# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Utilities for handling Keras model in graph plugin. Two canonical types of Keras model are Functional and Sequential. A model can be serialized as JSON and deserialized to reconstruct a model. This utility helps with dealing with the serialized Keras model. They have distinct structures to the configurations in shapes below: Functional: config name: Name of the model. If not specified, it is 'model' with an optional suffix if there are more than one instance. input_layers: Keras.layers.Inputs in the model. output_layers: Layer names that are outputs of the model. layers: list of layer configurations. layer: [*] inbound_nodes: inputs to this layer. Sequential: config name: Name of the model. If not specified, it is 'sequential' with an optional suffix if there are more than one instance. layers: list of layer configurations. layer: [*] [*]: Note that a model can be a layer. Please refer to https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-layers/blob/master/src/keras_format/model_serialization.ts for more complete definition. """ from tensorboard.compat.proto.graph_pb2 import GraphDef from tensorboard.compat.tensorflow_stub import dtypes def _walk_layers(keras_layer): """Walks the nested keras layer configuration in preorder. Args: keras_layer: Keras configuration from model.to_json. Yields: A tuple of (name_scope, layer_config). name_scope: a string representing a scope name, similar to that of tf.name_scope. layer_config: a dict representing a Keras layer configuration. """ yield ("", keras_layer) if keras_layer.get("config").get("layers"): name_scope = keras_layer.get("config").get("name") for layer in keras_layer.get("config").get("layers"): for (sub_name_scope, sublayer) in _walk_layers(layer): sub_name_scope = ( "%s/%s" % (name_scope, sub_name_scope) if sub_name_scope else name_scope ) yield (sub_name_scope, sublayer) def _scoped_name(name_scope, node_name): """Returns scoped name for a node as a string in the form '/'. Args: name_scope: a string representing a scope name, similar to that of tf.name_scope. node_name: a string representing the current node name. Returns A string representing a scoped name. """ if name_scope: return "%s/%s" % (name_scope, node_name) return node_name def _is_model(layer): """Returns True if layer is a model. Args: layer: a dict representing a Keras model configuration. Returns: bool: True if layer is a model. """ return layer.get("config").get("layers") is not None def _norm_to_list_of_layers(maybe_layers): """Normalizes to a list of layers. Args: maybe_layers: A list of data[1] or a list of list of data. Returns: List of list of data. [1]: A Functional model has fields 'inbound_nodes' and 'output_layers' which can look like below: - ['in_layer_name', 0, 0] - [['in_layer_is_model', 1, 0], ['in_layer_is_model', 1, 1]] The data inside the list seems to describe [name, size, index]. """ return ( maybe_layers if isinstance(maybe_layers[0], (list,)) else [maybe_layers] ) def _update_dicts( name_scope, model_layer, input_to_in_layer, model_name_to_output, prev_node_name, ): """Updates input_to_in_layer, model_name_to_output, and prev_node_name based on the model_layer. Args: name_scope: a string representing a scope name, similar to that of tf.name_scope. model_layer: a dict representing a Keras model configuration. input_to_in_layer: a dict mapping Keras.layers.Input to inbound layer. model_name_to_output: a dict mapping Keras Model name to output layer of the model. prev_node_name: a string representing a previous, in sequential model layout, node name. Returns: A tuple of (input_to_in_layer, model_name_to_output, prev_node_name). input_to_in_layer: a dict mapping Keras.layers.Input to inbound layer. model_name_to_output: a dict mapping Keras Model name to output layer of the model. prev_node_name: a string representing a previous, in sequential model layout, node name. """ layer_config = model_layer.get("config") if not layer_config.get("layers"): raise ValueError("layer is not a model.") node_name = _scoped_name(name_scope, layer_config.get("name")) input_layers = layer_config.get("input_layers") output_layers = layer_config.get("output_layers") inbound_nodes = model_layer.get("inbound_nodes") is_functional_model = bool(input_layers and output_layers) # In case of [1] and the parent model is functional, current layer # will have the 'inbound_nodes' property. is_parent_functional_model = bool(inbound_nodes) if is_parent_functional_model and is_functional_model: for (input_layer, inbound_node) in zip(input_layers, inbound_nodes): input_layer_name = _scoped_name(node_name, input_layer) inbound_node_name = _scoped_name(name_scope, inbound_node[0]) input_to_in_layer[input_layer_name] = inbound_node_name elif is_parent_functional_model and not is_functional_model: # Sequential model can take only one input. Make sure inbound to the # model is linked to the first layer in the Sequential model. prev_node_name = _scoped_name(name_scope, inbound_nodes[0][0][0]) elif ( not is_parent_functional_model and prev_node_name and is_functional_model ): assert len(input_layers) == 1, ( "Cannot have multi-input Functional model when parent model " "is not Functional. Number of input layers: %d" % len(input_layer) ) input_layer = input_layers[0] input_layer_name = _scoped_name(node_name, input_layer) input_to_in_layer[input_layer_name] = prev_node_name if is_functional_model and output_layers: layers = _norm_to_list_of_layers(output_layers) layer_names = [_scoped_name(node_name, layer[0]) for layer in layers] model_name_to_output[node_name] = layer_names else: last_layer = layer_config.get("layers")[-1] last_layer_name = last_layer.get("config").get("name") output_node = _scoped_name(node_name, last_layer_name) model_name_to_output[node_name] = [output_node] return (input_to_in_layer, model_name_to_output, prev_node_name) def keras_model_to_graph_def(keras_layer): """Returns a GraphDef representation of the Keras model in a dict form. Note that it only supports models that implemented to_json(). Args: keras_layer: A dict from Keras model.to_json(). Returns: A GraphDef representation of the layers in the model. """ input_to_layer = {} model_name_to_output = {} g = GraphDef() # Sequential model layers do not have a field "inbound_nodes" but # instead are defined implicitly via order of layers. prev_node_name = None for (name_scope, layer) in _walk_layers(keras_layer): if _is_model(layer): ( input_to_layer, model_name_to_output, prev_node_name, ) = _update_dicts( name_scope, layer, input_to_layer, model_name_to_output, prev_node_name, ) continue layer_config = layer.get("config") node_name = _scoped_name(name_scope, layer_config.get("name")) node_def = g.node.add() node_def.name = node_name if layer.get("class_name") is not None: keras_cls_name = layer.get("class_name").encode("ascii") node_def.attr["keras_class"].s = keras_cls_name if layer_config.get("dtype") is not None: tf_dtype = dtypes.as_dtype(layer_config.get("dtype")) node_def.attr["dtype"].type = tf_dtype.as_datatype_enum if layer.get("inbound_nodes") is not None: for maybe_inbound_node in layer.get("inbound_nodes"): inbound_nodes = _norm_to_list_of_layers(maybe_inbound_node) for [name, size, index, _] in inbound_nodes: inbound_name = _scoped_name(name_scope, name) # An input to a layer can be output from a model. In that case, the name # of inbound_nodes to a layer is a name of a model. Remap the name of the # model to output layer of the model. Also, since there can be multiple # outputs in a model, make sure we pick the right output_layer from the model. inbound_node_names = model_name_to_output.get( inbound_name, [inbound_name] ) node_def.input.append(inbound_node_names[index]) elif prev_node_name is not None: node_def.input.append(prev_node_name) if node_name in input_to_layer: node_def.input.append(input_to_layer.get(node_name)) prev_node_name = node_def.name return g