# Copyright 2014-present MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You # may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. """Communicate with one MongoDB server in a topology.""" from datetime import datetime from bson import _decode_all_selective from pymongo.errors import NotMasterError, OperationFailure from pymongo.helpers import _check_command_response from pymongo.message import _convert_exception from pymongo.response import Response, ExhaustResponse from pymongo.server_type import SERVER_TYPE _CURSOR_DOC_FIELDS = {'cursor': {'firstBatch': 1, 'nextBatch': 1}} class Server(object): def __init__(self, server_description, pool, monitor, topology_id=None, listeners=None, events=None): """Represent one MongoDB server.""" self._description = server_description self._pool = pool self._monitor = monitor self._topology_id = topology_id self._publish = listeners is not None and listeners.enabled_for_server self._listener = listeners self._events = None if self._publish: self._events = events() def open(self): """Start monitoring, or restart after a fork. Multiple calls have no effect. """ self._monitor.open() def reset(self): """Clear the connection pool.""" self.pool.reset() def close(self): """Clear the connection pool and stop the monitor. Reconnect with open(). """ if self._publish: self._events.put((self._listener.publish_server_closed, (self._description.address, self._topology_id))) self._monitor.close() self._pool.reset() def request_check(self): """Check the server's state soon.""" self._monitor.request_check() def run_operation_with_response( self, sock_info, operation, set_slave_okay, listeners, exhaust, unpack_res): """Run a _Query or _GetMore operation and return a Response object. This method is used only to run _Query/_GetMore operations from cursors. Can raise ConnectionFailure, OperationFailure, etc. :Parameters: - `operation`: A _Query or _GetMore object. - `set_slave_okay`: Pass to operation.get_message. - `all_credentials`: dict, maps auth source to MongoCredential. - `listeners`: Instance of _EventListeners or None. - `exhaust`: If True, then this is an exhaust cursor operation. - `unpack_res`: A callable that decodes the wire protocol response. """ duration = None publish = listeners.enabled_for_commands if publish: start = datetime.now() send_message = not operation.exhaust_mgr if send_message: use_cmd = operation.use_command(sock_info, exhaust) message = operation.get_message( set_slave_okay, sock_info, use_cmd) request_id, data, max_doc_size = self._split_message(message) else: use_cmd = False request_id = 0 if publish: cmd, dbn = operation.as_command(sock_info) listeners.publish_command_start( cmd, dbn, request_id, sock_info.address) start = datetime.now() try: if send_message: sock_info.send_message(data, max_doc_size) reply = sock_info.receive_message(request_id) else: reply = sock_info.receive_message(None) # Unpack and check for command errors. if use_cmd: user_fields = _CURSOR_DOC_FIELDS legacy_response = False else: user_fields = None legacy_response = True docs = unpack_res(reply, operation.cursor_id, operation.codec_options, legacy_response=legacy_response, user_fields=user_fields) if use_cmd: first = docs[0] operation.client._process_response( first, operation.session) _check_command_response( first, sock_info.max_wire_version) except Exception as exc: if publish: duration = datetime.now() - start if isinstance(exc, (NotMasterError, OperationFailure)): failure = exc.details else: failure = _convert_exception(exc) listeners.publish_command_failure( duration, failure, operation.name, request_id, sock_info.address) raise if publish: duration = datetime.now() - start # Must publish in find / getMore / explain command response # format. if use_cmd: res = docs[0] elif operation.name == "explain": res = docs[0] if docs else {} else: res = {"cursor": {"id": reply.cursor_id, "ns": operation.namespace()}, "ok": 1} if operation.name == "find": res["cursor"]["firstBatch"] = docs else: res["cursor"]["nextBatch"] = docs listeners.publish_command_success( duration, res, operation.name, request_id, sock_info.address) # Decrypt response. client = operation.client if client and client._encrypter: if use_cmd: decrypted = client._encrypter.decrypt( reply.raw_command_response()) docs = _decode_all_selective( decrypted, operation.codec_options, user_fields) if exhaust: response = ExhaustResponse( data=reply, address=self._description.address, socket_info=sock_info, pool=self._pool, duration=duration, request_id=request_id, from_command=use_cmd, docs=docs) else: response = Response( data=reply, address=self._description.address, duration=duration, request_id=request_id, from_command=use_cmd, docs=docs) return response def get_socket(self, all_credentials, checkout=False): return self.pool.get_socket(all_credentials, checkout) @property def description(self): return self._description @description.setter def description(self, server_description): assert server_description.address == self._description.address self._description = server_description @property def pool(self): return self._pool def _split_message(self, message): """Return request_id, data, max_doc_size. :Parameters: - `message`: (request_id, data, max_doc_size) or (request_id, data) """ if len(message) == 3: return message else: # get_more and kill_cursors messages don't include BSON documents. request_id, data = message return request_id, data, 0 def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._description)