""" Unit tests for the differential global minimization algorithm. """ from scipy.optimize import _differentialevolution from scipy.optimize._differentialevolution import DifferentialEvolutionSolver from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import rosen from numpy.testing import (assert_equal, assert_allclose, assert_almost_equal, assert_string_equal, assert_) from pytest import raises as assert_raises class TestDifferentialEvolutionSolver(object): def setup_method(self): self.old_seterr = np.seterr(invalid='raise') self.limits = np.array([[0., 0.], [2., 2.]]) self.bounds = [(0., 2.), (0., 2.)] self.dummy_solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(self.quadratic, [(0, 100)]) # dummy_solver2 will be used to test mutation strategies self.dummy_solver2 = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(self.quadratic, [(0, 1)], popsize=7, mutation=0.5) # create a population that's only 7 members long # [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7] population = np.atleast_2d(np.arange(0.1, 0.8, 0.1)).T self.dummy_solver2.population = population def teardown_method(self): np.seterr(**self.old_seterr) def quadratic(self, x): return x[0]**2 def test__strategy_resolves(self): # test that the correct mutation function is resolved by # different requested strategy arguments solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, strategy='best1exp') assert_equal(solver.strategy, 'best1exp') assert_equal(solver.mutation_func.__name__, '_best1') solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, strategy='best1bin') assert_equal(solver.strategy, 'best1bin') assert_equal(solver.mutation_func.__name__, '_best1') solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, strategy='rand1bin') assert_equal(solver.strategy, 'rand1bin') assert_equal(solver.mutation_func.__name__, '_rand1') solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, strategy='rand1exp') assert_equal(solver.strategy, 'rand1exp') assert_equal(solver.mutation_func.__name__, '_rand1') solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, strategy='rand2exp') assert_equal(solver.strategy, 'rand2exp') assert_equal(solver.mutation_func.__name__, '_rand2') solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, strategy='best2bin') assert_equal(solver.strategy, 'best2bin') assert_equal(solver.mutation_func.__name__, '_best2') solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, strategy='rand2bin') assert_equal(solver.strategy, 'rand2bin') assert_equal(solver.mutation_func.__name__, '_rand2') solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, strategy='rand2exp') assert_equal(solver.strategy, 'rand2exp') assert_equal(solver.mutation_func.__name__, '_rand2') solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, strategy='randtobest1bin') assert_equal(solver.strategy, 'randtobest1bin') assert_equal(solver.mutation_func.__name__, '_randtobest1') solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, strategy='randtobest1exp') assert_equal(solver.strategy, 'randtobest1exp') assert_equal(solver.mutation_func.__name__, '_randtobest1') solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, strategy='currenttobest1bin') assert_equal(solver.strategy, 'currenttobest1bin') assert_equal(solver.mutation_func.__name__, '_currenttobest1') solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, strategy='currenttobest1exp') assert_equal(solver.strategy, 'currenttobest1exp') assert_equal(solver.mutation_func.__name__, '_currenttobest1') def test__mutate1(self): # strategies */1/*, i.e. rand/1/bin, best/1/exp, etc. result = np.array([0.05]) trial = self.dummy_solver2._best1((2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) assert_allclose(trial, result) result = np.array([0.25]) trial = self.dummy_solver2._rand1((2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) assert_allclose(trial, result) def test__mutate2(self): # strategies */2/*, i.e. rand/2/bin, best/2/exp, etc. # [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7] result = np.array([-0.1]) trial = self.dummy_solver2._best2((2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) assert_allclose(trial, result) result = np.array([0.1]) trial = self.dummy_solver2._rand2((2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) assert_allclose(trial, result) def test__randtobest1(self): # strategies randtobest/1/* result = np.array([0.15]) trial = self.dummy_solver2._randtobest1((2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) assert_allclose(trial, result) def test__currenttobest1(self): # strategies currenttobest/1/* result = np.array([0.1]) trial = self.dummy_solver2._currenttobest1(1, (2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) assert_allclose(trial, result) def test_can_init_with_dithering(self): mutation = (0.5, 1) solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(self.quadratic, self.bounds, mutation=mutation) assert_equal(solver.dither, list(mutation)) def test_invalid_mutation_values_arent_accepted(self): func = rosen mutation = (0.5, 3) assert_raises(ValueError, DifferentialEvolutionSolver, func, self.bounds, mutation=mutation) mutation = (-1, 1) assert_raises(ValueError, DifferentialEvolutionSolver, func, self.bounds, mutation=mutation) mutation = (0.1, np.nan) assert_raises(ValueError, DifferentialEvolutionSolver, func, self.bounds, mutation=mutation) mutation = 0.5 solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(func, self.bounds, mutation=mutation) assert_equal(0.5, solver.scale) assert_equal(None, solver.dither) def test__scale_parameters(self): trial = np.array([0.3]) assert_equal(30, self.dummy_solver._scale_parameters(trial)) # it should also work with the limits reversed self.dummy_solver.limits = np.array([[100], [0.]]) assert_equal(30, self.dummy_solver._scale_parameters(trial)) def test__unscale_parameters(self): trial = np.array([30]) assert_equal(0.3, self.dummy_solver._unscale_parameters(trial)) # it should also work with the limits reversed self.dummy_solver.limits = np.array([[100], [0.]]) assert_equal(0.3, self.dummy_solver._unscale_parameters(trial)) def test__ensure_constraint(self): trial = np.array([1.1, -100, 0.9, 2., 300., -0.00001]) self.dummy_solver._ensure_constraint(trial) assert_equal(trial[2], 0.9) assert_(np.logical_and(trial >= 0, trial <= 1).all()) def test_differential_evolution(self): # test that the Jmin of DifferentialEvolutionSolver # is the same as the function evaluation solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(self.quadratic, [(-2, 2)]) result = solver.solve() assert_almost_equal(result.fun, self.quadratic(result.x)) def test_best_solution_retrieval(self): # test that the getter property method for the best solution works. solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(self.quadratic, [(-2, 2)]) result = solver.solve() assert_almost_equal(result.x, solver.x) def test_callback_terminates(self): # test that if the callback returns true, then the minimization halts bounds = [(0, 2), (0, 2)] def callback(param, convergence=0.): return True result = differential_evolution(rosen, bounds, callback=callback) assert_string_equal(result.message, 'callback function requested stop early ' 'by returning True') def test_args_tuple_is_passed(self): # test that the args tuple is passed to the cost function properly. bounds = [(-10, 10)] args = (1., 2., 3.) def quadratic(x, *args): if type(args) != tuple: raise ValueError('args should be a tuple') return args[0] + args[1] * x + args[2] * x**2. result = differential_evolution(quadratic, bounds, args=args, polish=True) assert_almost_equal(result.fun, 2 / 3.) def test_init_with_invalid_strategy(self): # test that passing an invalid strategy raises ValueError func = rosen bounds = [(-3, 3)] assert_raises(ValueError, differential_evolution, func, bounds, strategy='abc') def test_bounds_checking(self): # test that the bounds checking works func = rosen bounds = [(-3, None)] assert_raises(ValueError, differential_evolution, func, bounds) bounds = [(-3)] assert_raises(ValueError, differential_evolution, func, bounds) bounds = [(-3, 3), (3, 4, 5)] assert_raises(ValueError, differential_evolution, func, bounds) def test_select_samples(self): # select_samples should return 5 separate random numbers. limits = np.arange(12., dtype='float64').reshape(2, 6) bounds = list(zip(limits[0, :], limits[1, :])) solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(None, bounds, popsize=1) candidate = 0 r1, r2, r3, r4, r5 = solver._select_samples(candidate, 5) assert_equal( len(np.unique(np.array([candidate, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5]))), 6) def test_maxiter_stops_solve(self): # test that if the maximum number of iterations is exceeded # the solver stops. solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, maxiter=1) result = solver.solve() assert_equal(result.success, False) assert_equal(result.message, 'Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded.') def test_maxfun_stops_solve(self): # test that if the maximum number of function evaluations is exceeded # during initialisation the solver stops solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, maxfun=1, polish=False) result = solver.solve() assert_equal(result.nfev, 2) assert_equal(result.success, False) assert_equal(result.message, 'Maximum number of function evaluations has ' 'been exceeded.') # test that if the maximum number of function evaluations is exceeded # during the actual minimisation, then the solver stops. # Have to turn polishing off, as this will still occur even if maxfun # is reached. For popsize=5 and len(bounds)=2, then there are only 10 # function evaluations during initialisation. solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, popsize=5, polish=False, maxfun=40) result = solver.solve() assert_equal(result.nfev, 41) assert_equal(result.success, False) assert_equal(result.message, 'Maximum number of function evaluations has ' 'been exceeded.') def test_quadratic(self): # test the quadratic function from object solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(self.quadratic, [(-100, 100)], tol=0.02) solver.solve() assert_equal(np.argmin(solver.population_energies), 0) def test_quadratic_from_diff_ev(self): # test the quadratic function from differential_evolution function differential_evolution(self.quadratic, [(-100, 100)], tol=0.02) def test_seed_gives_repeatability(self): result = differential_evolution(self.quadratic, [(-100, 100)], polish=False, seed=1, tol=0.5) result2 = differential_evolution(self.quadratic, [(-100, 100)], polish=False, seed=1, tol=0.5) assert_equal(result.x, result2.x) def test_exp_runs(self): # test whether exponential mutation loop runs solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, strategy='best1exp', maxiter=1) solver.solve() def test_gh_4511_regression(self): # This modification of the differential evolution docstring example # uses a custom popsize that had triggered an off-by-one error. # Because we do not care about solving the optimization problem in # this test, we use maxiter=1 to reduce the testing time. bounds = [(-5, 5), (-5, 5)] result = differential_evolution(rosen, bounds, popsize=1815, maxiter=1) def test_calculate_population_energies(self): # if popsize is 3 then the overall generation has size (6,) solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, popsize=3) solver._calculate_population_energies() assert_equal(np.argmin(solver.population_energies), 0) # initial calculation of the energies should require 6 nfev. assert_equal(solver._nfev, 6) def test_iteration(self): # test that DifferentialEvolutionSolver is iterable # if popsize is 3 then the overall generation has size (6,) solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, popsize=3, maxfun=12) x, fun = next(solver) assert_equal(np.size(x, 0), 2) # 6 nfev are required for initial calculation of energies, 6 nfev are # required for the evolution of the 6 population members. assert_equal(solver._nfev, 12) # the next generation should halt because it exceeds maxfun assert_raises(StopIteration, next, solver) # check a proper minimisation can be done by an iterable solver solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds) for i, soln in enumerate(solver): x_current, fun_current = soln # need to have this otherwise the solver would never stop. if i == 1000: break assert_almost_equal(fun_current, 0) def test_convergence(self): solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, tol=0.2, polish=False) solver.solve() assert_(solver.convergence < 0.2) def test_maxiter_none_GH5731(self): # Pre 0.17 the previous default for maxiter and maxfun was None. # the numerical defaults are now 1000 and np.inf. However, some scripts # will still supply None for both of those, this will raise a TypeError # in the solve method. solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, maxiter=None, maxfun=None) solver.solve() def test_population_initiation(self): # test the different modes of population initiation # init must be either 'latinhypercube' or 'random' # raising ValueError is something else is passed in assert_raises(ValueError, DifferentialEvolutionSolver, *(rosen, self.bounds), **{'init': 'rubbish'}) solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds) # check that population initiation: # 1) resets _nfev to 0 # 2) all population energies are np.inf solver.init_population_random() assert_equal(solver._nfev, 0) assert_(np.all(np.isinf(solver.population_energies))) solver.init_population_lhs() assert_equal(solver._nfev, 0) assert_(np.all(np.isinf(solver.population_energies))) # we should be able to initialise with our own array population = np.linspace(-1, 3, 10).reshape(5, 2) solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(rosen, self.bounds, init=population, strategy='best2bin', atol=0.01, seed=1, popsize=5) assert_equal(solver._nfev, 0) assert_(np.all(np.isinf(solver.population_energies))) assert_(solver.num_population_members == 5) assert_(solver.population_shape == (5, 2)) # check that the population was initialised correctly unscaled_population = np.clip(solver._unscale_parameters(population), 0, 1) assert_almost_equal(solver.population[:5], unscaled_population) # population values need to be clipped to bounds assert_almost_equal(np.min(solver.population[:5]), 0) assert_almost_equal(np.max(solver.population[:5]), 1) # shouldn't be able to initialise with an array if it's the wrong shape # this would have too many parameters population = np.linspace(-1, 3, 15).reshape(5, 3) assert_raises(ValueError, DifferentialEvolutionSolver, *(rosen, self.bounds), **{'init': population})