"""Activate coverage at python startup if appropriate. The python site initialisation will ensure that anything we import will be removed and not visible at the end of python startup. However we minimise all work by putting these init actions in this separate module and only importing what is needed when needed. For normal python startup when coverage should not be activated the pth file checks a single env var and does not import or call the init fn here. For python startup when an ancestor process has set the env indicating that code coverage is being collected we activate coverage based on info passed via env vars. """ import os import signal active_cov = None def multiprocessing_start(_): cov = init() if cov: multiprocessing.util.Finalize(None, cleanup, args=(cov,), exitpriority=1000) try: import multiprocessing.util except ImportError: pass else: multiprocessing.util.register_after_fork(multiprocessing_start, multiprocessing_start) def init(): # Only continue if ancestor process has set everything needed in # the env. global active_cov cov_source = os.environ.get('COV_CORE_SOURCE') cov_config = os.environ.get('COV_CORE_CONFIG') cov_datafile = os.environ.get('COV_CORE_DATAFILE') cov_branch = True if os.environ.get('COV_CORE_BRANCH') == 'enabled' else None if cov_datafile: # Import what we need to activate coverage. import coverage # Determine all source roots. if cov_source == os.pathsep: cov_source = None else: cov_source = cov_source.split(os.pathsep) if cov_config == os.pathsep: cov_config = True # Activate coverage for this process. cov = active_cov = coverage.coverage( source=cov_source, branch=cov_branch, data_suffix=True, config_file=cov_config, auto_data=True, data_file=cov_datafile ) cov.load() cov.start() cov._warn_no_data = False cov._warn_unimported_source = False return cov def _cleanup(cov): if cov is not None: cov.stop() cov.save() def cleanup(cov=None): global active_cov _cleanup(cov) if active_cov is not cov: _cleanup(active_cov) active_cov = None multiprocessing_finish = cleanup # in case someone dared to use this internal def _sigterm_handler(*_): cleanup() def cleanup_on_sigterm(): signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _sigterm_handler)