or topology is freed, stop executor soon. self_ref = weakref.ref(self, executor.close) self._topology = weakref.proxy(topology, _on_topology_gc) _register(self) def open(self): """Start monitoring, or restart after a fork. Multiple calls have no effect. """ self._executor.open() def gc_safe_close(self): """GC safe close.""" self._executor.close() def close(self): """Close and stop monitoring. open() restarts the monitor after closing. """ self.gc_safe_close() def join(self, timeout=None): """Wait for the monitor to stop.""" self._executor.join(timeout) def request_check(self): """If the monitor is sleeping, wake it soon.""" self._executor.wake() class Monitor(MonitorBase): def __init__( self, server_description, topology, pool, topology_settings): """Class to monitor a MongoDB server on a background thread. Pass an initial ServerDescription, a Topology, a Pool, and TopologySettings. The Topology is weakly referenced. The Pool must be exclusive to this Monitor. """ super(Monitor, self).__init__( topology, "pymongo_server_monitor_thread", topology_settings.heartbeat_frequency, common.MIN_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL) self._server_description = server_description self._pool = pool self._settings = topology_settings self._listeners = self._settings._pool_options.event_listeners pub = self._listeners is not None self._publish = pub and self._listeners.enabled_for_server_heartbeat self._cancel_context = None self._rtt_monitor = _RttMonitor( topology, topology_settings, topology._create_pool_for_monitor( server_description.address)) self.heartbeater = None def cancel_check(self): """Cancel any concurrent isMaster check. Note: this is called from a weakref.proxy callback and MUST NOT take any locks. """ context = self._cancel_context if context: # Note: we cannot close the socket because doing so may cause # concurrent reads/writes to hang until a timeout occurs # (depending on the platform). context.cancel() def _start_rtt_monitor(self): """Start an _RttMonitor that periodically runs ping.""" # If this monitor is closed directly before (or during) this open() # call, the _RttMonitor will not be closed. Checking if this monitor # was closed directly after resolves the race. self._rtt_monitor.open() if self._executor._stopped: self._rtt_monitor.close() def gc_safe_close(self): self._executor.close() self._rtt_monitor.gc_safe_close() self.cancel_check() def close(self): self.gc_safe_close() self._rtt_monitor.close() # Increment the generation and maybe close the socket. If the executor # thread has the socket checked out, it will be closed when checked in. self._reset_connection() def _reset_connection(self): # Clear our pooled connection. self._pool.reset() def _run(self): try: prev_sd = self._server_description try: self._server_description = self._check_server() except _OperationCancelled as exc: # Already closed the connection, wait for the next check. self._server_description = ServerDescription( self._server_description.address, error=exc) if prev_sd.is_server_type_known: # Immediately retry since we've already waited 500ms to # discover that we've been cancelled. self._executor.skip_sleep() return # Update the Topology and clear the server pool on error. self._topology.on_change(self._server_description, reset_pool=self._server_description.error) if (self._server_description.is_server_type_known and self._server_description.topology_version): self._start_rtt_monitor() # Immediately check for the next streaming response. self._executor.skip_sleep() if self._server_description.error and prev_sd.is_server_type_known: # Immediately retry on network errors. self._executor.skip_sleep() except ReferenceError: # Topology was garbage-collected. self.close() def _check_server(self): """Call isMaster or read the next streaming response. Returns a ServerDescription. """ start = _time() try: try: return self._check_once() except (OperationFailure, NotMasterError) as exc: # Update max cluster time even when isMaster fails. self._topology.receive_cluster_time( exc.details.get('$clusterTime')) raise except ReferenceError: raise except Exception as error: sd = self._server_description address = sd.address duration = _time() - start if self._publish: awaited = sd.is_server_type_known and sd.topology_version self._listeners.publish_server_heartbeat_failed( address, duration, error, awaited) self._reset_connection() if isinstance(error, _OperationCancelled): raise self._rtt_monitor.reset() # Server type defaults to Unknown. return ServerDescription(address, error=error) def _check_once(self): """A single attempt to call ismaster. Returns a ServerDescription, or raises an exception. """ address = self._server_description.address if self._publish: self._listeners.publish_server_heartbeat_started(address) if self._cancel_context and self._cancel_context.cancelled: self._reset_connection() with self._pool.get_socket({}) as sock_info: self._cancel_context = sock_info.cancel_context response, round_trip_time = self._check_with_socket(sock_info) if not response.awaitable: self._rtt_monitor.add_sample(round_trip_time) sd = ServerDescription(address, response, self._rtt_monitor.average()) if self._publish: self._listeners.publish_server_heartbeat_succeeded( address, round_trip_time, response, response.awaitable) return sd def _check_with_socket(self, conn): """Return (IsMaster, round_trip_time). Can raise ConnectionFailure or OperationFailure. """ cluster_time = self._topology.max_cluster_time() start = _time() if conn.more_to_come: # Read the next streaming isMaster (MongoDB 4.4+). response = IsMaster(conn._next_reply(), awaitable=True) elif (conn.performed_handshake and self._server_description.topology_version): # Initiate streaming isMaster (MongoDB 4.4+). response = conn._ismaster( cluster_time, self._server_description.topology_version, self._settings.heartbeat_frequency, None) else: # New connection handshake or polling isMaster (MongoDB <4.4). response = conn._ismaster(cluster_time, None, None, None) return response, _time() - start class SrvMonitor(MonitorBase): def __init__(self, topology, topology_settings): """Class to poll SRV records on a background thread. Pass a Topology and a TopologySettings. The Topology is weakly referenced. """ super(SrvMonitor, self).__init__( topology, "pymongo_srv_polling_thread", common.MIN_SRV_RESCAN_INTERVAL, topology_settings.heartbeat_frequency) self._settings = topology_settings self._seedlist = self._settings._seeds self._fqdn = self._settings.fqdn def _run(self): seedlist = self._get_seedlist() if seedlist: self._seedlist = seedlist try: self._topology.on_srv_update(self._seedlist) except ReferenceError: # Topology was garbage-collected. self.close() def _get_seedlist(self): """Poll SRV records for a seedlist. Returns a list of ServerDescriptions. """ try: seedlist, ttl = _SrvResolver(self._fqdn).get_hosts_and_min_ttl() if len(seedlist) == 0: # As per the spec: this should be treated as a failure. raise Exception except Exception: # As per the spec, upon encountering an error: # - An error must not be raised # - SRV records must be rescanned every heartbeatFrequencyMS # - Topology must be left unchanged self.request_check() return None else: self._executor.update_interval( max(ttl, common.MIN_SRV_RESCAN_INTERVAL)) return seedlist class _RttMonitor(MonitorBase): def __init__(self, topology, topology_settings, pool): """Maintain round trip times for a server. The Topology is weakly referenced. """ super(_RttMonitor, self).__init__( topology, "pymongo_server_rtt_thread", topology_settings.heartbeat_frequency, common.MIN_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL) self._pool = pool self._moving_average = MovingAverage() self._lock = threading.Lock() def close(self): self.gc_safe_close() # Increment the generation and maybe close the socket. If the executor # thread has the socket checked out, it will be closed when checked in. self._pool.reset() def add_sample(self, sample): """Add a RTT sample.""" with self._lock: self._moving_average.add_sample(sample) def average(self): """Get the calculated average, or None if no samples yet.""" with self._lock: return self._moving_average.get() def reset(self): """Reset the average RTT.""" with self._lock: return self._moving_average.reset() def _run(self): try: # NOTE: This thread is only run when when using the streaming # heartbeat protocol (MongoDB 4.4+). # XXX: Skip check if the server is unknown? rtt = self._ping() self.add_sample(rtt) except ReferenceError: # Topology was garbage-collected. self.close() except Exception: self._pool.reset() def _ping(self): """Run an "isMaster" command and return the RTT.""" with self._pool.get_socket({}) as sock_info: if self._executor._stopped: raise Exception('_RttMonitor closed') start = _time() sock_info.ismaster() return _time() - start # Close monitors to cancel any in progress streaming checks before joining # executor threads. For an explanation of how this works see the comment # about _EXECUTORS in periodic_executor.py. _MONITORS = set() def _register(monitor): ref = weakref.ref(monitor, _unregister) _MONITORS.add(ref) def _unregister(monitor_ref): _MONITORS.remove(monitor_ref) def _shutdown_monitors(): if _MONITORS is None: return # Copy the set. Closing monitors removes them. monitors = list(_MONITORS) # Close all monitors. for ref in monitors: monitor = ref() if monitor: monitor.gc_safe_close() monitor = None def _shutdown_resources(): # _shutdown_monitors/_shutdown_executors may already be GC'd at shutdown. shutdown = _shutdown_monitors if shutdown: shutdown() shutdown = _shutdown_executors if shutdown: shutdown() atexit.register(_shutdown_resources)