import types, hmac, binascii, struct, random, string from .utils.rc4 import RC4_encrypt from .utils.pyDes import des try: import hashlib'md4') def MD4(): return'md4') except ( ImportError, ValueError ): from .utils.md4 import MD4 try: import hashlib def MD5(s): return hashlib.md5(s) except ImportError: import md5 def MD5(s): return ################ # NTLMv2 Methods ################ # The following constants are defined in accordance to [MS-NLMP]: NTLM_NegotiateUnicode = 0x00000001 NTLM_NegotiateOEM = 0x00000002 NTLM_RequestTarget = 0x00000004 NTLM_Unknown9 = 0x00000008 NTLM_NegotiateSign = 0x00000010 NTLM_NegotiateSeal = 0x00000020 NTLM_NegotiateDatagram = 0x00000040 NTLM_NegotiateLanManagerKey = 0x00000080 NTLM_Unknown8 = 0x00000100 NTLM_NegotiateNTLM = 0x00000200 NTLM_NegotiateNTOnly = 0x00000400 NTLM_Anonymous = 0x00000800 NTLM_NegotiateOemDomainSupplied = 0x00001000 NTLM_NegotiateOemWorkstationSupplied = 0x00002000 NTLM_Unknown6 = 0x00004000 NTLM_NegotiateAlwaysSign = 0x00008000 NTLM_TargetTypeDomain = 0x00010000 NTLM_TargetTypeServer = 0x00020000 NTLM_TargetTypeShare = 0x00040000 NTLM_NegotiateExtendedSecurity = 0x00080000 NTLM_NegotiateIdentify = 0x00100000 NTLM_Unknown5 = 0x00200000 NTLM_RequestNonNTSessionKey = 0x00400000 NTLM_NegotiateTargetInfo = 0x00800000 NTLM_Unknown4 = 0x01000000 NTLM_NegotiateVersion = 0x02000000 NTLM_Unknown3 = 0x04000000 NTLM_Unknown2 = 0x08000000 NTLM_Unknown1 = 0x10000000 NTLM_Negotiate128 = 0x20000000 NTLM_NegotiateKeyExchange = 0x40000000 NTLM_Negotiate56 = 0x80000000 NTLM_FLAGS = NTLM_NegotiateUnicode | \ NTLM_RequestTarget | \ NTLM_NegotiateSign | \ NTLM_NegotiateNTLM | \ NTLM_NegotiateAlwaysSign | \ NTLM_NegotiateExtendedSecurity | \ NTLM_NegotiateTargetInfo | \ NTLM_NegotiateVersion | \ NTLM_Negotiate128 | \ NTLM_NegotiateKeyExchange def generateNegotiateMessage(): """ References: =========== - [MS-NLMP]: """ s = struct.pack('<8sII8s8s8s', b'NTLMSSP\0', 0x01, NTLM_FLAGS, b'\0' * 8, # Domain b'\0' * 8, # Workstation b'\x06\x00\x72\x17\x00\x00\x00\x0F') # Version [MS-NLMP]: return s def generateAuthenticateMessage(challenge_flags, nt_response, lm_response, request_session_key, user, domain = 'WORKGROUP', workstation = 'LOCALHOST'): """ References: =========== - [MS-NLMP]: """ FORMAT = '<8sIHHIHHIHHIHHIHHIHHII' FORMAT_SIZE = struct.calcsize(FORMAT) # [MS-NLMP]: # session_key = session_signing_key = request_session_key if challenge_flags & NTLM_NegotiateKeyExchange: session_signing_key = "".join([ random.choice(string.digits+string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(16) ]).encode('ascii') session_key = RC4_encrypt(request_session_key, session_signing_key) lm_response_length = len(lm_response) lm_response_offset = FORMAT_SIZE nt_response_length = len(nt_response) nt_response_offset = lm_response_offset + lm_response_length domain_unicode = domain.encode('UTF-16LE') domain_length = len(domain_unicode) domain_offset = nt_response_offset + nt_response_length padding = b'' if domain_offset % 2 != 0: padding = b'\0' domain_offset += 1 user_unicode = user.encode('UTF-16LE') user_length = len(user_unicode) user_offset = domain_offset + domain_length workstation_unicode = workstation.encode('UTF-16LE') workstation_length = len(workstation_unicode) workstation_offset = user_offset + user_length session_key_length = len(session_key) session_key_offset = workstation_offset + workstation_length auth_flags = challenge_flags auth_flags &= ~NTLM_NegotiateVersion s = struct.pack(FORMAT, b'NTLMSSP\0', 0x03, lm_response_length, lm_response_length, lm_response_offset, nt_response_length, nt_response_length, nt_response_offset, domain_length, domain_length, domain_offset, user_length, user_length, user_offset, workstation_length, workstation_length, workstation_offset, session_key_length, session_key_length, session_key_offset, auth_flags) return s + lm_response + nt_response + padding + domain_unicode + user_unicode + workstation_unicode + session_key, session_signing_key def decodeChallengeMessage(ntlm_data): """ References: =========== - [MS-NLMP]: - [MS-NLMP]: (AV_PAIR) """ FORMAT = '<8sIHHII8s8sHHI' FORMAT_SIZE = struct.calcsize(FORMAT) signature, message_type, \ targetname_len, targetname_maxlen, targetname_offset, \ flags, challenge, _, \ targetinfo_len, targetinfo_maxlen, targetinfo_offset, \ = struct.unpack(FORMAT, bytes(ntlm_data[:FORMAT_SIZE])) assert signature == b'NTLMSSP\0' assert message_type == 0x02 return challenge, flags, bytes(ntlm_data[targetinfo_offset:targetinfo_offset+targetinfo_len]) def generateChallengeResponseV2(password, user, server_challenge, server_info, domain = '', client_challenge = None): client_timestamp = b'\0' * 8 if not client_challenge: client_challenge = bytes([ random.getrandbits(8) for i in range(0, 8) ]) assert len(client_challenge) == 8 d = MD4() d.update(password.encode('UTF-16LE')) ntlm_hash = d.digest() # The NT password hash response_key =, (user.upper() + domain).encode('UTF-16LE'), 'md5').digest() # The NTLMv2 password hash. In [MS-NLMP], this is the result of NTOWFv2 and LMOWFv2 functions temp = b'\x01\x01' + b'\0'*6 + client_timestamp + client_challenge + b'\0'*4 + server_info ntproofstr =, server_challenge + temp, 'md5').digest() nt_challenge_response = ntproofstr + temp lm_challenge_response =, server_challenge + client_challenge, 'md5').digest() + client_challenge session_key =, ntproofstr, 'md5').digest() return nt_challenge_response, lm_challenge_response, session_key ################ # NTLMv1 Methods ################ def expandDesKey(key): """Expand the key from a 7-byte password key into a 8-byte DES key""" s = [ ((key[0] >> 1) & 0x7f) << 1, ((key[0] & 0x01) << 6 | ((key[1] >> 2) & 0x3f)) << 1, ((key[1] & 0x03) << 5 | ((key[2] >> 3) & 0x1f)) << 1, ((key[2] & 0x07) << 4 | ((key[3] >> 4) & 0x0f)) << 1, ((key[3] & 0x0f) << 3 | ((key[4] >> 5) & 0x07)) << 1, ((key[4] & 0x1f) << 2 | ((key[5] >> 6) & 0x03)) << 1, ((key[5] & 0x3f) << 1 | ((key[6] >> 7) & 0x01)) << 1, (key[6] & 0x7f) << 1 ] return bytes(s) def DESL(K, D): """ References: =========== - ( - [MS-NLMP]: Section 6 """ d1 = des(expandDesKey(K[0:7])) d2 = des(expandDesKey(K[7:14])) d3 = des(expandDesKey(K[14:16] + b'\0' * 5)) return d1.encrypt(D) + d2.encrypt(D) + d3.encrypt(D) def generateChallengeResponseV1(password, server_challenge, has_extended_security = False, client_challenge = None): """ Generate a NTLMv1 response @param password: User password string @param server_challange: A 8-byte challenge string sent from the server @param has_extended_security: A boolean value indicating whether NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_EXTENDED_SESSIONSECURITY flag is enabled in the NTLM negFlag @param client_challenge: A 8-byte string representing client challenge. If None, it will be generated randomly if needed by the response generation @return: a tuple of ( NT challenge response string, LM challenge response string ) References: =========== - ( and - [MS-NLMP]: 3.3.1 """ _password = bytes((password.upper() + '\0' * 14)[:14], 'ascii') d1 = des(expandDesKey(_password[:7])) d2 = des(expandDesKey(_password[7:])) lm_response_key = d1.encrypt(b"KGS!@#$%") + d2.encrypt(b"KGS!@#$%") # LM password hash. In [MS-NLMP], this is the result of LMOWFv1 function d = MD4() d.update(password.encode('UTF-16LE')) nt_response_key = d.digest() # In [MS-NLMP], this is the result of NTOWFv1 function if has_extended_security: if not client_challenge: client_challenge = bytes([ random.getrandbits(8) for i in range(0, 8) ]) assert len(client_challenge) == 8 lm_challenge_response = client_challenge + b'\0'*16 nt_challenge_response = DESL(nt_response_key, MD5(server_challenge + client_challenge).digest()[0:8]) else: nt_challenge_response = DESL(nt_response_key, server_challenge) # The result after DESL is the NT response lm_challenge_response = DESL(lm_response_key, server_challenge) # The result after DESL is the LM response d = MD4() d.update(nt_response_key) session_key = d.digest() return nt_challenge_response, lm_challenge_response, session_key