import logging, binascii, time, hmac from datetime import datetime from .smb_constants import * from .smb2_constants import * from .smb_structs import * from .smb2_structs import * from .security_descriptors import SecurityDescriptor from nmb.base import NMBSession from .utils import convertFILETIMEtoEpoch from . import ntlm, securityblob try: import hashlib sha256 = hashlib.sha256 except ImportError: from .utils import sha256 class NotReadyError(Exception): """Raised when SMB connection is not ready (i.e. not authenticated or authentication failed)""" pass class NotConnectedError(Exception): """Raised when underlying SMB connection has been disconnected or not connected yet""" pass class SMBTimeout(Exception): """Raised when a timeout has occurred while waiting for a response or for a SMB/CIFS operation to complete.""" pass class SMB(NMBSession): """ This class represents a "connection" to the remote SMB/CIFS server. It is not meant to be used directly in an application as it does not have any network transport implementations. For application use, please refer to - L{SMBProtocol.SMBProtocolFactory} if you are using Twisted framework In [MS-CIFS], this class will contain attributes of Client, Client.Connection and Client.Session abstract data models. References: =========== - [MS-CIFS]: 3.2.1 """ log = logging.getLogger('SMB.SMB') SIGN_NEVER = 0 SIGN_WHEN_SUPPORTED = 1 SIGN_WHEN_REQUIRED = 2 def __init__(self, username, password, my_name, remote_name, domain = '', use_ntlm_v2 = True, sign_options = SIGN_WHEN_REQUIRED, is_direct_tcp = False): NMBSession.__init__(self, my_name, remote_name, is_direct_tcp = is_direct_tcp) self.username = username self._password = password self.domain = domain self.sign_options = sign_options self.is_direct_tcp = is_direct_tcp self.use_ntlm_v2 = use_ntlm_v2 #: Similar to LMAuthenticationPolicy and NTAuthenticationPolicy as described in [MS-CIFS] self.smb_message = SMBMessage() self.is_using_smb2 = False #: Are we communicating using SMB2 protocol? self.smb_message will be a SMB2Message instance if this flag is True self.async_requests = { } #: AsyncID mapped to _PendingRequest instance self.pending_requests = { } #: MID mapped to _PendingRequest instance self.connected_trees = { } #: Share name mapped to TID self.next_rpc_call_id = 1 #: Next RPC callID value. Not used directly in SMB message. Usually encapsulated in sub-commands under SMB_COM_TRANSACTION or SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2 messages self.has_negotiated = False self.has_authenticated = False self.is_signing_active = False #: True if the remote server accepts message signing. All outgoing messages will be signed. Simiar to IsSigningActive as described in [MS-CIFS] self.signing_session_key = None #: Session key for signing packets, if signing is active. Similar to SigningSessionKey as described in [MS-CIFS] self.signing_challenge_response = None #: Contains the challenge response for signing, if signing is active. Similar to SigningChallengeResponse as described in [MS-CIFS] self.mid = 0 self.uid = 0 self.next_signing_id = 2 #: Similar to ClientNextSendSequenceNumber as described in [MS-CIFS] # SMB1 and SMB2 attributes # Note that the interpretations of the values may differ between SMB1 and SMB2 protocols self.capabilities = 0 self.security_mode = 0 #: Initialized from the SecurityMode field of the SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE message # SMB1 attributes # Most of the following attributes will be initialized upon receipt of SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE message from server (via self._updateServerInfo_SMB1 method) self.use_plaintext_authentication = False #: Similar to PlaintextAuthenticationPolicy in in [MS-CIFS] self.max_raw_size = 0 self.max_buffer_size = 0 #: Similar to MaxBufferSize as described in [MS-CIFS] self.max_mpx_count = 0 #: Similar to MaxMpxCount as described in [MS-CIFS] # SMB2 attributes self.max_read_size = 0 #: Similar to MaxReadSize as described in [MS-SMB2] 2.2.4 self.max_write_size = 0 #: Similar to MaxWriteSize as described in [MS-SMB2] 2.2.4 self.max_transact_size = 0 #: Similar to MaxTransactSize as described in [MS-SMB2] 2.2.4 self.session_id = 0 #: Similar to SessionID as described in [MS-SMB2] 2.2.4. This will be set in _updateState_SMB2 method self._setupSMB1Methods()'Authentication with remote machine "%s" for user "%s" will be using NTLM %s authentication (%s extended security)', self.remote_name, self.username, (self.use_ntlm_v2 and 'v2') or 'v1', (SUPPORT_EXTENDED_SECURITY and 'with') or 'without') @property def password(self): if callable(self._password): return self._password() return self._password # # NMBSession Methods # def onNMBSessionOK(self): self._sendSMBMessage(SMBMessage(ComNegotiateRequest())) def onNMBSessionFailed(self): pass def onNMBSessionMessage(self, flags, data): while True: try: i = self.smb_message.decode(data) except SMB2ProtocolHeaderError:'Now switching over to SMB2 protocol communication') self.is_using_smb2 = True self.mid = 0 # Must reset messageID counter, or else remote SMB2 server will disconnect self._setupSMB2Methods() self.smb_message = self._klassSMBMessage() i = self.smb_message.decode(data) next_message_offset = 0 if self.is_using_smb2: next_message_offset = self.smb_message.next_command_offset if i > 0: if not self.is_using_smb2: self.log.debug('Received SMB message "%s" (command:0x%2X flags:0x%02X flags2:0x%04X TID:%d UID:%d)', SMB_COMMAND_NAMES.get(self.smb_message.command, ''), self.smb_message.command, self.smb_message.flags, self.smb_message.flags2, self.smb_message.tid, self.smb_message.uid) else: self.log.debug('Received SMB2 message "%s" (command:0x%04X flags:0x%04x)', SMB2_COMMAND_NAMES.get(self.smb_message.command, ''), self.smb_message.command, self.smb_message.flags) if self._updateState(self.smb_message): # We need to create a new instance instead of calling reset() because the instance could be captured in the message history. self.smb_message = self._klassSMBMessage() if next_message_offset > 0: data = data[next_message_offset:] else: break # # Public Methods for Overriding in Subclasses # def onAuthOK(self): pass def onAuthFailed(self): pass # # Protected Methods # def _setupSMB1Methods(self): self._klassSMBMessage = SMBMessage self._updateState = self._updateState_SMB1 self._updateServerInfo = self._updateServerInfo_SMB1 self._handleNegotiateResponse = self._handleNegotiateResponse_SMB1 self._sendSMBMessage = self._sendSMBMessage_SMB1 self._handleSessionChallenge = self._handleSessionChallenge_SMB1 self._listShares = self._listShares_SMB1 self._listPath = self._listPath_SMB1 self._listSnapshots = self._listSnapshots_SMB1 self._getSecurity = self._getSecurity_SMB1 self._getAttributes = self._getAttributes_SMB1 self._retrieveFile = self._retrieveFile_SMB1 self._retrieveFileFromOffset = self._retrieveFileFromOffset_SMB1 self._storeFile = self._storeFile_SMB1 self._storeFileFromOffset = self._storeFileFromOffset_SMB1 self._deleteFiles = self._deleteFiles_SMB1 self._resetFileAttributes = self._resetFileAttributes_SMB1 self._createDirectory = self._createDirectory_SMB1 self._deleteDirectory = self._deleteDirectory_SMB1 self._rename = self._rename_SMB1 self._echo = self._echo_SMB1 def _setupSMB2Methods(self): self._klassSMBMessage = SMB2Message self._updateState = self._updateState_SMB2 self._updateServerInfo = self._updateServerInfo_SMB2 self._handleNegotiateResponse = self._handleNegotiateResponse_SMB2 self._sendSMBMessage = self._sendSMBMessage_SMB2 self._handleSessionChallenge = self._handleSessionChallenge_SMB2 self._listShares = self._listShares_SMB2 self._listPath = self._listPath_SMB2 self._listSnapshots = self._listSnapshots_SMB2 self._getSecurity = self._getSecurity_SMB2 self._getAttributes = self._getAttributes_SMB2 self._retrieveFile = self._retrieveFile_SMB2 self._retrieveFileFromOffset = self._retrieveFileFromOffset_SMB2 self._storeFile = self._storeFile_SMB2 self._storeFileFromOffset = self._storeFileFromOffset_SMB2 self._deleteFiles = self._deleteFiles_SMB2 self._resetFileAttributes = self._resetFileAttributes_SMB2 self._createDirectory = self._createDirectory_SMB2 self._deleteDirectory = self._deleteDirectory_SMB2 self._rename = self._rename_SMB2 self._echo = self._echo_SMB2 def _getNextRPCCallID(self): self.next_rpc_call_id += 1 return self.next_rpc_call_id # # SMB2 Methods Family # def _sendSMBMessage_SMB2(self, smb_message): if smb_message.mid == 0: smb_message.mid = self._getNextMID_SMB2() if smb_message.command != SMB2_COM_NEGOTIATE: smb_message.session_id = self.session_id if self.is_signing_active: smb_message.flags |= SMB2_FLAGS_SIGNED raw_data = smb_message.encode() smb_message.signature =, raw_data, sha256).digest()[:16] smb_message.raw_data = smb_message.encode() self.log.debug('MID is %d. Signature is %s. Total raw message is %d bytes', smb_message.mid, binascii.hexlify(smb_message.signature), len(smb_message.raw_data)) else: smb_message.raw_data = smb_message.encode() self.sendNMBMessage(smb_message.raw_data) def _getNextMID_SMB2(self): self.mid += 1 return self.mid def _updateState_SMB2(self, message): if message.isReply: if message.command == SMB2_COM_NEGOTIATE: if message.status == 0: self.has_negotiated = True'SMB2 dialect negotiation successful') self._updateServerInfo(message.payload) self._handleNegotiateResponse(message) else: raise ProtocolError('Unknown status value (0x%08X) in SMB2_COM_NEGOTIATE' % message.status, message.raw_data, message) elif message.command == SMB2_COM_SESSION_SETUP: if message.status == 0: self.session_id = message.session_id try: result = securityblob.decodeAuthResponseSecurityBlob(message.payload.security_blob) if result == securityblob.RESULT_ACCEPT_COMPLETED: self.has_authenticated = True'Authentication (on SMB2) successful!') # [MS-SMB2]: # If the security subsystem indicates that the session was established by an anonymous user, # Session.SigningRequired MUST be set to FALSE. # If the SMB2_SESSION_FLAG_IS_GUEST bit is set in the SessionFlags field of the # SMB2 SESSION_SETUP Response and if Session.SigningRequired is TRUE, this indicates a SESSION_SETUP # failure and the connection MUST be terminated. If the SMB2_SESSION_FLAG_IS_GUEST bit is set in the SessionFlags # field of the SMB2 SESSION_SETUP Response and if RequireMessageSigning is FALSE, Session.SigningRequired # MUST be set to FALSE. if message.payload.isGuestSession or message.payload.isAnonymousSession: self.is_signing_active = False'Signing disabled because session is guest/anonymous') self.onAuthOK() else: raise ProtocolError('SMB2_COM_SESSION_SETUP status is 0 but security blob negResult value is %d' % result, message.raw_data, message) except securityblob.BadSecurityBlobError as ex: raise ProtocolError(str(ex), message.raw_data, message) elif message.status == 0xc0000016: # STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED self.session_id = message.session_id try: result, ntlm_token = securityblob.decodeChallengeSecurityBlob(message.payload.security_blob) if result == securityblob.RESULT_ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE: self._handleSessionChallenge(message, ntlm_token) except ( securityblob.BadSecurityBlobError, securityblob.UnsupportedSecurityProvider ) as ex: raise ProtocolError(str(ex), message.raw_data, message) elif (message.status == 0xc000006d # STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE or message.status == 0xc0000064 # STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER or message.status == 0xc000006a):# STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD self.has_authenticated = False'Authentication (on SMB2) failed. Please check username and password.') self.onAuthFailed() elif (message.status == 0xc0000193 # STATUS_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED or message.status == 0xC0000071): # STATUS_PASSWORD_EXPIRED self.has_authenticated = False'Authentication (on SMB2) failed. Account or password has expired.') self.onAuthFailed() elif message.status == 0xc0000234: # STATUS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT self.has_authenticated = False'Authentication (on SMB2) failed. Account has been locked due to too many invalid logon attempts.') self.onAuthFailed() elif message.status == 0xc0000072: # STATUS_ACCOUNT_DISABLED self.has_authenticated = False'Authentication (on SMB2) failed. Account has been disabled.') self.onAuthFailed() elif (message.status == 0xc000006f # STATUS_INVALID_LOGON_HOURS or message.status == 0xc000015b # STATUS_LOGON_TYPE_NOT_GRANTED or message.status == 0xc0000070): # STATUS_INVALID_WORKSTATION self.has_authenticated = False'Authentication (on SMB2) failed. Not allowed.') self.onAuthFailed() elif message.status == 0xc000018c: # STATUS_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_FAILURE self.has_authenticated = False'Authentication (on SMB2) failed. Domain not trusted.') self.onAuthFailed() elif message.status == 0xc000018d: # STATUS_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_FAILURE self.has_authenticated = False'Authentication (on SMB2) failed. Workstation not trusted.') self.onAuthFailed() else: raise ProtocolError('Unknown status value (0x%08X) in SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX (with extended security)' % message.status, message.raw_data, message) if message.isAsync: if message.status == 0x00000103: # STATUS_PENDING req = self.pending_requests.pop(message.mid, None) if req: self.async_requests[message.async_id] = req else: # All other status including SUCCESS req = self.async_requests.pop(message.async_id, None) if req: req.callback(message, **req.kwargs) return True else: req = self.pending_requests.pop(message.mid, None) if req: req.callback(message, **req.kwargs) return True def _updateServerInfo_SMB2(self, payload): self.capabilities = payload.capabilities self.security_mode = payload.security_mode self.max_transact_size = payload.max_transact_size self.max_read_size = payload.max_read_size self.max_write_size = payload.max_write_size self.use_plaintext_authentication = False # SMB2 never allows plaintext authentication def _handleNegotiateResponse_SMB2(self, message): ntlm_data = ntlm.generateNegotiateMessage() blob = securityblob.generateNegotiateSecurityBlob(ntlm_data) self._sendSMBMessage(SMB2Message(SMB2SessionSetupRequest(blob))) def _handleSessionChallenge_SMB2(self, message, ntlm_token): server_challenge, server_flags, server_info = ntlm.decodeChallengeMessage(ntlm_token)'Performing NTLMv2 authentication (on SMB2) with server challenge "%s"', binascii.hexlify(server_challenge)) if self.use_ntlm_v2:'Performing NTLMv2 authentication (on SMB2) with server challenge "%s"', binascii.hexlify(server_challenge)) nt_challenge_response, lm_challenge_response, session_key = ntlm.generateChallengeResponseV2(self.password, self.username, server_challenge, server_info, self.domain) else:'Performing NTLMv1 authentication (on SMB2) with server challenge "%s"', binascii.hexlify(server_challenge)) nt_challenge_response, lm_challenge_response, session_key = ntlm.generateChallengeResponseV1(self.password, server_challenge, True) ntlm_data, session_signing_key = ntlm.generateAuthenticateMessage(server_flags, nt_challenge_response, lm_challenge_response, session_key, self.username, self.domain, self.my_name) if self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.log.debug('NT challenge response is "%s" (%d bytes)', binascii.hexlify(nt_challenge_response), len(nt_challenge_response)) self.log.debug('LM challenge response is "%s" (%d bytes)', binascii.hexlify(lm_challenge_response), len(lm_challenge_response)) blob = securityblob.generateAuthSecurityBlob(ntlm_data) self._sendSMBMessage(SMB2Message(SMB2SessionSetupRequest(blob))) if self.security_mode & SMB2_NEGOTIATE_SIGNING_REQUIRED:'Server requires all SMB messages to be signed') self.is_signing_active = (self.sign_options != SMB.SIGN_NEVER) elif self.security_mode & SMB2_NEGOTIATE_SIGNING_ENABLED:'Server supports SMB signing') self.is_signing_active = (self.sign_options == SMB.SIGN_WHEN_SUPPORTED) else: self.is_signing_active = False if self.is_signing_active:"SMB signing activated. All SMB messages will be signed.") self.signing_session_key = session_signing_key if self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):"SMB signing key is %s", binascii.hexlify(self.signing_session_key)) if self.capabilities & CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY: self.signing_challenge_response = None else: self.signing_challenge_response = blob else:"SMB signing deactivated. SMB messages will NOT be signed.") def _listShares_SMB2(self, callback, errback, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') expiry_time = time.time() + timeout path = 'IPC$' messages_history = [ ] def connectSrvSvc(tid): m = SMB2Message(SMB2CreateRequest('srvsvc', file_attributes = 0, access_mask = FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_APPEND_DATA | FILE_READ_EA | FILE_WRITE_EA | READ_CONTROL | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES | SYNCHRONIZE, share_access = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, oplock = SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE, impersonation = SEC_IMPERSONATE, create_options = FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE | FILE_OPEN_NO_RECALL, create_disp = FILE_OPEN)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, connectSrvSvcCB, errback, tid = tid) messages_history.append(m) def connectSrvSvcCB(create_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(create_message) if create_message.status == 0: call_id = self._getNextRPCCallID() # The data_bytes are binding call to Server Service RPC using DCE v1.1 RPC over SMB. See [MS-SRVS] and [C706] # If you wish to understand the meanings of the byte stream, I would suggest you use a recent version of WireShark to packet capture the stream data_bytes = \ binascii.unhexlify(b"""05 00 0b 03 10 00 00 00 74 00 00 00""".replace(b' ', b'')) + \ struct.pack(' data_length: return data_bytes[offset:] next_offset, _, \ create_time, last_access_time, last_write_time, last_attr_change_time, \ file_size, alloc_size, file_attributes, filename_length, ea_size, \ short_name_length, _, short_name, _, file_id = struct.unpack(info_format, data_bytes[offset:offset+info_size]) offset2 = offset + info_size if offset2 + filename_length > data_length: return data_bytes[offset:] filename = data_bytes[offset2:offset2+filename_length].decode('UTF-16LE') short_name = short_name[:short_name_length].decode('UTF-16LE') accept_result = False if (file_attributes & 0xff) in ( 0x00, ATTR_NORMAL ): # Only the first 8-bits are compared. We ignore other bits like temp, compressed, encryption, sparse, indexed, etc accept_result = (search == SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) or (search & SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INCL_NORMAL) else: accept_result = (file_attributes & search) > 0 if accept_result: results.append(SharedFile(convertFILETIMEtoEpoch(create_time), convertFILETIMEtoEpoch(last_access_time), convertFILETIMEtoEpoch(last_write_time), convertFILETIMEtoEpoch(last_attr_change_time), file_size, alloc_size, file_attributes, short_name, filename, file_id)) if next_offset: offset += next_offset else: break return b'' def closeFid(tid, fid, results = None, error = None): m = SMB2Message(SMB2CloseRequest(fid)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, closeCB, errback, results = results, error = error) messages_history.append(m) def closeCB(close_message, **kwargs): if kwargs['results'] is not None: callback(kwargs['results']) elif kwargs['error'] is not None: if kwargs['error'] == 0xC000000F: # [MS-ERREF]: STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE # Remote server returns STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE error so we assume that the search returns no matching files callback([ ]) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to list %s on %s: Query failed with errorcode 0x%08x' % ( path, service_name, kwargs['error'] ), messages_history)) if service_name not in self.connected_trees: def connectCB(connect_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(connect_message) if connect_message.status == 0: self.connected_trees[service_name] = connect_message.tid sendCreate(connect_message.tid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to list %s on %s: Unable to connect to shared device' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) m = SMB2Message(SMB2TreeConnectRequest(r'\\%s\%s' % ( self.remote_name.upper(), service_name ))) self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, connectCB, errback, path = service_name) messages_history.append(m) else: sendCreate(self.connected_trees[service_name]) def _getAttributes_SMB2(self, service_name, path, callback, errback, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') expiry_time = time.time() + timeout path = path.replace('/', '\\') if path.startswith('\\'): path = path[1:] if path.endswith('\\'): path = path[:-1] messages_history = [ ] def sendCreate(tid): create_context_data = binascii.unhexlify(""" 28 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 10 00 00 00 44 48 6e 51 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 4d 78 41 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 51 46 69 64 00 00 00 00 """.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '')) m = SMB2Message(SMB2CreateRequest(path, file_attributes = 0, access_mask = FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_READ_EA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | SYNCHRONIZE, share_access = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, oplock = SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE, impersonation = SEC_IMPERSONATE, create_options = 0, create_disp = FILE_OPEN, create_context_data = create_context_data)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, createCB, errback, tid = tid) messages_history.append(m) def createCB(create_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(create_message) if create_message.status == 0: p = create_message.payload filename = self._extractLastPathComponent(path) info = SharedFile(p.create_time, p.lastaccess_time, p.lastwrite_time, p.change_time, p.file_size, p.allocation_size, p.file_attributes, filename, filename) closeFid(kwargs['tid'], p.fid, info = info) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to get attributes for %s on %s: Unable to open remote file object' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) def closeFid(tid, fid, info = None, error = None): m = SMB2Message(SMB2CloseRequest(fid)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, closeCB, errback, info = info, error = error) messages_history.append(m) def closeCB(close_message, **kwargs): if kwargs['info'] is not None: callback(kwargs['info']) elif kwargs['error'] is not None: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to get attributes for %s on %s: Query failed with errorcode 0x%08x' % ( path, service_name, kwargs['error'] ), messages_history)) if service_name not in self.connected_trees: def connectCB(connect_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(connect_message) if connect_message.status == 0: self.connected_trees[service_name] = connect_message.tid sendCreate(connect_message.tid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to get attributes for %s on %s: Unable to connect to shared device' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) m = SMB2Message(SMB2TreeConnectRequest(r'\\%s\%s' % ( self.remote_name.upper(), service_name ))) self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, connectCB, errback, path = service_name) messages_history.append(m) else: sendCreate(self.connected_trees[service_name]) def _getSecurity_SMB2(self, service_name, path, callback, errback, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') expiry_time = time.time() + timeout path = path.replace('/', '\\') if path.startswith('\\'): path = path[1:] if path.endswith('\\'): path = path[:-1] messages_history = [ ] results = [ ] def sendCreate(tid): m = SMB2Message(SMB2CreateRequest(path, file_attributes = 0, access_mask = FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_READ_EA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | READ_CONTROL | SYNCHRONIZE, share_access = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, oplock = SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE, impersonation = SEC_IMPERSONATE, create_options = 0, create_disp = FILE_OPEN)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, createCB, errback, tid = tid) messages_history.append(m) def createCB(create_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(create_message) if create_message.status == 0: m = SMB2Message(SMB2QueryInfoRequest(create_message.payload.fid, flags = 0, additional_info = OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, info_type = SMB2_INFO_SECURITY, file_info_class = 0, # [MS-SMB2] 2.2.37, input_buf = '', output_buf_len = self.max_transact_size)) m.tid = kwargs['tid'] self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, queryCB, errback, tid = kwargs['tid'], fid = create_message.payload.fid) messages_history.append(m) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to get the security descriptor of %s on %s: Unable to open file or directory' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) def queryCB(query_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(query_message) if query_message.status == 0: security = SecurityDescriptor.from_bytes( closeFid(kwargs['tid'], kwargs['fid'], result = security) else: closeFid(kwargs['tid'], kwargs['fid'], error = query_message.status) def closeFid(tid, fid, result = None, error = None): m = SMB2Message(SMB2CloseRequest(fid)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, closeCB, errback, result = result, error = error) messages_history.append(m) def closeCB(close_message, **kwargs): if kwargs['result'] is not None: callback(kwargs['result']) elif kwargs['error'] is not None: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to get the security descriptor of %s on %s: Query failed with errorcode 0x%08x' % ( path, service_name, kwargs['error'] ), messages_history)) if service_name not in self.connected_trees: def connectCB(connect_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(connect_message) if connect_message.status == 0: self.connected_trees[service_name] = connect_message.tid sendCreate(connect_message.tid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to get the security descriptor of %s on %s: Unable to connect to shared device' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) m = SMB2Message(SMB2TreeConnectRequest(r'\\%s\%s' % ( self.remote_name.upper(), service_name ))) self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, connectCB, errback, path = service_name) messages_history.append(m) else: sendCreate(self.connected_trees[service_name]) def _retrieveFile_SMB2(self, service_name, path, file_obj, callback, errback, timeout = 30): return self._retrieveFileFromOffset(service_name, path, file_obj, callback, errback, 0, -1, timeout) def _retrieveFileFromOffset_SMB2(self, service_name, path, file_obj, callback, errback, starting_offset, max_length, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') expiry_time = time.time() + timeout path = path.replace('/', '\\') if path.startswith('\\'): path = path[1:] if path.endswith('\\'): path = path[:-1] messages_history = [ ] results = [ ] def sendCreate(tid): create_context_data = binascii.unhexlify(b""" 28 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 10 00 00 00 44 48 6e 51 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 4d 78 41 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 51 46 69 64 00 00 00 00 """.replace(b' ', b'').replace(b'\n', b'')) m = SMB2Message(SMB2CreateRequest(path, file_attributes = 0, access_mask = FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_READ_EA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | READ_CONTROL | SYNCHRONIZE, share_access = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, oplock = SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE, impersonation = SEC_IMPERSONATE, create_options = FILE_SEQUENTIAL_ONLY | FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, create_disp = FILE_OPEN, create_context_data = create_context_data)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, createCB, errback, tid = tid) messages_history.append(m) def createCB(create_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(create_message) if create_message.status == 0: m = SMB2Message(SMB2QueryInfoRequest(create_message.payload.fid, flags = 0, additional_info = 0, info_type = SMB2_INFO_FILE, file_info_class = 0x16, # FileStreamInformation [MS-FSCC] 2.4 input_buf = b'', output_buf_len = 4096)) m.tid = kwargs['tid'] self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, infoCB, errback, tid = kwargs['tid'], fid = create_message.payload.fid, file_attributes = create_message.payload.file_attributes) messages_history.append(m) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to retrieve %s on %s: Unable to open file' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) def infoCB(info_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(info_message) if info_message.status == 0: file_len = struct.unpack(' file_len: closeFid(info_message.tid, kwargs['fid']) callback(( file_obj, kwargs['file_attributes'], 0 )) # Note that this is a tuple of 3-elements else: remaining_len = max_length if remaining_len < 0: remaining_len = file_len if starting_offset + remaining_len > file_len: remaining_len = file_len - starting_offset sendRead(kwargs['tid'], kwargs['fid'], starting_offset, remaining_len, 0, kwargs['file_attributes']) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to retrieve %s on %s: Unable to retrieve information on file' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) def sendRead(tid, fid, offset, remaining_len, read_len, file_attributes): read_count = min(self.max_read_size, remaining_len) m = SMB2Message(SMB2ReadRequest(fid, offset, read_count)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, readCB, errback, tid = tid, fid = fid, offset = offset, remaining_len = remaining_len, read_len = read_len, file_attributes = file_attributes) def readCB(read_message, **kwargs): # To avoid crazy memory usage when retrieving large files, we do not save every read_message in messages_history. if read_message.status == 0: data_len = read_message.payload.data_length file_obj.write( remaining_len = kwargs['remaining_len'] - data_len if remaining_len > 0: sendRead(kwargs['tid'], kwargs['fid'], kwargs['offset'] + data_len, remaining_len, kwargs['read_len'] + data_len, kwargs['file_attributes']) else: closeFid(kwargs['tid'], kwargs['fid'], ret = ( file_obj, kwargs['file_attributes'], kwargs['read_len'] + data_len )) else: messages_history.append(read_message) closeFid(kwargs['tid'], kwargs['fid'], error = read_message.status) def closeFid(tid, fid, ret = None, error = None): m = SMB2Message(SMB2CloseRequest(fid)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, closeCB, errback, ret = ret, error = error) messages_history.append(m) def closeCB(close_message, **kwargs): if kwargs['ret'] is not None: callback(kwargs['ret']) elif kwargs['error'] is not None: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to retrieve %s on %s: Read failed' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) if service_name not in self.connected_trees: def connectCB(connect_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(connect_message) if connect_message.status == 0: self.connected_trees[service_name] = connect_message.tid sendCreate(connect_message.tid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to retrieve %s on %s: Unable to connect to shared device' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) m = SMB2Message(SMB2TreeConnectRequest(r'\\%s\%s' % ( self.remote_name.upper(), service_name ))) self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, connectCB, errback, path = service_name) messages_history.append(m) else: sendCreate(self.connected_trees[service_name]) def _storeFile_SMB2(self, service_name, path, file_obj, callback, errback, timeout = 30): self._storeFileFromOffset_SMB2(service_name, path, file_obj, callback, errback, 0, True, timeout) def _storeFileFromOffset_SMB2(self, service_name, path, file_obj, callback, errback, starting_offset, truncate = False, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') expiry_time = time.time() + timeout path = path.replace('/', '\\') if path.startswith('\\'): path = path[1:] if path.endswith('\\'): path = path[:-1] messages_history = [ ] def sendCreate(tid): create_context_data = binascii.unhexlify(b""" 28 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 10 00 00 00 44 48 6e 51 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 08 00 00 00 41 6c 53 69 00 00 00 00 85 62 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 4d 78 41 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 51 46 69 64 00 00 00 00 """.replace(b' ', b'').replace(b'\n', b'')) m = SMB2Message(SMB2CreateRequest(path, file_attributes = ATTR_ARCHIVE, access_mask = FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_APPEND_DATA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_READ_EA | FILE_WRITE_EA | READ_CONTROL | SYNCHRONIZE, share_access = 0, oplock = SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE, impersonation = SEC_IMPERSONATE, create_options = FILE_SEQUENTIAL_ONLY | FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, create_disp = FILE_OVERWRITE_IF if truncate else FILE_OPEN_IF, create_context_data = create_context_data)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, createCB, errback, tid = tid) messages_history.append(m) def createCB(create_message, **kwargs): create_message.tid = kwargs['tid'] messages_history.append(create_message) if create_message.status == 0: sendWrite(create_message.tid, create_message.payload.fid, starting_offset) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to store %s on %s: Unable to open file' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) def sendWrite(tid, fid, offset): write_count = self.max_write_size data = data_len = len(data) if data_len > 0: m = SMB2Message(SMB2WriteRequest(fid, data, offset)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, writeCB, errback, tid = tid, fid = fid, offset = offset+data_len) else: closeFid(tid, fid, offset = offset) def writeCB(write_message, **kwargs): # To avoid crazy memory usage when saving large files, we do not save every write_message in messages_history. if write_message.status == 0: sendWrite(kwargs['tid'], kwargs['fid'], kwargs['offset']) else: messages_history.append(write_message) closeFid(kwargs['tid'], kwargs['fid']) errback(OperationFailure('Failed to store %s on %s: Write failed' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) def closeFid(tid, fid, error = None, offset = None): m = SMB2Message(SMB2CloseRequest(fid)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, closeCB, errback, fid = fid, offset = offset, error = error) messages_history.append(m) def closeCB(close_message, **kwargs): if kwargs['offset'] is not None: callback(( file_obj, kwargs['offset'] )) # Note that this is a tuple of 2-elements elif kwargs['error'] is not None: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to store %s on %s: Write failed' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) if service_name not in self.connected_trees: def connectCB(connect_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(connect_message) if connect_message.status == 0: self.connected_trees[service_name] = connect_message.tid sendCreate(connect_message.tid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to store %s on %s: Unable to connect to shared device' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) m = SMB2Message(SMB2TreeConnectRequest(r'\\%s\%s' % ( self.remote_name.upper(), service_name ))) self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, connectCB, errback, path = service_name) messages_history.append(m) else: sendCreate(self.connected_trees[service_name]) def _deleteFiles_SMB2(self, service_name, path_file_pattern, delete_matching_folders, callback, errback, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') expiry_time = time.time() + timeout pattern = None path = path_file_pattern.replace('/', '\\') if path.startswith('\\'): path = path[1:] if path.endswith('\\'): path = path[:-1] else: path_components = path.split('\\') if path_components[-1].find('*') > -1 or path_components[-1].find('?') > -1: path = '\\'.join(path_components[:-1]) pattern = path_components[-1] messages_history, files_queue = [ ], [ ] if pattern is None: path_components = path.split('\\') if len(path_components) > 1: files_queue.append(( '\\'.join(path_components[:-1]), path_components[-1] )) else: files_queue.append(( '', path )) def deleteCB(path): if files_queue: p, filename = files_queue.pop(0) if filename: if p: filename = p + '\\' + filename self._deleteFiles_SMB2__del(service_name, self.connected_trees[service_name], filename, deleteCB, errback, timeout) else: self._deleteDirectory_SMB2(service_name, p, deleteCB, errback, timeout) else: callback(path_file_pattern) def listCB(files_list): files_queue.extend(files_list) deleteCB(None) if service_name not in self.connected_trees: def connectCB(connect_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(connect_message) if connect_message.status == 0: self.connected_trees[service_name] = connect_message.tid if files_queue: deleteCB(None) else: self._deleteFiles_SMB2__list(service_name, path, pattern, delete_matching_folders, listCB, errback, timeout) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to delete %s on %s: Unable to connect to shared device' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) m = SMB2Message(SMB2TreeConnectRequest(r'\\%s\%s' % ( self.remote_name.upper(), service_name ))) self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, connectCB, errback, path = service_name) messages_history.append(m) else: if files_queue: deleteCB(None) else: self._deleteFiles_SMB2__list(service_name, path, pattern, delete_matching_folders, listCB, errback, timeout) def _deleteFiles_SMB2__list(self, service_name, path, pattern, delete_matching_folders, callback, errback, timeout = 30): folder_queue = [ ] files_list = [ ] current_path = [ path ] search = SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY | SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE | SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INCL_NORMAL def listCB(results): files = [ ] for f in filter(lambda x: x.filename not in [ '.', '..' ], results): if f.isDirectory: if delete_matching_folders: folder_queue.append(current_path[0]+'\\'+f.filename) else: files.append(( current_path[0], f.filename )) if current_path[0]!=path and delete_matching_folders: files.append(( current_path[0], None )) if files: files_list[0:0] = files if folder_queue: p = folder_queue.pop() current_path[0] = p self._listPath_SMB2(service_name, current_path[0], listCB, errback, search = search, pattern = '*', timeout = 30) else: callback(files_list) self._listPath_SMB2(service_name, path, listCB, errback, search = search, pattern = pattern, timeout = timeout) def _deleteFiles_SMB2__del(self, service_name, tid, path, callback, errback, timeout = 30): messages_history = [ ] def sendCreate(tid): create_context_data = binascii.unhexlify(b""" 28 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 10 00 00 00 44 48 6e 51 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 4d 78 41 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 51 46 69 64 00 00 00 00 """.replace(b' ', b'').replace(b'\n', b'')) m = SMB2Message(SMB2CreateRequest(path, file_attributes = 0, access_mask = DELETE | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, share_access = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, oplock = SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE, impersonation = SEC_IMPERSONATE, create_options = FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, create_disp = FILE_OPEN, create_context_data = create_context_data)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, createCB, errback, tid = tid) messages_history.append(m) def createCB(open_message, **kwargs): open_message.tid = kwargs['tid'] messages_history.append(open_message) if open_message.status == 0: sendDelete(open_message.tid, open_message.payload.fid) elif open_message.status == 0xc0000034: # STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND callback(path) elif open_message.status == 0xC00000BA: # [MS-ERREF]: STATUS_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY errback(OperationFailure('Failed to delete %s on %s: Cannot delete a folder. Please use deleteDirectory() method or append "/*" to your path if you wish to delete all files in the folder.' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to delete %s on %s: Unable to open file' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) def sendDelete(tid, fid): m = SMB2Message(SMB2SetInfoRequest(fid, additional_info = 0, info_type = SMB2_INFO_FILE, file_info_class = 0x0d, # SMB2_FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO data = b'\x01')) # [MS-SMB2]: 2.2.39, [MS-FSCC]: 2.4.11 m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, deleteCB, errback, tid = tid, fid = fid) messages_history.append(m) def deleteCB(delete_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(delete_message) if delete_message.status == 0: closeFid(kwargs['tid'], kwargs['fid'], status = 0) else: closeFid(kwargs['tid'], kwargs['fid'], status = delete_message.status) def closeFid(tid, fid, status = None): m = SMB2Message(SMB2CloseRequest(fid)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, closeCB, errback, status = status) messages_history.append(m) def closeCB(close_message, **kwargs): if kwargs['status'] == 0: callback(path) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to delete %s on %s: Delete failed' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) sendCreate(tid) def _resetFileAttributes_SMB2(self, service_name, path_file_pattern, callback, errback, file_attributes = ATTR_NORMAL, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') expiry_time = time.time() + timeout path = path_file_pattern.replace('/', '\\') if path.startswith('\\'): path = path[1:] if path.endswith('\\'): path = path[:-1] messages_history = [ ] def sendCreate(tid): create_context_data = binascii.unhexlify(b""" 28 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 10 00 00 00 44 48 6e 51 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 4d 78 41 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 51 46 69 64 00 00 00 00 """.replace(b' ', b'').replace(b'\n', b'')) m = SMB2Message(SMB2CreateRequest(path, file_attributes = 0, access_mask = FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, share_access = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, oplock = SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE, impersonation = SEC_IMPERSONATE, create_options = 0, create_disp = FILE_OPEN, create_context_data = create_context_data)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, createCB, errback, tid = tid) messages_history.append(m) def createCB(open_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(open_message) if open_message.status == 0: sendReset(kwargs['tid'], open_message.payload.fid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to reset attributes of %s on %s: Unable to open file' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) def sendReset(tid, fid): m = SMB2Message(SMB2SetInfoRequest(fid, additional_info = 0, info_type = SMB2_INFO_FILE, file_info_class = 4, # FileBasicInformation data = struct.pack('qqqqii', 0, 0, 0, 0, file_attributes, 0))) # [MS-SMB2]: 2.2.39, [MS-FSCC]: 2.4, [MS-FSCC]: 2.4.7, [MS-FSCC]: 2.6 m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, resetCB, errback, tid = tid, fid = fid) messages_history.append(m) def resetCB(reset_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(reset_message) if reset_message.status == 0: closeFid(kwargs['tid'], kwargs['fid'], status = 0) else: closeFid(kwargs['tid'], kwargs['fid'], status = reset_message.status) def closeFid(tid, fid, status = None): m = SMB2Message(SMB2CloseRequest(fid)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, closeCB, errback, status = status) messages_history.append(m) def closeCB(close_message, **kwargs): if kwargs['status'] == 0: callback(path_file_pattern) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to reset attributes of %s on %s: Reset failed' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) if service_name not in self.connected_trees: def connectCB(connect_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(connect_message) if connect_message.status == 0: self.connected_trees[service_name] = connect_message.tid sendCreate(connect_message.tid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to reset attributes of %s on %s: Unable to connect to shared device' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) m = SMB2Message(SMB2TreeConnectRequest(r'\\%s\%s' % ( self.remote_name.upper(), service_name ))) self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, connectCB, errback, path = service_name) messages_history.append(m) else: sendCreate(self.connected_trees[service_name]) def _createDirectory_SMB2(self, service_name, path, callback, errback, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') expiry_time = time.time() + timeout path = path.replace('/', '\\') if path.startswith('\\'): path = path[1:] if path.endswith('\\'): path = path[:-1] messages_history = [ ] def sendCreate(tid): create_context_data = binascii.unhexlify(b""" 28 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 10 00 00 00 44 48 6e 51 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 4d 78 41 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 51 46 69 64 00 00 00 00 """.replace(b' ', b'').replace(b'\n', b'')) m = SMB2Message(SMB2CreateRequest(path, file_attributes = 0, access_mask = FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_READ_EA | FILE_WRITE_EA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES | READ_CONTROL | DELETE | SYNCHRONIZE, share_access = 0, oplock = SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE, impersonation = SEC_IMPERSONATE, create_options = FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE | FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT, create_disp = FILE_CREATE, create_context_data = create_context_data)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, createCB, errback, tid = tid) messages_history.append(m) def createCB(create_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(create_message) if create_message.status == 0: closeFid(kwargs['tid'], create_message.payload.fid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to create directory %s on %s: Create failed' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) def closeFid(tid, fid): m = SMB2Message(SMB2CloseRequest(fid)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, closeCB, errback) messages_history.append(m) def closeCB(close_message, **kwargs): callback(path) if service_name not in self.connected_trees: def connectCB(connect_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(connect_message) if connect_message.status == 0: self.connected_trees[service_name] = connect_message.tid sendCreate(connect_message.tid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to create directory %s on %s: Unable to connect to shared device' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) m = SMB2Message(SMB2TreeConnectRequest(r'\\%s\%s' % ( self.remote_name.upper(), service_name ))) self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, connectCB, errback, path = service_name) messages_history.append(m) else: sendCreate(self.connected_trees[service_name]) def _deleteDirectory_SMB2(self, service_name, path, callback, errback, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') expiry_time = time.time() + timeout path = path.replace('/', '\\') if path.startswith('\\'): path = path[1:] if path.endswith('\\'): path = path[:-1] messages_history = [ ] def sendCreate(tid): create_context_data = binascii.unhexlify(b""" 28 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 10 00 00 00 44 48 6e 51 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 4d 78 41 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 51 46 69 64 00 00 00 00 """.replace(b' ', b'').replace(b'\n', b'')) m = SMB2Message(SMB2CreateRequest(path, file_attributes = 0, access_mask = DELETE | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, share_access = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, oplock = SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE, impersonation = SEC_IMPERSONATE, create_options = FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE, create_disp = FILE_OPEN, create_context_data = create_context_data)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, createCB, errback, tid = tid) messages_history.append(m) def createCB(open_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(open_message) if open_message.status == 0: sendDelete(kwargs['tid'], open_message.payload.fid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to delete %s on %s: Unable to open directory' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) def sendDelete(tid, fid): m = SMB2Message(SMB2SetInfoRequest(fid, additional_info = 0, info_type = SMB2_INFO_FILE, file_info_class = 0x0d, # SMB2_FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO data = b'\x01')) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, deleteCB, errback, tid = tid, fid = fid) messages_history.append(m) def deleteCB(delete_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(delete_message) if delete_message.status == 0: closeFid(kwargs['tid'], kwargs['fid'], status = 0) else: closeFid(kwargs['tid'], kwargs['fid'], status = delete_message.status) def closeFid(tid, fid, status = None): m = SMB2Message(SMB2CloseRequest(fid)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, closeCB, errback, status = status) messages_history.append(m) def closeCB(close_message, **kwargs): if kwargs['status'] == 0: callback(path) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to delete %s on %s: Delete failed' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) if service_name not in self.connected_trees: def connectCB(connect_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(connect_message) if connect_message.status == 0: self.connected_trees[service_name] = connect_message.tid sendCreate(connect_message.tid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to delete %s on %s: Unable to connect to shared device' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) m = SMB2Message(SMB2TreeConnectRequest(r'\\%s\%s' % ( self.remote_name.upper(), service_name ))) self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, connectCB, errback, path = service_name) messages_history.append(m) else: sendCreate(self.connected_trees[service_name]) def _rename_SMB2(self, service_name, old_path, new_path, callback, errback, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') expiry_time = time.time() + timeout messages_history = [ ] new_path = new_path.replace('/', '\\') if new_path.startswith('\\'): new_path = new_path[1:] if new_path.endswith('\\'): new_path = new_path[:-1] old_path = old_path.replace('/', '\\') if old_path.startswith('\\'): old_path = old_path[1:] if old_path.endswith('\\'): old_path = old_path[:-1] def sendCreate(tid): create_context_data = binascii.unhexlify(b""" 28 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 10 00 00 00 44 48 6e 51 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 4d 78 41 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 51 46 69 64 00 00 00 00 """.replace(b' ', b'').replace(b'\n', b'')) m = SMB2Message(SMB2CreateRequest(old_path, file_attributes = 0, access_mask = DELETE | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | SYNCHRONIZE, share_access = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, oplock = SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE, impersonation = SEC_IMPERSONATE, create_options = FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT, create_disp = FILE_OPEN, create_context_data = create_context_data)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, createCB, errback, tid = tid) messages_history.append(m) def createCB(create_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(create_message) if create_message.status == 0: sendRename(kwargs['tid'], create_message.payload.fid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to rename %s on %s: Unable to open file/directory' % ( old_path, service_name ), messages_history)) def sendRename(tid, fid): data = b'\x00'*16 + struct.pack('= 0xFFFF: # MID cannot be 0xFFFF. [MS-CIFS]: # We don't use MID of 0 as MID can be reused for SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2_SECONDARY messages # where if mid=0, _sendSMBMessage will re-assign new MID values again self.mid = 1 return self.mid def _updateState_SMB1(self, message): if message.isReply: if message.command == SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE: if not message.status.hasError: self.has_negotiated = True'SMB dialect negotiation successful (ExtendedSecurity:%s)', message.hasExtendedSecurity) self._updateServerInfo(message.payload) self._handleNegotiateResponse(message) else: raise ProtocolError('Unknown status value (0x%08X) in SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE' % message.status.internal_value, message.raw_data, message) elif message.command == SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX: if message.hasExtendedSecurity: if not message.status.hasError: try: result = securityblob.decodeAuthResponseSecurityBlob(message.payload.security_blob) if result == securityblob.RESULT_ACCEPT_COMPLETED: self.log.debug('SMB uid is now %d', message.uid) self.uid = message.uid self.has_authenticated = True'Authentication (with extended security) successful!') self.onAuthOK() else: raise ProtocolError('SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX status is 0 but security blob negResult value is %d' % result, message.raw_data, message) except securityblob.BadSecurityBlobError as ex: raise ProtocolError(str(ex), message.raw_data, message) elif message.status.internal_value == 0xc0000016: # STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED try: result, ntlm_token = securityblob.decodeChallengeSecurityBlob(message.payload.security_blob) if result == securityblob.RESULT_ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE: self._handleSessionChallenge(message, ntlm_token) except ( securityblob.BadSecurityBlobError, securityblob.UnsupportedSecurityProvider ) as ex: raise ProtocolError(str(ex), message.raw_data, message) elif (message.status.internal_value == 0xc000006d # STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE or message.status.internal_value == 0xc0000064 # STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER or message.status.internal_value == 0xc000006a): # STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD self.has_authenticated = False'Authentication (with extended security) failed. Please check username and password.') self.onAuthFailed() elif (message.status.internal_value == 0xc0000193 # STATUS_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED or message.status.internal_value == 0xC0000071): # STATUS_PASSWORD_EXPIRED self.has_authenticated = False'Authentication (with extended security) failed. Account or password has expired.') self.onAuthFailed() elif message.status.internal_value == 0xc0000234: # STATUS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT self.has_authenticated = False'Authentication (with extended security) failed. Account has been locked due to too many invalid logon attempts.') self.onAuthFailed() elif message.status.internal_value == 0xc0000072: # STATUS_ACCOUNT_DISABLED self.has_authenticated = False'Authentication (with extended security) failed. Account has been disabled.') self.onAuthFailed() elif (message.status.internal_value == 0xc000006f # STATUS_INVALID_LOGON_HOURS or message.status.internal_value == 0xc000015b # STATUS_LOGON_TYPE_NOT_GRANTED or message.status.internal_value == 0xc0000070): # STATUS_INVALID_WORKSTATION self.has_authenticated = False'Authentication (with extended security) failed. Not allowed.') self.onAuthFailed() elif message.status.internal_value == 0xc000018c: # STATUS_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_FAILURE self.has_authenticated = False'Authentication (with extended security) failed. Domain not trusted.') self.onAuthFailed() elif message.status.internal_value == 0xc000018d: # STATUS_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_FAILURE self.has_authenticated = False'Authentication (with extended security) failed. Workstation not trusted.') self.onAuthFailed() else: raise ProtocolError('Unknown status value (0x%08X) in SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX (with extended security)' % message.status.internal_value, message.raw_data, message) else: if message.status.internal_value == 0: self.log.debug('SMB uid is now %d', message.uid) self.uid = message.uid self.has_authenticated = True'Authentication (without extended security) successful!') self.onAuthOK() else: self.has_authenticated = False'Authentication (without extended security) failed. Please check username and password') self.onAuthFailed() elif message.command == SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX: try: req = self.pending_requests[message.mid] except KeyError: pass else: if not message.status.hasError: self.connected_trees[req.kwargs['path']] = message.tid req = self.pending_requests.pop(message.mid, None) if req: req.callback(message, **req.kwargs) return True def _updateServerInfo_SMB1(self, payload): self.capabilities = payload.capabilities self.security_mode = payload.security_mode self.max_raw_size = payload.max_raw_size self.max_buffer_size = payload.max_buffer_size self.max_mpx_count = payload.max_mpx_count self.use_plaintext_authentication = not bool(payload.security_mode & NEGOTIATE_ENCRYPT_PASSWORDS) if self.use_plaintext_authentication: self.log.warning('Remote server only supports plaintext authentication. Your password can be stolen easily over the network.') def _handleSessionChallenge_SMB1(self, message, ntlm_token): assert message.hasExtendedSecurity if message.uid and not self.uid: self.uid = message.uid server_challenge, server_flags, server_info = ntlm.decodeChallengeMessage(ntlm_token) if self.use_ntlm_v2:'Performing NTLMv2 authentication (with extended security) with server challenge "%s"', binascii.hexlify(server_challenge)) nt_challenge_response, lm_challenge_response, session_key = ntlm.generateChallengeResponseV2(self.password, self.username, server_challenge, server_info, self.domain) else:'Performing NTLMv1 authentication (with extended security) with server challenge "%s"', binascii.hexlify(server_challenge)) nt_challenge_response, lm_challenge_response, session_key = ntlm.generateChallengeResponseV1(self.password, server_challenge, True) ntlm_data, signing_session_key = ntlm.generateAuthenticateMessage(server_flags, nt_challenge_response, lm_challenge_response, session_key, self.username, self.domain, self.my_name) if self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.log.debug('NT challenge response is "%s" (%d bytes)', binascii.hexlify(nt_challenge_response), len(nt_challenge_response)) self.log.debug('LM challenge response is "%s" (%d bytes)', binascii.hexlify(lm_challenge_response), len(lm_challenge_response)) blob = securityblob.generateAuthSecurityBlob(ntlm_data) self._sendSMBMessage(SMBMessage(ComSessionSetupAndxRequest__WithSecurityExtension(0, blob))) if self.security_mode & NEGOTIATE_SECURITY_SIGNATURES_REQUIRE:'Server requires all SMB messages to be signed') self.is_signing_active = (self.sign_options != SMB.SIGN_NEVER) elif self.security_mode & NEGOTIATE_SECURITY_SIGNATURES_ENABLE:'Server supports SMB signing') self.is_signing_active = (self.sign_options == SMB.SIGN_WHEN_SUPPORTED) else: self.is_signing_active = False if self.is_signing_active:"SMB signing activated. All SMB messages will be signed.") self.signing_session_key = signing_session_key if self.capabilities & CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY: self.signing_challenge_response = None else: self.signing_challenge_response = blob else:"SMB signing deactivated. SMB messages will NOT be signed.") def _handleNegotiateResponse_SMB1(self, message): if message.uid and not self.uid: self.uid = message.uid if message.hasExtendedSecurity or message.payload.supportsExtendedSecurity: ntlm_data = ntlm.generateNegotiateMessage() blob = securityblob.generateNegotiateSecurityBlob(ntlm_data) self._sendSMBMessage(SMBMessage(ComSessionSetupAndxRequest__WithSecurityExtension(message.payload.session_key, blob))) else: nt_password, _, _ = ntlm.generateChallengeResponseV1(self.password, message.payload.challenge, False)'Performing NTLMv1 authentication (without extended security) with challenge "%s" and hashed password of "%s"', binascii.hexlify(message.payload.challenge), binascii.hexlify(nt_password)) self._sendSMBMessage(SMBMessage(ComSessionSetupAndxRequest__NoSecurityExtension(message.payload.session_key, self.username, nt_password, True, self.domain))) def _listShares_SMB1(self, callback, errback, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') expiry_time = time.time() + timeout path = 'IPC$' messages_history = [ ] def connectSrvSvc(tid): m = SMBMessage(ComNTCreateAndxRequest('\\srvsvc', flags = NT_CREATE_REQUEST_EXTENDED_RESPONSE, access_mask = READ_CONTROL | FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_WRITE_EA | FILE_READ_EA | FILE_APPEND_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_READ_DATA, share_access = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disp = FILE_OPEN, create_options = FILE_OPEN_NO_RECALL | FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, impersonation = SEC_IMPERSONATE, security_flags = 0)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, connectSrvSvcCB, errback) messages_history.append(m) def connectSrvSvcCB(create_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(create_message) if not create_message.status.hasError: call_id = self._getNextRPCCallID() # See [MS-CIFS]: for more information on TRANS_TRANSACT_NMPIPE (0x0026) parameters setup_bytes = struct.pack(' data_length: return data_bytes[offset:] next_offset, _, \ create_time, last_access_time, last_write_time, last_attr_change_time, \ file_size, alloc_size, file_attributes, filename_length, ea_size, \ short_name_length, _, short_name = struct.unpack(info_format, data_bytes[offset:offset+info_size]) offset2 = offset + info_size if offset2 + filename_length > data_length: return data_bytes[offset:] filename = data_bytes[offset2:offset2+filename_length].decode('UTF-16LE') short_name = short_name.decode('UTF-16LE') accept_result = False if (file_attributes & 0xff) in ( 0x00, ATTR_NORMAL ): # Only the first 8-bits are compared. We ignore other bits like temp, compressed, encryption, sparse, indexed, etc accept_result = (search == SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) or (search & SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INCL_NORMAL) else: accept_result = (file_attributes & search) > 0 if accept_result: results.append(SharedFile(convertFILETIMEtoEpoch(create_time), convertFILETIMEtoEpoch(last_access_time), convertFILETIMEtoEpoch(last_write_time), convertFILETIMEtoEpoch(last_attr_change_time), file_size, alloc_size, file_attributes, short_name, filename)) if next_offset: offset += next_offset else: break return b'' def findFirstCB(find_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(find_message) if not find_message.status.hasError: if 'total_count' not in kwargs: # TRANS2_FIND_FIRST2 response. [MS-CIFS]: sid, search_count, end_of_search, _, last_name_offset = struct.unpack(' 0: if data_len > remaining_len: file_obj.write([:remaining_len]) read_len += remaining_len remaining_len = 0 else: file_obj.write( remaining_len -= data_len read_len += data_len else: file_obj.write( read_len += data_len if (max_length > 0 and remaining_len <= 0) or data_len < (self.max_raw_size - 2): closeFid(read_message.tid, kwargs['fid']) callback(( file_obj, kwargs['file_attributes'], read_len )) # Note that this is a tuple of 3-elements else: sendRead(read_message.tid, kwargs['fid'], kwargs['offset']+data_len, kwargs['file_attributes'], read_len, remaining_len) else: messages_history.append(read_message) closeFid(read_message.tid, kwargs['fid']) errback(OperationFailure('Failed to retrieve %s on %s: Read failed' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) def closeFid(tid, fid): m = SMBMessage(ComCloseRequest(fid)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) messages_history.append(m) if service_name not in self.connected_trees: def connectCB(connect_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(connect_message) if not connect_message.status.hasError: self.connected_trees[service_name] = connect_message.tid sendOpen(connect_message.tid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to retrieve %s on %s: Unable to connect to shared device' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) m = SMBMessage(ComTreeConnectAndxRequest(r'\\%s\%s' % ( self.remote_name.upper(), service_name ), SERVICE_ANY, '')) self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, connectCB, errback, path = service_name) messages_history.append(m) else: sendOpen(self.connected_trees[service_name]) def _storeFile_SMB1(self, service_name, path, file_obj, callback, errback, timeout = 30): self._storeFileFromOffset_SMB1(service_name, path, file_obj, callback, errback, 0, True, timeout) def _storeFileFromOffset_SMB1(self, service_name, path, file_obj, callback, errback, starting_offset, truncate = False, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') path = path.replace('/', '\\') messages_history = [ ] def sendOpen(tid): m = SMBMessage(ComOpenAndxRequest(filename = path, access_mode = 0x0041, # Sharing mode: Deny nothing to others + Open for writing open_mode = 0x0012 if truncate else 0x0011, # Create file if file does not exist. Overwrite or append depending on truncate parameter. search_attributes = SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM, timeout = timeout * 1000)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, openCB, errback) messages_history.append(m) def openCB(open_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(open_message) if not open_message.status.hasError: sendWrite(open_message.tid, open_message.payload.fid, starting_offset) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to store %s on %s: Unable to open file' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) def sendWrite(tid, fid, offset): # [MS-SMB] The total SMB message size (inclusive of SMB header) must be not exceed the max_buffer_size. write_count = min(self.max_buffer_size-64, 0xFFFF-64) # SMB header is 32-bytes. We factor in another 32-bytes for the message parameter block data_bytes = data_len = len(data_bytes) if data_len > 0: m = SMBMessage(ComWriteAndxRequest(fid = fid, offset = offset, data_bytes = data_bytes)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, writeCB, errback, fid = fid, offset = offset+data_len) else: closeFid(tid, fid) callback(( file_obj, offset )) # Note that this is a tuple of 2-elements def writeCB(write_message, **kwargs): # To avoid crazy memory usage when saving large files, we do not save every write_message in messages_history. if not write_message.status.hasError: sendWrite(write_message.tid, kwargs['fid'], kwargs['offset']) else: messages_history.append(write_message) closeFid(write_message.tid, kwargs['fid']) errback(OperationFailure('Failed to store %s on %s: Write failed' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) def closeFid(tid, fid): m = SMBMessage(ComCloseRequest(fid)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) messages_history.append(m) if service_name not in self.connected_trees: def connectCB(connect_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(connect_message) if not connect_message.status.hasError: self.connected_trees[service_name] = connect_message.tid sendOpen(connect_message.tid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to store %s on %s: Unable to connect to shared device' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) m = SMBMessage(ComTreeConnectAndxRequest(r'\\%s\%s' % ( self.remote_name.upper(), service_name ), SERVICE_ANY, '')) self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, connectCB, errback, path = service_name) messages_history.append(m) else: sendOpen(self.connected_trees[service_name]) def _deleteFiles_SMB1(self, service_name, path_file_pattern, delete_matching_folders, callback, errback, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') expiry_time = time.time() + timeout pattern = None path = path_file_pattern.replace('/', '\\') if path.startswith('\\'): path = path[1:] if path.endswith('\\'): path = path[:-1] else: path_components = path.split('\\') if path_components[-1].find('*') > -1 or path_components[-1].find('?') > -1: path = '\\'.join(path_components[:-1]) pattern = path_components[-1] messages_history, files_queue = [ ], [ ] if pattern is None: path_components = path.split('\\') if len(path_components) > 1: files_queue.append(( '\\'.join(path_components[:-1]), path_components[-1] )) else: files_queue.append(( '', path )) def deleteCB(path): if files_queue: p, filename = files_queue.pop(0) if filename: if p: filename = p + '\\' + filename self._deleteFiles_SMB1__del(service_name, self.connected_trees[service_name], filename, deleteCB, errback, timeout) else: self._deleteDirectory_SMB1(service_name, p, deleteCB, errback, timeout = 30) else: callback(path_file_pattern) def listCB(files_list): files_queue.extend(files_list) deleteCB(None) if service_name not in self.connected_trees: def connectCB(connect_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(connect_message) if not connect_message.status.hasError: self.connected_trees[service_name] = connect_message.tid if files_queue: deleteCB(None) else: self._deleteFiles_SMB1__list(service_name, path, pattern, delete_matching_folders, listCB, errback, timeout) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to delete %s on %s: Unable to connect to shared device' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) m = SMBMessage(ComTreeConnectAndxRequest(r'\\%s\%s' % ( self.remote_name.upper(), service_name ), SERVICE_ANY, '')) self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, expiry_time, connectCB, errback, path = service_name) messages_history.append(m) else: if files_queue: deleteCB(None) else: self._deleteFiles_SMB1__list(service_name, path, pattern, delete_matching_folders, listCB, errback, timeout) def _deleteFiles_SMB1__list(self, service_name, path, pattern, delete_matching_folders, callback, errback, timeout = 30): folder_queue = [ ] files_list = [ ] current_path = [ path ] search = SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY | SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE | SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INCL_NORMAL def listCB(results): files = [ ] for f in filter(lambda x: x.filename not in [ '.', '..' ], results): if f.isDirectory: if delete_matching_folders: folder_queue.append(current_path[0]+'\\'+f.filename) else: files.append(( current_path[0], f.filename )) if current_path[0]!=path and delete_matching_folders: files.append(( current_path[0], None )) if files: files_list[0:0] = files if folder_queue: p = folder_queue.pop() current_path[0] = p self._listPath_SMB1(service_name, current_path[0], listCB, errback, search = search, pattern = '*', timeout = 30) else: callback(files_list) self._listPath_SMB1(service_name, path, listCB, errback, search = search, pattern = pattern, timeout = timeout) def _deleteFiles_SMB1__del(self, service_name, tid, path, callback, errback, timeout = 30): messages_history = [ ] def sendDelete(tid): m = SMBMessage(ComDeleteRequest(filename_pattern = path, search_attributes = SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, deleteCB, errback) messages_history.append(m) def deleteCB(delete_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(delete_message) if not delete_message.status.hasError: callback(path) elif delete_message.status.internal_value == 0xC000000F: # [MS-ERREF]: STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE # If there are no matching files, we just treat as success instead of failing callback(path_file_pattern) elif delete_message.status.internal_value == 0xC00000BA: # [MS-ERREF]: STATUS_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY errback(OperationFailure('Failed to delete %s on %s: Cannot delete a folder. Please use deleteDirectory() method or append "/*" to your path if you wish to delete all files in the folder.' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) elif delete_message.status.internal_value == 0xC0000034: # [MS-ERREF]: STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID errback(OperationFailure('Failed to delete %s on %s: Path not found' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to delete %s on %s: Delete failed' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) sendDelete(tid) def _resetFileAttributes_SMB1(self, service_name, path_file_pattern, callback, errback, file_attributes=ATTR_NORMAL, timeout = 30): raise NotReadyError('resetFileAttributes is not yet implemented for SMB1') def _createDirectory_SMB1(self, service_name, path, callback, errback, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') path = path.replace('/', '\\') messages_history = [ ] def sendCreate(tid): m = SMBMessage(ComCreateDirectoryRequest(path)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, createCB, errback) messages_history.append(m) def createCB(create_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(create_message) if not create_message.status.hasError: callback(path) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to create directory %s on %s: Create failed' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) if service_name not in self.connected_trees: def connectCB(connect_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(connect_message) if not connect_message.status.hasError: self.connected_trees[service_name] = connect_message.tid sendCreate(connect_message.tid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to create directory %s on %s: Unable to connect to shared device' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) m = SMBMessage(ComTreeConnectAndxRequest(r'\\%s\%s' % ( self.remote_name.upper(), service_name ), SERVICE_ANY, '')) self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, connectCB, errback, path = service_name) messages_history.append(m) else: sendCreate(self.connected_trees[service_name]) def _deleteDirectory_SMB1(self, service_name, path, callback, errback, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') path = path.replace('/', '\\') messages_history = [ ] def sendDelete(tid): m = SMBMessage(ComDeleteDirectoryRequest(path)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, deleteCB, errback) messages_history.append(m) def deleteCB(delete_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(delete_message) if not delete_message.status.hasError: callback(path) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to delete directory %s on %s: Delete failed' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) if service_name not in self.connected_trees: def connectCB(connect_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(connect_message) if not connect_message.status.hasError: self.connected_trees[service_name] = connect_message.tid sendDelete(connect_message.tid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to delete directory %s on %s: Unable to connect to shared device' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) m = SMBMessage(ComTreeConnectAndxRequest(r'\\%s\%s' % ( self.remote_name.upper(), service_name ), SERVICE_ANY, '')) self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, connectCB, errback, path = service_name) messages_history.append(m) else: sendDelete(self.connected_trees[service_name]) def _rename_SMB1(self, service_name, old_path, new_path, callback, errback, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') new_path = new_path.replace('/', '\\') old_path = old_path.replace('/', '\\') messages_history = [ ] def sendRename(tid): m = SMBMessage(ComRenameRequest(old_path = old_path, new_path = new_path, search_attributes = SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, renameCB, errback) messages_history.append(m) def renameCB(rename_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(rename_message) if not rename_message.status.hasError: callback(( old_path, new_path )) # Note that this is a tuple of 2-elements else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to rename %s on %s: Rename failed' % ( old_path, service_name ), messages_history)) if service_name not in self.connected_trees: def connectCB(connect_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(connect_message) if not connect_message.status.hasError: self.connected_trees[service_name] = connect_message.tid sendRename(connect_message.tid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to rename %s on %s: Unable to connect to shared device' % ( old_path, service_name ), messages_history)) m = SMBMessage(ComTreeConnectAndxRequest(r'\\%s\%s' % ( self.remote_name.upper(), service_name ), SERVICE_ANY, '')) self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, connectCB, errback, path = service_name) messages_history.append(m) else: sendRename(self.connected_trees[service_name]) def _listSnapshots_SMB1(self, service_name, path, callback, errback, timeout = 30): if not self.has_authenticated: raise NotReadyError('SMB connection not authenticated') expiry_time = time.time() + timeout path = path.replace('/', '\\') if not path.endswith('\\'): path += '\\' messages_history = [ ] results = [ ] def sendOpen(tid): m = SMBMessage(ComOpenAndxRequest(filename = path, access_mode = 0x0040, # Sharing mode: Deny nothing to others open_mode = 0x0001, # Failed if file does not exist search_attributes = 0, timeout = timeout * 1000)) m.tid = tid self._sendSMBMessage(m) self.pending_requests[m.mid] = _PendingRequest(m.mid, int(time.time()) + timeout, openCB, errback) messages_history.append(m) def openCB(open_message, **kwargs): messages_history.append(open_message) if not open_message.status.hasError: sendEnumSnapshots(open_message.tid, open_message.payload.fid) else: errback(OperationFailure('Failed to list snapshots %s on %s: Unable to open path' % ( path, service_name ), messages_history)) def sendEnumSnapshots(tid, fid): # [MS-CIFS]: # [MS-SMB]: setup_bytes = struct.pack('`. If you encounter *SharedFile* instance where its short_name attribute is empty but the filename attribute contains a short name which does not correspond to any files/folders on your remote shared device, it could be that the original filename on the file/folder entry on the shared device contains one of these prohibited characters: "\/[]:+|<>=;?,* (see [MS-CIFS]: for more details). The following attributes are available: * create_time : Float value in number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 to the time of creation of this file resource on the remote server * last_access_time : Float value in number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 to the time of last access of this file resource on the remote server * last_write_time : Float value in number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 to the time of last modification of this file resource on the remote server * last_attr_change_time : Float value in number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 to the time of last attribute change of this file resource on the remote server * file_size : File size in number of bytes * alloc_size : Total number of bytes allocated to store this file * file_attributes : A SMB_EXT_FILE_ATTR integer value. See [MS-CIFS]: You can perform bit-wise tests to determine the status of the file using the ATTR_xxx constants in * short_name : Unicode string containing the short name of this file (usually in 8.3 notation) * filename : Unicode string containing the long filename of this file. Each OS has a limit to the length of this file name. On Windows, it is 256 characters. * file_id : Long value representing the file reference number for the file. If the remote system does not support this field, this field will be None or 0. See [MS-FSCC]: 2.4.17 """ def __init__(self, create_time, last_access_time, last_write_time, last_attr_change_time, file_size, alloc_size, file_attributes, short_name, filename, file_id=None): self.create_time = create_time #: Float value in number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 to the time of creation of this file resource on the remote server self.last_access_time = last_access_time #: Float value in number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 to the time of last access of this file resource on the remote server self.last_write_time = last_write_time #: Float value in number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 to the time of last modification of this file resource on the remote server self.last_attr_change_time = last_attr_change_time #: Float value in number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 to the time of last attribute change of this file resource on the remote server self.file_size = file_size #: File size in number of bytes self.alloc_size = alloc_size #: Total number of bytes allocated to store this file self.file_attributes = file_attributes #: A SMB_EXT_FILE_ATTR integer value. See [MS-CIFS]: You can perform bit-wise tests to determine the status of the file using the ATTR_xxx constants in self.short_name = short_name #: Unicode string containing the short name of this file (usually in 8.3 notation) self.filename = filename #: Unicode string containing the long filename of this file. Each OS has a limit to the length of this file name. On Windows, it is 256 characters. self.file_id = file_id #: Long value representing the file reference number for the file. If the remote system does not support this field, this field will be None or 0. See [MS-FSCC]: 2.4.17 @property def isDirectory(self): """A convenience property to return True if this file resource is a directory on the remote server""" return bool(self.file_attributes & ATTR_DIRECTORY) @property def isReadOnly(self): """A convenient property to return True if this file resource is read-only on the remote server""" return bool(self.file_attributes & ATTR_READONLY) @property def isNormal(self): """ A convenient property to return True if this is a normal file. Note that pysmb defines a normal file as a file entry that is not read-only, not hidden, not system, not archive and not a directory. It ignores other attributes like compression, indexed, sparse, temporary and encryption. """ return (self.file_attributes==ATTR_NORMAL) or ((self.file_attributes & 0xff)==0) def __unicode__(self): return 'Shared file: %s (FileSize:%d bytes, isDirectory:%s)' % ( self.filename, self.file_size, self.isDirectory ) class _PendingRequest: def __init__(self, mid, expiry_time, callback, errback, **kwargs): self.mid = mid self.expiry_time = expiry_time self.callback = callback self.errback = errback self.kwargs = kwargs