# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Entry point and high-level logic for TensorBoard.dev uploader.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import abc import json import os import sys import textwrap from absl import logging import grpc import six from tensorboard.uploader.proto import experiment_pb2 from tensorboard.uploader.proto import export_service_pb2_grpc from tensorboard.uploader.proto import write_service_pb2_grpc from tensorboard.uploader import auth from tensorboard.uploader import dry_run_stubs from tensorboard.uploader import exporter as exporter_lib from tensorboard.uploader import flags_parser from tensorboard.uploader import formatters from tensorboard.uploader import server_info as server_info_lib from tensorboard.uploader import uploader as uploader_lib from tensorboard.uploader.proto import server_info_pb2 from tensorboard import program from tensorboard.plugins import base_plugin _MESSAGE_TOS = u"""\ Your use of this service is subject to Google's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy , and TensorBoard.dev's Terms of Service . This notice will not be shown again while you are logged into the uploader. To log out, run `tensorboard dev auth revoke`. """ # Size limits for input fields not bounded at a wire level. "Chars" in this # context refers to Unicode code points as stipulated by https://aip.dev/210. _EXPERIMENT_NAME_MAX_CHARS = 100 _EXPERIMENT_DESCRIPTION_MAX_CHARS = 600 def _prompt_for_user_ack(intent): """Prompts for user consent, exiting the program if they decline.""" body = intent.get_ack_message_body() header = "\n***** TensorBoard Uploader *****\n" user_ack_message = "\n".join((header, body, _MESSAGE_TOS)) sys.stderr.write(user_ack_message) sys.stderr.write("\n") response = six.moves.input("Continue? (yes/NO) ") if response.lower() not in ("y", "yes"): sys.exit(0) sys.stderr.write("\n") def _run(flags, experiment_url_callback=None): """Runs the main uploader program given parsed flags. Args: flags: An `argparse.Namespace`. experiment_url_callback: A function accepting a single string argument containing the full TB.dev URL of the uploaded experiment. """ logging.set_stderrthreshold(logging.WARNING) intent = _get_intent(flags, experiment_url_callback) store = auth.CredentialsStore() if isinstance(intent, _AuthRevokeIntent): store.clear() sys.stderr.write("Logged out of uploader.\n") sys.stderr.flush() return # TODO(b/141723268): maybe reconfirm Google Account prior to reuse. credentials = store.read_credentials() if not credentials: _prompt_for_user_ack(intent) client_config = json.loads(auth.OAUTH_CLIENT_CONFIG) flow = auth.build_installed_app_flow(client_config) credentials = flow.run(force_console=flags.auth_force_console) sys.stderr.write("\n") # Extra newline after auth flow messages. store.write_credentials(credentials) channel_options = None if flags.grpc_creds_type == "local": channel_creds = grpc.local_channel_credentials() elif flags.grpc_creds_type == "ssl": channel_creds = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials() elif flags.grpc_creds_type == "ssl_dev": # Configure the dev cert to use by passing the environment variable # GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH=path/to/cert.crt channel_creds = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials() channel_options = [("grpc.ssl_target_name_override", "localhost")] else: msg = "Invalid --grpc_creds_type %s" % flags.grpc_creds_type raise base_plugin.FlagsError(msg) try: server_info = _get_server_info(flags) except server_info_lib.CommunicationError as e: _die(str(e)) _handle_server_info(server_info) logging.info("Received server info: <%r>", server_info) if not server_info.api_server.endpoint: logging.error("Server info response: %s", server_info) _die("Internal error: frontend did not specify an API server") composite_channel_creds = grpc.composite_channel_credentials( channel_creds, auth.id_token_call_credentials(credentials) ) # TODO(@nfelt): In the `_UploadIntent` case, consider waiting until # logdir exists to open channel. channel = grpc.secure_channel( server_info.api_server.endpoint, composite_channel_creds, options=channel_options, ) with channel: intent.execute(server_info, channel) @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class _Intent(object): """A description of the user's intent in invoking this program. Each valid set of CLI flags corresponds to one intent: e.g., "upload data from this logdir", or "delete the experiment with that ID". """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_ack_message_body(self): """Gets the message to show when executing this intent at first login. This need not include the header (program name) or Terms of Service notice. Returns: A Unicode string, potentially spanning multiple lines. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def execute(self, server_info, channel): """Carries out this intent with the specified gRPC channel. Args: server_info: A `server_info_pb2.ServerInfoResponse` value. channel: A connected gRPC channel whose server provides the TensorBoard reader and writer services. """ pass class _AuthRevokeIntent(_Intent): """The user intends to revoke credentials.""" def get_ack_message_body(self): """Must not be called.""" raise AssertionError("No user ack needed to revoke credentials") def execute(self, server_info, channel): """Execute handled specially by `main`. Must not be called. """ raise AssertionError( "_AuthRevokeIntent should not be directly executed" ) class _DeleteExperimentIntent(_Intent): """The user intends to delete an experiment.""" _MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = textwrap.dedent( u"""\ This will delete the experiment on https://tensorboard.dev with the following experiment ID: {experiment_id} You have chosen to delete an experiment. All experiments uploaded to TensorBoard.dev are publicly visible. Do not upload sensitive data. """ ) def __init__(self, experiment_id): self.experiment_id = experiment_id def get_ack_message_body(self): return self._MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(experiment_id=self.experiment_id) def execute(self, server_info, channel): api_client = write_service_pb2_grpc.TensorBoardWriterServiceStub( channel ) experiment_id = self.experiment_id if not experiment_id: raise base_plugin.FlagsError( "Must specify a non-empty experiment ID to delete." ) try: uploader_lib.delete_experiment(api_client, experiment_id) except uploader_lib.ExperimentNotFoundError: _die( "No such experiment %s. Either it never existed or it has " "already been deleted." % experiment_id ) except uploader_lib.PermissionDeniedError: _die( "Cannot delete experiment %s because it is owned by a " "different user." % experiment_id ) except grpc.RpcError as e: _die("Internal error deleting experiment: %s" % e) print("Deleted experiment %s." % experiment_id) class _UpdateMetadataIntent(_Intent): """The user intends to update the metadata for an experiment.""" _MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = textwrap.dedent( u"""\ This will modify the metadata associated with the experiment on https://tensorboard.dev with the following experiment ID: {experiment_id} You have chosen to modify an experiment. All experiments uploaded to TensorBoard.dev are publicly visible. Do not upload sensitive data. """ ) def __init__(self, experiment_id, name=None, description=None): self.experiment_id = experiment_id self.name = name self.description = description def get_ack_message_body(self): return self._MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(experiment_id=self.experiment_id) def execute(self, server_info, channel): api_client = write_service_pb2_grpc.TensorBoardWriterServiceStub( channel ) experiment_id = self.experiment_id _die_if_bad_experiment_name(self.name) _die_if_bad_experiment_description(self.description) if not experiment_id: raise base_plugin.FlagsError( "Must specify a non-empty experiment ID to modify." ) try: uploader_lib.update_experiment_metadata( api_client, experiment_id, name=self.name, description=self.description, ) except uploader_lib.ExperimentNotFoundError: _die( "No such experiment %s. Either it never existed or it has " "already been deleted." % experiment_id ) except uploader_lib.PermissionDeniedError: _die( "Cannot modify experiment %s because it is owned by a " "different user." % experiment_id ) except uploader_lib.InvalidArgumentError as e: _die("Server cannot modify experiment as requested: %s" % e) except grpc.RpcError as e: _die("Internal error modifying experiment: %s" % e) logging.info("Modified experiment %s.", experiment_id) if self.name is not None: logging.info("Set name to %r", self.name) if self.description is not None: logging.info("Set description to %r", repr(self.description)) class _ListIntent(_Intent): """The user intends to list all their experiments.""" _MESSAGE = textwrap.dedent( u"""\ This will list all experiments that you've uploaded to https://tensorboard.dev. TensorBoard.dev experiments are visible to everyone. Do not upload sensitive data. """ ) def __init__(self, json=None): """Constructor of _ListIntent. Args: json: If and only if `True`, will print the list as pretty-formatted JSON objects, one object for each experiment. """ self.json = json def get_ack_message_body(self): return self._MESSAGE def execute(self, server_info, channel): api_client = export_service_pb2_grpc.TensorBoardExporterServiceStub( channel ) fieldmask = experiment_pb2.ExperimentMask( create_time=True, update_time=True, num_runs=True, num_tags=True, num_scalars=True, total_tensor_bytes=True, total_blob_bytes=True, ) gen = exporter_lib.list_experiments(api_client, fieldmask=fieldmask) count = 0 if self.json: formatter = formatters.JsonFormatter() else: formatter = formatters.ReadableFormatter() for experiment in gen: count += 1 experiment_id = experiment.experiment_id url = server_info_lib.experiment_url(server_info, experiment_id) print(formatter.format_experiment(experiment, url)) sys.stdout.flush() if not count: sys.stderr.write( "No experiments. Use `tensorboard dev upload` to get started.\n" ) else: sys.stderr.write("Total: %d experiment(s)\n" % count) sys.stderr.flush() def _die_if_bad_experiment_name(name): if name and len(name) > _EXPERIMENT_NAME_MAX_CHARS: _die( "Experiment name is too long. Limit is " "%s characters.\n" "%r was provided." % (_EXPERIMENT_NAME_MAX_CHARS, name) ) def _die_if_bad_experiment_description(description): if description and len(description) > _EXPERIMENT_DESCRIPTION_MAX_CHARS: _die( "Experiment description is too long. Limit is %s characters.\n" "%r was provided." % (_EXPERIMENT_DESCRIPTION_MAX_CHARS, description) ) class UploadIntent(_Intent): """The user intends to upload an experiment from the given logdir.""" _MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = textwrap.dedent( u"""\ This will upload your TensorBoard logs to https://tensorboard.dev/ from the following directory: {logdir} This TensorBoard will be visible to everyone. Do not upload sensitive data. """ ) def __init__( self, logdir, name=None, description=None, verbosity=None, dry_run=None, one_shot=None, experiment_url_callback=None, ): self.logdir = logdir self.name = name self.description = description self.verbosity = verbosity self.dry_run = False if dry_run is None else dry_run self.one_shot = False if one_shot is None else one_shot self.experiment_url_callback = experiment_url_callback def get_ack_message_body(self): return self._MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(logdir=self.logdir) def execute(self, server_info, channel): if self.dry_run: api_client = dry_run_stubs.DryRunTensorBoardWriterStub() else: api_client = write_service_pb2_grpc.TensorBoardWriterServiceStub( channel ) _die_if_bad_experiment_name(self.name) _die_if_bad_experiment_description(self.description) uploader = uploader_lib.TensorBoardUploader( api_client, self.logdir, allowed_plugins=server_info_lib.allowed_plugins(server_info), upload_limits=server_info_lib.upload_limits(server_info), name=self.name, description=self.description, verbosity=self.verbosity, one_shot=self.one_shot, ) if self.one_shot and not os.path.isdir(self.logdir): print("%s: No such directory." % self.logdir) print( "User specified `one_shot` mode with an unavailable " "logdir. Exiting without creating an experiment." ) return experiment_id = uploader.create_experiment() url = server_info_lib.experiment_url(server_info, experiment_id) if self.experiment_url_callback is not None: self.experiment_url_callback(url) if not self.one_shot: print( "Upload started and will continue reading any new data as it's " "added to the logdir.\n\nTo stop uploading, press Ctrl-C." ) if self.dry_run: print( "\n** This is a dry run. " "No data will be sent to tensorboard.dev. **\n" ) else: print( "\nNew experiment created. View your TensorBoard at: %s\n" % url ) interrupted = False try: uploader.start_uploading() except uploader_lib.ExperimentNotFoundError: print("Experiment was deleted; uploading has been cancelled") return except KeyboardInterrupt: interrupted = True finally: if self.one_shot and not uploader.has_data(): print( "TensorBoard was run in `one_shot` mode, but did not find " "any uploadable data in the specified logdir: %s\n" "An empty experiment was created. " "To delete the empty experiment you can execute the " "following\n\n" " tensorboard dev delete --experiment_id=%s" % (self.logdir, uploader.experiment_id) ) end_message = "\n\n" if interrupted: end_message += "Interrupted." else: end_message += "Done." # Only Add the "View your TensorBoard" message if there was any # data added at all. if not self.dry_run and uploader.has_data(): end_message += " View your TensorBoard at %s" % url sys.stdout.write(end_message + "\n") sys.stdout.flush() class _ExportIntent(_Intent): """The user intends to download all their experiment data.""" _MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = textwrap.dedent( u"""\ This will download all your experiment data from https://tensorboard.dev and save it to the following directory: {output_dir} Downloading your experiment data does not delete it from the service. All experiments uploaded to TensorBoard.dev are publicly visible. Do not upload sensitive data. """ ) def __init__(self, output_dir): self.output_dir = output_dir def get_ack_message_body(self): return self._MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(output_dir=self.output_dir) def execute(self, server_info, channel): api_client = export_service_pb2_grpc.TensorBoardExporterServiceStub( channel ) outdir = self.output_dir try: exporter = exporter_lib.TensorBoardExporter(api_client, outdir) except exporter_lib.OutputDirectoryExistsError: msg = "Output directory already exists: %r" % outdir raise base_plugin.FlagsError(msg) num_experiments = 0 try: for experiment_id in exporter.export(): num_experiments += 1 print("Downloaded experiment %s" % experiment_id) except exporter_lib.GrpcTimeoutException as e: print( "\nUploader has failed because of a timeout error. Please reach " "out via e-mail to tensorboard.dev-support@google.com to get help " "completing your export of experiment %s." % e.experiment_id ) print( "Done. Downloaded %d experiments to: %s" % (num_experiments, outdir) ) def _get_intent(flags, experiment_url_callback=None): """Determines what the program should do (upload, delete, ...). Args: flags: An `argparse.Namespace` with the parsed flags. experiment_url_callback: A function accepting a single string argument containing the full TB.dev URL of the uploaded experiment. Returns: An `_Intent` instance. Raises: base_plugin.FlagsError: If the command-line `flags` do not correctly specify an intent. """ cmd = getattr(flags, flags_parser.SUBCOMMAND_FLAG, None) if cmd is None: raise base_plugin.FlagsError("Must specify subcommand (try --help).") if cmd == flags_parser.SUBCOMMAND_KEY_UPLOAD: if flags.logdir: return UploadIntent( os.path.expanduser(flags.logdir), name=flags.name, description=flags.description, verbosity=flags.verbose, dry_run=flags.dry_run, one_shot=flags.one_shot, experiment_url_callback=experiment_url_callback, ) else: raise base_plugin.FlagsError( "Must specify directory to upload via `--logdir`." ) if cmd == flags_parser.SUBCOMMAND_KEY_UPDATE_METADATA: if flags.experiment_id: if flags.name is not None or flags.description is not None: return _UpdateMetadataIntent( flags.experiment_id, name=flags.name, description=flags.description, ) else: raise base_plugin.FlagsError( "Must specify either `--name` or `--description`." ) else: raise base_plugin.FlagsError( "Must specify experiment to modify via `--experiment_id`." ) elif cmd == flags_parser.SUBCOMMAND_KEY_DELETE: if flags.experiment_id: return _DeleteExperimentIntent(flags.experiment_id) else: raise base_plugin.FlagsError( "Must specify experiment to delete via `--experiment_id`." ) elif cmd == flags_parser.SUBCOMMAND_KEY_LIST: return _ListIntent(json=flags.json) elif cmd == flags_parser.SUBCOMMAND_KEY_EXPORT: if flags.outdir: return _ExportIntent(flags.outdir) else: raise base_plugin.FlagsError( "Must specify output directory via `--outdir`." ) elif cmd == flags_parser.SUBCOMMAND_KEY_AUTH: auth_cmd = getattr(flags, flags_parser.AUTH_SUBCOMMAND_FLAG, None) if auth_cmd is None: raise base_plugin.FlagsError("Must specify a subcommand to `auth`.") if auth_cmd == flags_parser.AUTH_SUBCOMMAND_KEY_REVOKE: return _AuthRevokeIntent() else: raise AssertionError("Unknown auth subcommand %r" % (auth_cmd,)) else: raise AssertionError("Unknown subcommand %r" % (cmd,)) def _get_server_info(flags): origin = flags.origin or flags_parser.DEFAULT_ORIGIN plugins = getattr(flags, "plugins", []) if flags.api_endpoint and not flags.origin: return server_info_lib.create_server_info( origin, flags.api_endpoint, plugins ) server_info = server_info_lib.fetch_server_info(origin, plugins) # Override with any API server explicitly specified on the command # line, but only if the server accepted our initial handshake. if flags.api_endpoint and server_info.api_server.endpoint: server_info.api_server.endpoint = flags.api_endpoint return server_info def _handle_server_info(info): compat = info.compatibility if compat.verdict == server_info_pb2.VERDICT_WARN: sys.stderr.write("Warning [from server]: %s\n" % compat.details) sys.stderr.flush() elif compat.verdict == server_info_pb2.VERDICT_ERROR: _die("Error [from server]: %s" % compat.details) else: # OK or unknown; assume OK. if compat.details: sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % compat.details) sys.stderr.flush() def _die(message): sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % (message,)) sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(1) class UploaderSubcommand(program.TensorBoardSubcommand): """Integration point with `tensorboard` CLI.""" def __init__(self, experiment_url_callback=None): """Constructor of UploaderSubcommand. Args: experiment_url_callback: A function accepting a single string argument containing the full TB.dev URL of the uploaded experiment. """ self._experiment_url_callback = experiment_url_callback def name(self): return "dev" def define_flags(self, parser): flags_parser.define_flags(parser) def run(self, flags): return _run(flags, self._experiment_url_callback) def help(self): return "upload data to TensorBoard.dev"