import os, sys, struct, types, logging, binascii, time from io import StringIO from .smb_structs import ProtocolError from .smb_constants import * from .smb2_constants import * from .utils import convertFILETIMEtoEpoch class SMB2Message: HEADER_STRUCT_FORMAT = "<4sHHIHHI" # This refers to the common header part that is shared by both sync and async SMB2 header HEADER_STRUCT_SIZE = struct.calcsize(HEADER_STRUCT_FORMAT) ASYNC_HEADER_STRUCT_FORMAT = "'), os.linesep )) b.write('Status: 0x%08X %s' % ( self.status, os.linesep )) b.write('Flags: 0x%02X %s' % ( self.flags, os.linesep )) b.write('PID: %d %s' % (, os.linesep )) b.write('MID: %d %s' % ( self.mid, os.linesep )) b.write('TID: %d %s' % ( self.tid, os.linesep )) b.write('Data: %d bytes %s%s %s' % ( len(, os.linesep, str(binascii.hexlify(, os.linesep )) return b.getvalue() def reset(self): self.raw_data = b'' self.command = 0 self.status = 0 self.flags = 0 self.next_command_offset = 0 self.mid = 0 self.session_id = 0 self.signature = b'\0'*16 self.payload = None = b'' # For async SMB2 message self.async_id = 0 # For sync SMB2 message = 0 self.tid = 0 # Not used in this class. Maintained for compatibility with SMBMessage class self.flags2 = 0 self.uid = 0 = 0 self.parameters_data = b'' def encode(self): """ Encode this SMB2 message into a series of bytes suitable to be embedded with a NetBIOS session message. AssertionError will be raised if this SMB message has not been initialized with a Payload instance @return: a string containing the encoded SMB2 message """ assert self.payload = os.getpid() self.payload.prepare(self) headers_data = struct.pack(self.HEADER_STRUCT_FORMAT, b'\xFESMB', self.HEADER_SIZE, 0, self.status, self.command, 0, self.flags) + \ struct.pack(self.SYNC_HEADER_STRUCT_FORMAT, self.next_command_offset, self.mid,, self.tid, self.session_id, self.signature) return headers_data + def decode(self, buf): """ Decodes the SMB message in buf. All fields of the SMB2Message object will be reset to default values before decoding. On errors, do not assume that the fields will be reinstated back to what they are before this method is invoked. References ========== - [MS-SMB2]: 2.2.1 @param buf: data containing one complete SMB2 message @type buf: string @return: a positive integer indicating the number of bytes used in buf to decode this SMB message @raise ProtocolError: raised when decoding fails """ buf_len = len(buf) if buf_len < 64: # All SMB2 headers must be at least 64 bytes. [MS-SMB2]:, raise ProtocolError('Not enough data to decode SMB2 header', buf) self.reset() protocol, struct_size, self.credit_charge, self.status, \ self.command, self.credit_re, self.flags = struct.unpack(self.HEADER_STRUCT_FORMAT, buf[:self.HEADER_STRUCT_SIZE]) if protocol != b'\xFESMB': raise ProtocolError('Invalid 4-byte SMB2 protocol field', buf) if struct_size != self.HEADER_SIZE: raise ProtocolError('Invalid SMB2 header structure size') if self.isAsync: if buf_len < self.HEADER_STRUCT_SIZE+self.ASYNC_HEADER_STRUCT_SIZE: raise ProtocolError('Not enough data to decode SMB2 header', buf) self.next_command_offset, self.mid, self.async_id, self.session_id, \ self.signature = struct.unpack(self.ASYNC_HEADER_STRUCT_FORMAT, buf[self.HEADER_STRUCT_SIZE:self.HEADER_STRUCT_SIZE+self.ASYNC_HEADER_STRUCT_SIZE]) else: if buf_len < self.HEADER_STRUCT_SIZE+self.SYNC_HEADER_STRUCT_SIZE: raise ProtocolError('Not enough data to decode SMB2 header', buf) self.next_command_offset, self.mid,, self.tid, self.session_id, \ self.signature = struct.unpack(self.SYNC_HEADER_STRUCT_FORMAT, buf[self.HEADER_STRUCT_SIZE:self.HEADER_STRUCT_SIZE+self.SYNC_HEADER_STRUCT_SIZE]) if self.next_command_offset > 0: self.raw_data = buf[:self.next_command_offset] = buf[self.HEADER_SIZE:self.next_command_offset] else: self.raw_data = buf = buf[self.HEADER_SIZE:] self._decodeCommand() if self.payload: self.payload.decode(self) return len(self.raw_data) def _decodeCommand(self): if self.command == SMB2_COM_READ: self.payload = SMB2ReadResponse() elif self.command == SMB2_COM_WRITE: self.payload = SMB2WriteResponse() elif self.command == SMB2_COM_QUERY_DIRECTORY: self.payload = SMB2QueryDirectoryResponse() elif self.command == SMB2_COM_CREATE: self.payload = SMB2CreateResponse() elif self.command == SMB2_COM_CLOSE: self.payload = SMB2CloseResponse() elif self.command == SMB2_COM_QUERY_INFO: self.payload = SMB2QueryInfoResponse() elif self.command == SMB2_COM_SET_INFO: self.payload = SMB2SetInfoResponse() elif self.command == SMB2_COM_IOCTL: self.payload = SMB2IoctlResponse() elif self.command == SMB2_COM_TREE_CONNECT: self.payload = SMB2TreeConnectResponse() elif self.command == SMB2_COM_SESSION_SETUP: self.payload = SMB2SessionSetupResponse() elif self.command == SMB2_COM_NEGOTIATE: self.payload = SMB2NegotiateResponse() elif self.command == SMB2_COM_ECHO: self.payload = SMB2EchoResponse() @property def isAsync(self): return bool(self.flags & SMB2_FLAGS_ASYNC_COMMAND) @property def isReply(self): return bool(self.flags & SMB2_FLAGS_SERVER_TO_REDIR) class Structure: def initMessage(self, message): pass def prepare(self, message): raise NotImplementedError def decode(self, message): raise NotImplementedError class SMB2NegotiateResponse(Structure): """ Contains information on the SMB2_NEGOTIATE response from server After calling the decode method, each instance will contain the following attributes, - security_mode (integer) - dialect_revision (integer) - server_guid (string) - max_transact_size (integer) - max_read_size (integer) - max_write_size (integer) - system_time (long) - server_start_time (long) - security_blob (string) References: =========== - [MS-SMB2]: 2.2.4 """ STRUCTURE_FORMAT = " 0 # SMB2_SESSION_FLAG_IS_GUEST @property def isAnonymousSession(self): return (self.session_flags & 0x0002) > 0 # SMB2_SESSION_FLAG_IS_NULL def decode(self, message): assert message.command == SMB2_COM_SESSION_SETUP struct_size, self.session_flags, security_blob_offset, security_blob_len \ = struct.unpack(self.STRUCTURE_FORMAT, message.raw_data[SMB2Message.HEADER_SIZE:SMB2Message.HEADER_SIZE+self.STRUCTURE_SIZE]) self.security_blob = message.raw_data[security_blob_offset:security_blob_offset+security_blob_len] class SMB2TreeConnectRequest(Structure): """ References: =========== - [MS-SMB2]: 2.2.9 """ STRUCTURE_FORMAT = " 0: self.in_data = message.raw_data[input_offset:input_offset+input_len] else: self.in_data = b'' if output_len > 0: self.out_data = message.raw_data[output_offset:output_offset+output_len] else: self.out_data = b'' class SMB2CloseRequest(Structure): """ References: =========== - [MS-SMB2]: 2.2.15 """ STRUCTURE_FORMAT = "