""" Service Lookup ============== Use DNS SRV records to discover services by name and protocol. """ import collections import logging import socket from dns import rdatatype, resolver __version__ = '2.0.0' LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SRV = collections.namedtuple( 'SRV', ['host', 'port', 'priority', 'weight', 'hostname']) class SRVQueryFailure(Exception): """Exception that is raised when the DNS query has failed.""" def __str__(self): return 'SRV query failure: %s' % self.args[0] def lookup(name, protocol='TCP', domain=None): """Return a list of service records and associated data for the given service name, protocol and optional domain. If protocol is not specified, TCP will be used. If domain is not specified, the domain name returned by the operating system will be used. Service records will be returned as a named tuple with host, port, priority and weight attributes: >>> import srvlookup >>> srvlookup.lookup('api', 'memcached') [SRV(host='', port=11211, priority=1, weight=0, hostname='host1.example.com'), SRV(host='', port=11211, priority=1, weight=0, hostname='host2.example.com'), SRV(host='', port=11211, priority=1, weight=0, hostname='host3.example.com'), SRV(host='', port=11211, priority=1, weight=0, hostname='host4.example.com')] >>> :param str name: The service name :param str protocol: The protocol name, defaults to TCP :param str domain: The domain name to use, defaults to local domain name :rtype: list of srvlookup.SRV """ answer = _query_srv_records('_%s._%s.%s' % (name, protocol, domain or _get_domain())) results = _build_result_set(answer) return sorted(results, key=lambda r: (r.priority, -r.weight, r.host)) def _get_domain(): """Return the domain name for the local host. :rtype: str """ return '.'.join(socket.getfqdn().split('.')[1:]) def _query_srv_records(fqdn): """Query DNS for the SRV records of the fully-qualified domain name specified. :param str fqdn: The fully-qualified domain name to query :rtype: dns.resolver.Answer :raises: SRVQueryFailure """ try: return resolver.query(fqdn, 'SRV') except (resolver.NoAnswer, resolver.NoNameservers, resolver.NotAbsolute, resolver.NoRootSOA, resolver.NXDOMAIN) as error: LOGGER.error('Error querying SRV for %s: %r', fqdn, error) raise SRVQueryFailure(error.__class__.__name__) def _build_resource_to_address_map(answer): """Return a dictionary that maps resource name to address. The response from any DNS query is a list of answer records and a list of additional records that may be useful. In the case of SRV queries, the answer section contains SRV records which contain the service weighting information and a DNS resource name which requires further resolution. The additional records segment may contain A records for the resources. This function collects them into a dictionary that maps resource name to an array of addresses. :rtype: dict """ mapping = collections.defaultdict(list) for resource in answer.response.additional: target = resource.name.to_text() mapping[target].extend(record.address for record in resource.items if record.rdtype == rdatatype.A) return mapping def _build_result_set(answer): """Return a list of SRV instances for a DNS answer. :rtype: list of srvlookup.SRV """ resource_map = _build_resource_to_address_map(answer) result_set = [] for resource in answer: target = resource.target.to_text() if target in resource_map: result_set.extend( SRV(address, resource.port, resource.priority, resource.weight, target.strip('.')) for address in resource_map[target]) else: result_set.append( SRV(target.rstrip('.'), resource.port, resource.priority, resource.weight, target.strip('.'))) return result_set