import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sps class CanonicalConstraint(object): """Canonical constraint to use with trust-constr algorithm. It represents the set of constraints of the form:: f_eq(x) = 0 f_ineq(x) <= 0 Where ``f_eq`` and ``f_ineq`` are evaluated by a single function, see below. The class is supposed to be instantiated by factory methods, which should prepare the parameters listed below. Parameters ---------- n_eq, n_ineq : int Number of equality and inequality constraints respectively. fun : callable Function defining the constraints. The signature is ``fun(x) -> c_eq, c_ineq``, where ``c_eq`` is ndarray with `n_eq` components and ``c_ineq`` is ndarray with `n_ineq` components. jac : callable Function to evaluate the Jacobian of the constraint. The signature is ``jac(x) -> J_eq, J_ineq``, where ``J_eq`` and ``J_ineq`` are either ndarray of csr_matrix of shapes (n_eq, n) and (n_ineq, n) respectively. hess : callable Function to evaluate the Hessian of the constraints multiplied by Lagrange multipliers, that is ``dot(f_eq, v_eq) + dot(f_ineq, v_ineq)``. The signature is ``hess(x, v_eq, v_ineq) -> H``, where ``H`` has an implied shape (n, n) and provide a matrix-vector product operation ````. keep_feasible : ndarray, shape (n_ineq,) Mask indicating which inequality constraints should be kept feasible. """ def __init__(self, n_eq, n_ineq, fun, jac, hess, keep_feasible): self.n_eq = n_eq self.n_ineq = n_ineq = fun self.jac = jac self.hess = hess self.keep_feasible = keep_feasible @classmethod def from_PreparedConstraint(cls, constraint): """Create an instance from `PreparedConstrained` object.""" lb, ub = constraint.bounds cfun = keep_feasible = constraint.keep_feasible if np.all(lb == -np.inf) and np.all(ub == np.inf): return cls.empty(cfun.n) if np.all(lb == -np.inf) and np.all(ub == np.inf): return cls.empty(cfun.n) elif np.all(lb == ub): return cls._equal_to_canonical(cfun, lb) elif np.all(lb == -np.inf): return cls._less_to_canonical(cfun, ub, keep_feasible) elif np.all(ub == np.inf): return cls._greater_to_canonical(cfun, lb, keep_feasible) else: return cls._interval_to_canonical(cfun, lb, ub, keep_feasible) @classmethod def empty(cls, n): """Create an "empty" instance. This "empty" instance is required to allow working with unconstrained problems as if they have some constraints. """ empty_fun = np.empty(0) empty_jac = np.empty((0, n)) empty_hess = sps.csr_matrix((n, n)) def fun(x): return empty_fun, empty_fun def jac(x): return empty_jac, empty_jac def hess(x, v_eq, v_ineq): return empty_hess return cls(0, 0, fun, jac, hess, np.empty(0)) @classmethod def concatenate(cls, canonical_constraints, sparse_jacobian): """Concatenate multiple `CanonicalConstraint` into one. `sparse_jacobian` (bool) determines the Jacobian format of the concatenated constraint. Note that items in `canonical_constraints` must have their Jacobians in the same format. """ def fun(x): eq_all = [] ineq_all = [] for c in canonical_constraints: eq, ineq = eq_all.append(eq) ineq_all.append(ineq) return np.hstack(eq_all), np.hstack(ineq_all) if sparse_jacobian: vstack = sps.vstack else: vstack = np.vstack def jac(x): eq_all = [] ineq_all = [] for c in canonical_constraints: eq, ineq = c.jac(x) eq_all.append(eq) ineq_all.append(ineq) return vstack(eq_all), vstack(ineq_all) def hess(x, v_eq, v_ineq): hess_all = [] index_eq = 0 index_ineq = 0 for c in canonical_constraints: vc_eq = v_eq[index_eq:index_eq + c.n_eq] vc_ineq = v_ineq[index_ineq:index_ineq + c.n_ineq] hess_all.append(c.hess(x, vc_eq, vc_ineq)) index_eq += c.n_eq index_ineq += c.n_ineq def matvec(p): result = np.zeros_like(p) for h in hess_all: result += return result n = x.shape[0] return sps.linalg.LinearOperator((n, n), matvec, dtype=float) n_eq = sum(c.n_eq for c in canonical_constraints) n_ineq = sum(c.n_ineq for c in canonical_constraints) keep_feasible = np.array(np.hstack(( c.keep_feasible for c in canonical_constraints)), dtype=bool) return cls(n_eq, n_ineq, fun, jac, hess, keep_feasible) @classmethod def _equal_to_canonical(cls, cfun, value): empty_fun = np.empty(0) n = cfun.n n_eq = value.shape[0] n_ineq = 0 keep_feasible = np.empty(0, dtype=bool) if cfun.sparse_jacobian: empty_jac = sps.csr_matrix((0, n)) else: empty_jac = np.empty((0, n)) def fun(x): return - value, empty_fun def jac(x): return cfun.jac(x), empty_jac def hess(x, v_eq, v_ineq): return cfun.hess(x, v_eq) empty_fun = np.empty(0) n = cfun.n if cfun.sparse_jacobian: empty_jac = sps.csr_matrix((0, n)) else: empty_jac = np.empty((0, n)) return cls(n_eq, n_ineq, fun, jac, hess, keep_feasible) @classmethod def _less_to_canonical(cls, cfun, ub, keep_feasible): empty_fun = np.empty(0) n = cfun.n if cfun.sparse_jacobian: empty_jac = sps.csr_matrix((0, n)) else: empty_jac = np.empty((0, n)) finite_ub = ub < np.inf n_eq = 0 n_ineq = np.sum(finite_ub) if np.all(finite_ub): def fun(x): return empty_fun, - ub def jac(x): return empty_jac, cfun.jac(x) def hess(x, v_eq, v_ineq): return cfun.hess(x, v_ineq) else: finite_ub = np.nonzero(finite_ub)[0] keep_feasible = keep_feasible[finite_ub] ub = ub[finite_ub] def fun(x): return empty_fun,[finite_ub] - ub def jac(x): return empty_jac, cfun.jac(x)[finite_ub] def hess(x, v_eq, v_ineq): v = np.zeros(cfun.m) v[finite_ub] = v_ineq return cfun.hess(x, v) return cls(n_eq, n_ineq, fun, jac, hess, keep_feasible) @classmethod def _greater_to_canonical(cls, cfun, lb, keep_feasible): empty_fun = np.empty(0) n = cfun.n if cfun.sparse_jacobian: empty_jac = sps.csr_matrix((0, n)) else: empty_jac = np.empty((0, n)) finite_lb = lb > -np.inf n_eq = 0 n_ineq = np.sum(finite_lb) if np.all(finite_lb): def fun(x): return empty_fun, lb - def jac(x): return empty_jac, -cfun.jac(x) def hess(x, v_eq, v_ineq): return cfun.hess(x, -v_ineq) else: finite_lb = np.nonzero(finite_lb)[0] keep_feasible = keep_feasible[finite_lb] lb = lb[finite_lb] def fun(x): return empty_fun, lb -[finite_lb] def jac(x): return empty_jac, -cfun.jac(x)[finite_lb] def hess(x, v_eq, v_ineq): v = np.zeros(cfun.m) v[finite_lb] = -v_ineq return cfun.hess(x, v) return cls(n_eq, n_ineq, fun, jac, hess, keep_feasible) @classmethod def _interval_to_canonical(cls, cfun, lb, ub, keep_feasible): lb_inf = lb == -np.inf ub_inf = ub == np.inf equal = lb == ub less = lb_inf & ~ub_inf greater = ub_inf & ~lb_inf interval = ~equal & ~lb_inf & ~ub_inf equal = np.nonzero(equal)[0] less = np.nonzero(less)[0] greater = np.nonzero(greater)[0] interval = np.nonzero(interval)[0] n_less = less.shape[0] n_greater = greater.shape[0] n_interval = interval.shape[0] n_ineq = n_less + n_greater + 2 * n_interval n_eq = equal.shape[0] keep_feasible = np.hstack((keep_feasible[less], keep_feasible[greater], keep_feasible[interval], keep_feasible[interval])) def fun(x): f = eq = f[equal] - lb[equal] le = f[less] - ub[less] ge = lb[greater] - f[greater] il = f[interval] - ub[interval] ig = lb[interval] - f[interval] return eq, np.hstack((le, ge, il, ig)) def jac(x): J = cfun.jac(x) eq = J[equal] le = J[less] ge = -J[greater] il = J[interval] ig = -il if sps.issparse(J): ineq = sps.vstack((le, ge, il, ig)) else: ineq = np.vstack((le, ge, il, ig)) return eq, ineq def hess(x, v_eq, v_ineq): n_start = 0 v_l = v_ineq[n_start:n_start + n_less] n_start += n_less v_g = v_ineq[n_start:n_start + n_greater] n_start += n_greater v_il = v_ineq[n_start:n_start + n_interval] n_start += n_interval v_ig = v_ineq[n_start:n_start + n_interval] v = np.zeros_like(lb) v[equal] = v_eq v[less] = v_l v[greater] = -v_g v[interval] = v_il - v_ig return cfun.hess(x, v) return cls(n_eq, n_ineq, fun, jac, hess, keep_feasible) def initial_constraints_as_canonical(n, prepared_constraints, sparse_jacobian): """Convert initial values of the constraints to the canonical format. The purpose to avoid one additional call to the constraints at the initial point. It takes saved values in `PreparedConstraint`, modify and concatenate them to the the canonical constraint format. """ c_eq = [] c_ineq = [] J_eq = [] J_ineq = [] for c in prepared_constraints: f = J = lb, ub = c.bounds if np.all(lb == ub): c_eq.append(f - lb) J_eq.append(J) elif np.all(lb == -np.inf): finite_ub = ub < np.inf c_ineq.append(f[finite_ub] - ub[finite_ub]) J_ineq.append(J[finite_ub]) elif np.all(ub == np.inf): finite_lb = lb > -np.inf c_ineq.append(lb[finite_lb] - f[finite_lb]) J_ineq.append(-J[finite_lb]) else: lb_inf = lb == -np.inf ub_inf = ub == np.inf equal = lb == ub less = lb_inf & ~ub_inf greater = ub_inf & ~lb_inf interval = ~equal & ~lb_inf & ~ub_inf c_eq.append(f[equal] - lb[equal]) c_ineq.append(f[less] - ub[less]) c_ineq.append(lb[greater] - f[greater]) c_ineq.append(f[interval] - ub[interval]) c_ineq.append(lb[interval] - f[interval]) J_eq.append(J[equal]) J_ineq.append(J[less]) J_ineq.append(-J[greater]) J_ineq.append(J[interval]) J_ineq.append(-J[interval]) c_eq = np.hstack(c_eq) if c_eq else np.empty(0) c_ineq = np.hstack(c_ineq) if c_ineq else np.empty(0) if sparse_jacobian: vstack = sps.vstack empty = sps.csr_matrix((0, n)) else: vstack = np.vstack empty = np.empty((0, n)) J_eq = vstack(J_eq) if J_eq else empty J_ineq = vstack(J_ineq) if J_ineq else empty return c_eq, c_ineq, J_eq, J_ineq